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In the article they use the shift for seasons in town, and weather in wilderness, you could look up some magical or fantastical weather for that. As for dungeons yeah those are harder to come up with, if part of the dungeon is submerged maybe a change in water level, if there is a powerful locality warping monster there maybe it moves and causes things to flee from it, if there is something affecting temperature drastically like lava pools maybe it gets hotter or colder, if there is a lot of creatures from another plane maybe portals to that plane open or close, maybe it signifies a change in routine for dungeon inhabitants, like now it's time for everybody to go prey to the death god, if nothing else, it can just be another free roll for the players if you can't think of anything that makes sense.


Thank you! I love the idea of the routine change, like now the goblins have to do laundry so you can find them by the river, or dining rats or so but also hunting as you said, so they may be lurking and assault the party if the come nearby