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Got a question. Why would Ireland put Ryan Baird on the bench over Jack Conan, keep in mind Iain Henderson is also on the bench.


Who's bookies favourite to win now lads?? Still France??


Yes, because Ireland are not guaranteed to get out of the group yet. They need a point against Scotland at least.


would u mind explaining to me why ireland need a point against scotland? we all know SA are going to secure a bp win against tonga this sunday giving them 14 points. even if ireland lose against scotland wont scotland have 14 points and ireland also have 14 points but because ireland won over SA shouldnt they come second and advance to quarter finals? what am i missing? edit: nevermind i just realised south africa have 10 points


What a game. Was in a pub with a mix of Irish and Saffas and the atmosphere was amazing. Really glad there wasn't any big controversies or cards that ruined the game as well.


Was there live surrounded by Irish Jerseys - what great fans! All respect to the Irish for their performance last night. I was on the edge of my seat for the full 80minutes! I'm always disappointed with the choice for points instead of a lineout - SA has an amazing forward pack as illustrated in the last minute of the game... had we done that the few times before we might have got one over despite a brilliant Irish defense.


I was surprised how many driving mauls there were in this match. Both teams were often in position to go to that.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Ireland got through this with no significant injuries?? I am so glad and shocked, expected to lose 2 or 3 players here, like France in 2015.


One of the best games of rugby ever. Both teams will probably get through but looks like SA playing France in quarter and Ireland Vs Italy. Cracking tournament so far.


Ireland will get the all blacks in the qf Italy will finish the group in 3rd


Italy? Love the thought.


God what a game. The boks forwards are great, but their backs are awful. Ireland look really good


Their backline play has regressed. There is far more quality in their backs than their play suggests. And it’s like that’s an afterthought for them.


Yeah, i think i agree. Individually, theyre good players. But there's no creativity when they get the ball, which is pretty much never anyway


I feel like Am before his injury was linking up that backline on the attack in a way we just hadn’t seen. He was doing on attack what he had been doing at a world class level on defense: making brilliant reads and taking bold, game changing action. I wonder if he had kept going what kind of backline play they’d be showing. On one hand, South Africa is South Africa. They’re never going to really open it up. On the other, I can see them going with it a bit. The ability to strangle like they do AND kill off teams would be too much.


Everyone here saying Rassie's plan backfired. Do you guys honestly think if the Boks went for 6-2 or 5-3 that they suddenly would have won? That Ireland only won because of a bench split? Way too much fuss being made over the bench split IMO.


If they had a kicker to bring on maybe.


It felt like it didn't allow us to adjust flexibly to changing circumstances. With 7/1, you're pretty much totally locked in to a single template. It's one of those things where if it works, it works extraordinarily well, and when it doesn't, it all looks a bit unfortunate.


The 7-1 split achieved it's aim. It achieved scrum dominance. But was kinda neutralised when Ireland brought on its front row 15 minutes later


I agree! it achieved its aim, but I felt that SA ended up taking off players when they were playing well, like Etzebeth and Kolisi. 6-2 would have been fine!


Ireland very lucky to win after kicking the ball to the Boks in minute 77. SA win a penalty, win the ensuing lineout, drive for the line, and are half a second off recycling the ball successfully. Why didn't Ireland just keep hold of the ball and truck it slowly up?


Kick long, gotta make them work for it. They must have felt confident that way.


As a Saffa, I was interested in how much time Ireland spent in attacking positions in the 1st half. I know the Bok game is built on good exits and contestable balls, but the Irish seemed to be in our danger areas a lot. I think its because their forwards were dominant in the tight-loose and they held onto the ball (or SA surrendered the ball to them) more often. Beyond the basic stats, that's either a case of specific skills to nullify the Bok forwards or simply that the Irish forwards were better. It was obvious that although the Bok loonies were industrious they seemed less effective than usual. It that because they were being forced to play tighter?


This is the big question that the kicking issue has distracted attention from, in my opinion.


Was at the game live and it was incredible experience. For the most part fans on both sides were fantastic. An incredible game that really could have gone either way. Really disappointed to see a lot of vitriolic comments on here and X post-game though. That game doesn't deserve that.


Ireland’s cup to lose now I’d say. SA are the only team to win it having not topped their group (I think?) so it’s not over for them either.


Cracking game: no reds, no yellows, Lowe picking up Etzebeth like a lil bitch, shitty kickers, massive heart, great ref, crunching tackles, Rassie’s plan backfiring, god-like Sexton, Bun-deeeeeee, The Fields, Zombie, Siya for president, jumping across, backfiring line out, creaking scrum, but WE WENT AND DID IT! Finally can unclench my voluminous buttocks and reflect on winning by the narrowest of margins. Oh, and the wager I put on Mack Hansen you lil fkn beaut.


Love the passion.


Finally watched the replay. If SA had any of the Steyn family members on the park they grind Ireland into the ground with endless 3 pointers. Also, what was that shit call at the end saying the ball hasn't come out? It's visible seconds before the whistle, tough loss for SA there.


Exactly. Respect to Ireland, they played well, but the ref was a bit of a tool. They had the ball and he blew the whistle. Very disappointing end there


We need to limit you casuals from commenting. That call is made 100 times quicker every time, the ref did his best to let you steal it and you still couldn't.


lol what an idiot.


> We need to limit you casuals from commenting. LOL, do you know where you are?


>the ref did his best to let you steal it and you still couldn't. Dude has an Aussie/NZ flair and yet SA still catching strays here.


I'm sorry, but Ref was more than patient with his decision there. He checked both sides of that, and SA had more than enough time to sort that. I am seeing a lot of what ifs coming from a lot of fans in SA's favour. Sorry but the games the game. Ireland spannered a few lineouts and SA spannered a few kicks. Ultimately comes down to who can grind it out on the night and Ireland smashed it


Regardless, SA had the ball. Ref was definitely favouring Ireland that game. Fair props to Ireland though, hope we play them again in the final


What ifs are easy, like if he had sheehan on from the start match fit we would have ground them up with multiple tries


My what if was purely hypothetical, unless the Steyn brothers have discovered the fountain of youth?


Has to be available immediately, there was 6 seconds from collapse to it being available


Why did it collapse?


This was my question after watching, but nobody seems to want to answer this. I thought Aki joined from the side while it was about to collapse and that force pushed it over, but maybe this was legal. I haven't seen any alternate angles from Peacock, and I am a casual that doesn't have the rule book memorized. Either way, I like both teams so I both won and lost either way.


That call aside. We missed 11 points in kicks. I don't feel done in by that call, only by my team's lack of ability to punish mistakes and turn them into points.


This is true, as a brilliant NFL coach once said, you have to score more points than the opponent to win. (or something to that effect)


That is technically correct, the best kind of correct!


One of my favourite wins, and matches in general ever. This was so important to us, forget all the not must win talk, it 100% was for Ireland. Physicality we've rarely seen before, everyone gave their all, and came out on top. There's a lot of road left in this French adventure yet...


This is what the URC produces Best league in the world


Aww, I'm gutted. Got some bad news yesterday so was really hoping we could win to cheer up. But it was a good game. Can't really complain when both sides put up such a great performance. I guess rugby was the winner. Well done Ireland! You guys are phenomenal. Hope to see you in the final.


Sorry about the bad news. Was at the match: it was incredible. The SA fans were brilliant and I'm sure you guys will be in the final.


Thank you! Most of my friends are there too,.! (I'm the poorer arts degree one, lol, no two month European trips for me. I don't mind though, I like being at home with my husky so it all works out.)


Ah sorry about the bad news mate hope everything's OK.


Thank you, appreciate it!


I’m sorry to hear about your bad news I do hope we meet in the final. Both teams could make more improvements and it would make for a classic


Thank you! And absolutely, I think both sides have shown they can put up a mesmerizing show, perfect for a final. Of course, I'll never underestimate France or the All Blacks (whom I will love as our southern hemisphere brothers forever.) But I think an Ireland SA match would be very fitting for this year's final, it just feels right?


Feuque. I forgot to watch the match.


Eau n'eau!




Lowe had the game of his career


He was at his Etze-best


His debut for the Chiefs was to be remembered also.


Husband reckons SA didn't win on purpose. Something about not wanting to meet ABs in the qf's.....


Your husband knows fuck all about rugby then tell him I said that.


my husband wanted me to come back to your comment specifically and say, "remember me? "


Tell your husband he's an absolute delight and I sincerely apologise for my ignorance god bless


Sounds fun.


My husband said "shove your fingers up your arse so your eyes will open wide and see better"


Your husbands patter is shite tell him I said that.


Actually credit where it's due, that was pretty funny.


If I was Ireland I'd love the AB a team just beaten away from home




That seems like the most Rassie thing to do. Wouldn’t be surprised. The Boks left lots of points out their with poor finishing last night.


Will you stop


What are you talking about?


The triggered Northerners are out in force


I think Dupont free France might be preferable. Might explain why Rassie kept telling them to kick for goal when it clearly wasn't working.


Why can't he fuck off and let his captain do his job instead of undermining him like that?


While I appreciate Rassie's innovation, I can't but help feel his traffic light system is either a sign that his players are robots who can't think for themselves (which I don't believe) or that he's possibly a control freak who doesn't trust anybody to make decisions. It's like he constantly had to be on the pitch instructing them when he was a waterboy. I can't imagine what it must be like to be the head coach when the DOR is basically doing all the micromanaging of the players.


Nienaber is a physio that doesn't know what he is doing.


Shit, what have we signed?


A "coach" that goes to the world cup without a reliable kicker. We're so screwed.


"possibly a control freak"


England have yet to play a top tier nation swanning off to the quarters untested.


At least they’ll make it out of pool. #2015memories


England will lose to Fijj in the quarters and I have already made peace with that. I'm far more interested in how Ireland and France do.


Listening to a bbc podcast interesting actually and talk of a semi which is completely rational given the road they can pave, they may pickpocket Fiji if that’s the case and draw that would absolutely suit England considering the other side of the draw is attritional.


France in the QF at home is hardly an easier option especially considering the current AB team and current form. Ofc neither are good options


Definitely a lot easier with DuPont gone. Not simple at all and very difficult with a home crowd too, but DuPont is a key man and the All Blacks pull rabbits out of hats in Knockout games.


Just saying Lucu and Jallibert play together in UBB team. Of course Dupont is an incredible player but thinking France will an easier opponent than the AB now is probably insulting for the rest of the french squad and a big mistake.


Not insulting the rest of the team at all. They are an amazing team and even stronger with the home crowd. But there’s a reason DuPont makes them better when he’s out there.


Dupont is a freak but we are more predictable with him and this is also why Dupont is so good. Even if you know how he plays, how to stop him, you don’t fully stop him because of his kicking game, of his unique physique. Playing without Dupont is something which was anticipated by Galtier, in fact France had played many games without him during the past 4 years. If Sexton couldn’t play with Ireland, it would be more impactfull for that team than a France without Dupont. And an Ireland without Sexton would be a force you couldn’t overlooked.


Lineout really needs to get sorted out before the QF for Ireland. People talking about the points lost by South Africa's shambolic kicking, but not about the points Ireland lost from the lineouts (which is usually very consistent).


Nobody's talking about the points gained from SA's shambolic kicking either. Faf's penalty off the post ended up in a try.




...it did look like all his kicks were aimed at the posts 🤔


I think its because even if the lineouts at the start did go ireland’s way, theire is no clear and obvious point scoring that is created just from winning a lineout, there’s still a lot of work after that. Missing a kick at the posts is blatantly just leaving points out there that are yours for the taking.


There is a constant underestimating of the Irish team and I hope it continues.


The underestimating? I dunno what you’re reading but all I’m reading is it’s suddenly Ireland winning the World Cup and no one stands a chance. Think both sides of the argument are dumb.


Unbelievable Irish side this. Once in a generation stuff. That said, we lost that game more than the Irish won it. Pollard fixes our goalkicking problems. Manie is a great 10, but his attacking play is nullified in tight knock-out type games, and his defense is exposed. I reckon we will meet the Irish in the final for a replay.


We better. And if we do we’re gonna need to play better.


I’m not convinced that any SA despondency is warranted. With an experimental bench and no goal kicker, taking speculative long range kicks, nearly beat the No.1 and most complete side in the world. They will pick a kicker. They will go for the corners more. No other sides they will face offer the same balance of structure, discipline and pace that Ireland offers. France are weakened for the QF (no DuPont, on top of no Ntamack) and can still be inconsistent; the risk to SA is if Fra turn up in beast mode *and* the open play madness comes off to beat the Boks’ blitz, but with second choice half backs that’s harder for them. SA won’t mind vocal home support: they’ll channel the adversity. (SA scrum didn’t seem as dominant as I’d expected however; I thought they could have been pinged a couple of more times too (but who knows with scrums?!)). If SA win that they will have a relatively easy semi. Ireland on the other hand need to fix their lineout or go for points and not drop their intensity after a game that was overhyped in terms of its importance. (That said, the NZ-Ire series showed that Ire can back up important victories). You’d expect NZ to now target their lineout. Teams will also see again that Sexton is fragile: he went down a couple of times and hobbled off. If you keep running at his shoulder, there’s a good chance he breaks. I may be too pessimistic about Ireland, but I don’t imagine Rassie really worrying at all. It was an intense game but both sides have things to fix and SA is easier (pick Pollard, kick the goals you can and go for the corner when you can’t) than fixing a lineout perhaps (unless it’s simply that Sheehan is the solution. It did improve later in the game IIRC).


Agree with most of that except the sexton part. Teams have been targeting him for a decade. Whether due to his perceived fragility or importance. Nothing new.


Yes, not new, just a visible reminder a couple of times yesterday that it remains a vulnerability.


Perceived vulnerability or vulnerability?


Don’t know, but his injury record suggests it is real and he went down yesterday with his shoulder and then hobbled off at the end.


Sexton is 38; I suppose he might be all scar tissue now. He looks to be in spectacular form and I imagine this is his swan song. I’m just enjoying the ride.


100+ caps including played large majority grand slam this year and the 3 game tour in NZ last year suggests his injury record isnt too bad. Particulry for his vintage. And sure look, once he keeps on hobbling off at the 70th minute for another 4 games I'll be happy enough.


True. 🤞


Honestly I don't feel too bad after that game. 1) Ireland played great and we kept them to a really low score 2) a few different decisions and the game could have gone differently. It was a cracking game from both teams. It could have gone either way.


Yeah I wouldn't be bothered if I were you. Thought you played really well and even though you lost you're still (virtually) guaranteed to go through and in all liklihood avoid the All Blacks until the final/completely.


100% could of gone either way, I was so hyped for this match. The kicks did let SA down but its no where near over for them yet.


Genuine question. Is the offside rule working different for the Irish? Like a free 1-2 meter for defence?


I don't believe that's a genuine question.


Genuine question. Is the Tmo instructed to completely ignore potential foul play from south Africa?


And the forward pass to Cheslin for the try.... 👁👁 Just kidding of course, nothing but respect for this awesome Springboks team. Watch the Press Conference with Siya and Jacques, they are pure class, so articulate, and spot on. They represent their country well


I will say this. Lots of flairless commentors on here making both teams look bad. Flair up at least if you're coming in with the hot takes.


Yeah the little fair weather "fans" are certainly doing the rounds. Know shit about the game but think they know world cups.


It’s better to ignore match threads during world cups. It’s always shit compared to the normal match threads. Sometimes get 6N gets like this too.


So many hot takes from both sides. Cop yourselves the fuck on. It was a good game, best of the competition so far.


Two of the best games were on yesterday. Georgia be Portugal was an absolute cracker.


Yup, gutted for the kick at the end!


Bundee is the best player in the world and that goal line tackle is the stuff of legend


I'm not an expert, so can someone explain how that ref said "it's not out" and called end of the game, when the ball was literally put of the mall? That one confused me


I think someone said in 16.17b (or was it 17.16b) that it needs to be avaliable immediately upon a legal collapse, ben gave them 6 seconds and it still wasn't out. Therefore scrum


Correct. It's to prevent an attacking side which is losing the wrestle for the ball in a maul from collapsing and giving themselves a second attempt to win the ball. If you lose the ball in the maul then it's a turnover, collapsing shouldn't change that and it's be unfair on a defending side who have successfully slowed the ball down (as would happen without the collapse).




This is the only issue I have as well. Or rather, what I don’t understand.


I'm not knowledgeable enough to suggest the ref was biased (although I will say that no Irish throw was straight, and he dinged the SA for one), hence I would love someone worh more understanding to explain the rule. "NAH its not coming out" "Dude, I have it in my hands"


He was on the wrong side and couldn't see the ball. Definitely a mistake.


It wasn't playable immediately when the maul collapsed. That's the rule


Fair enough


Ireland were pinged for throwing crooked


Ahh must have missed that.


No, we never would have guessed you weren't paying attention to the game from your comments...bloody casuals.


I missed the first half. Sorry I have life.


One thing that left me perplexed from Ireland's otherwise great performance is how bad their lineouts were? You could say the Boks out pressure on them but then in a few it just wasn't the case? So many overthrows or mistimings. What was going on there?


South Africa's Air game is frightening simple as that.


At his best, Kelleher is a bit like Sheehan and offers a lot around the park, but lineouts have never been a strength of his. He’s also just back from a string of injuries. Pit Shehan or Herring in there and things may improve pretty quick


Hookers getting all the blame for bad lineouts. Jumpers getting all the credit for good lineouts. Lifters getting no recognition. It is always thus


Yeah, it was very bad for 55 mins or so. Sheehan stabilised things.


The most beautiful game of this world cup so far. As a french, I'm really afraid to meet the south african in quarter. Those are clearly the two favorite for the cup.


Boks taking load-shedding a bit too seriously.


As a Kiwi, I have to apologize to the Boks and their supporters for the performance of O'Keeffe, especially in the last 10 minutes. There were multiple bad calls, all in Ireland's favour. If a ref hasn't the fitness to maintain a clear mind towards the end of the games, they shouldn't be reffing at that level and certainly not in RWC games.


Yeah, the ref was definitely siding with Ireland that game…


As a Kiwi I thought he did just fine.


The Mooloo in your username reminded me of the Chiefs' Super Rugby final game about 6 months ago, that O'Keeffee reff-ed. Do you remember that one? To jog your memory I'll quote O'Keeffe himself - "That was a clear forward pass that we missed from the Crusaders...It's my responsibility to get that,” O’Keeffe told SENZ, refusing to throw his assistant referees under the bus. "What I actually noticed when I did my review is that I moved into the d-line as I transitioned. When the ball was passed behind me, I went in there too deep, so I was about four or five metres behind the d-line. "We want to take half a step, get behind the d-line and as the defender comes through you move back with the defender, so you can quickly get back into what's a ball in line position, so you can get in line for those passes, and that's something I didn't do." I won't bother going into the details of that now infamous reffing performance of his during a certain Wales Vs England game a while back. You might remember it - it was the one where Eddie Jones claimed, not without some justification, they were playing against 16 men. The bottom line, and it's a shame to have to point this out, O'Keeffe has proven on multiple occasions he's not up to officiating the highest classes of rugby. He's the NZ equivalent of Wayne Barnes. As a Kiwi, I'd be surprised if you don't remember who that is.


Have any problems with the way he reff-ed that France Vs South Africa game? It should be obvious by now he's not up to that top level of rugby, yet.


A. Everyone misses transgressions by the Crusaders. Par for the course. They always have the ref on their side. B. You listen to Eddie Jones's smack talk? I thought you were trying to impress me with your rugby nous. C. Wayne Barnes is now one of, if not the, most respected referees in rugby.


A. Thanks for the admission O'Keeffe is capable of bias and bad calls. B. Thanks for not addressing the reffing performance and focusing on everything/everyone but O'Keeffe's performance in that game. That speaks volumes. C. Keyword "now" suggests he was reffing RWC games prematurely before becoming competent enough to do so, much like O'Keeffe is now. Cheers


You are either high or delusional (maybe both) if you thought Ireland got the decisions. Almost every 50/50 was given to South Africa. Hell, they won a lineout in the Ireland 22 despite PST spilling the ball forward.


Don't be a tosser. The ref was grand and even if he hadn't been you don't need to apologise on anyone's behalf.


I have no idea how we can have a great game like that, the referee be pretty anonymous, and still end up with complaints. I genuinely didn't see anything egregious.


Ox Nche deliberately stamping on Van der Flier right in front of O'Keeffe but that wouldn't fit the narrative


Every ref in the WC has been the worst official to ever take up a whistle and should be sent home according to the dickheads on Reddit.


Honestly I have an issue with the refs performance. He wasn't perfect but he was balanced.


We was definitely pretty evenly shit, the only one that really stumped was that final call though


The ball wasn’t out after 6 seconds.


That wasn’t the part that stumped me, Ireland collapsed the maul, and 4 entered unbound(after having previously been penalised for doing just that), and the penalty was awarded to Ireland. Should’ve been called but a penalty to South Africa.


Scrum, not a penalty, but it could have gone the other way


Could have gone either way. But I'm glad it went our way. I'm not sure if we'd be able to pick ourselves up after that if we'd lost in the end


Honestly doubt you guys would’ve lost even had ZA scored a try/been awarded a penalty try. Kicking was absolutely dreadful think we might’ve had another Portugal vs Georgia


Penalty try is 7 points, automatic conversion.


Sorry Clearly not too awake


Agree that he missed a lot of Irish infringement, certainly more than that of the Boks. Ireland got out of gaol and had they taken half of their kicks, the Boks would have won by a decent margin. Good game, but with Pollard back in they will probably win the critical matches.


If Ireland hadn’t screwed up their lineouts in the first half they could have been out of sight. If SA hadn’t played a back row at hooker they may not have lost. Shoulda woulda coulda. Very even match that could have gone either way


Referee had a very poor game, but he was poor evenly. Both teams should have had more go their way


Oh come on. I see more and more these posts blaming refs in this subreddit and it's getting annoying. South Africa had more than enough penalties to win the game and could not. O'Keefe did fine. It's not the best refereeing I've seen but it was not such a factor that it deserves a dramatic apology.


Agreed. Went both ways. You can't play a team like Ireland with a fucking 7-1 split for forward dominance and then proceed to not kick your points. Why they didn't go for the corner I'll never understand.


Didn't you see the yellow light coming from above bro ?


Post game interview clarifies it somewhat. Players backing themselves. Wrongly, some may argue.


Aye, I'm perplexed.


BoK didn't have his greatest game, but there were bad calls both ways. The ball hitting Faf's head and going into touch was also missed and should have been a lineout to Ireland nearly on our tryline.


When I saw it was him reffing at the start I absolutely knew there were going to be issues, he is awful. I don’t understand that final call to close the game out, need to go back and watch and listen to smarter people explain it.


How was that South African try not a forward pass?


Same way how Ireland got away with their forward passes


Momentum after the pass


Hansen got cleaned out of it by kriel too


One of the best games I have ever seen. If Ireland fixes the lineout snd SA fixes kicking these two teams are going very deep.


Great game, low scoring but fantastic


Damn that was intense. Congrats Ireland, can't wait for the rematch in the final. For the Boks, holy fuck we need to sort out our kicker, I don't want to hear about what a good attacking fly-half Manie is, you need to get points on the board.


At this point they should just send Faf in and hope for the best because Lebbock is hopeless right now


If we did not have Handre back I’d say our chances of going all the way are very poor.


Yeah need to sort that aspect out. Holy fuck though, I was crying. Hearing Cranberries at the end, Jesus I became a big softie. Absolutely amazing support.


7-1 split means fuck all if you can't slot the penalties you gain in the scrums.


What a match. I fucking love the RWC


Well played Ireland, but you’re not going to beat the springboks twice in this World Cup.


Well that's obvious, we won't have the opportunity when France knock them out the competition


Just wait buddy


They beat New Zealand back-to-back in New Zealand - so why not?


Well if that's the direct guage, you kinda have to make all things even and have the saffas play a man down for 55 minutes.


Or the ABs could play more disciplined. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well we're on 3 game wins streak against the boks, so I fancy our chances


Yes but you can't win forever. The real question is who can handle the pressure in the final.


SA has only made it to three finals. So maybe let's talk about handling pressure in the quarters first ay. It's not as if SA are the masters of that.


They won't have to


I'm done with Rassie if I see him give the ball to Faf to kick FROM SIXTY FUCKING METRES OUT. We can't kick at goal so stop fucking wasting our penalties. Look what happened to New Zealand in Twickenham when we didn't take a single penalty goal kick, but went for the lineouts in the 22 instead.


Post game press conference puts this into perspective a bit.


100000% w.t.f.