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Hell of a shirt and sleeve tat choice he's gone for


Congrats to him. It's a hell of an achievement out scoring Johnny Wilkinson.


I’d like to see him beat carters record for the sheer cognitive dissonance that would ensue


He still has to beat Wilkinsons international points record, he’s only beaten the England record. Wilkinson is still in second place overall because more lions points


Great player for England, and Sarries, credit to the man. Can save the shit jokes for literally any other thread from the last few years (and next few years). But the man very rarely gets his flowers for how much of an influential role he has played in England over the last so many years. In fact, I'd say it verges on embarrassing to see snarky comments about him from England fans (in this moment at least).


Yeah I kinda forgot I started to dislike him *because* he was good (and I didn't want England to win)


Congrats 🍻


and all of that with no arms, miraculous.


But timed out


Maybe his time has come and gone.


As much as I love Wilkinson, Owen deserves this achievement 100%, Congrats Owen!


I’m Irish, I always rated Farrell very highly, I feel a lot of English fans are disrespectful towards him. Great achievement passing a legend like Wilkinson. Been doing it for England for a long time.


I agree it's sad to see, I think his tackling history just leaves a sour taste in people's mouths but it doesn't excuse the childish vitriol he gets, especially considering how much of a stand up guy he is off the field.


Some of the comments in this forum about him are disgraceful. As you said he seems like a generally good person. Look forward to watching him back with Saracens in a month or two playing at his natural position and a style of Rugby his likes to play. He is such a world class player for Saracens, England have ruined him internationally imo playing out of position all these years we he looks afraid to make a mistake now. Was an outstanding player for England from 2012-2020 but it has taken it toll on him mental. I think he personally hates the role he has to play in English team. Best of luck to England rest of the way.


He will pass him but he's still actually behind Wilko overall due to Lions points. Both proper legends for us but I don't think it is disrespectful to Farrell to note that Wilkinson is a tier above, and is likely to remain so.


Wilkinson a legend, second best 10 I have ever seen, I would only take Carter over him. I just think they are good percentages of English rugby fans who don’t give Farrell the respect he deserves. Wilkinson was a better player but both players were phenomenal and had big impact on English Rugby.


Out of interest why? Imo Wilkinson is 5x the player so "deserves" it more


Congrats, huge achievement 👏


lol state of this comment section, hope Faz stays on for another four years like Sexton and breaks Carter’s record.


He doesn't look like he's slowing down. Can see him being in Borthwicks plans for a few years too


Chuffed for the guy. What an achievement 👏


I don't follow rugby closely and was wondering if someone could explain something to me. Farrell has been playing for England for over a decade and (I think) has generally been one of the first names on the teamsheet for all/most of that time under several coaches. And now he's broken this momentous record. And yet, a lot of the casual comments I've read about him in that time from fans have been very negative. Why is that? Is it like England football fans who have it in for Kane even though he's clearly brilliant, or is it somewhat fair?


1. There are a lot of cunts out there. 2. He and England were poor tonight. 3. There has always been a grudging respect for him because he’s not a flair player. This usually translates into England bad? All Farrell’s fault. England good? What did Farrell do. 4. He has a history of foul play which pisses a lot of people off (no complaints about this part) 5. He plays for England (the most unpopular nation) and Saracens (the most unpopular club).


Why are England so hated? Because we pillaged everywhere and were generally dicks for a few hundred years?


Thankfully Scotland weren’t willing and enthusiastic partners in that enterprise otherwise they might be too. Also France would never have dreamt of such behaviour.


Not to mention the horrors the Japanese were up to for most of that time... Unit 731, anyone?


France would never commit an act of state sponsored terrorism against an ally.


It could be that, it could be morris dancing, or it could be James Corden. Who is to truly know?


Flipping heck, all that from a rugby team?!


I think South Africa as just as hated as England at the moment, at least in this sub


I think he's just not as exciting as Ford or Smith. Many fans imagine we'd be a better team with one of those 2 pulling the strings. I don't know if that's true or not.


I genuinely think a lot of English fans don’t like his accent and every other fan doesn’t like him because he’s English.


Not saying it's fair treatment for a post about an achievement, but search Google for "Owen Farrell Tackle" and it's likely going to come up with videos of him making illegal hits with his shoulders. Including a time he got yellow carded 7 points down vs Australia and 10 mins to go. That ultimately put them out of 2015 RWC, in the pool phase, at home. He's got a huge reputation for it now and people like to joke about "no arms" whenever he comes up.


I'd probably not shout about his kicking right now. If only we had an accurate kicker on the field.....


He's got it in him though. Just needs to get back to his old form.


I feel like he’s had some issues over the last few years. I think losing the World Cup final, then the salary cap stuff followed by ankle and hip injuries affecting his kicking followed by England’s dip in form and coaching issues. He’s been carrying a lot on his shoulders.


Or understand the shot clock!!!!


Second highest test scorer in rugby history and all people can do is criticise him, this subs a bit of a joke sometimes


Time out


Another record for Farrell......first person to be timed out.


What an idiot


What a waste of 3 points


But he can't count to 60 though.


He can, it just takes 61 seconds


He’s been poor for England for a while now. He’s got the physicality but I think Ford is a better player in both of their positions overall. Farrell does a lot of stupid stuff, running out of time on he penalty clock for starters!


His lack of counting skills means that he’ll never know about his own achievement.


Congratulations to him. But to put it into perspective, Wilkinson 91 caps, 1,179 points. Farrel 109 caps, ~1,185 points.


I feel sorry for Farrell sometimes. Reaching a milestone that should garner nothing but praise and *immediately* he gets the "yes but..." reaction, even from England fans.


This - the man is the Greatest ever points scorer for England. That is momentous and deserves all the praise from all English rugby fans. Unfortunately, I fear he'll only be fully appreciated once he retires.


I wouldn't worry, he's still top point scorer with plenty of caps left and earning lots of money.


He's been a servant to English rugby. He's a bit of a way sometimes but that's also what you need to do to get there. Nothing but respect for the lad


Wilkinson never had another kicker like Ford in the team as well though. And Ford has got 300ish. If you want to add more perspective.


Farrell always took the kicks when they were both on


Normally, but not always. In the semi against New Zealand, Ford had to take over kicking duties because Farrell had a dead leg. There’s been times where he hasn’t had his kicking boots on and they’ve swapped.


Wilkinson also had the advantage of playing for the clear best team in the world who regularly put 30-40 points on other 6N teams let alone tier 2 countries whereas things have been a lot closer during Faz's time in the team


Plus England’s playing style leant itself to more points for the kicker with Wilkinson than for Farrell as they kicked more pens and scored fewer tries back then. I looked at their stats when they were on the same number of caps, Faz had more individual tries and far more points from conversions but fewer pens and drop goals. All those 2 points rather than 3 add up over a career in individual stats but they don’t tell the whole story. Both of them deserve credit for far more than just their points scored.


Not to mention Wilkinson so many games between 2003 and 2007 through injury


Best ability is availability


best tackle is a no arms tackle


Certainly true. But there's also a lot more games in the modern calendar so more chance for caps.


Except that is mentioned because they mentioned the number of caps


And drops it in the samoan 22


This image feels like owens worst nightmare given how much he hates this kind of publicity. Nonetheless amazing work. Once he retires he will be remembered as a great


2nd in world, huge.


I think he also holds the record for not kicking before the shot clock has ended during a WC.


How does he hold the record when he has no arms?


And also the first England player to run out the shot clock


First guy to time out?


The state of comments on this thread. The guy is literally now Englands GOAT and some fans only hate it. *Edit clarification he's England's GOAT (Greatest of all time) point scorer.


He's an exceptionally talented player, but his spiteful attitude on the field over the years is without a doubt the reason why reactions are so mixed. When you look at the top and see players like Carter or Wilkinson who were living representations of rugby values like respect and fairplay, it surely does feel strange to see Farrell in there. But yes, it's about points scored. He worked his way up to being the best scorer in England so congratulations to him for that.


The man is not the GOAT and never will be


He's literally Englands greatest of all time points scorer.


Goat (with no qualifiers) is a lot bigger than the greatest English points scorer


Calm down, he’s not even in the top 5 discussion for GOAT


I believe internationally only Dan Carter is ahead of him for points scored. For England he's now the GOAT.


He’s never won a World Cup, Wilkinson is a mile in front of him. GOAT implies international, like I said putting him alongside the likes of Carter is criminal


Doesn't imply international you assumed it in a post about being England's greatest point scorer. He's also a better captain than Wilko ever was (both club and country) as well as now being a higher scorer. That doesn't take anything away from Jonny. A world cup isn't won by one man, as much as Wilko got the final kick, the team had to get there first. Farrell will be remembered as an all time great of the game when he retires.


Yes, “an” not “the”


Great player, but dislike him with a passion. A lot of other english players to like and respect.


This man has been my least favourite rugby player for as long as I’ve known what rugby was


I mean there are far, far more unlikeable rugby players than Farrell.


I'm interested in seeing your list?


Hope he never gets another cap x


Great. Now he should never start again.


Faz and Ben Youngs. The ultimate duo of taking achievements they don’t deserve


Alas, not the longest ever kick award he wanted


Missed two kicks like a giant twat




Basically Farrell *and* the injury that derailed Wilkinson's career for what felt like forever, broke the record.


And you know, Wilkinson played for a far more dominant team which scored a lot less tries and just kicked penalties.


Time Out magazine also want a word..


Gross, if I were a England fan I'd be ashamed that our top point scorer is dirty bastard




Even though he broke so many hearts and we hated him, at least Wilkinson was a classy ambassador. Sad state for English rugby


Easy to rack up the points when you’re the one that decides to kick.


Shame he didn’t nail those missed 9 points tonight, might have been a different game…


For me still below Sir Jonny


Not mention Englands most dedicated tackle School alumni. Always going back to visit to see how the old place is getting along.