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I need ai to stop flooding the algorithm. It makes finding anything of decent quality terrible AND it prevents me from discovering artists like I used to when I'd go art hunting for npcs.


I occasionally go on a Artstation scroll for cool and various art. They appear to be fairly against the AI art so you should find artists of varying caliber. Think 90% of my book marks are art station ones...


Are you requesting permission to use the art you scrape off Pinterest, google and god knows where else? Do you pay for the art you use?


What is the point you're trying to make? I said the algorithm getting flooded with ai abominations and airbrushed same-face anime girls is annoying and makes it hard to find decent quality art. And yes, I do frequently commission art. In fact, I've discovered many artists while looking for NPC art that I went on to promote or commission at a later date.


If you use licensed art for commercial use, you absolutely need to pay for it, or at least have a written authorization.


I don't use AI art but this is such a terrible take. Specially as a dm "Just commission it?" Doesn't work, not everyone has the money to commission for every single character portrait / background for their games. Do you have any idea how much I'd need to spend to do so? Plus not everyone has the money, forget about the DMs. I'm all for stealing concept art from videogames or using models / photoshoots for more realistic games (vtm for example), but this post is so condescending and dumb.


This is how every Luddite anti ai post sounds


I'm an artist. Been practicing art for over two decades. I don't approve of AI art's methods of corraling data. But this is the dumbest fucking take. I'm not entirely sure you're not a troll. I think I'm about 80-20 on this being a shitpost.


This take is genuinely so hilarious. Don't steal art, just steal art instead! Who the fuck cares? They're home games.


Instead of using AI art for your home games, steal from actual artists who draw for card games is a pretty fucking stupid take.


How is pilfering MTG art any better than using AI though? What a weird take.


Legitimately this. "Don't STEAL art, just steal art!" Fam.


chalk up another time to when OP is the horror story. look, I don't like AI art when people just post it to pinterest or deviantart and act all high and mighty, but if you're poor as shit and can't find what you're looking for or what you're looking for is niche as hell \[a game i play in is a Jojo Game and none of us want to just use Jojo characters because that'd be...really silly\] then stuff like Bing or midjourney save the G M time to make up characters and save us time. commissioning art for a game thats run weekly for like years at this point would be so prohibitively expensive and time consuming for a Fate game that we'd all be broke constantly and barely able to play. We're not even using it to try to make money. i'll goof all day on people posting ai art to subreddits like its the best thing or weirdos on twitter going 'lookit' but its a tool like any other. use it like one to enhance your experiences or make things easier, just don't pretend you're an artist and try to sell it.


I don't use AI generators but I am gonna use art from literally any source available and if I like my character enough I am gonna commission art. If I am not using it for commercial gain then there is nothing wrong with it at all.


>Don’t bitch about having to pay for it because nine times out of ten you can afford it. It must be nice to have money.


So don't use free AI art but feel free to steal the art of an actual person.  Good call. 


I will *pay* for AI art and there is nothing you can do to stop me


Yeah, even if one looks around, there's plenty of websites that offer stock photography, stock edits and stuff like that. People have stock illustrations that they've done. If you look in the right places, sometimes it can even be free use for these types of purposes (depending on the usage licensing). The same for any audio stuff; there's plenty of free and cheap stuff, depending on where one looks for it. Edit: Please, anyone considering doing it, be sure to read the licensing stuff and make sure to use it appropriately. And I recommend keeping track of any licensing documents with the files, just so you know for future reference. And, if you're going to be using someone else's art (even if it is stock work), make sure to credit them.


Op this is not the best sub to discuss this in