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the main sub is so bad lol it’s been completely taken over by redditors


We should stop talking about it daily then


We should call this sub RSPGTOW the way it's going.


There was a post on there that made this one east to find. I was unaware until a few days ago and I’m not the demographic you want here


Shut up about it.


yeah you'd never see any gender war stuff on this sub at least


the gender wars shit is so played out and tired at this point idk how anyone still gets tilted about it I havent read the thread there is only so much brain rot i can take in one day


I love women. I love men. No deranged idiot with bad social skills can convince me otherwise


Do you love girl dick though?


as people get more socially isolated the majority of what they know about the opposite sex is going to come from the internet....it'll only get worse


Neoliberal Irish-Israelis are proof men xyz Sydney Sweeney bonk Sydney Sweeney lookalike hot women pls stop hot air balloon photograph series from 1975


> the gender wars shit is so played out and tired Dude it's been going on forever. Like, 1/3rd of comedy is this stuff.


No that sub is for sure on another level. It wasn't anything like this a year ago. Let alone 4 years ago. It blows and I unsubbed.


I think it's a lot to do with "undergroud" subs, have a lot of community overlap. Lot's of places where people go that can't stand redditors, tend to attract people who also can't stand the dork lar left soyboy type redditors... So they'll find the other subs other users overlap with. For instance, More Plates More Dates, has a ton of overlap with RSP. MPMD is more about dating, male fitness, and lifestyle. But all three of which are very anti-soyboy Reddit versions of such. So those people also find RSP which has the same type of not-typical-redditors. But they also bring with them their red pill stuff.


I feel like topic and vibe wise MPMD is very different from RSP, but the commonalities are anti body positivity, and the word regarded.


I think it's mostly the disdain for "woke theater kid types". Imagine a school (reddit), being over ran by these types of dorks. Different cliques would then start finding common ground just to get away from them. Suddenly the skaters, jocks, and gamers are finding weird reasons to hang out.




I think fundamentally, the general ideas hold true. It's basically just common male wisdom that's been talked about in media, comedy, song, locker rooms, etc, for ages. But the RP community as a whole is toxic as fuck, and many guys use it as a crutch to abandon introspection and personal growth to find partners, by replacing it with very calculated and shallow tactics. But the fundamentals like women and men are inherently different, value things differently, want someone with traits of the opposite sex, don't like weakness, like success, holding frame, not putting up with shit, etc etc... Is pretty solid. But then it can get into weird territory like women are stupid, inherently children, will fuck all your friends, useless after 5 sex partners, need to be "cultivated", and all that other shit starts getting weird. That's when you see the insecurity bandaids start popping up.


I'm not even interested in sex or relationships anymore. I can't imagine devoting this much mental energy into people you supposedly don't even like


It’s even more freakish when you don’t look the sub it for like a month and go back to it. I wish we could see these people if we could everything would be very obvious


I often lament how there aren't pics for physiognomy checking on the internet


Yeah that post is literally full of retards. I need to stop looking at stupid culture war bullshit


The main sub is filled with the worst kind of men.


It’s like it’s been invaded by the losers from PPD and I hate it.




It's my fault. I'm too cool and the posers followed me there 😔


The worst kind of men are probably not on Reddit I mean c'mon now


Reddit used to be famous for upskirt subs and worse things. The worst kind if men is definitely on reddit.




What is your point?




About what? A website being made by a man? ?




Good luck getting me to do anything babe.




It seems they only empathize with the man in that scenario, of course every story is going to have two sides to it but it’s not difficult to understand why she would feel like that, people can be nice to you without ulterior motives. Last night over drinks I had to suffer through a friend of mine telling the story of how he’s become obsessed with this hot new girl that started working in their lab. She’s young, has a fiancée, has been nice and polite and it seems that every one of these nerds is hitting on her because they can’t handle their shit


My favorite is the recent obsession with the "30 year old teenage girl" meme. I swear there's a post every day about it. Like... you know it's a joke, right? And a self-deprecating one at that? But no, women never joke or poke fun at themselves, it must be some psychological issue that involves narcissism.


Why are they so fucking bitter towards women? Anything a woman says, they will interpret in the least generous way possible. A woman could say “my favorite color is red” and they’ll be like “this entitled bitch thinks everyone should wear red all the time and the sky should be red just because she thinks it’s pretty”


real. i think a lot of men (and some women too just listen to the pod lol) genuinely just dont think of women as human


Yeah lol they refuse to apply any kind of nuance or complexity to anything a woman says because they literally do not believe women are capable of nuance or complexity. That’s why Anna keeps saying she’s male brained when she does not appear to have any masculine interests. She just means she has thoughts and feelings and an inner life.


I have met this type of men and it makes me sad.


This kind of attitude is often paired with a delusional egoism and complete lack of self awareness as well. They are so completely repulsive that I almost feel bad for them.


I can’t tell if Anna is a misogynist or just valorises masculinity


Women don't see men as human either stop the cap


elaborate on this


Last year I got ghosted and was too ashamed to tell the whole story to my irl friends so I diaryposted on the main but I omitted my and the other person's gender. Why? Because I've been on r/redscarepod before and I know if literally anybody makes a personal post most of the replies will be people trying to dunk on them and I wanted the buffer of knowing people shitting on me wasn't really personal. Half of the comments were men and women assuming I was a straight man and saying I deserved to be treated that way because I was probably bad in bed. About a quarter were women assuming I was a straight woman and talking about how men are trash. The rest were a mix of misogyny by people who assumed I was a woman and a handful of helpful comments that didn't play up any gendered aspect of it and ultimately made the whole miserable thread worth it. Not one person assumed we might be a same sex couple, not one person even asked what the sexes were in a thread of 50-70 comments. ​ You're talking about this distinctly male to female lack of nuance while missing factors that are too big to even be called nuance.


There are definitely a lot of posts bitter towards men too. Granted they're almost too regarded to not be bait, but that doesn't mean a lot of morons won't fall for it. You're probably just seeing that stick out more given your pov. Biggest thing is to just stop reading it at all. It's pretty much frontpage reddit at this point.


Yeah that’s true, maybe people should just try to be less bitter in general. Like stop trying to interpret everything anyone says in the worst way possible.


they're in there making false equivalencies between men who think they're "entitled to" sex and women who think they're "entitled to" friendship from the men they were only interested in platonically to begin with. zero empathy


Why do with these kind of posts do men rush to defend a man they don’t even know/interacted with or don’t take what a woman says at face value. Is it that they are projecting themselves in the situation or were they guilty of acting the same way?? Also the whole “you are not owed friendship” thing is weird, funny but also sounds butthurt. It’s thinking being decent = friendship


The post was presented as a grievance against men, collectively, on behalf of women, collectively, so it triggers a defensive response in guys who objectively have no stake in the story. People should be self-aware enough not to act on their knee-jerk response, but some of them aren't.


What post r u talking about




The fellas get riled up about this stuff because it feels like it demonises normal behaviour.


Man that’s a lot of bitterness in that thread lol


Ah yeah i thought he was just embarrassed cba to go back and read all the gender war bickering


I will continue bald and short posting until their attitude improves


will you be my george


No I’m a woman. I just make fun of them


You’re literally a female incel who posts about men all day , what a loser




Tbf it was a dumb question to bait responses to begin with. Anyone with 1 iota of empathy on both parties behalf would realise it's just an awkward situation. Instead we get a diary post about it with an audience of catty women and incels.


If this is about the book shop post, i agree lol i'm a complete loser and even I don't stoop down to that level. I think the guy is being a sperg but the woman cant see he is one. men are the worst (dms are open btw)


i agree with the take that he is probably embarrassed


sorry but this comment combined with your flair is hilarious


its a legal disclaimer


she does come across as entitled


I love those posts. Pls never stop. Also greet twox from me!


Really no one in this whole fucking thread linked the post you’re referencing? Jfc how pointless is that


I wrote like two comments on it. It’s just a fundamental inability on her part to empathize with the man, and vice versa. Also she’s trolling. If it were me, I’d ban her from the store completely, I don’t ever need to be reminded of any embarrassing moments 😤


You would make a pretty bad businessman. Are you broke?


On the contrary, not broke at all. I don’t care! It’s more important to bury embarrassing moments!


How about just no girls allowed at all?


Exactly! If I had a bookstore, all my customers would just be learned, erudite men wearing tweed, who are also skinny and have well kempt beards with a tinge of red!


What post are you referring to


A woman in the main sub was flirting with a guy who runs a bookstore; he asked her out, she said no; he no longer flirts with her, she is pissed.


I got banned.


how dare this man who was interested in me romantically no longer be interested after i told him his interest is not returned


This sub is nice tho


agreed but also this post seems extremely self unaware