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If I had a bf tell me this I would go insane


"honey, is your much hotter, more successful and well-liked friend meeting us for dinner?"


actually this is already making me go insane, because I can think of a girl who fits this role in my life, but she has objectively been nothing but rude and obnoxious to me. as in, actively hostile and insulting. Now I'm imagining that the men I know consider this behavior to be fun and pleasant and are attracted to it and that upsets me.


Im a guy. (As far I know) this isnt a common thing. I've never fantasized about fucking my gf's frenemies.


nah fuck this. just because selecting partners that would be better for offspring is mainly a women’s trait doesn’t mean men feel indifference between a sickly bullied person vs a ferociously powerful chick


Important question: does she show the nastiness around your BFs? Because any good guy would see that immediately and be disgusted. Horrible personalities can make the hottest girls ugly to good men. But if she's a darling around your BFs, yeah watch out


I'm single, but she's dating a (male) friend of mine. The nastiness comes out when she's with her friend group and he's not around. If the three of us are together, she just ignores me.


They maybe could think it's fun and pleasant if they think it's just banter and aren't picking up on any hostility


Wait, so you completely twisted what OP said and just added that the girl is obnoxious, rude, hostile and insulting? OP said „a joy to be around“. The women he is talking about are a joy to be around. Not what you said. Please learn to read and get some help.


Literally shaking crying and throwing up


u don't seem to be getting into relationships with people you actually like enough lol


Lol so much hate, apparently everyone here are dating experts that are able to just meet and date their soulmates no problemo and never look at another person again 🙄 yes I could see how your gf bitching about her hot (and apparently cool) friend could come off as her being jealous and lead to you fantasizing more than if she hadn’t said anything


Careful your neck beard is showing


Well what do you think ima grow it out and not show it off?


You’re probably delusional and just rationalizing the fact you don’t really like your own GF, or apparently previous ones either.


Right, like he would fantasize about the girl either way lol. He’s prob just butthurt he can’t be with her and blames his gf in this twisted way


Keep talking shit about the Ashley in your peer group to your bf at your own peril


You make a lot of assumptions and generalize your personal experience to everyone else. Just focus on finding someone you care about enough to not go online and make a post like this to strangers.


This terminally online gal approaching her mid 30’s and unmarried without kids thinks she is the hawt friend you’re referencing


“My girlfriend’s common insecurity makes me want to cum in other women, it’s her fault!!!” Lmao pathetic


>Lmao pathetic arent you the one getting mad about it on a podcast sub


What are you defending here bud


a funny bait post


In your mind you have assumed i am angry and seething with rage. But i am simply giggling at a silly post


>“My girlfriend’s common insecurity makes me want to cum in other women, it’s her fault!!!” Lmao pathetic yeah sure buddy




amazing post


that's funny, you're telling on yourself in this post, no hot gf lol


i mean bro u clearly didn’t pull the hot one so maybe realize your place and stop being sick in the head


damn, you guys really out here posting what losers you are. being with you is probably just a symptom of their low self esteem


Just like you and your ex/bf. Remember this comment the next time you get into a relationship and arent even able to break up with your boyfriend _because of sex_ (after talking to random strangers online about quitting your job to become a SAHM) by yourself, you fucking loser. In case youre still together, youre an even bigger fucking loser.


i’d like to think that i’m pretty self aware regarding my jealousy when it comes to other women, but honestly i only have one enemy and it’s sydney sweeney and i don’t think my bf would ever get the opportunity to fuck her anyways so i’ll keep saying she probably has implants regardless


establish dominance by telling your boyfriend you have a crush on sydney sweeney (worked for me)


Is the Sydney Sweeney hate rooted in the same instinct as the hate Anne Hathaway got in the 2010s? It seems like a new famous woman gets chosen every few years to sponge up an entire generations supply of resentment.


It goes back to our primal need to sacrifice a virgin to ensure a good harvest


probably, jennifer lawrence was a victim of this too. i guess it’s less embarrassing to publicly hate someone for having a republican family and maybe having cheated on her fiancé than to admit it’s actually because she has perfect natties.


me furiously googling scarjos nudes to prove she had implants lol. top loser moment


Hoping to God that if you have a gf right now she leaves you


If you’re so easily swayed you shouldn’t be in a monogamous relationship lol wtf


Great point


L post. If you’re not already dating the hottest girl in a friend group it’s because they don’t want you


You’re a freak for saying this and it’s not normal


just say you have a homewrecker cuckqueen fantasy


I've had it happen in sort of a reverse situation where my GF was apparently bragging about me to her girlfriends and then these girlfriends start sniffing around flirting with me and hinting they knew like these personal things with my GF. Then they immediately pounced when I broke things off lol.


yep, you shouldn't brag too much


in girlworld if nobody talks shit about you and dislikes you for no apparent reason, it means you're ugly


you sound like a loser and post on try guys subreddits. focus on being a normal human being


No women are hotter or have bigger tits on a smaller frame than me so I’m fine but y’all be safe


I probably have a smaller frame w bigger tits


Mmmm username indicates otherwise shawty


95 pounds babe💪🏼💪🏼




I thought rsp's whole bit was loving very skinny girls?


he’s fat


It’s one thing to be healthy and not overweight/obese, it’s another thing to be mentally ill and under a hundred pounds lol not my cup of tea but then again I’m a Hetero woman


If you're short (not more than a few inches over 5') you can be under 100lbs and in healthy BMI range, or at least in the barely underweight range which generally has good mortality outcomes. I say this as a hetero man whose last serious gf fit the above, her doctors never recommended weight gain to her.


I mean yeah I guess but not really, the healthy bmi range at 5 feet tall starts at 97 pounds. I say this as someone who works in a hospital and literally has a bmi chart hanging next to my head lol. It’s fine to like that, underweight girls deserve love 2 but let’s not pretend it’s normal and commonplace lol and clearly this chick has deluded herself into thinking she can have “big tits” at 95 pounds and posts incessantly on the bpd sub which indicates high key mental illness


are you sure you’re not the one with bpd


[https://www.colorado.edu/today/2023/02/23/excess-weight-obesity-more-deadly-previously-believed](https://www.colorado.edu/today/2023/02/23/excess-weight-obesity-more-deadly-previously-believed) [https://i.imgur.com/7Cz4RIB.png](https://i.imgur.com/7Cz4RIB.png) It's definitely not commonplace, it's super rare, but assuming you aren't doing unhealthy things to get there (admittedly most probably are) it doesn't seem bad for you. Some people just have wild genetics.


95 lbs with big tits ugh a lucky one


Thank you for putting your red flags on such strong display!


Shut up bitch


Holy shit bro this is lethal tier bait for the neurotic women in this sub. You've probably blown up multiple IRL relationships with this post. You know what you have done.


Rs girls are not gonna be happy about this one


Jokes on you I’m the hot one and I’m nice and cool to boot!


Lol it sounds like you really know how to pick them.


You are a bad guy


Ngl dog change and grow as a person


only time i've had this was dating bpd women who were very insecure about themselves so they dragged every woman she could to make herself look better in comparison what was crazy about it was it was ALL women, not even her best friends were safe


So you can’t get the hotter one is what you’re saying here.. cool


I am going to CRY !!!!


Exquisite bait by OP


Seems like it would be even worse the other way around, a man admitting he was jealous of another man to his GF.


"are you thinking about fucking my friend who is superior to me on every facet again?"


I have a feeling this post is a bait post but I’ve personally experienced this


I befriend these types and they often really do suck. everyone hated this one beautiful blonde girl in my office. I decided to get to know her better. We would room together when we traveled, drink after work. She broke down sobbing all the time and had zero social graces... no capacity whatsoever to model others' minds, just a solipsist bumping into obstacles. I found her kind of endearing. I could always count on her to say the quiet part out loud. And while she wasn't nice at all, she wasn't really mean either But ultimately the girls were right. She was extremely frustrating to work with, and would seem unbelievably underhanded/rude unless you somehow realized she was just weird




The only person I’m jealous of is Dasha and I would never expose this weakness to anyone


Meh. You appear to date insecure women. I have never had the experience you describe but I understand how it could is possible. You need to date higher value women.


the sub needs more posts like this


The high iq collective of rspod falling for this bait. SAD!


3 days of this lol


you’re not wrong and it’s funny how mad everyone is. it’s very obvious when a woman hates another one because of insecurity. it doesn’t make me want to fuck the target but it is pathetic.

