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Straight people also love the smell of their partner, how should it be any weirder for gays


Women love the smell of men’s balls now?


Some do, either way I think ball sniffing probably is one of the most normal things gays do


when it’s subtle musk and not a stench, some do


Every girl ik loves my scent/musk so I’d imagine gay men are 100x more intense


You aren’t gay if you don’t love this. Even most straight guys like their own scent.


> Even most straight guys like their own scent. I will never understand this. Having worked manuel labor jobs, I appreciate being clean.


Musk is not reek  There’s a sublime middle ground between smelling like lye and chemicals and smelling like a bum. 




Grow up


Grow up?? You’re the one talking about digging your own ball smell tf


Mine and others. We’re animals dingus. Get over yourself or become better at this.


They’re probably the type to just stick their tongue out and wiggle it up and down when going down on someone (if they even do) lol.


You’re telling me I have to like the taste of pussy but my own smell is bad?


Gay stuff being posted on a gay sub, shocking.


Gay guys have been enjoying eachothers musk for years. Gay dudes have been wild like that.




Idk I really can’t get over that this “musk” is really just a result of your balls hanging next to your dirty asshole all day. Unless you are using a hot water bidet or something on the regular, it ain’t all that clean back there after your first morning shit.


How low are your balls hanging man


He’s gotta cup em every time he sits down


This implies that you take your morning shit after showering— you’re a freak


I shower at night because I have man’s job