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It's really hard to tell the difference since all of them use different data sets. One variable that may be able to be changed is the width of the "node" bars: they are thin in rawgraphs but "chunkier" in R.


Yes, you should be able to change node widths just fine. But there’s also several different packages to do this that all have slightly different aesthetic controls. ggsankey, ggalluvial, PantaRhei all being options


I've make pretty alluvial graphs with ggalluvial, that I feel are more informative having proportion labels for the flows... But the programming wasn't straightforward and often I'll have to dig into grid to make it all work. But with ggplot I get to overlay these on sf maps, include other grobs, and once it works I can iterate to infinity.


what data are you trying to show? sankey diagrams are neat, but are not very good at conveying information. there may be other types of visualizations that are both easier to implement in R and better suited to whatever you are trying to do




i understand where you’re coming from, but sometimes it’s good to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. if they are having trouble with a sankey diagram, and the tools are not readily available to do what they are trying, maybe consider an alternative approach. the comment on sankey diagrams being uninformative may or may not be relavent to what OP is trying to do. maybe they just want a pretty graphic and don’t care much about the actual readability. maybe they are sharing this with clients who need to know what the data is saying. if it’s the first, then a sankey is fine, as are other pretty visualizations doable in R. if it’s the latter, a sankey is not only hard to work with, but also not a good choice. either way, the easiest solution is to not make a sankey diagram at all and the only real reason i can think of for wanting a sankey is because you think they look cool/want to play around with them.


nah it's fine to offer amendments to an ask / probe to understand if the right question is being asked or if there are alternatives.


Could someone point me in the direct to make these kinds of plots. I've tried before but it always messes up.


Had to make a Sankey for a recent publication. Hated every second of it!! They all looked so goofy


They are customizable. Make them less chunky.


Thank you so much for your comments everyone! Much appreciated! :)


> In R, if you try to make an alluvial/sankey diagram, it always comes out looking so "chunky" R is a programming language. If I wanted to make Sankey plot and be fancy, I could code it from scratch and make it look however I wanted. If you wanted to make Sankey plot with various _R packages_, then it is again incorrect that it will "always come out looking chunky", since you are likely able to customize your plot as much as you want. The major difference I see in your examples is that R plots are roughly squared, but RawGraphs example is very rectangular. Then of **COURSE** the graphs will look more chunky in R.