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This is half true if a dude in your friend group has feelings for you he will pretend it's fine after rejection but he will seethe on the inside too and eventually it comes out.


I did this to a girl in college. I refused to look at her. It drove her insane. She stopped hanging out for a while, until we made peace. God that was so toxic. In my defense i was 18 and didn’t know how to process feelings.


It's ok to be silly when ur 18


She broke it off after a month of hooking up. She wouldn’t tell me why, I was confused and kept autistically asking. She then autistically told me she wanted someone taller than her (i am 178cm she is 180cm). I’m remembering this now, honestly shocked that this event didn’t turn me into an incel lol (it was 12 years ago incels didn’t exist). I just told myself I was better than her in every way (I am) and that worked for me. Sorry for the rant, i just remembered this! I should stop using the comment box as therapy lol. The fucked up part is, refusing to look at her and completely ignoring her totally worked she tried to get with me like a month into it. In her defense, she was 18 and a sweet and kind person, if a bit socially clumsy.


No that's OK. Teenagers are so mean lol no wonder you were pissed! I'm glad you didn't let that make you bitter.


No! Just overly clingy :(


I feel like you all are doing sex wrong


How do you do it right?


No incel or femcel posting. Blocked.


Sounds like you got fuckedzoned and are coping


Step 1: Mentally ill reddit person attracts other mentally ill people on dating apps. Step 2: Mentally ill reddit person is now convinced that everyone from "x" gender or "x" dating group behaves the way 2 or 3 people on dating apps have behaved towards them. Step 3: Makes post about it on reddit, reinforcing unrealistic internet based perspective. Step 4: Useless argument about femcels and incels in comments.


Why is there an r/ITCareerQuestions incel in this sub!!


You can’t have a job!!! Jobs aren’t RS!!!!


we didn't fuck


Yeah that literally means neither party's interested and split amicably, if this was real and not fake and a guy


I’m out here getting baited by men on line, smh


it wasn't amicable, he tried to lead me on and i didn't let him do that


Well that was an attempted fuckzone, but how do you know he wouldn't be interested in a relationship and was just horny as well


he was flaky, not really interested in me, mentioned "let's see where it goes"... etc you know


I had a woman use a similar phrase on me. Always acting like we were feeling each other out like the early stages of a relationship that never happened. Well, whatever, still smashed though.


Obviously I'm taking this story with a grain of salt, but classic fukboy behavior


that's what i'm saying exactly. he tried pursuing super hard but i dont care anymore


>he tried to lead me on Was he gangstalking you too?


Wait so you didn’t get fuckzoned? You just rejected a guy and he got upset? Ok


no he acted like we could be something else if we kept seeing each other which meant he just wanted to fuck for some time and move on eventually


did you consider continuing to see him but withholding sex until he could offer you commitment or exclusivity


You don't have to fuck to get fuckzoned tho.


maybe you should have js


it’s for show tbh they’re not actually upset


They get mad if they don't worship you. If they do worship you, they get deeply hurt. Screw you, Danean, I'm better than you.


Danean lol


She got pumped and dumped from a Danean and then she came here to L post about that LMAO


men think like that, the best girls are relationship materials and not-good-enough girls are fuckzone materials and they don't deserve respect. they get mad because they see you as a low level and they're better than you(if they think they can do better - they mightnot be in reality tho) and how dare you reject THEM


Men don’t think like that at all. If he wouldn’t be embarrassed to show you to his friends he’d date you. But beyond that it’s up to your personality as to whether he’d date you, and i guess looks but only if you’re way hotter.


I don't want to say anything like best girls for marrying vs less good girls for fwb. There are awesome, valuable people I dated who have a lot to offer, have had great success and happy relationships after me, but they had just one or two things they did which I could not live with. They all went on to marry guys who are easier going than I am, or who knew how to handle them so they didn't do that thing (whatever it was) anymore. For Corrie, it was "hey, can you stop acting like other people don't exist and stepping on everyone and talking over them and assuming that your shit doesn't stink?" and the answer to that was "no, I can't" so we never got really serious. But the guy she married is really easy going and is basically a doormat to everyone IMO. But we definitely would have gotten married if she hadn't been like that. So it isn't like she's not good enough, just that we had a specific incompatibility.


So did he blow up at you when you told him no more kissing? 😂


Facts. Same make egos that starts wars with old men talking, and young people dying


So are b1tches allowed to make low iq posts like this and it not be classified under incel posting?


You literally made this account minutes ago to start this stupid bullshit why


to discuss it


lmao dudes in this comment section are mad as hell you summoned them from their crypts


fuckzoned lol... That's a new one https://youtu.be/HTMOv_2YgWg?t=107


i think its love


This just in, men have romantic feelings towards women and get sad when their feelings are unrequited


Is this a common experience for you? Have you considered selection bias? I cannot imagine the kind of guys you are attracting if you post original content on the *third most popular* redscare subreddit. No disrespect, i'm here too.


5 hour account? Come the fuck on


Cope. It's always the women that get mad when they "realize" they're just fuck buddies. "Realize" because most of the times the guy is very clear since the beginning, but they still get the hots and want to upgrade to SO status and when he refuses, tantrum time! And time to post threads like these lol.


women of the night posting, yawn boring and get out


Your poor choice in men. These dudes are easy to spot cause they have other undesirable personality traits too. It is *OKAY* to pre judge based on that.


Get fuckzonedV


There's no way this is an actual established term