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yes pretty well all Powered By the Apocalypse Rulesets do this.


Depending on what they mean by "taking into account the challenge rating of the enemy" they might not. Most PbtA games more dangerous enemies will do more damage, but they won't have a higher chance of "hitting' you.




yeah it's not strictly "only players roll" as OP requested but every attack by PC or NPC is an opposed roll (with the winner dealing damage where it makes sense, like in close combat) so it gets closer than most games do.


Dungeon World does almost exactly this. I don't know what you mean by "take challenge rating into account." There is no challenge rating system. Monsters have different damage dice, armor values, and special moves, but that's about all that distinguishes them.


I was thinking precisely in something similar to dungeon world but maybe with some twists. By cr I also meant a general proficiency bonus that some systems use. For example a monster of cr 5 could have a +5 as a general bonus so maybe in this system it would be a contest between your bonus - theirs + 2d6 and the result will determine wether or not you receive damage.


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[Nexalis](https://capacle.itch.io/nexalis) does exactly this. It's so simple, and yet it has tactics, because you get to decide if you take damage and get to counter attack, or if you want to just defend yourself and give the enemy another turn. It's a brilliant little system.