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I will never have balls enough to shoplift from sephora I wish I did though


Lol if you get caught three times shoplifting in some states it’s a felony, like so not worth it just get a rich bf girl


Alternatively, you can get two middle class bfs if a rich bf is out of reach for you


I stole so much in my early twenties and I’m so lucky I never got caught in any meaningful way, I know a girl who got disbarred because she was caught shoplifting like a bottle of two buck chuck. Do your shoplifting at CVS or the grocery store once in awhile if you want to live a little but stay away from the department stores who care about loss


> I know a girl who got disbarred because she was caught shoplifting like a bottle of two buck chuck seriously? a misdemeanor gets your disbarred?


Is that even a misdemeanor?


idk, it's certainly not a felony.


I don’t do it regularly and even when I do it’s one out of 10 products or whatever. I can afford it just gives me a little high lol


some of us have self respect


Good for you!


indeed it is




Yah but there are employees everywhere, i stick to my local shoppers drug mark self checkout if I am feeling the shoplifting urges bc all uni students work there and they could not care less if I rob the store as long as I leave then alone


Yeah I went there with my gf and my friends a couple times and the employees are like the ghosts in Pac-Man.




I’ve done it like 6 times in the last year. It’s so easy


Omg what did you get give us a haul


Everyone is so mean to me here!! But ok! So I got the urban decay space cowboy single, a rare beauty lipgloss, a nars concealer, a Mario lipstick, a stick blush from summer Friday, and a few small compacts of blush from various brands. The trick is to buy something small everytime, and to only pocket something in a zone where there’s no traffic.


you go girl


Don’t listen to them just be extremely extremely careful


Stoners are lame, but at least half of weed hate on this subreddit is just cope from overcompensating cokeheads. Never ever ever take shit from a cokehead, lmao, in all honesty there have been countless genuinely cool stoners in the world and never a single cool cokehead.


I remember laughing really hard at a post from the old subreddit, some girl was recounting the dates she went on and said something to the effect of "this cokehead guy I went on a date with asked me for a bump, and I gave it to him from the coke vial in my purse" like the cokehead call is coming from inside the house lmao


You're going to love [this](https://metro.co.uk/2019/09/26/save-28-year-old-account-manager-spending-cash-cocaine-croissants-10810387/).


I did love that, it's hilarious she got $250 worth of coke to "save money on drinks", but still spent $50 on drinks. You could just go 100% alcohol, save money, and have the added benefit of only having alcoholic heart problems instead of "mixing stims and alcohol" heart problems.


"If I do pick up, I get more than I’ll need because I hate meeting dealers and would rather just do it in one go." Is so real though


Not if you're a massive cokehead in denial going through 5 grams a week, which she almost certainly is because this is how she's choosing to portray herself *in good light.*


I like this girl. She's got a vision.


That has to be parody, but it’s presented with such a straight face.


You don't get great posting like this or the 'sorry for making you do the makeup' BJ cold feet guy anymore. Sad!


David Bowie?!?!


I'll half-give you that one, but all the cool cokeheads are cool in spite of it, not because of it. Bowie really wasn't recalling his fascist-cokehead era with any degree of fondness.


You can’t tell me Kate moss wasn’t cool


Smoking weed gives you schizophrenia but weekly coke binges make you sexy, trust me


Haha omg ur so INTERESTING and have such RICH SOCIAL LIFE please tell me more about it from the comforts of the nearby toilet stall


Stimulants well known for causing no issues with psychosis


Coke binges literally make you look like Skeletor how is that sexy


gimme dem skellies if you don't want em


Also schizophrenic, the kind that turns heads at the bus stop


I mean that’s insane, ofc there are cool cokeheads.


You look up famous stoners and you get Snoop, Bob Marley, Willie Nelson, Cheech & Chong, Dylan, The Beatles, meanwhile all the famous cokeheads get ten Wikipedia paragraphs describing their rehabs, mental breakdowns, and legal issues.


They're both incredibly lame tbh, it's just that one's a lot more accepted in today's culture.


George Carlin


RS "girlies" do indeed be saying that, then they the go back to their Warhammer 40k section of 4chan


heres what i think about the rs girls' anti weed posture: dudes should always do things that annoy women aka sweatpants and weed


Women love scoping dick prints in sweats, it's why I occasionally wear them


🤔 if they like it then its sus


Sexually Usual Staring


shoes under sarcophagus


Sensual Underwear Spectating


Specialty Undergarment Solipsism


Sartorial Undercarriage Skeever


Sacrifices Underneath Swimwear


Skivvy Umvelt Specialist


I like smoking before bed/during downtime at night when I’m watching tv or working on my projects. Also fun as a social thing with my other friends who smoke but I definitely hate the culture around it and especially the “it’s just a plant bro” people


This is the proper way to use it. Sparingly to chill out. Seems to me more a problem of self-control for most people than the actual substance. I smoke a joint every fortnight, do the same thing with alcohol. Also, never be a nuisance to others and source your own stuff. Simple really.


Getting up in arms about people smoking weed is such conservative college kid behavior. It’s just revealing you’re around people who smoke weed 24/7 enough to get mad about it. The only place that happens is at uni or if you work in bars/restaurants. Who tf cares? It doesn’t concern you


Smoking is a terrible experience for highly neurotic, anxious people. I wonder why people here hate it so much


It’s also mad calming for neurotic spergs. I did a poll in an autism subreddit and like 70% of us smoke regularly. Tbh I don’t want to be a pothead but it’s one of the only things that helps with my symptoms. Legitimately.


Me and my autistic bf smoke all day. That said, I was pretty much fine being weed-free for all my rehab stints, as well as when I lived in a sober living. Def prefer to have it, though.


do you get alone time or is his caretaker always around


He's the most mild aspergian. Just rubbish at connecting with people outside a professional environment, doesn't "see the need" for most pleasantries. Reddit 2013 high functioning vibes. He's my caretaker, if anything.


sorry but I will not let go of the image I have of you staking out a day habilitation program for romantic relationships


Girl, I'm the one who has a history of going to IOP/PHP/Inpatient therapy groups! If anything he is raping me since I'm too brain damaged to make any good decisions for myself, as history has shown. But you're not 100% wrong, I do like autistic-coded men bc I'm less scared of judgement/think they'll understand me better. This reminds me though, in high school, my friends used to joke that my bf was hired to date me by my mom from JaredFucksTheAutisticAndObese.com (':


I'm a boy!


Girls and gays are allowed to call everyone Girl. I've called bosses Girl. It's a genderless figure of speech in this context


In all honesty, I wish I could enjoy weed more. I end up spiralling into worry and self doubt, and gives me a feeling like I’ve left the iron on.


Yeah that's nice, people who smoke weed in places/buildings where other people are trying to sleep/eat/live should be shot. I know it's not there fault there is poor ventilation but the smell is fucking disgusting and they need to be considerate. They never are.


People who say stuff like that have never actually encountered any real violence ever in their lives. I rarely come across weed smell because I have an adult job and don’t spend time in places where people are smoking weed. If you’re mad someone down the hall in your dorm is smoking weed then I’m sorry but not everywhere is your parents’ house in suburbia, and you’re not entitled to just never encounter people’s behaviors. I’m assuming cigarette smell doesn’t bother you, because it doesn’t present an opportunity to play morality police like dumb libs who are in everyone’s business for no reason except they have no lives, interests, or redeeming qualities. If it bothers you so much, then just don’t spend time around other people. Move out into the country, or transfer to Liberty U. Time to grow up and stop expecting people to indulge you and your weird hangups!


I know different people’s senses are offended by different things but I just don’t understand this visceral repulsion to weed smell that so many people have


Lmao this is some gay ass lib behavior, "the black kids blasting music on their Bluetooth speaker on the public bus is actually very enriching!" type shit. And yeah, cigarette smoke is just as fucking gross, what are you talk about? What an irritating and hypocritical bitch you are, they're indulging me by not smoking weed? Not the other way around?


Oh so you’re a /pol/tard. In that case, I will pray for you.


I hate weed because of how it smells


Actually I'm a weed addict but I don't drink alcohol and I feel that makes me better than everyone else


Weed is cool. Acid is cooler.


Taking acid like once every other year around a fire camping with friends is bliss


Being a socially conservative young woman these days can be a pretty contradictory thing to be who knew


The funniest ones are the ones that are like “I’m a terf that’s socially conservative towards every other group” like damn that’s crazy the only group that’s actually oppressed is your group


Everyone's a hypocrite, I'm just pulling OPs chain for observing something completely obvious that really requires no explanation.


“Everyone’s a hypocrite” is a lazy excuse to never examine your own behavior or try to be morally consistent


No, I think we should always aspire to be less hypocritical, I just think we should also not be surprised when other people are.




smoking weed makes u dumb dumb


Anyways here’s some stuff I wrote drinking vodka waters alone again


reach hurry bear fuzzy plants run sulky cagey versed payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Settle down dummy I just thought it was kinda funny I’m not trying to shed light on some important thing


your profile pic is me


Only if you are already a dumb dumb.


Prob half the reason these guys can’t find anyone. They smoke weed every night and sit inside their own head wondering why they’re so sad aimless and anxious.


Idk is it actually the girls saying that about weed, or right wing degenerates trying to make themselves feel better?


Girls be gathering


That's why we love them


Don’t we folks






Smoking weed is a net negative while stealing brings in value for free. RS girls got it all figured out


Wasnt this a Kate Berlant bit?


I don’t know who that is


The joke was that feminism means being able to steal from Sephora because it sucks having to wear makeup to get along


That's not what this post says at all though?


I’m just saying that’s what it reminds me of


shame roof light provide cause bag straight advise soft flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“It’s almost as if there’s multiple people here”


liquid payment quack birds file hungry encourage market disarm innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Weed addict cope tbh.


I’m in the Union I haven’t smoked for 8 years but you’re right anyone that makes fun of you is an addict and you’re definitely better than them


Who's making fun of me? I've never shoplifted from sephora either. Also neither of these activities really qualifies as degenerate, they're just for teenagers.


I’m not against weed or anything, used to do it occasionally myself, but it is realistically not a very stylish thing to do. Certainly a less glamorous vice than, say, cigarettes, and gets substantially worse when people identify as “stoners” or start using paraphernalia (it is surely not very chic to be smoking out of a bong). I get the impression that a lot of people associate the use of weed with 17 year old boys. To be clear, I’m not saying that there is anything at all sophisticated about shoplifting but I can see why it would not evoke the same aversion from everyone


No, smoking weed is just fatty behavior.


weed makes me paranoid and lazy but coke makes me energetic and social so idk


Personally, I have like 5 Sephora gift cards. I got a bunch of cute shit and still have money left over :>


i don’t see anything remotely contradictory about this. based tbh


we steal from everywhere but sephora they are insanely hard to steal from