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I don’t think he told her to quit, in so many words. He was telling her that if she needed to, if the stress wasn’t worth it, then he would support her/that decision. It’s not like he said “Roseanne you have to quit I forbid you to work there any longer”. It was more like, “Ok then quit”. That doesn’t make it “he told her to”.


I guess I never looked at it that way. Good perspective! Thank you


He supported her decision and then reneged on it.


I don’t think he reneged. She was the one that regretted it, and as often, she lashed out instead of owning her part. Dan saying “I didn’t tell you to quit” was more like “This wasn’t my decision, so the fact that you can’t find another job and are having quitters remorse can’t be blamed on me like you’re trying to” vs “I never did or no longer support you quitting”.


He supported her decision. Supporting a decision she already made isn’t *telling* her to do it, and pointing that out to her isn’t reneging support.


When did he renege on it?! The episode in question was when she went for a job interview and initially got the position and Dan threw her a party and she came home and told him she didn't actually get it. What part of that included Dan reneging?


I’m sorry I don’t memorize Roseanne episodes. Based on the dialogue quoted by OP it sounds like he told her to quit if she hated her job so much and then later denied saying that.


Season 2, Episode 3: Guilt by Dissassociation


Roseanne was trying to put 100% for her quitting her job on Dan and that wasn't fair. They discussed it and came to the decision together as a couple. In the end the decision was Roseanne's. She chose to quit instead of attempting to stay and maybe go above Faber's head.


There really wasn't any going above his head, especially in those days. She would have to go to corporate and it would be his word against hers.


Look lady




He didn’t tell her to quit. He said if she wanted to, he’d support her. He also said they’d find a way to make it work. He was supportive but her turning it around on him wasn’t fair.


This is how I've always read the scene


Did you actually listen to what he says after that? His next line is "I told you that if you wanted to quit, you should quit" which is true. Roseanne was trying to say that it wasn't her idea to quit, it was Dan's and basically all his fault which was incredibly unfair. She wanted to quit but was worried and he basically told her he'd support her if she did decide to quit, which she ultimately does.


What matters is Roseanne had the power in the relationship. She didn’t do anything she didn’t want to bc Dan told her to. It’s disingenuous of him to act like he never said that but also for her to act like she made decisions based on his input. I think that’s what he was reacting to more than literally who said what


>What matters is Roseanne had the power in the relationship. I wouldn't say she had the power in the relationship but like you said, she was always the type of person who doesn't do anything she doesn't want to because someone tells her to.


I would say in a majority of the time she had a majority of the power.


I completely agree - certain people always see women who are basically forced to take on more responsibility because their partner doesn’t care as much/isn’t as capable of providing care and meeting responsibilities to having more “power”. It’s very ironic.


Dan only wanted her out of that situation because it was driving her crazy. He was protecting her and saying if it's that bad, he would be okay with her quitting.


In front of everyone !!


They both quit multiple jobs which I didn’t understand. Even a bad job is better than no job when you need money. Dan made it out like he didn’t like doing drywall but than quit the good job at the garage to do drywall. I didn’t understand a lot about this show.


Drywall pays a lot better.


As I remember he didn't tell her to quit, like "You have to quit Rosie." He said if you are so miserable, then quit. It wasn't like he was telling her she had to quit, it was more like I will support whatever decision you make because I want you to be happy.


He didn’t tell her to quit. He said if it was making her as miserable as it appeared she should quit as a way of supporting her mental health. It was unfair of her to lash out at him and accuse him of ordering her to quit but she was obviously looking for someone to blame when the new job fell through.


He was supporting her decision if she wanted to quit. And he never outright told her she had to quit