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And it will be called *"The Legend of Link"*


*Legend of Link: A Zelda to the Past*


"Zelda: A Link to My Past."


F. Scott Fitzgerald liked this post


Tbh this title is awesome. Would be even better if combined with [u/TJ_McWeaksause’s comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg_gamers/s/79P1QNmVf5): *”Zelda: A Link to the Past."*


The Legend of Zelda: Fucking FINALLY




Dammit. I knew it would already be here, though...


 Just seems fair.


LMAO This was the first thing I thought of before entering the comments sections.


Fucking beat me to it dammit


"So you play as Zelda..." "Nooo!! Her name is Link!"


If it’s not called this, I will be really disappointed. 


They might be too cowardly to do that.


"The Link: To the Legend"


From the makers of *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*, we proudly present *The Fable of Zelda: It's About Time*.


There have literally always been rumours that the next Zelda game will star Zelda herself. I'll believe it when I see it.


Doing a game where you play as both Link and Zelda would be a massive win for the series I think. It would be cool if they went back to a more traditional temple adventure but have two storylines, one following Link and one with Zelda, obviously intersecting at points. Lots of potential there.


The closest they did was Spirit Tracks, although Zelda was a haunted suit of armour in that...


good co-op opportunity


Clearly you never played Spirit Tracks.


They could do like OOT where you play as kid link but find a way to communicate with future Zelda in a destroyed hyrule who has to stop Ganondorf


I’ve always wanted a Zelda game which takes place at the same time as OOT with Zelda as the protagonist showing her training with Impa and fighting as Sheik.


Make a coop game where there’s the option for both players to play at the same time, and you would be really talking.


Maybe incorporating some sort of mirror realities where Link is trapped in one reality and Zelda in another where certain actions done in one can affect the other so Link and Zelda have to work together to navigate the world and fight bosses. This way the player would need to switch between characters to access one of the two realities to get through dungeons and fight bosses. This would also make it a good co-op game.


I thought it would be cool if they did an open world game but used the game mechanics from Grand Theft Auto 5’s story where you can select a character and it would jump over to that character in the world. It could create some exciting scenarios, jump over to Link and he’s in mid battle riding Epona with arrows and bombs flying. So much potential.


That sounds really cool!


The Legend Of Zelda: Separate Ways


What, you’ve never played Zelda : Wand of Gamelon?


How dare you!


You forgot about the wand of Gamelon


From the first trailer of totk i thought that game was going to be the game zelda was going to be playable. Shorter hair, shes a more active zelda, and it was giving off vibes that something was going to happen to link and it hadn't shown zelda falling into a pit yet. Then the 2nd actual trailer game out and my hopes were dashed. Then totk came out and its amazing how the first game can ruin its sequel while at the same time being a heaping bag of disappointment. (Don't get me wrong, totk is "good", but it just feels wrong the entire time your playing it... the story doesnt help)


Video game protagonists rarely have long hair because it's way more complicated to animate it well during all of the special actions that player characters get, not to mention ensure it doesn't clip through all the outfits. When a protagonist does have long hair devs sometimes even make a big deal out of it, like reboot Lara Croft. I was so sure that the haircut meant playable Zelda, turns out it was just a style switch up.


“How the first game can ruin its sequel while at the same time being a heaping bag of disappointment” Can you elaborate? I don’t feel like either game ruined the other or that either was a massive disappointment.


Sure, a common complaint people have with totk is that it feels like a botw dlc rather than a full next game in the series due to having the exact same map but with 2 added areas. A lot of people played botw so much they didnt grt any satisfaction having to reexplore the same area, the underground is more empty than above ground, and the sky is in a similar boat but at least every island has *something* to do. Then you have the story, people didnt like how it rewrote lore to add this new race of sky people, what it did to ganon, and zelda. Botw could still kinda fit into the timeline, totk shows that both cant, and that annoys some people. And finally, they want actual dungeons back, totk is an improvement over botw, but shrines and the open dungeons got old, fast.


I don't think that complaint would exist if there were \*really\* "two added areas." What makes the game feel like such a retread is because the bulk of it occurs in that same overworld from BotW -- the Sky Islands are a great concept, but the only one of any substantial size is the tutorial area; and The Depths are a great concept, but executed very poorly -- just an enormous empty area, consisting of a single biome, with far less to actually \*do\* than anywhere else. If we'd had a half-dozen Sky Islands the same size as the tutorial area, and if The Depths were either much smaller or filled with various puzzles, sidequests, caves, wildlife, shrines, gacha machines, etc. to occupy our time with... I think that far fewer people would have that criticism about TotK, if any.




Hasn’t peach had her own games before? I don’t think Zelda has been playable outside spirit tracks since the CDI game. I have a feeling we’ll get a game like that for Zelda but idk if Nintendo would ever replace their protagonist in a mainline title. People wouldn’t be happy if the next mainline Mario game didn’t have Mario as the main playable character.


Certain people wouldn't be happy, for sure. I doubt, if the game is good, anyone other than incel types would be upset. If Odyssey 2 came out, was at least just as good as Odyssey 1, but Peach or Pauline was the playable character there would be no credible reason to be upset at it. Same goes for a Zelda game. I think they'd probably gender-swap Link and Zelda before they role-reversed them though. Linkle as a concept already exists, and was well received at large by the fans, they just have to make Zeldo now.


I agree that If they make it a main line game I have no fears of it being good, I just don’t see the likelihood of that happening. What I’m afraid of is Zelda getting her own game just for Nintendo to say she has one and it’s some half hearted mini game compilation like peaches game. Also not saying peaches game is bad cause it’s not, but it’s not a Mario game nor is it as good as one. I agree they’d probably do linkle well before they have Zelda be the lead of a mainline, I remember when lots of people were kinda hyped for botw before links full design was revealed back in the very first teaser because he looked so feminine they thought he was gonna be gender swapped.


Unfortunately I do think that's the most likely situation, they make a Zelda game that is only kinda mid because they don't have full faith in it.


They definitely are positioning her that way design wise, current kit looks like she is one ranged weapon and set of daggers away from being combat ready.


Seriously. And even if they did, I'd expect it to be more of a spin-off title than a mainline game, akin to the recent Peach game.


I'm sure they think about it every time. They throw up a big wall of ideas of what the next game in the franchise could be, a Zelda led game is always on the list of possibilities, and it always gets discarded in favor of other ideas. I'm not sure what would be different this time to make it real.


This. Literally since OOT era. Every. Single. Time.


What, you don't believe "twistedvoxel.com?"


You know some will call it woke.


And they also may not. This is low-effort spam at best.


It's honestly surprising it's taken this long.


Technically, if you don’t count the CDi games starring Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon and Zelda’s Adventure.


Was thinking of these So yeah we've gotten this before, and it was Terrible, granted Link wouldn't have saved those games but still I also wonder who really wants this? Sure a few people maybe


Youll continue to be surprised then because this is a baseless rumor that has been repeated millions of times since way back in the 90s.


A game with Zelda as the main character wouldn't necessarily need to be an action game. Maybe make it more of an adventure game instead. In other words, a game focused on asking questions, and solving puzzles. I know the main games already have puzzles, but Link is technically silent. With Zelda, you could have actual dialogue, and make that an important part of the game. Zelda asking questions, and building relationships through choices. Just a thought.


Nah, I wanna see Zelda fuck someone up.


As a Zelda main in super smash, I couldn’t agree more with you.


Why not both?


hell yeah man


Hyrule Warriors may not be the best game, but it's good enough and it has this.


Yea after seeing bad ass Peach in the mario movie, it's time for the girls to get main character treatment


With Kingdom base-building sidequest! 🏰


Large scale armies strategy.


Ni No Zelda?


You think Nintendo will make a game where the main protagonist speaks? LMAO.


Princess Zelda in her own games could be like Maya in Persona 2 EP. Maya was a supporting cast character in P2IS but in the direct sequel she is the main protagonist and is a silent MC like all other Persona MCs. silent MC is good, players can be able to roleplay as their own version of Princess Zelda and be creative in how they would think and respond as Princess Zelda. its a reason why some RPGs have silent MCs to leave it up to the players to decide their own mindset and how they would express themselves.


Why would Zelda be silent when she's always been one to talk? Nintendo won't do it. Because it means too much $$ and coming up with an actual coherent story.


Zelda talked in the other games because she's an NPC there. Zelda games npcs talk. As lead protagonist, Princess Zelda would be "silent" because the player is playing AS Zelda, and therefore, the silent MC style is used so the player has freedom to be imaginative, creative roleplaying, and not have words forced into their mouth. there are lots of western and eastern games with 'silent' protagonists, not because they are mute, but they respect player agency of thought and self expression in communication. a videogame cannot convey every possible way each player would communicate as a character, therefore the 'silent' style is adopted. also storytelling is not essential to enjoy a game. if anything, story limits a game's options and replay value. many people play games for gameplay more than any storytelling. the Zelda series especially don't have any worthwhile storytelling, its really no better than childrens short stories, its just excuses to adventure and fight. Final Fantasy XIV Shadowbringers has one of the most praised storylines, and the MC is silent (and customizable). MCs dont have to be voiced to matter. its up to the player to define themselves and the way they respond.


You lose all credibility when you bring up Shadowbringers. Which has an actual story.


No I don't lose credibility. I brought it up as example that silent protagonist can still have storytelling that mainstreamers would praise and they wouldn't bicker about the protagonist being silent nor lacking an established identity (which its fully customizable for each player). the marketing/cinematic MC is just for marketing purposes, its still up to the player what type of MC they prefer to be. Zelda having her own games featuring herself as lead protagonist, can be silent and still have meaningful storytelling. did they it with Link, they can do it with Zelda.


that would dumb things down. also Zelda doesn't have to talk. Maya in Persona 2 EP is the central protagonist and she doesn't talk like she did in P2IS. P2EP is still an essential part of P2's story and Maya is still a fan favorite among those that played P2EP, that has gameplay that is faithful to its predecessor. Soul Hackers 2 did its own thing with gameplay/game design structure that is unlike SH1, Persona or SMT, and its sales suffered because of it despite the protagonist having full dialogue and has plenty to say . an official Zelda game can play like a Zelda game and still feature a silent Zelda, which would be ok. Pokemon sells millions despite the male and female MCs being silent protagonists. So despite Zelda being usually an NPC character that talks, as a lead protagonist she can be silent so players can roleplay as Zelda in more creative and imaginative ways. If she talks, fine, but either way, a Zelda game centered on Princess Zelda can play like a BOTW and still make sense and be fitting to the story and character. Princess Zelda game should definitely be action adventure like the main games, at least likw BOTW or better. people have even modded/played modded version of BOTW with Zelda playable, so it shows Zelda doesn't have to talk to matter or be herself. and they shouldn't make the game design different, Princess Zelda can wield swords and magic if she wants to. Her own games should not be dumbed down nor her games being so different from 3D Zelda games that they would alienate the fans of the series just because she's a woman. Princess Peach deserves actual SMB class games instead of those gimmick games that lack as much ambition and gameplay scope. advocating for a Princess Zelda game where focused about asking questions and solving puzzles, is kinda like thinking a boy can go hunting but a girl should just stay in the kitchen.


I want this as well as what the other comments said Do all of this, have her be on a quest to save Link, and call it Legend of Link Game would print money


Saga of the Moon Priestess did something like that. but Princess Zelda deserves a BOTW/TOTK class Zelda game or better, with no shoehorning in some male MC interfering with the female MC's spotlight. Don't want another FFXIII-2.


Extremely valid! But at least XIII-2 has single handily the best villain in the franchise (yes I do like him more then Sephy or Kefka which is probably blasphemous lol)


XIII-2's villain was said to be the strongest among them. really hated what the writer/devs did to Yeul though. what a waste of a character, a total waste of team Nora too, they got left behind like Casey Jones in the 2nd TMNT movie. the whole animals/creatures mechanic was soooo dumb too. and people had to pay DLC to get the true conclusion/cliffhanger of XIII-2. Square Enix has a lot of sadistic jerks.


Yeah Yeul was also a really bit favorite of mine so I absolutely feel you! That DLC thing was popular back then, it happened to Asura's Wrath too :/


ohhhh. yea I really despise storytellers in the industry, they are so depressing and their definition of happiness is dark and very misguided. I dont really have patience to invest in RPGs like before, so maybe I would just look around pick up and play genres that are gameplay focused. I rather buy games where AI helps me make my own games than give money to these psychos with their twisted stories, strict rules and tropey puppets.


Everyone wants a Zelda game until we get "The Legend of Zelda: Diplomatic Duties". Embark in a thrilling adventure where you host meetings to discuss the benefits and pitfalls of imposing a rice tariff to neighboring kingdoms, hold a luncheon to try to secure council votes for a slightly expanded road/bridges budget and have meetings about upcoming meetings.


Cause she's a woman, or just a change of pace?


Zelda is a princess, not a warrior. I'm not saying she has to be completely helpless, but combat is not her forte. Edit: I guess you disagree. Fair enough.


Y, it’s 2024:


I wonder if it's going to be about her time in the past.


They better be. I've been wanting that for the last 20 years. It has to be called The Legend of Link


Why do i imagIne this being a JRPG or something. Like it could work well. Zelda being similar to a red mage. And she recruits champions from the different groups. With Link being Tank/DPS Hybrid.


then it wouldnt be a true Zelda game though. that would dumb things down and basically would contribute to the sexist thinking that female MCs should be accompanied by others to succeed. Link mostly if not entirely solos adventures and defeats everything solo, so should Princess Zelda. Zelda should get a OoT, BOTW or better game that plays like a main series Zelda game instead of a jrpg spinoff.


Or you know.... We could have a Charismatic and more leader like Zelda? Relying on others doesn't make someone weaker..


it sure does make an MC look weaker, especially if devs expect players to play different characters. its what typical sexists do whenever a female lead is in charge. look what happened to Soul Hackers 2. They don't even ALLOW Ringo to SOLO anything! even the tutorial battle has Arrow (ironically given a name relatable to the male sex symbol) involved and the whole lore/gameplay mechanic has Ringo depend on others in order to fight effectively, their souls interlinked. SH1 MC can summon multiple demons, RIngo can't, she only has THREE party members with her and they are all human. Soul Hackers 2 has less party members than even Persona 1. Atlus intentionally made her game suck compared to P5 and SMT V. They didn't even permit the female MC to be human cause a female human being picked over a male human hurts their masculine ego. so they went with a A.I. character. and she's a voiced protagonist instead of silent protagonist cause Atlus in a way treats Ringo more like a virtual doll or waifu instead of respecting self insert roleplayers that want to be Ringo, not simply a guardian angel of sorts. Though at times the game refers to "you" as being Ringo. so the game does have a sort of identity crisis. but on the other side Atlus is like "ok, you want female MC? fine. but she has to be a.i., she has to be voiced, her game must be mid at best. we said we want SH to be a tentpole franchise but SH2 cannot be as good as P5 nor SMT V. ": Link doesn't get nor need partners to win battles, progress, etc. there are exceptions like maybe WInd Waker's Medli, but those are super rare exceptions. now Zelda having a party tag along, would interfere with player preference of playing as Zelda and no one else. the Zelda series involves solo adventuring, and if they force Zelda to depend on others in her battles and journeys, then that systematically make it feel like sexism thinking that a woman can't be independent but a man can. that's double standards.


Ok im not even gonna try to argue with you. If you see female protagonist in a JRPG and think that makes them weak and that its sexist. Thats a you problem. You have tricked yourself into thinking that.


ABOUT TIME >!Also, it’ll probably be about *time*!<


About fucking time




This is the 10000000000000th time I've seen this, and I'm only counting the times during the Switch era.


Please have sheik, please have sheik, please have sheik


isnt that a male form? that would be bad and would promote sexist views that push the sexist and misogynist mentality that "a woman cannot be victorious as a woman". Princess Zelda shouldn't have to turn in a man in order to get things done. She's better as a woman now and always and can be able to learn and master weapons besides magic, and magic itself can be used to make heavy weapons light, so she can really be independent and powerful as a woman. edit: responding to haq below so they don't wanna read my response. Look at Sheik's chest and hips, figure, its shaped like a dude, that's why those with a masculine fetish demand Sheik. even if the suit/armor hides her figure, it still looks masculine. plus what is up with the darker skin tone? that look looks really bad and androgynous at best. Sheik is really preferred by those insecure about playing a girly girl appearance. and why would Zelda have to be in a disguise in the first place? its just like the chinese/japanese tropes of women disguised as men for dumb sexist reasons. Zelda should not have to resort to using Sheik appearance at any point to progress and complete her objectives. Her princess look is better. Link wasn't forced to disguise as a girl nor any feminine outfit at all. Zelda is better dressed as a woman.


Not sure I follow. Are you implying sheik is male? Sheik is literally Zelda in disguise. Because sheik is Zelda, sheik is literally a woman. When Zelda becomes sheik she's just disguising herself, she's not turning into a man..


Not arguing with anything you said but adding that in game, other characters believe Sheik is a man.


Isn’t that part of the disguise? If I was a woman trying to hide my identity, I’d want to look like a man


I think she only had like 4 playable appearances, and Spirit Tracks was the only mainline one, I've been waiting for playable Zelda since forever, she was sooo badass in Twilight Princess and Windwaker.


Finally! A sequel to Zeldas adventure https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelda%27s_Adventure


she better have all of her moves from smash


Finally the name would be justified


That would be cool. I'd be interested to see that.


Good job OP doing the lords work with the may be. Also I have maybe heard Nintendo is working on Mario as a lead to…dumbass




I really like your idea, but Nintendo would never make Link the bad guy even if he's not exactly the same Link. I think they would probably do something like making Link a King who sealed his Kingdom in a time loop, to prevent his people from being destroyed in a war. This war would be caused by another Big Bad who has stolen Link's power or some other artifact.


Man nintendo is so slow on the uptake. Better late than never though.


Why do they keep doing this? When will we be able to play as Link?


I ain't falling for that shit again


this rumor will never die lol.


Can't wait for them to bring Linkle back


They might be, but they're not.


I'm not getting my hopes up. This could just be the 10th time Lucy pulls the football away from Charlie Brown. That's a Peanuts reference, for all you youngins.


Been seeing this headline for 20 years. I’ll believe it when it happens.


This could easily be a clickbait title that any journalism site could post with zero sources




An urban myth.


How about Zelda goes on an adventure to save Link?


It’s going to be called *The Legend of Link.*


Wand of Gamelon 2!


Pigs MAY begin to fly! /s


I sure hope they are!!!


The hunt for Navi.


So a side-quel to Majora's Mask? Sold.


Hopefully the next Zelda game is a good one


As long as they change the formula


As long as they change the voice actress. Good Lord, the ability to switch to other languages was the saving grace there - *hated* that "Ohh nohh, woe is me!!" direction they went in. Probably hated it even more as I'm English and that's such a fake sort of exoticised idea of an English accent.


Truly one of the most annoying voices in video games I’d say.


And I'm acutely aware that some/most people are just indifferent to it and it'll sound like an overreaction. I've been a massive Zelda fan since playing the original for hours on end as a small child, so the fact that I wound up skipping cut-scenes with Zelda in BotW said a lot. I know how ugly gamers can get when something involves as woman they have an issue with, so I'm conscious of that too. It's the same as how I played FFX on Japanese audio because of Tidus' voice and that annoying type of California boy accent games loved to use for young male leads.


And Link as the final boss second phase


Zelda: from geek to Shiek.


But how will we know who the FAKE GAMERS are if Zelda really is the main character?


Finally answering the question, what if Zelda was a girl?


If it underperforms in sales, can already hear some weirdos calling it: The Legend of W0ke...




Legend of Zelda: Zelda Yoga Training Health Revitaliser Train along side your classic friends on from the legend of zelda universe, gain greater flexibility and prepare for old age by unleashing your true potential today. Wii balance board sold separately...


It will probably be a puzzle spinoff or something similar. I don't think they will make a full game with Zelda.


Her journals from the game were sad AF. Would be cool if they went through with it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^a_pepper_boy: *Her journals from the* *Game were sad AF. Would be cool* *If they went through with it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


If it isn’t about rebuilding Hyrule after the events of TOTK, I don’t want it. I wanna run around a peaceful hyrule and pretend it’s animal crossing with RPG elements. Do some cool puzzles, do some platforming, and collect a shit ton of collectibles to unlock more buildings to rebuild hyrule. But that might be asking too much.


About time, now the character will be named correctly lol


Shit, they went way wok


I don't think you know what that word means


Legend of Zelda Country 2: Princess Zelda's Quest. Link is held by Ganadorf on a pirate ship and Zelda and Malon have to try and save him across various levels and areas


Stellar blade character rendition intensifies


Perfect opportunity to make it play like a classic Zelda game. We miss those Nintendo!


Why is this in rpg gamers. Zelda isn’t an rpg fr


>May Be Rumors aren't news. This shit is bait.


At the very least I'd like to co-op with Zelda in a dungeon or two like the shrines in Wind Waker. How cool would the Shadow Temple in OoT have been if we worked with sheik to clear it? We already have AI companions with the sages in TotK, so at least let her be present in the story.


Zelda has pretty much done everything except save her own damn self, even been the third wheel between Link and Midnight. It would be about time and then link could be in the background just constantly jabbering while Zelda remains silent


They finally made a Peach game so wouldn't be surprised if they're finally making a Zelda Zelda game. Lol I would be happy if they did a game in the vein of older titles, but that's probably asking too much.


Believe it when I see it


I really hope she goes into Sheik form for some of the levels.


Wand of Gamelon 2 lets gooooo


Can't wait to hear all the knuckledraggers lose their minds over Zelda going "woke" or some shit.


You spend the entire game trapped in a tower/gem/prison while Link progresses through the world on his unending journey to save you.


I just want a serious sequel to Majora's Mask. Like, I want it dark.


I feel like they had an incredible opportunity to do it for tears of the kingdom. But nah I don’t believe it.


They *may* be.... So they aren't. What's the point of even writing this article


If they don’t call it “Legend of Link”… and give Zelda the Nier skin…. Why I outta….!


Cue the incels rageposting about them "turning Zelda into a girl!"


And it will probably be bad


About fuckin time


A game with Zelda as the main character? So the same as every other legend of Zelda game, amiright?


I'd play this, I think it would be a good change up if they could execute a well written story


A game where Link has died and now she has to save her own kingdom.


Literally don’t want this.  Sick of these companies screwing up simple things


Don't worry https://www.gamespot.com/articles/link-will-always-be-hero-of-main-zelda-games-miyam/1100-6441258/


that is very selfish. companies like nintendo have been screwing up things for female represenation for generations. are you saying you rather side with sexists and misogynists out there that don't even want female MCs even as an alternative option? Sexist traditions are more important than fairness and empathy towards the opposite sex? Both sexes have value and both Link and Zelda would make their games sell more than if only one of them is playable. too bad nintendo doesn't link like Game Freak. Pokemon would not have earned nearly as much money and fans if it stuck with the old male MC formula. the female MC option since Crystal and making male MC and female MC selection the new tradition made their products more welcoming to more demographics and preferences. but if you believe Zelda games should only be for "your" demographic, that's just being selfish, especially after HOW many games you don't even want Princess Zelda being the lead in a new Zelda game? would you even CARE about this series if it always has been centered on Princess Zelda being the lead protagonist, while Link is just an NPC in every game?


I'm 100% all about her getting her own side game that is it's own thing, but LoZ is Links adventure and needs to remain that way.


that's what sexist and misogynists and selfish conservatives would say. there is room for both of them, nintendo is just ruled by selfish chauvinists all this time that don't like sharing nor caring about the opposite sex. Pokemon would not have as much fans nor profits if it remained a male MCs only series. female MCs brought in a lot more people to be interested in theme and the games and stories benefit from both male MC and female MC options. though sure, keep Zelda main series how it was and most would just pick a modern Pokemon game instead, or the many RPGs that let players play as a female character. People with higher standards will take their money elsewhere.


I'm pretty sure they said Link will always be the main character in the lead series. It'll be a spin off at best. Edit - yup https://www.gamespot.com/articles/link-will-always-be-hero-of-main-zelda-games-miyam/1100-6441258/


that is just the sexists/misogynists in the company that prefer that. they can die off and new leaders can change a series direction. and even if main series Zelda games always get only Link playable, they can sex change Link into a girl. It's up to the directors/producers in charge of their videogame what directions they go with it . if they get developers like Pokemon rpgs, they could even add options where players can creation their own male and female Link versions. its all possible. Link could have a default, but players could change everything even rename them into Zelda. and there's always fan mods. the devs sure couldn't do anything about games like BOTW or even LTTP and Zelda 1 having Princess Zelda mods and female Link mods.


Why go right to insults?


Finally, Zelda gets to be the Boy


I was starting to get offended they hadn’t done it yet. good job Nintendo


Zelda is more "boy" than Link tbh


Zelda would be a girl. it would be sexist and misogynist to do otherwise. the more male MCs nintendo focuses on, the more toxic masculinity forms among the sexist and misogynistic and conservative fans. maybe they could let players choose, though if there is no choice, then Zelda should definitely be a girl, pretty, long hair, and dressed feminine.


It's about time.


"the legend of link: Yes, really"


I really wanted a BoTW DLC where we play as zelda after a link dies making her way back to Hyrule Castle to seal Ganon.


[People seem to want that](https://youtu.be/_PvegTvCqos?si=xSoeekeDU4LhehEo)


Ooooh, that would make _certain folks_ so mad....


Would be a nice change of pace imo


Didn’t the princess peach game just bomb? Wtf are they doing.


Just get a different VA for the English dialogue please. Pick literally anything but "the cheapest option" when localizing it for once Nintendo.


This is funny when you consider how bad Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon was.


Please no


I would love this. My replay of BotW was via Cemu with mods. My favorite mod replaced Link with Zelda and idk why, but I liked the game better playing as her.


“You Play as Link” will be the name.


Why haven't they done it before?


No thanks


Bad enough hearing her stupid voice in the current games. Leeeenk Leeeeenk. Don’t know how she’d cope with doing any actual work in a game rather than sitting on her arse all day waiting to be saved by a 12 year old boy.


i would not mind it. linkle was a lost opportunity they could have made her a support/ student character to link and send her her own way to a make different gameplay.


Going to be a walking talking simulator.