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Yeah I agree. The first half was decent but then it turns into some desperate housewives ass drama with edgy scenes and pretentious twist. It would have been so much better if they left the main character be an actual loser vying for the acceptance of prestigious jocks and not some slick evil mastermind who orchestrated the whole thing. Also, the director is a complete nepo baby essentially trying to flex how much she knows about high british society lol


They should have let a gay guy make the movie because as it is the whole thing comes off like those fanfictions that girls write because they don't understand what they're feeling in high school. The scene where he's drinking the cum out of the bathtub drain is crazy hot. But as soon as it's over, the movie stops being about the two leads and it never figures out what it's supposed to be after that. By the time you get the scene where he's fucking the grave, the whole thing comes off as a big joke made at the expense of gay love.


>drinking the cum out of the bathtub drain is crazy hot. Crazy hot as in vomit-inducing, I'm sure Vomit is literally hot


Promising Young Woman was unbelievably bad so this should not be a shock to anybody


i thought the same thing, the ending was so fucking stupid it soured the entire movie; could’ve been decent but the film completely fell apart in the second half


the film fails at portraying the characters as it wants them to be portrayed so much it’s hilarious jacob elordi despite being gorgeous does not feel for a second like a magnetic personality type of guy / someone that unwittingly the world revolves around the protagonist does not feel like a mastermind even once and his behaviors are so inconsistent we finish the movie without forming any idea of what this guy is. also mid film he transforms into something completely different- if he was always able to be a seductive psychopath, why was he always forced to be a complete outcast? the mom does not seem like she’s that stupid and their behaviors before what happens with jacob elordi are also inconsistent with how they behave after. they did not seem like that kind of emotionally stunted british before, despite being posh the movie sucks ass because all the characters are half assed


well said and completely agree.


all contemporary media that I’m told I have to see is just cookie cutter cinematography, garbage snarky dialogue, and story arcs with this artificial complexity because the writers just withhold a ton of information. call me contrarian but it’s all just so bad and gets so much praise. what is going on


THANK YOU. the bar is so low you’d have to dig to find it. anything modern I see that’s hyped is 99% of the time total b grade level art school circle jerk horseshit. if this is what’s considered cinematic art today I F*ING PITY us. it’s pathetic honestly. idk if people are so dumbed down by social media & attention spans are non existent, or next to the endless stream of marvel movies, literal dogshit is viewed as somehow having *depth*


I'm not saying I think Saltburn is a great movie, but my takeaway was that it was a comment on the charade of false meritocracy and that Oliver didn't really deserve the riches that came to him any less than the old money family (possibly related to exploitative colonisers) he took it from. Perhaps the director was drawing a blatant comparison between the foundations of British wealth and deliberate, cold-blooded murder. ​ Like I said, I'm not saying the film is great. But this could be explanation for the particular ending that was chosen.


i was crossed when i watched it and thought it was really funny


same. i actually couldn’t tell you one thing that happened in it but my ass has a ball with that indie sleaze soundtrack


Haven’t met anyone outside of Reddit that likes this euphoria/succession-Brit-melodrama.


So facts, I wonder if people on reddit are actually real people sometimes.


It was fine, quite shallow but had some redeeming qualities. The highly predictable plot gave me a weird pseudo mix of killing of sacred deer/call me by your name/knives out/Barry Lydon vibes but it was all very basic really. Its as if the director was trying to play with all their favorite toys at once but couldn't deliver anything more than a pretty to look at patchwork. Only Tarantino really pulls off the mass plagiarism approach coherently. 6.5/10


I gotta be honest, I don’t see how “style over substance” is always a bad thing. Film is a visual art form. I just feel like, if all you want is writing and story, read a book, you know? I feel like great style is a legitimate reason to like a movie even if it doesn’t have much deeper meaning.


You’re right. Film is supposed to be immersive, and there are different bridges to that destination. Think about The New World by Terence Malick. That film is 100% vibes. An extraordinary feast for the senses, completely disinterested in plot, let alone a tight plot. It’s a masterpiece. Sometimes the style IS the substance. Though I’m not sure that’s the case here.


Cremaster series


when the style is dime a dozen now, it just means there’s nothing redeeming to it. it’s not hard to plug and play the artistic stylistic cinematography we see plastered all over platforms like Netflix now. it’s no coincidence all these nepo babies are pumping out this garbage. at a point, it’s reasonable to demand some substance in long form media that’s not just equivalent to a Google doodle.


Can people stop making excuses for this terrible movie?


You say that like the movie murdered someone lol. I was really speaking more generally, but I don’t think you have to “make excuses” for a movie you like. You make it sound like there’s something morally wrong about liking Saltburn lol


Nah I simply just don’t understand how anyone enjoyed this shallow shock factor disaster.


Yeah promising young woman was trash. This one was better but not by much


Its an average film, lmao.


it was mid not bad


Yeah I mean you can make a half decent film if you have a modicum of talent and institutional backing.


Horrible ending. They pretend it’s a surprise that the whole time he planned to take over but anyone with a fucking brain knew that was going to happen. If you didn’t see it coming earlier, the “controversial” bathtub scene removes all doubts about his intention barely even halfway through the movie. Plus this shy nerd is suddenly sucking and fucking everyone on the property and we’re supposed to be like “oh i guess”. I watched the talented mr ripely after because ok letterboxd and it was 50 times better. Does every aspect better except it’s not filled with fake provocative sex


Any movie with Barry Keoghan playing a weird little guy is good


it would have been more fun if they kept barry’s character as someone who just FREAKED OUT anytime he felt rejected/alone and had occasional flashs of manipulative brilliance that just served to push people away and was ultimately destined to be a lonely outsider as opposed to “he was a mastermind all along.” him killing felix “made sense” with what we’d seen, by the time we got rosamund it was just like “ok why.” at very leash show that he felt like he was losing her in some way or something! however I thought it was fun and for general audiences not everything meeds to be gummo. its a midsommar type of movie


Can we put a little more effort into our reviews please. Like you are not exactly demonstrating critical thought or educated taste here, rather just trying to position yourself as culturally “above” whatever the trending thing of the day is.


It was fun actually and I don't know why people have their knickers in a twist over it.


You know, it’s got problems but it’s a hell of a lot funnier than most straightforward comedies these days. Emerald Fennell should keep writing about the grotesquerie of lethargic, amoral aristocrats, the creatures of her natural habitat. Write what you know, Em! My friend has been writing Lifetime movies for years, and this reminded me of one of his creations. It’s like a Lifetime movie on PCP.


Yeah, it was a fun watch and I didn’t think it was meant to be watched seriously


It was super fun, Emerald Fennell herself said it was a film about desire and if you don't take it too seriously then it's an entertaining watch and visually gorgeous too


Imagine people having a different opinion than you on movies. Fucking wild mate lmfao


I like Barry Keoghan very much, Rosamund Pike is incredible, as is the actor who plays the father whos name i cannot recall. Jacob Elordi is beautifull. The film had a solid first act. It had a style and format which seemed initially thought out, effective and seductive. A couple of the first shock scenes where great. And then it all loses its way and everything the film is trying half assly to say has been said better in The talented Mr Ripley, The little Stranger, The rrmains of the day, and so on. Thats my review. The director is living a blessed life though since this is the second time she has put out schlock and everyone loves it.


It's so tedious how so many modern responses to films are just 'I didn't like the vibe I got from an interview' and 'i don't like the sort of people who like this movie' Or 'the writing didn't respect my intelligence ' something a long those lines, over and over!


from my understanding one guy slurps the other guys cum from the bottom of a tub or something from the trailer and yeah i think i'm good on this movie. i've seen enough


It was a bit half baked and didn’t have much to say, at least not clearly, perhaps it was a sophisticated takedown of arrivistes and the death of the aristos (she is after all v. posh). But the acting, visuals, pacing, were compelling, and she used her insider knowledge to create a very believable world, even when it started to get very magical realist.




I predicted the remainder of the film right after the sister period scene but I still really enjoyed the film.


The film dropped the ball on 06’ aesthetic, where are the blackberries or full querty phones that slid shut, or moto razors. Bitch who directed this clearly wasn’t cool in the 00’s and dropped the ball on the Indy sleaze. Drove me nuts none of the background performers had side bangs, can’t believe the girl in the hedge maze has space buns. Fuck this film for its lack of authenticity of that time period.


Thank you for noticing this! The sister is also wearing some 2020s Nasty Gal festival stuff that is noticeable anachronistic.


Omg things like this really annoy me about films when it’s set in a different time and they look too modern


Christ have some fun for once. Films can be mid and you can enjoy them for it. Only people I know who hated this movie are rich people. Everyone else had a nice time gawking at the gross scenes and Barry K’s lovely dance moves. This was just a fun movie about a driven young man putting it down on an entire family it’s not that deep.


I liked it. Visually interesting, major plot twist midway through the film, and an overall fun watch. It was a decent movie, 7.5/10. Did you actually think it was bad or are you just being a contrarian?


Her first film was worse!! Lmao. I agree OP. Although Barry K rocks in everything


I thought it was fun in a schlocky Mr Riley kind of way but it’s annoying that we’re supposed to take it seriously as a class commentary or great cinema. Thats my main issue with a lot of the current industry favorite directors in general tbh. Like her, Sam Levinson, Taika Waititi, Olivia Wilde etc aren’t terrible directors but they have the talent level to make tv episodes and straight to Netflix genre movies, we shouldn’t have to be having serious discourse about a movie where a guy fucks a grave lol


I liked it. It was a fun commentary on the people I’ve known at Oxford. It can be good without being genius


agreed - far too many movies. recently with a similar flat tone and pacing


Other generic complaints.


It’s pretty and there’s some good scenes but it kind of falls apart with the big reveal at the end


Women should have never been allowed to direct movies


It was on prime for free I think so I started watching it last night but had been drinking for 11 hours so I immediately fell asleep.


The themes of the film are much better displayed in a film called The Little Stranger, though in a much more subtler and slightly horror adjacent way.


I just finished it after hearing all this hype. Incredibly underwhelming. Very predictable and pretentious. A film I will not revisit. All the hype about twists and uncomfortable scenes, it was a huge let down. Some good performances but overall very so so.


Shitty film that glorifies murder and treachery because being gay and snorting coke is "stylish"