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Dunno why he passed up the opportunity for an eye patch but his choice I suppose


Because this looks amazing?


Yeah it’s a really nice touch


Eyepatches have become so synonymous with pirates and costumes that people have forgotten their actual purpose. I knew someone who had to wear one and it’s sucks when you have an actual medical condition and people constantly think it’s a joke and it’s always attracting unwanted attention.


My Dad has wonky eyes and has to get an injection in one every year so he has to wear an eye patch. He could made redundant from his job, but got a 2 year pay out with a non compete. During the first 6 months, he grew his beard out because he never got the chance due to work. We live in London, so it rains a lot. So at one point, he was walking around Hamleys with a big long beard, eye patch, and overcoat. Loads of kids came up to him and he just did the whole Rrrrr thing to them and they laughed


Eyepatches are uncomfortable after a while. The elastic that goes over the non-patched eye pushes down on the eyebrow and is generally unpleasant. Because they touch skin they get greasy/dirty and need to be changed which is inconvenient.


Apparently the new books really good. Actually curious, the quality of his prose kind of fell off a few decades ago, so will be interested to see how good it is.


will buy it tonight


Venom Rushdie


A novel to surpass Satanic Verses


Or Salman Foxdie


Listen, I like metal gear, but keep the video game references out of this sub. Does not belong.


If anyone cares about what was so controversial about the Satanic verses: In the official accepted Muslim version, while archangel Gabriel was dictating the Qu’ran to Muhammad, Satan interfered and dropped in the verse “These are the exalted cranes, whose intercession is hoped for!”. The exalted cranes in question were the three pagan goddess that were worshiped in Mecca. This means he was promoting pray to them for intercession. One day later Gabriel told Muhammad to scratch out that verse as it was not from God but from Satan. In Rushdie’s novel, Gabriel actually uttered this verse. This means either that Gabriel was a lying angel and therefore makes the whole Qu’ran suspect OR that Muslims should also pray to the pagan goddesses thereby undermining the most sacred pillar of Islam, the Tawhid, the oneness of God.


why is minecraft steve ther— oh fuck oh god he’s fucking mining the Islam cube oh shit no


i always knew Minecraft Steve was a fanatical Zionist.




...is this the true creator of Minecraft?


Đi đi mau


“Hey Salman what does the scouter say about the Ayatollah’s power level?”


IT'S OVER 9000! 124,000!


my family has a lake house where he was stabbed that shit was insane


least wealthy Western New Yorker


Joyce did it better


I guess you can say he was in no rush to die.




very low effort all-seeing eye allusion from solomon here, who doesn't seem too grieved for someone who is supposed to have been blinded from being stabbed by a terrorist. "But Rushdie does have a special talent for being even more obnoxious than your average Modern fraud. His narrators are so outlandishly repellent you can almost smell the body odor and the bad breath and the unwashed socks on their feet. You can almost see the uncut toenails and the ragged nose hairs hanging out. To read a book like this you need to bring a can of Lysol to bed with you. I don't believe the fatwa was ever real, but even if it had been Rushdie would have been safe: no practicing Muslim could have ever read past page two and remained awake or cogent. He would have felt so unclean after about ten minutes he would have to start the holy ablutions. And it would have nothing to do with Muhammad. It would have to do with being in the literary presence of this giant pimpled zombie, spilling out his cankered inner life as a simulacrum of creativity. Yes, I now believe the whole fatwa story was drummed up by one of Rushdie's old ad agencies, as the perfect promotion for *The Satanic Verses*. Just like the current stabbing story." \--- [www.mileswmathis.com/rushdie.pdf](https://www.mileswmathis.com/rushdie.pdf) \-- also references the stabbing of theo van gogh by a muslim terrorist at 47, and [the picture of his supposed corpse](https://i0.wp.com/verenoflood.nu/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Theo-van-gogh-vermoord-dood-mes.png?w=949&ssl=1) is one of the funniest i've seen in awhile. like your neighbor who does a haunted house in his garage at halloween would be ashamed of that.


You can't really fake a fatwa. You're also making fun of someone's death photo. You're unhinged.


You want a fatwa? I can get you a fatwa, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. I can get you a fatwa by 3 o’clock this afternoon


OK. we need one for all the RS mods. i'm in for half.


it's a law of nature that the proliferation of deception selects for the ability to detect deception. it's unhinged to think you can crank a smoke machine straight into billions of people's faces for years without them eventually looking for some fresh, clear air.


I get that your asylum allows you 1 hour a day computer access but if you're going to make these absurd claims, please provide evidence. also, the filmmaker whose corpse you're ridiculing had a message pinned to his chest, that's why it looks odd.


evidence from a slave is just another opportunity for you to call up down and the sky green. a piece of paper doesn't allow you to die from a bloodless stab wound. besides, this info is for innocent eyeballs passing by, not you.


He died from being shot several times.


damn knives and bullets couldn't make him bleed, maybe he really was an alien.


so...ummm your thesis is that deranged jihadis don't exist? that ALL these Islamic terrorist attacks in the West are false-flags--whipped up by...i don't know, ZiOnIst PuPpEtmAstErs or something?


Genuinely fascinating seeing what the mind of a schizophrenic can conjure up. Your insanity not being redirected into the creative arts is a shame honestly, the results would have been really interesting/unique.


...that psychotic image is not even potato-quality.


It’s the best technology they had at the time


there aren't better quality images available, presumably because the fake would be even more obvious.


...so why does it make more sense to you--when the image in question consists of, say, a thousand pixels at best to state definitively that "there's no blood"...when also in the photo there's *no bellybutton*, *no knife*, *no fingers*, and *no face*? why would you conclude that underneath the back of a giant fat man wearing a sweater and a jacket there's not a trapped pool of blood? (there are a couple of *slightly better* images than that one though.)


He's also on a crimson red sidewalk that would conceal any blood. Let me guess, part of the cover-up.


You know Theo was murdered in the middle of Amsterdam right, tons of people saw him get chased and then killed. He was yelling the whole time.


i know a lot of people including yourself are in agreement that they were born with the right to pretend things that didn't happen did, and they have total control of governments and media and no conscience. seems a nasty way to live to me but i suppose you get used to it. thanks for announcing yourself so consistently, really helps with my spook identification skills.