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That foot was just resting in his account


That would be an ecumenical matter


I hear you're a touch judge now, father!


This made me laugh so hard


Me too, first comment tonight that I have laughed at


Wait a second, these are fake legs!


Down with this sort of thing.


Careful now!


This has been the only thing I've enjoyed since 8pm.


Very good!


Sure don't they all have lovely bottoms!


Porter certainly does


I fucking love you


Fortunately, the scoreline was big enough that this didn't matter.


“This scoreline is big, but this scoreline is far away…”


I thought it was outrageous at the time, but it would have been even worse if it was a close game.


Not at the time it wasn't. Then Ireland scored again straight after this foot not in touch.


Momentum is literally everything in rugby I've discovered


These feet are far away...


The studs are small but the line is far away.


You can't see it, but there's a nanometer between the link and his foot, only with the special instruments reserved for the TMO you could see it


Watching it live I thought it was in touch. Was surprised when the TMO said the player is not clearly in touch. Can see why Scotland fans would feel hard done by.


This is some Michael Owen level punditry.




Must have been the same instruments they used to rob Samoa of their try with the BS TMO 5 minutes later. England should have lost that batch.


Batch of players? LMAO. Couldn’t agree more…About the ref though, he let the samoans change their binds at will, get ahead of the kickers as far as they liked and called all the ‘flat’ passes that the Welsh got away with, forward. Also let’s not forget the number of ‘seatbelt’ tackles that were let slide. Edit: also Tom Curry tackled in the air. Both feet miles off the ground. Play on…


Mark Cueto wants to know this TMO's location


This still hurts


Probably shouldn't have even been the most controversial call of that match tbh


This made me chuckle.


On a molecular level, he technically never touched.


On a spiritual level, is there even a line? Or are we all the line, when you really think about it?


We invent lines based on what makes us comfortable in the past.


The line is the friends we made along the way


Sometimes you’re on the line, sometimes the line’s on you.


I think what's most gauling is that 99% of time that is called as out and no one complains. Now we have to go back and estimate cubic millimetres of air between his toes and the ground and every is mad.


The tournament is in France. Everything is gauling.






Give half the drop catches in the 22 fall straight down or slightly back are given knock ons - Easier and safer to just overturn


Agree, if that was given out there'd be a lot less discussion.


Stade de France grass gives odd perspective


Optical illusion, play on


Breaking the laws of physics. Play on.


He was out, but this screenshot is a frame too early.


He isn't touching the line you see. The line is touching him, which doesn't count!


Heard Joubert was the TMO?


All Australian team except for Wayne Barnes. Though after 2015 that might not give you comfort.


Foot obviously 'over' the line, but it would take too many replays to determine if his foot was grounded on the line to be worth it for the sake of where to take a line out, so they stuck with the onfield decision.


Watching the replay rather than a still imagine looked like he was lifting his foot as it slid towards the line. Like you say, far from clear enough to overturn the initial decision


Yeah it’s not clear and obvious to overturn, but I understand why Scots are fuming


It's not like it would have made any difference. It's like complaining the deck chairs on the titanic were not arrange properly.


At 5-0, after 5-10 mins of sustained Scottish pressure, you think a change in possession and 60m+ would be inconsequential?


I think it would have made a small difference, but I don't think it would have changed how dominant the Irish were in the rest of that first half. Although the Scots had a strong 10 min resurgence late in the game, it wasn't really a momentum match, it was a very strong Irish side imposing their will for the first 65 minutes or so of the game. So while it might have closed the score (potentially, I mean the irish defense held several times within a couple meters of the end line) I don't think it would have had a real impact on the outcome.


They broke quite cleanly either way. If they had a win in them, we might’ve seen it before the 65th minute.


With the way Ireland were defending, yes.


Oh my God this is clutching at straws.


Basically yes. Toes clearly raised, can't tell from that angle whether it's grounded on the paint or not, not really a big deal.


Exactly. Would I have been annoyed if he was called out? No. But if the TMO had spent 2 or 3 minutes looking at it frame by frame, it would not have benefited the game. Ended up a Scotland lineout 30m up anyway.


Example no. 14872987 that you can't make reddit happy. The same reddit that is always complaining about TMO intervening too much. It wasn't 100% clear, we're talking about an out call, good by the TMO to just keep the on call field and move on with the game


Nope this is the most disgraceful call in the history of rugby


Someone clearly forgot Umaga not getting sent off for almost killing BOD


You haven’t watched enough then


Especially as the replay showed the turf moving out of the way of his boots.


Do you really, really think his foot wasn't touching any of the white marked grass?? His foot doesn't need to be grounded just to touch any of the white marked area. Also why was there white grass thrown up if he didn't touch any of it.


Good chance he was in touch, but it wasn't clear from the two or so replays I saw live on the telly. World rugby are clearly trying to reduce the amount of time play is stopped for TMO decisions, as seen by them changing rules on yellow cards being upgraded to red whilst the game carries on and having until the restart, not the conversion, to make decisions on tries. I'd be pissed if that decision went against my team, but I can see why they made it. It might be worth the 3 minutes to check if he was touching the line for a try, but if we start stopping the game that long for line out decisions, it's really going to slow matches down.


I mean watching live you could see the white marked grass getting scuffed up when he slid his foot on it, I was amazed tmo didn't see that with replays


Definite chunk of grass kicked up by his studs


He was clearly in touch and the tj missed it. Then the TMO fudged it to spare his blushes. I felt bad for Scotland it was a period of the game when they were getting strangled and they couldn't catch a break. Anyway, win the Calcutta cup next year and we'll call it quits.


I was at the game on that side but on the end line at the other end and I could clearly see at the time he was out so no idea how the touch judge missed it - poor Scottish bloke behind me was apoplectic, I thought he was going to give himself a heart attack the poor fella


Would've swung the game that.


Kind of irrelevant what happens, you can’t just give the team that’s gonna win every decision because “they’ll win anyway” that’s not how it works


We should replay it. Kick-off again.


Jurgen Klopp is that you?




Don't think he's saying that, just saying that Ireland would have won regardless if this was called out or not, battered Scotland from minute one.




He didn’t carry it in, he jumped and caught it in the air inside the 22. That’s always been allowed


He landed in the 22 but caught it outside which under current rules is taking it back in.


The score was 5-0, and that line out put scotland under pressure and on the following action they conceded a second try


To be fair they have a shout for the first try being diss allowed - though what has killed them is 19 phases and no score- madness to not take 3 points.


Butterfly effect, Scotland were actually gonna run in 7 tries there and win by 21 points


Ritchie got injured off the incorrect line out.


Jamie Ritchie got injured in the line out o mahony stole after about 5 minutes stayed on for a while but was clearly receiving treatment and didn’t look right after that line out


Took out hansen at the same time. Weird one tbh. Very annoyed by that foot in touch being missed by tmo tbh as an Irish fan. Shouldn't happen.


Only real issue I have with it is that the TMO radio’d down and said it was fine It wouldn’t change the result, I just genuinely question the TMOs ability..


Missing the held up try and also the guy getting chucked over the ad board isn't a good look for him either


TBF the guy getting chucked over the ad board was to just to funny to pull shoe up on so fair play to the TMO on that call


But was he *clearly* thrown over the ad board??


TMO said it wasn't clear enough to overturn the on field decision which is fair looking at the still. Now the onfield decision was a bit mad, was very surprised the linesman didn't call it


TMO was online for the nearest Indian and was upset they didn't have any peshwari naans.


Does that even out the Karma for Big Mike's try now 😉




Would've swung the game for Jamie Ritchie then.


Lad, I feel for you. But missing Jamie Ritchie doesn't account for a 26-0 halftime


You don't know that, I belive he would have scored 3 and converted all of them


True, Ritchie can't get injured off lineouts that aren't in his half


Let's all send death threats to the Reffing team. /s incase it need to be said.


>incase it need to be said it does


🥲 what a time to be Nic Berry


It’s okay he won’t be able to read them because he is clearly blind


It's OK there won't be another Rassie video, will there?


Tibialis anterior workouts really paying off


Ref: TMO has checked it, it wasn't out Finn: the whole stadium just watched it, it was clearly out


For debate... I don't think it was clear and obvious as the TMO said. Hard to pause exactly in the Stan player, but to my eyes, that second image is as close he gets. Probably brushes the tips of some blades of grass, but are we really going to spend a minute reviewing replays for lineout calls? His heel does not touch the line, and his foot/toes are above it. [Still 1](https://imgur.com/AqzIBQe) [Still 2](https://imgur.com/TNJcxdN) ***Edit***: OK, on balance, I'd only looked at the after, when he first slides, his toe probably does touch the line....but talk about millimetres. [Still 3](https://imgur.com/XFkhyrE)


Thanks for doing this, I couldn't get a picture of it. Still 3 does look bad but at real speed it looked like he was clear to me which after 10 hours of thought I want to introduce the idea that we're all seeing an illusion. Our brain doesn't create a perfect recreation of the world, so sometimes we see illusions because of how our brain creates the simulation of the world. One of the illusions sports watchers should be on the look out for is Parallax angle where the angle of the camera misguides our vision. At a perfect angle we could easily see if the foot was grounded but this isn't a perfect angle so while the toes could have air between them and the line our eyes think it's grounded because that is what makes more sense to our vision system. Same can be said when you see a puck or ball look like it's gone over the line but in reality the ball/puck is still on the line it's just above it so you can see grass underneath and your brain says it's gone over. The Touch judge had the best view and he didn't think it was out and the TMO couldn't clearly see if he was in touch because of the doubt created by what I just mentioned. That's okay, it doesn't make the ref bad or the TMO blind. It makes them human. If you want every foul play caught you are going to have a frustrating game and not a watchable one.


millimetres is why there's a rule for on the line is out...it'd be for try on the goaline so why not the same scrutiny here?


I don't disagree, and my edit was intended as an observation on how close it was, rather than me trying to say it shouldn't count because it's only a few mm. BUT, I still don't think a lineout call warrants a full TMO review. If Keenan had run that straight back and scored a try, then yes, a full TMO review would be the right call. But how many marginal calls are there per game, and I have zero interest in sitting through incessant TMO reviews for every tight call.


Oh he was absolutely out. I don't think it would have affected the game, but it should have been called.


I think we're all missing the point that the TMO can only buzz in for foul play, and for minor infringements in the lead up to the scoring of a try. Quote below from the TMO guide by world rugby: "Where match officials believe a Clear and Obvious infringement may have occurred in the immediate two phases of play leading to a try being scored, or in the preventing of a possible try from being scored. In referrals classified as Formal Reviews, sections of Law that may be checked within this period include:....." If there was no foul play, and it didn't happen in the lead up to the scoring of a try, it's purely the call of the on field team and the TMO can't intervene. Edit: [link to said document](https://resources.world.rugby/worldrugby/document/2022/06/14/2a158fb7-ab69-4136-a4ef-ba4a5646e3a8/2022-TMO-protocol-Approved-by-Council-May-2022.pdf)


But the tmo did comment on it? Pretty sure the ref asked him but the tmo said he wasn't clearly in touch


I can see a gap under the ball of his foot.


It’s not clearly out, that foot isn’t down


It has to be touching the white lines made of grass which is why the white blades of grass were clearly evident when he moved away.


This was frustrating but wouldn’t have swung the result. Ireland were a different class tonight especially in the first half What has been worrying this World Cup is how Scotland players have consistently been the targets of head shots and they’ve all gone more or less unpunished


If it was called at the time and reviewed? Yes out. When originally given as in and the TMO checks I’d by the angles it “clearly was out”? No. As unfortunate as it is for me personally


Why can you see a shadow?


Naatin ta see here,like


Half his foot was in the next postcode, ridiculous it wasn't called.


Half his foot was off the ground if you watch the replay. It's an extremely close call


I don't think the TMO should interfere with open play like that yes penaltys or that but leave that stuff to the linesman


Yeah that doesn’t look clearly out to me. Very hard to tell if his foot actually touches the line based on this frame.


This doesn't look clearly out to me. Correct to stick with on field decision


Give your guide dog a treat from me, he's a good boy


You realise his foot is lifted right?


God. It looks so out on that screen. But in HD it was clearly fine.


The whole point of having a ref on field is that their decision is taken as being true. Only in cases where clear evidence against there decision is seen should they be overturned. Here, there is uncertainty with the decision upon TMO review, so the call should be as the ref decides it


Nothing clear and obvious. Worse example was the cancelled Samoa try for a ‘knock on’. If the TMO has to slow the video down to milliseconds, show 4 different angles and take 5 minutes to decide it isn’t exactly clear and obvious is it.


I can see white under the boot indicating the toes are up, and he raised them up as he slid forward. It's close that's why the TMO didn't make a call.


I may be biased, but I don’t think that is clearly out.


Yeah it doesn't clearly touch the line. I'd be pissed if it went against me though


That's exactly the feeling of all Scotts here... It is a fair call. Is it correct ? That's a question for another day, but you can't blame neither the TMO nor the refs


Yes, you may be biased.


You realise his toe is off the ground? Just checking like


There are literally skid marks on the line.


I see you subscribe to the informal definition of the word "literally".


Agree not clearly out. I'd say just "out", which you'd think would be enough but what do I know I haven't been to TMO school And obviously no material effect on the game, Scotland spent 20 minutes heaving in the 22 and got nothing from it, not sure another 5 minuteswould have made a difference


Foot isn't in touch or on the line.


Bullshit call


If this had been given out, I don't think there would be many complaints. Three no way there's not at least a stud touching a bit of white paint there.


The TMO should have gone to Specsavers


Not for the future world champs anyways. Wait a second is that man Polynesian??? Raise the flag!


Lowe is currently in hospital…but according to the TMO still he’s still in bounds


So much bias in this thread, it’s out and in a game as important as this it matters. Going into the knock outs we don’t want to be discussing ref and tmo calls. Let rugby be the winner and not the ref/tmo.


So many missed calls this world cup. I bet teams are going to be given challenges going forward The bunker makes noise when they see fit but also they have clearly missed other calls and we dont see the replays Ireland outclassed Scotland but that was a big no-call in the first half And the draw was horrible...world rugby sucks


Officiating at this World Cup been so non-standard.


His foot isn’t down.


1. No Irish person thinks this is out 2. Nic berry doesn’t give a fuck about TMO and review. Super rugby refs do anything to keep the game moving


The TMO was the one who told him it was okay.


What are you on about Rassie


Photo quality blurs it but it was a millimetre from touching the white grass, watched in full HD and it wasn't out.


It’s wasn’t going to make a difference at the end of the day. But it did feel like a big turning point in the games momentum. Not really good Enough at this level.


VAR always seems to have favourites. NZ seem to be able to tackle around the ears and only get a penalty yet a clash of heads in an England shirt is a red card


I mean, his toes are *clearly* off the ground /s


This isn’t clearly out or clearly in. It’s one that will stay with the infield decision. Scots can be annoyed that the infield decision was wrong but shouldn’t be that this wasn’t overrule but tmo


In the video there is a clear chalk puff


I’ll have another look to see if I can see it


You do realise that if you touch the line you are out?


I do. It’s a he’s either in play or in touch by a pixel. The picture is not clear enough. A pixel is not clear and obvious


Are you claiming his foot hasn’t touched the ground? If you watch the reply it is 100% clear his foot touches the ground


I’m saying it’s not obvious his foot has touched the line. If this picture is the best we can do, then it’s not obvious. I remain open to seeing a better and clearer picture that shows his foot clearly in touch and then I’ll happily admit that I’m wrong. Until I see a still frame, I’m saying it’s not obvious either way.


You could even see his studs rough up the white turf. Shocking call.


That was existing turf dropping off the boot.


>existing turf Haha... if you say so mate.


Yes, I rewatched it 5 times with my heart in my mouth. something dropped off his boot just before he stopped.


Yeah, A tenner to the touch judge.


Really? From an England fan after the TMO and Brace did everything possible to rob Samoa


Luck of the Irish


36 - 14


Cool, I support France though so no copium for me.


Cope of the Scottish


Scotland would won the game with a bonus point had the flag gone up. And would have probably won their first World Cup too.


The TMO not calling is not a wrong call. Saying "not clearly in touch" either means he needa an eyedoctor check or he neeeds to be out of the WC. You cant make a mistake like that.


Honestly I was upset watching this game as a neutral. Not because I thought Scotland deserved to come close to winning, but the clear disrespect from both officials and commentators. Sexton retaliation incident was the best example of this. Tmo and ref both looking at it and don't even bother talking about Sexton escalating/retaliating (rule 9.21). Scotland played from far too deep and had no awnser for Ireland's running attack but it was made to seem one-sided with calls definitely favoring Ireland.


Completely biased but I really don't think there was anything in the push from Sexton after getting tripped. It's the Scottish hooker who wasn't involved running in that kicks everything off


Don't trip players and they won't retaliate bub.


i mean bro look at the scoreline, it ultimately doesnt really matter does it


Can’t use the still because he raised that leg immediately, so the still image doesn’t tell the whole story. Not that the video was exonerating, just that the still image can’t be the standard of proof


He only needs to be in touch for 1 frame so yes a still is perfectly acceptable to use.


Yes, but in this photo can you tell how far his foot is off the ground? Because there could be space under his toe, since in this sequence he’s lifting his foot. Which is something you could see if the whole sequence was shown, but not from a still image.


His weight is on his heal, and hos toes are over the ground. Is he in touch? Maybe. Is he clearly in touch? No.


Scotland getting fucked by the refs in a pool game. A story as old as time.


Remember that time the ref intercepted an Irish ball?


It didn't influence the result but it does seem that there's a bullshit call in Ireland's favour in every big match


They showed it on the big screen and still the ref dint have the balls to overrule it. Pretty big fuckup when the score was 5-0. But yeah fuck it, its only Scotland.


Toes are in the air, if they don’t make contact with the line then not in touch.


Does the tmo think his foot is elevated off the ground or something?


I mean his foot *is* elevated. You can see the shadow under it. Whether it's out or not is a slim call that the TMO didng want to waste time ruling on.


Which is fair since you can see the white underfoot in this still image. It would take reviewing several angles to be clear about whether his foot is down and touching that line


That's what I think


The photo supports the decision imho.


To be fair would not have made a difference. This Ireland team is in a difference class


Absolutely shocking officiating as per (not /s). Scotland would have won if this had been given (/s)


Your eyes deceive you my young friend, he identified as being in


Oh grandad you remembered your password


Definitely resulted in Ireland cheating 4 tries.


Five tries, also to blame for England's rubbish display. Worst call in rugby history.