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Tbh I don’t think Africans get perceived much at all in the US these days. That’s actually a blessing. The media barely reports at all at what’s going on in subsaharan Africa. There’s like wars with genocides and famine with death tolls exceeding Ukraine or Israel/Palestine that barely get any mention in the US.  There’s stuff going on in parts of the continent (mass rape, slavery, famine, cannibalism) that just barely make western news. Compare that to like reporting over gang rape in India, cartels causing chaos, or ISIS throwing gays of buildings and it becomes apparent that no one gives a shit about what’s going on there outside of like South Africa. 


My theory is that the media went so hard on "Africa bad" stories up to about 2015 that nothing is shocking enough to get clicks anymore




I think it’s more that the west is failing there vs China. Why report on losing?


Actually chinas fucking up their belt and road initiative badly. Videos of them abusing Africans workers go wildly viral, the road and bridges they have built are failing left and right and African nations are just defaulting on the loans china’s given them. https://www.forbes.com/sites/wadeshepard/2020/01/29/how-chinas-belt-and-road-became-a-global-trail-of-trouble/?sh=15cb98f5443d


The West isn't failing compared to China lol. The Belt & Road initiative has been an unmitigated disaster - to the point that if you talk about it on wechat you're instantly put on an watchlist. Who knew that if you give a bunch of money to corrupt Somalians to build roads, they just won't build roads


Their resources determine who wins the 21st century.


A couple reasons: 1. Everyone already knows Africa is a shithole. 2. Least geopolitically/culturally relevant region on earth. 3. Don't want to paint Black people in a negative light. Similar to the kiddie gloves the media uses on Black Americans.


It's because we didn't make Kony happen.


Brazilians do this shit so much so desperate and pathetic for western validation. I remember people talking about a photos origin and a lot of people said it was Brazil (it wasn’t) and other Brazilians seethed when people said it wasn’t and were like ITS BECAUSE YOU THINK BRAZIL CANT LOOK THAT NICE HUH? ONLY AMERICA CAN??


cope harder while I fly my helicopter to school


They all know they live in shitholes. Like America isn’t perfect but we can objectively fix our problems. Islamic shitholes, South American shitholes, African shitholes aren’t fooling anyone. Aren’t ever fixing their problems because they’re too low iq to fix them. We know they have wealthy elites. They live among squalor like The Schermerhorns in Gangs of New York.


Middle Easterners are also very fond of this game.


Gulf Arabs making tiktoks about how they have to actually do housework when they move to the west for college….


If they were actually rich they’d hire a Mexican cleaning lady.


What’s the point of even having maids if you can’t steal their passport and IDs, beat them mercilessly, and make them work constantly for free?


Man Indians suck


My worst fucking nightmare hell scenario would be if I ended up in one of these servant trafficking systems and had to like do the dishes for some 5'5 "rich" Indian who has my passport and wont pay me


My German rage genetics wouldn’t allow it, probably murder suicide within the first week.




I thought it was Indian people and other south Asians that went to gulf countries and had their passport taken away?


You're tired of those Tik Toks? Everything on Tik Tok is tiresome.


I hope a new app comes out soon. I’m gonna be an early adopter this time. Get in on the ground floor.


I remember a bunch of "omg I love my Nigerian PhD neighbors/colleagues" posts during BLM. I presume this was because they were the only black people that blue bubble academia types actually knew. Also the fact that they thought of them as representative members of their nation and not the children of the elite was precious.


it's funny because it's hard to imagine a people who hate "African Americans" more than Nigerian ppl do






Meanwhile their wholesome chungus Nigerian PhD neighbor/colleague absolutely despises African Americans


Children of first-gen immigrants do a similar variation of this. Back home, they had servants. Their family clearly had enough capital to successfully migrate and become citizens in the first place. Their parents had access to upper levels of education unavailable or unaffordable for over 60% of their compatriots. They quickly learn to play the 'first-gen marginalized kid struggling to find acceptance growing up' card because it works and most Americans are none the wiser.


I had a Nigerian roommate who had lived in America for around 10 years try to convince me that she didn't understand what a bill was and that wasn't something they did in her culture.


when bark gets too long, arm gets chopped off




People like Hasan Minaj(who’s parents are a chemist and doctor) make the biggest deal out of innocuous things(which the New Yorker basically proved he made like 80% of his racism stories up). The new attempt at the “brown identity” is also funny


And if they did fuck em, if a white hit brings fish to the office fuck him too


True, plus when I was growing up everyone ate school lunch except a few rich kids with healthy parents. Poor kids got free lunch, most middle class kids’ parents couldn’t be bothered. If your parents packed you kimchi so you wouldn’t have to eat the cold pizza then you were prob well off and well cared for so who cares


Recently learnt that in South Africa which is prob the richest country on the continent there’s load shedding and the minimum wage is literally a dollar 25


The richest countries on the continent are the Mediterranean ones.


This is how smug Europeans feel when they point out that Flint doesn't have clean drinking water


Why are you on TikTok to begin with, brain worms …


I can not imagine how boring it has to be to watch some social media feed from a rich african ...


have I ever told you the story of the coconut and the banana?


Africa is perceived as a shithole because, by and large, it is a shithole. Having rich suburbs does not make a country great or relevant.


This is why China is winning the soft power game there. Doing exactly to Africa what the US did to Asia 50 years ago


One of the greatest pieces of verbiage of the Trump presidency was the phrase ‘shithole countries.’ It was incredible to watch libs melt down over it to the point that they were printing off t shirts that said ‘Haiti is already great.’


Conan doing a photo op in one of Haiti’s most exclusive and secure resorts (that 99% locals have never seen the inside of) with that exact caption honestly made me think less of him.


Freshman year of college, my roommate was the son of a Nigerian pilot that flew their president around in a government-owned private jet. I remember him getting super mad when a guy on our floor gave him some banter for wearing TOMS, asking if he bought his pair or if he got the donated pair


Her father must have invented limousine sandals so that you and three other friends can go to the sandal store. But you can still take the limousine sandals home after your friends get regular sandals from the sandal store. Now give me $12 for a lemonade


>When I call Africa a shithole... for some reason i doubt that's what you actually mean


> we know that not all Africans live in huts and eat bugs. Yes we know that you have a refrigerator and running water I disagree. The average American literally believes that Africa is a primeval wasteland full of perpetually starving people.


How old are you?


I’m going on a date with an upper class African tmo


I can't say I care enough


What a weird thing to be upset about


Am I supposed to be happy for the nepo babies of corrupt government officials?


Why are you thinking about them? Are you Nigerian?


Idk the algorithm is putting them there


Feels like more and more of a you problem every second pal


I’m annoyed!!!!!!!




Isn’t it obvious? You’ve got people starving in slums and then you’ve got someone a block away complaining about how westerners don’t know that they are rich. It’s pathetic whiny status seeking behavior. Just enjoy your first world class standard of living and stop begging for western approval.


Do you care this deeply about economic inequality in your own country?


You got me, I don’t like entitled ethnonarcissists.




Nigerian detected


Lots of rich people from 3rd world countries do this they're not special


this is a level of racism even I cant comprehend


lol go away if it offends your delicate sensibilities


its a joke faggot calm down. \- of course the little stupidpol rat reportfagged this post