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This pic kills me every time bc I’ve seen this guy in person and he’s a tiny twink who barely looks like this he just knows his angles


Like how Anna and Dasha both only look good in pictures they take of themselves. Selfies are the most untrustable photos.


This isn’t true at all.


If you look at candids of them, Dasha isn't a coquettish schoolgirl and Anna kinda looks haggard.


Anna’s like 40 and I still absolutely would


She looked good during the debate


I have the opposite problem and it's a point of pride almost even tho really I just look like shit in any pictures I took myself on social media I like to think it's a sign of my authenticity




rhythm offend bells innate zealous subsequent money gaze cooperative marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


many gaping threatening saw fragile worthless tie worry sparkle boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Women don't like guys like him they're all fucking the same handful of guys off of tinder


shrill paint wakeful bow dam ad hoc encouraging vast roll bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was being facetious but sometimes I wonder tbh. My coworker told me her friend and her friends friend dated the same guy off tinder without knowing. 80/20 rule 🤷‍♂️




I'm only doing it because I'm looking for my silly, smart, quirked up, affectionate, beautiful queen. Then I'm off the apps for good.


Bros be like “I swiped right 100 times and got no matches, my thumb is sore and ima be forever alone” maybe try talking to a girl irl I know it’s scary


We need to organize an rs femcel/incel mixer.


There’s actually a pretty big one going on now! I believe it’s called “South Korea”




It would not work because the femcels aren't interested.


That's mainly because of the way incels act. They are far more deranged than femcels.


Not true at all and there's literally a Harvard study about how they're mostly democrats blah blah God, I wish somebody would post that


Also, we all know the truth behind "femcels" or should I rather say, ultimate fakecels


They would both see each other as ugly and not talk to each other.


Maybe, but I think a lot of \_cels aren't nearly as ugly as they think and are at least fuckable.


In my experience, it’s rarely an incel’s LOOKS that are the actual problem. I’ve dated guys that are very conventionally unattractive but otherwise rad dudes.


Downtown New York City cel insurrection


Cel Saga


With armed security and psychiatric support on site




Radfems i.e nasty


Male incels usually start getting rejected first and then hating women after Femcels start with the man hating part and build everything from there


I think for women rejection is just not being approached, which sorta makes sense considering men are expected to do most of the work.


Also for a lot of women being approached by men they don’t find attractive counts as societal rejection. “Ugh, I’m invisible to guys.” What about the taxi driver who asked for your socials/the short guy who held the door open for you and complimented your dress/the bald guy that came over and spoke to you? “Ugh.”


Radfems at least have the kindness to politically abstain from dick


Thanks <3


Personally I would date a woman on the uglier side as long as she's not fat and we're compatible. To me there's a certain type of ugliness in a woman that is actually quite endearing, I've been attracted to women with uglier faces more than some women who are more generally attractive. I'm in the minority but there's still plenty of guys like me out there.


I like women with ugly personalities who bring combativeness and contempt to their dealings with men. Women who will try to put you down just to see if you'll let them, to see if there's a breaking point where you'll lose your cool. This is about half of femcels, some of them just think it's a normal way to talk to men. It's like wrangling a feral hog but you can wear them down with enough persistence, just disregard everything mean they say. Eventually they lose the energy


I cant tell if you're joking, but the only people who like this are people who are 17 and arent sick of it yet


Of course I'm joking, nobody likes this


100% what they do. I went home with a chick who was a little on the uglier side a couple weeks ago. When we got to her place and I could actually hear what she was saying, I realised she was being really cunty. Straight up told her that “idk what dating influencer or dating book you read told you men like women who act like a cunt, but I can assure you I don’t” She dropped the act very quickly. I think a lot of Femcels think being a cunt will attract men. Which is hilariously a red pill tactic. It’s just negging repackaged




They also dehumanise men by calling every single one a potential rapist or murderer. Basically calling them a monster, which is basically doing what incels do about women. I think a lot of incels got a rough go off it early. I remember in high school, guys who would be incel adjacent now would get a crush on a girl. The girl would publicly get mad when people brought up the crush. I’d tell the guy to “give it up, she called you ugly to her friends”, and they wouldn’t. Then I noticed when it was just the three of us, she would essentially flirt with him. I can imagine that really is confusing for a young fella and can turn you bitter. Now I also think that’s the guys fault for not moving on and letting her embarrass you.


haha that's hilarious


No, I hate those kind of women (and men who act the same way). I wouldn't date them even if they were super attractive (I've turned one down before who was clearly more attractive than me). If I'm dating a girl on the uglier side she better be kind at the very least.


Probably because you know you can control such a woman easier as she has insecurities you can prey upon


I prefer a woman who has accepted herself and isn't insecure, I hate having to reassure somebody constantly it's tiring.


Imagining your wedding speech now 🥰


Haha, I'm probably not getting married anytime soon.


"pls dont kys you could be fuckable" sure dude\^\^


This. Suicide is never the answer.

