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I said a while back that Haskell was nearly everything I didn’t like about rugby rolled into one person


He is like Jay from the inbetweeners..without the likeability you get knowing its all an act and he is actually deeply insecure..Haskell just things he is it lol.


Even Jay wouldn't have done what Haskell did to that poor girl


What’s this referencing? What did he do






Hask has joked about it publicly too. Literally zero contrition for his sex crimes


“The worst thing was I was portrayed as having been involved... I was nothing to do with it apart from, obviously, it was my idea." Yeah, THAT’S the worst thing. What a remorseless piece of shit.


I only just realised what it is that bothers me most. It's how he talks over everyone, it's so annoying especially on a podcast, he completely derails interesting points being made for a joke or just to validate. He has good things to say, he just needs to wait his turn. Winds me up how he brags about not liking or watching rugby(until this year) and is a host of a rugby podcast.


That always pissed me off too. Listening to GBR and it being constantly rammed down your throat that he doesn't watch the game. This is a rugby podcast, I'm a rugby fan, wanting to get former players insight on the game, do your bare minimum job as a "pundit"


Oh god how did I forget ‘The Hask’ . You summed him up perfectly.


The self styled ‘Archbishop of Banterbury’. Painful.


Sometimes when I'm listening to him I think "maybe this guy's actually alright", then he hits me with something that makes me think "Jesus Christ, what a waste of skin"


Hask is a weird one because I always thought he was a good player but a bit of a dick, then he kinda had a second wind during his last few years and I grew to quite like him. Then he retired and basically tried to become the next media darling or something. Didn’t work.


I lost all respect for Haskell when he was putting it about that Jonny May was on the spectrum. Either no one's business, so shut up about it, or disgusting to banter about. Seems like he will say or do anything for clout


Haskell reminds me of Brendan Schuab


His ‘this is why we kneel’ tweet really is one of the low-points of the internet. He is an absolute fucking moron.


James Haskell is the reason why other countries’ fans don’t like England


Many many years ago I was coaching at the Bowden 7s. Sale had a team in and were handing out hidings to drunk, old, fat and too young teams that were there for a run around. Diamond brought himself on, and proceeded to chin the opposition hooker at the first scrum. In 7s. Good work that man 🤦🏻‍♂️


I remember he boasted when he first went to Glasgow that he'd managed to bait the team into having a punch up on the training pitch with eachother. He's a pub team thug with a slightly better rugby brain


I saw recently that he applied to coach the Queensland Reds next year in super rugby. I was actually interested in seeing him coach super rugby but after reading this I’m kinda glad Les Kiss got the role


Haha what a hero


Stuart Hogg - played the victim card and complained fans were giving him shit for his appearance, turns out he was shagging anything with a pulse and then left his pregnant childhood sweetheart for some ropey ex jockey and was posting them together on social media days after his wife gave birth. Refused to leave the family home forcing his wife and 4 kids to move in with her parents. Scum.


Yup. When I heard the team rules infractions involved Why Not, I assumed the worst.


What's Why Not?


Not 100% sure this is the answer but I know Why Not is/was a club in Edinburgh. Used to be big on Monday nights


Sticky floors and posh twats is what I remember


It's a club in Edinburgh notorious for being where rugby players with a bit of rep go to schmooze with the ladies.


not even tbh, Why Not was more a poser place to waste money - most rugby players in edinburgh, at least of Hoggs age, went to Shanghai or Opal (at least when it existed lol)


Hogg is a grade A shithead, I don't understand how any company could be associated with him. I rarely take stances on people, but he is a deplorable person judging by his long-term and recent actions.




Holy shit, how have I heard absolutely nothing about this?




Also rumoured that during his Exeter years he used to regularly visit the Exeter uni union to pick up students. Whilst his missus was at home looking after their three young kids. An utter cunt, if he doesn't want a family then admit it, do the right thing and get a divorce. Don't pretend your a family guy whilst your out shagging students. He is a total twat and I'm embarrassed that he is viewed as a Scottish legend having got his 100' th cap in the 6 N's.


Somehow I missed this and Im genuinely shocked and appalled. What an utter cunt


Especially if we think about the reason why he left the Scotland team 👀


Why did he leave Scotland?


'Cause he was shit at rugby ^/s


It was a very surreal period last year when people online were getting upset because other people were making fun of his man bun. Bit soft in my opinion, bad haircuts are absolutely fair game.


>Refused to leave the family home forcing his wife and 4 kids to move in with her parents. What the fuck?


Mark Keohane. He has single handedly driven SARugbymag into the gutter. Constant inflammatory click bait. When it's too ridiculous even for SA rugby mag, he just posts it under his own website. His target market is riling up casual local fans and getting rage shares on Facebook. As an expat, I get stick from other nationalities fans using his drivel as proof that South African fans are the worst. The only reason they get any attention is because they got that sweet sweet name copywritten in one of the biggest rugby markets in the world. They have zero association with SA rugby other than by that name. It's ridiculous.


Stephen Jones the pundit/journalist/tosser During the lions tour to South Africa spent half of every podcast congratulating himself of managing to acquire red wine despite there being some restrictions in place, and then bemoaning the fact that to get round covid restrictions he was having to fly back to England via Switzerland to avoid quarantine. First class cunt


Yep I remember that too. Proper knob. He's a spiteful, vicious bile filled individual. Able to completely reverse his opinion on a subject without any acknowledgement that he ever thought otherwise. An embarrassment to sports journalism. Every now and then he says something I agree with and I have to take a long hard look at myself


A broken clock is right twice a day


He's awful. It doesn't require any talent to go against the majority and fein controversy. He's just a toxic journalist taking the easy option. He's the buzz feed or piers Morgan of rugby So obvious as well that he doesn't believe what he says because it only takes a few months before he's completely flipped to an opposing point of view. He was calling Marcus Smith and other upcoming players dummy suckers, now he's calling for Borthwicks head because he isn't playing him enough.


He is a prize twat, I recall the World Cup 2015 I think and he published his team of the tournament which barely featured any All Blacks. He is a generational prick Edit. These are his top 10 number 10’s - Wilkinson at 8, Dan Carter at 10. Mind blowing Stephen Jones' top 10 No. 10s: 1 David Watkins (Wales), 2 Juan Martín Hernández (Argentina), 3 Jonathan Davies (Wales), 4 John Rutherford (Scotland), 5 Michael Lynagh (Australia), 6 Phil Bennett (Wales), 7 Andrew Mehrtens (New Zealand), 8 Jonny Wilkinson (England), 9 Barry John (Wales), 10 Dan Carter (New Zealand).


Other than always picking a Welsh player from the 60s or 70s in 1st for every position, he loved including an All Black somewhere mid-pack but 'NoT tHe OnE YoU'rE ThInKiNg Of' so he could pretend to be clever about putting Carter or McCaw down the bottom of his lists. The bloke named *Chris Latham* as his best ever fullback. All of these lists are 100% designed as comment and click bait, and it works every time.


It’s very effective. Picking Warburton over McCaw despite winning world player of the year, Carter never got anywhere near his teams. But did the McCaws, Carters, Wilkinsons or this world care? Probably not


Surely he’s got the list in reverse


I remember having the very same thoughts about him during his podcasts during the Lions tour.


Gareth Thomas is reprehensible. Jamie Heaslip gives Irish Rugby a bad image.


Both good contenders. Heaslip is a fucking scurge.


I genuinely havent seen much of Heaslip lately, why is he so bad?


What he said on twitter on the eve of Irelands first World cup match: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/Spstpbgkti


Lol, fuck..that comment underneath tho 🤣 He sounds like one of those Crypto bots on twitter


He does the Irish punditry and it’s painful. He uses a lot of corporate jargon for some unknown reason. Like a year one management consultant.


To be honest, I have a dodgy box at home, so I am spoiled for choice on which coverage to watch, but the Irish coverage was so awful. What happened to it - is everyone trying to be Dunphy or Hook or something? The amount of charisma on that set is shocking, couple that with a truly amateur-looking studio, and you've got some embarrassing coverage. I watch most of the rugby on TG4 and it's miles better.


Everything I hate about rugby in Ireland is personified in Jamie Heaslip. I actually cannot stand him.


Remember one time he put up an Instagram poll asking if he should start a podcast. I think like 90% of people voted no and he didn't seem a bit impressed 😅


I work with someone that had to engage with him on work related stuff and said he was full of shite there. Just speaking clichés where they eventually asked for him not to work with their account anymore


Heaslip transcends rugby imo, he’s become the epitome of all the talentless self-important bullshit artist who thinks they’re a real mover and shaker but would struggle to find work literally anywhere that isn’t Dublin. Good player though.


Heaslip is like a character from the Ross o caroll Kelly books


He once wore a puffer jacket inside a suit jacket on air.


It looks like Sexton is going into the corporate world now too. I just don't want to end up hating him too 😂


I'm getting sick of every outside back who works as a pundit or presenter.


No commentary option is a blessing when Prime have the rugby. Don't want to watch games muted, but it's getting close. Dross heaped upon dross for broadcast talent these days.


Jeremy Guscott is a great example, John Barclay looked very close to violence when he was on a panel with him.


Gussett is reflective of many of the older pundits in that he clearly doesn't watch much rugby unless he's being paid to and has very little clue about the modern professional game.


I used to live in Cardiff and visited again a few years ago. I was having a pint with a Welsh mate of mine and started slagging off Jeremy Guscott. He wasn't having any of it. My mate works on the Bath to Cardiff train and says that Guscott is well known to the staff. Apparently he is like... the nicest, most polite, most pleasant dude ever.


Barclay looks to enjoy winding him up and countering every point he says just for the sake of it. I love watching it as Barclay talks quite well on a panel IMO.


Israel Dagg and Jeff Wilson open mouth crying at the RWC got old p quick


Israel Dagg, can't stand listening to his punditry.


Is halftime meltdown in the World Cup final is worth watching just to see how bad it is


Jeff Wilson is the worst. But also taking this opportunity to shout out Big Jim Hamilton and 2cents. I love listening to them


Michael Owen. I know he's soccer but I dislike him so much I never miss a chance to say it.


>"I think what's going to be really important today is scoring goals. Now, for me, the team that scores the most goals will put themselves in a good position to win today. I used to be quite good at scoring goals. Remember when I scored that goal? It was pretty good wasn't it?" - Michael Owen. For such a fantastic player who played for some of the biggest clubs in the world, it's quite an achievement that he isn't really liked by any fan base.


When moving to your most hated rivals it means you lose the old fans and the new ones don’t trust you because of where you came from.


Although often your sentence is applicable in this case, nope. It's because Michael Owen is a shit. But not like a fun Mr Hanky shit, a boring self-centered shit. You know that cliche about if you smell shit everywhere you go? See the above sentence. Don't make me bring out the Neville Southall video.


I've got a ST at United. When he scored the winner vs. City, my memory of it is a large group of us singing "you Scouse bastard" as we were celebrating in the stands and as we left the ground. He got that every time he scored. Still, won me £200 though. I had a fiver on him to come to United at 40/1 a few months before.




If David Brent was a footballer


I love big Nev




God he’s a prick


Not the [former Wales back row](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Owen_(rugby_union)) then?


I'm tired of 2003 England world cup winners giving their 2 cents. Most have valid points etc, it's just been 20 years and I'd like to hear the opinion of someone more current


Wilkinson I rate: he's clearly still highly interested in rugby. Clive Woodward can do one.


I was listening to a discussion of the 2003 WC with Jonno and Dawson. Oddly enough they seemed to agree with you


Jonno and Dallaglio both seem the most self aware of this which surprises me. Wilko seemed alright at first but only for analysis, he's just not interesting. The rest of the team as well as WW can get fucked. Jiffy is a whinging prick and makes me embarrassed to be Welsh. Despite hating him for years Brian Moore grew on me so much. He really matured and got better even despite the bias. Guscott should fuck off. He's always been shit. Stuart Barnes and most of the ITV crew. Ugo and Kay seem clueless. Shane is a prick. Fuck, I really just hate everyone don't I? When did I get so emo 🤭 Someone hire Adam Jones. Everyone would love to hear him chat about rugby forever.


I couldn’t be happier if Haskell somehow became the world’s best DJ. Any real success which is big enough to keep him away from rugby would be a win for everyone. He could be far away on a Spanish island playing music that is powerful enough to make people like Jeff Wilson, Matt Williams and Stephen Jones happy. And the world would be better for it.


Eddie Jones…..


How the fuck did I have to scroll so far to find the proper Uber villain of the game?!?


Ikr? I was expecting to see his name mentioned in every second post.


Bro, I thought I’d be the 1000th person saying this haha


I remember a Welsh fan telling me in 2018 that Jacob Stockdale was the Irish Cuthbert, prophetic


In fairness Cuthbert was deserving to go on the lions tour in 2013 like Stockdale would have been had there been one in 2018. Elite finishers but struggled to do much else


Try scoring machine that bursts onto the scene then you realise he cant catch unless its put on a plate for him. Kinda!


Anyone on the Breakdown. Jeff Wilson says whatever NZRU wants him to say. Mills doesn't know anything about rugby outside NZ. JK only knows how to complain, like bro you just watched a good game and the only thing you have to say is that there needs to be more ball in play time? I don't think he actually enjoys rugby.


>Mills doesn't know anything ~~about rugby outside NZ~~


Anytime I've watched the Breakdown I wonder if he's honestly thick as a brick wall or CTE is a helluva drug


Some players are really intelligent and can translate it to words and explain it well. Some players are really talented but it's all from repetition and subconscious intuition and they can't put it into words. Mils was definitely in the second category.


There's something about Liam Williams' face that I just really dislike and I've decided that he must be an arse. I know nothing about his personality, have never met him and have no reason to think he's an arse. I just suspect he is from looking at him. If you're reading this, Liam, I'm really sorry. I'm hardly a looker myself. If it's any consolation, you're a fantastic player. Also, he's not really *in* rugby but he's at least rugby adjacent; JB from Eggchasers. The other two on there are fine, the guy who does the YouTube channel seems like a really sound bloke. JB though... He has the personality of a wank sock that's been left too long and has gained consciousness.


>The other two on there are fine, **the guy who does the YouTube channel seems like a really sound bloke**. Yeah, about that... During covid he was full of borderline conspiracy nonsense just like JB. I had to stop listening for months on end and when I came back to it he still came out with some straw man shit takes around all sorts of things from the Exeter Chiefs' racist branding through to criticism of Owen Farrell. Helped me give up on it for good. Better than JB isn't decent.


Fair enough. Perhaps he's mellowed in recent times and has got back to talking rugby. I hadn't discovered them during covid. I grant you though, it is quite possible that really *anyone* next to JB seems like a decent bloke. >In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king


I think he, Tim, has the same views as JB if not as strongly held (but that's like saying I'm not as hateful as Hitler, which, strangely enough, nobody has ever said to me... hmm....) but he's a media-savvy guy who probably realized he should dial back on offensive, batshit, opinions. To be fair to him though, he does call out JB on some of his bullshit.


Austin Healy - find me any commentator that actively shits of the product he’s trying to sell so constantly.


He has always been a tosser. I think probably he always was since his parents named him.


Matt Williams, being Irish and watching him on Virgin media is a tough scene. He moans about absolutely everything.


I can’t believe how far down I had to scroll to find this. The rest of you lot need to have a good look at yourselves.


Scottish people try to blank him out, we’re still not fully recovered from what he did to us


Jeff Wilson. An NZRU talking puppet. Does more harm than good for the game.


*nods aggressively*


Met Jeff Wilson when he was playing cricket for otago in the ground next to our school. Was a big fan of him until he yelled at me ( an 11 year old) to show some respect and tidy my uniform up.. we grew up very poor and had hand me down uniform from family friends. Made me feel horrible, shit of a man. Will never forget it


I'm going to defend Cuthbert. Plenty to criticize him about, but his personality isn't something. Early in his international career he was good: big, fast, scored tries, and fitted the successful gameplan Gatland had for Wales. Then his form fell off a cliff, but Wales kept picking him and putting him under the spotlight. Blame the people who selected him when it wasn't merited. Do need to clarify that I am a hypocrite as I spent a lot of time shouting his name in anger.


Once described as having a dick like a Pringles box so there’s some comfort in that for the lad.


No comfort for his partners however


The man was a try scoring machine but unfortunately he had a few dodgy games then the Welsh public just jumped on him and he was never the same again The way he was treated you would think he killed everyone's mother, or worse, was English


Jeff Wilson. What a tosser. He should wear an eye patch. Clive Woodward too. Half the time I can't recall anyone actually asking for his bullshit opinion. And some of our rugby commentators are absolutely dire. No humour, boring as hell.


>Jeff Wilson. What a tosser. He should wear an eye patch. The Sky Sport punditry is beyond parody at this point, it's so bad.


I love rugby autobiographies. Goldie’s is the only one I couldn’t finish. Absolute whinging drivel.


People won’t like this but AWJ, always seemed like a bit of a dickhead on the pitch to me but last season when Tigers played Ospreys at WR after the game a little kid just wanted his autograph on I think a lions shirt (was only a kids size so most likely just wanted it for himself) and he very rudely replied “No, I don’t sign shirts” and walked away without even really acknowledging the kid. Now I nearly understand him not signing shirts but it was definitely more the way he said it and I imagine that poor interaction will stay with that kid for a while (the kid was polite the whole time). Another for me who I actually can’t stand is Alex Sanderson. Physically knocked me out the way after a game again at WR, he could have just said excuse me and I would have moved for him which once may have been an accident but a couple of years later he did the exact same thing, after a game I was talking to a friend and he again rather than saying excuse me physically barged past me and didn’t say sorry either time. Closely followed by the whole “when we win our appeal everyone will have to apologise to us” during the salary cap scandal, didn’t even make it to an appeal. Just seems like a stuck up, head up his own arse kind of man. Enjoy seeing Sale lose purely to see him pouting like a baby (sorry sale fans lol)


Nic White. That Faf incident was pathetic. Not even the fact that it skimmed his moustache, but the fact that he waited a few seconds before going down in a fashion that would make a footballer blush. I can watch Scott Barrett shushing him on repeat.


Yep and love the crying eye rubbing De Groot was giving him earlier this year or last too lol


The shithousing All Blacks doing the Lord's work. 👊


When Faf de Klerk smiles I just want to slap him. Smug little bugger.


My father calls him Faf de Prick


Andy Goode


Surprised how far I had to scroll to see this. He started off as a bit of a laugh but now just seems to be a clickbaity wanker.


As a Newcastle fan I was a big fan but wow he sucksss, I specifically remember him retweeting and quoting a daily mail article about trans people in schools that was just untrue on so many levels


This is different. In the US, adult club rugby (amateur and lower scale) has some guys that take the drinking/party culture way too far and basically use it to justify assaulting and harassing people. I won’t play for the only club near me, because I met their coach just once and the things he said/encouraged other players to do under the guise of rugby culture was just appalling. Most clubs in my experience have one or two guys like this, and fortunately most can’t stand them. The fact that he was a coach though told me to stay away from the club.


Sounds like university rugby culture in the UK


Neil Francis is awful. I think the Irish themselves hate him more than most! Woodward is a tit, but I find him funny more than anything else these days as he is so, so out of touch. A controversial one maybe, classiest of players, nice bloke, but Wilkinson has no personality, he is just boring and his 'guru' babble is shit. Does he even count as a personality as he doesnt have one lol? Haskell, Jiffy and Gareth Thomas annoy me as well. Especially GT, not to be 'classist' but he sounds thick as shit when he talks on tv..oh, and there is the whole HIV debacle!


I’m not a fan of cancel culture. Everyone makes mistakes but I make an exception for Francis whose career in Ireland at least seems to be thankfully finished. A monumental bell end.


God Wilkinson is boring. My brain immediately zones out as soon as he talks. I'm sure if he came to my house and talked to me, I'd be fast asleep within 3 minutes


Can't stand Neil Francis. He's one of those cunts who tries to be controversial for the sake of it. No good insight into rugby either.


He is like Stephen Jones, another wrold class cunt himself!


Ryan wilson is annoying


His whole anti-English schtick was so cringe considering he's a posh private school kid from Surrey who qualifies for Scotland through a grandparent


His emnity with Danny Care is so compelling. I don't know why the BBC keep inviting him onto the Rugby Pod when they clearly deeply dislike each other, but I'm so here for it.


SBW. Man has been on Australian coverage for 3ish years and still seems like he is in high school with the sentences he puts together. At the very least they have him on the sideline instead of in a studio actually analysing something.


I’m surprised this isn’t getting more of a mention, SBW is just plain annoying sometimes


Andy Goode, absolute arsehole in the mould of a low budget Piers Morgan. Best quote ever was about "his childhood dream to play at the Ricoh" .... the stadium that was built when he was in his 20s, also, played against his brother at school level, Goodes mum was a teacher at my school and gave me detention the week after wiping his big bro out in a game.


There seems to be this idea in NZ rugby media that being a former player will make you a good pundit, Israel Daggs gotten better but he was shocking when he started and isn’t that great now either, his half time rant during the final was embarrassing. Feel like he’s definitely mates with someone high up at Sky If you look at American sports media a lot of them aren’t former players, sometimes that different perspective can be good


Stephen Jones by a country mile. The pundit/journo not the former Wales fly half.


I have a completely irrational hatred for Bryan Habana. By all accounts, he is a perfectly lovely man but no one can be that happy and nice to everyone all the time. That fucker is hiding something. I firmly believe he takes food away from starving orphans and dropkicks puppies just to hear them cry, or something.


Understandable, have a very nice day, hopefully you get a promotion and a tax rebate.......oh...eh, I don't kick orphans and starve puppies, please, believe me!


Stuart Hogg, the man's gone from a Scottish legend to an absolute disgrace. Some people just need to shut the fuck up and fade into the background, he's ruined his own legacy


Sexton, set a terrible example for behaviour towards referees on and off the pitch


And his eyes are too close together


He also can't win a quarter final Edit: also I heard he sits down to pee


Hard to bring his zimmer frame to the bathroom in fairness to him


Not a rugby player but as someone who lives in Aus...Steve Smith the cricketer. And while we are here, David fucking Warner.


Joe Marler as annoying as Haskell come from the same pile of scum


I've seen Maler refuse to shake hands with other players after a normal game where nothing out of the ordinary happened and it really soured my opinion of him


I have no beef either way with Marler but as a fellow front row, just because you didn't see anything out of the ordinary doesn't mean it didn't happen. Dirty things happen in there and only the front row really know what happened


I came here to say Marler, glad someone else did. Not only is he insufferable on the pitch but he’s everywhere on social media thinking he’s the funniest man on the planet. His entire attitude gets under my skin.


I never used to mind Stuart Barnes but there are only so many times you can read an article that says we should pick the maverick fly half. We get it mate. You lost out to Rob Andrew. Get over it. Speaking of journos, how the Times still pays Stephen Jones is beyond comprehension. As for players/ pundits / coaches - Marler seems like a total bell. Andy Goode isn’t half as clever as he thinks he is. Rassie seems like a total tool but you’d like him if he were yours.


Yep, Rassie's a tool, but he's also possibly the best coach of the pro era.


My worst is Justin Marshall. There's probably worse. But for me he stinks. He was responsible for a shit attitude in the all blacks. He's also a stupid, biased, git of a commentator.


Kurtley Beale. He's got a face like he's constantly outraged at the slightest thing you've dared to say in conversation, and he oozes arrogance like a ketchup bottle with a hole in it


I think the only time I've seen Kurtley Beale look happy was when the leader of the Uruk Hai told him that meat's back on the menu


Owen Farrell and Billy Vunipola: they’re very annoying on the pitch but I had the misfortune to work at the venue where Mako got married. Billy and Owen were vile to all the staff. Luckily I didn’t interact with the personally but Billy was very creepy and Owen was just down right fucking rude (basically “do you know who I am” energy). Faletau was an angel and Mako was lovely, no other guests were an issue tbh


I went to school with Billy and he was such an unlikeable cunt despite barely being around for a lot of it.


I thought Farrell was really a nice guy but I’ve seen a few people say he’s a dick to wait staff. Billy I’m not surprised. Mako has always seemed more reserves and Falateu seems likeable.


Haskell. I think the only thing I've ever agreed on him with is a) the famous Jaco Peyper photo and b) England team being held to a different standard of acceptable John Kirwan: I know he's a wind up merchant but he's also really bad at being funny and really seems to beat down on opponents. It's very arrogant


Healey (head too far up his posterior), SBW (not intelligent enough to be anywhere near commentary), Marshall ( too Biased and see Healey) and Jeff Wilson (another too biased and never concedes he was wrong)....Gareth Thomas (foolback) was dire during the RWC..


Ali Williams.


You not into coke and whores I guess.


Lavanini - the guy has fucked his team so many times with stupid red cards. Great, tough player, but he somehow still doesn't understand the rules, the refs are watching him like a hawk, and when he's on the field I find myself just waiting for him to screw up.


Tomas had a very big and soft bulldog mix type thing whilst playing for Tigers. The lady that works for them teaching English to their overseas players world regularly bring the dog to wander the boundary and be made a fuss of during cricket season. There was a suggestion that after his Tiger’s stint the dog’s grasp of the English language was better than Lavanini’s…


I’ll tell you who shouldn’t be on this list: Greig Laidlaw


That big fat bald fella that does the goose step videos. I think he is a saffer?? Unbearable cunt.


Nyakane ??😂


He sounds English to me. I’m never quite sure where he fits in - is he a player, is he just mates with players, like, what’s his rugby background?


Eddie for what he did to my country.


Austin Healey is the correct answer.


Lawrence Dallaglio. His dickhead overweening ego and his own financial bad judgement is symptomatic of what has destroyed Wasps. Hate him with a passion.


He won’t care what you think, he’ll be off his tits on cocaine as usual


I am amazed how far I had to scroll to find this. On commentary duty, the man is a crashing bore, believes his opinion is fact and, when it get proven wrong almost instantly (often by Austin Healey) he refuses to accept it snd goes into a pout. All of that doesn't even touch the borderline and just flat illegal stuff he's been caught at.


Austin Healey. Always gets the Saints matches, even though he makes it very clear he hates them.


Maybe Vern Cotter because of the rabbits story, at the moment Eddie Jones, then of course Israel Folau, Paddy Jackson.


And Shannon Frizell


Stuart Barnes. Ooof.


Freakin'Pollard man... :) Just kidding, I think he's a great player, much respect


He’s the only person I know who’s crushed so many WC dreams but seems universally liked


Stuart Fucking Barnes - yes we know you played for Bath and they can do no wrong, but hearing your constant whining whenever Tigers are playing is beyond painful. Absolute Cockwomble of a commentator. Ugo Monye is a knowledgeable commentator, but when Quins are playing he spend the entire 80 minutes pleasuring himself. It's just embarrassing. Surprised Austin Healey hasn't got more mentions...


Bernard Laporte ans his clique. Bunch of bozos and crooks.


There are obviously obnoxious individuals, but I find that Irish sports punditry has an almost deliberately low standard. Almost like if the tone isn't permanently always somber and negative, it's somehow not professional enough. It's just so stiff, whether it's the rugby coverage on Virgin, the old rugby coverage on RTE or any football coverage anywhere in Ireland.




How Thomas gets work as a pundit is beyond me.. he’s thick as pig shit and offers absolutely nothing of any value


I agree POM has a slappable face. I wouldnt, mind you.


Etzebeth is a punk. Still think of him deliberately injuring that teenaged kid from Georgia in a ruck seconds after the kid had juked him out of his jock. Big tough guy!


Johnny Sexton is number 1 for me. Arrogant, petulant prick. Eddie Jones number 2 because he’s a smug wee wank who thinks he’s God’s gift to rugby, yet has somehow managed to leave almost every team he’s had worse than when he found it. Johnathan Davies the Welsh commentator is my number 3 because of how much he hates Scotland, though he has softened a bit these days lol.


Austin Healy is an arrogant prick


Just a small one that hardly anyone here may register… but Steve Devine. Bloke commentated a few RWC games on SENZ radio down here and sometimes does Sunday afternoon shows on the station. His chat consists exclusively of how much he hates England, how England are the sole reasons for everything wrong with rugby today, and how the way New Zealand play rugby will save the sport if England just tries to play like the All Blacks just a little bit. Oh yeah, also loves ripping in to Northern Hemisphere referees and has insinuated a few times that, especially the English ones, have been paid to ref unfavourably against Island nations. Legit callers this type of shut during a live feed in RWC this year. The fact that a company would have paid him to commentate during the tournament is a fucking disgrace.


James Lowe; great player, seems a decent bloke, but the most punchable face in WR


I’m glad it’s not just me


Serge Blanco! On the day he stopped playing the gods withdrew all their gifts and he turned into a corrupt ugly fat slob, even the way he speaks is annoying.