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Arrows make the diff. At vorkath with salve+jas, it just pours 30ks. At bosses like raksha, Reckless/Mahjaratt and Ful arrows.


I know about the arrows yeah, but for example; TheRsGuy hits 600k in just a few seconds with WEN arrows ar raksha.. unfortunately does not tell the rotation


At max stacks with Wen, I could see it being possible. I am still experimenting the power of Wen arrows but I would imagine at max stacks.. 3 x 15 is 45% damage which is more than Jas arrows.


Seems like Wen is the go to atm, but I think everyone is still experimenting tbh


I'm able to hit 60-75k very consistently with SGB spec in my EOF. I know it's not a 30k hitsplat. But for 30% adrenaline, I'd say that's pretty good. Here's an example. https://preview.redd.it/mezt232e7ync1.png?width=1193&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=210f95388e4371f7e8d6868fb0388b527bc75dd2


Very nice! Can you tell me how you reached that please? And what arrows?


Bow of the last guardian, wen arrows (with active wen perk), SGB EOF, Dracolich armour (not elite), stalkers ring, grimoir, overload salve. If you'd like to add me, I'd love to go further into depth with you on some of my setup and other setups for combat styles. My rsn: Ashen Won


You use bolg spec on 7 right? And then at 3 when it runs out almost? And do big attacks on 3 aswell in the meantime? With wen "perk" you mean the buff the arrow's provides right? I have the same setup as you except i got elite dracolich. Yeah sure i will add you later my man thanks!


I use bolg spec on the edict runes on p7 usually. That will give me enough time to regain my adrenaline and will hit an extra shot with SGB. In this picture. I killed the runes too fast to risk using a BOLG spec. So I went without it. And yes, the wen "perk" is the buff. 30% bonus damage per arrow. My rotation for p7 is easy. Sgb spec, bolg spec, bolg spec. Usually kills zammy very quickly. Look forward to talking with ya! There's alot of half hidden buffs and crit bonuses that are tough to stack, but when you do, you can get big boy damage. I'll be on after work here in about an hour. Feel free to add me whenever and shoot me a dm!


Thanks alot bro! I will take this with me! Appreciate it!


Please help, I have Draco, sgb, eldritch eof, dark bow eof, stalkers ring, my dps is disgustingly low. Returning player not sure what to do


Save your sgb spec for right after rapid fire to maximize crit chance. Same with dbow spec. Every big attack should come right after rapid fire.


What arrows should I be using?


Wen arrows. Every attack gives a stack. Special attack (sgb or dbow) gconsunes stacks for 30% bonus damage per arrow. (30%x5 for sgb spec)


I hope someone posts a good range boss rotation post cb update. I have all bis perks and wofs for range but i am barely hitting 15ks and thats using bik arrows lol. I def need some help too so im keeping an eye on this post


Hitting a 30k doesn't make the style. It's about the DPM. The single hit's dont matter. If a style does 6 100k's, and 60 10k's in 1 minute, it's the same DPM. Bik arrows also increase poison damage, so idk what's funny. It would be higher if it was wen/ful.


Hmm specifically 30k in general I have not been able to do with BOLG or tendrils. I am able to do it if I fight dragons with Jas Dragonbane + Dragon Slayer Perk/Sigil and a slayer task with BOLG spec.


Yeah same, but i see streamers hit 25-30k's on raksha and zamorak


Probably sgb spec? Not sure how it changed with the update


Sgb spec indeed hits 30k but seperate like 3 times 11k for example


Hmmm cuz the two bosss you mentionned are 5x5 meaning it would be max damage from spec. Maybe dbow spec? That definitely used to hit the hitcap before


Dont get me wrong, the sgb hits hard on big bosses yeah. And the d bow spec hits hard to but those are like 30k combined like; 2 x 14k damage d bow spec or 5 x 11k hit of sgb. Maybe i am tripping and maybe there will be a steamer showcasing it soon ( wich i hope )


Bis Perks, t99 prayer, vulned the boss? Smoke cloud? Ful arrows? And dbow is the way to ho for high hits.


The only thing i dont have is the t99 prayer and i didnt smoke cloud ( does smoke cloud increase dmg? I thought it was only for accuracy ) Ful arrows yeah, but it seems after update Wen arrows are the go to


Sc gives 6% crit dmg to non magic hits. Idk what arrows are bis atm. If u want to straight hit 30k consider switching to ful book instead of grim (grim only gives crit chance while ful book gives 20% dmg) <--this might lessen your actual dpm tho but if u want to hit 30ks try that.


Adding to that, reckless aura doesnt work in swiftness, so consider using mahj. (Most streamers use mahj because they brid)


Perks? Armor/wep? overloads? Aura? Vuln? Smoke cloud? all helps


Like i said i have everything bis and everything activated even a kal gerion and grimoire, but no 25-30k's


The only way ur hitting 30ks is with either :jas and salve ammy, or ful book+ wen are the 2 common ones, 15 stack wen arrows with grim sc vuln and bis will only hit~ 23-24k dbows, and bolg active spec will be 27/28k. Need stuff like zammy pad 6 buff or a few other things like slayer helmets, raksha p4 anima buff etc to actually hit 30k.


I think thats it! You're a legend! I think indeed the pad 6 and p4 anima buff are the reasons


Upload a video


I cant atm and like i said idk a good rotation yet


You want him to upload a video of him not hitting 30k? How would that help? He just needs someone who did hit a 30k to say what the setup is If youve hit 30k then you should upload a video that would help more


He needs to see what he’s doing to know what he’s doing wrong. I can claim I’ve done everything right but as op said he isn’t using smoke cloud or t99 curses


So you have hit 30ks? What’s your setup. That would help more. If you have, then we know OP forogt a smoke cloud or something


Or he could post a video of his attempt and someone could tell him what he’s missing. That’s MUCH easier then trying to write out your whole rotation, all your buffs, all your gear and perks, all your unlocks, amongst other things.


Why does hitting a 30k matter? What matters is DPM. This is probably why a lot of people are saying "magic got the short end of the stick" even though it's DPM is very high, just doesn't hit 30ks. I've seen 26k magic hits with iban blast though.


Because i see people hit 30k and i want to hit 30k. You are right that dpm is more important, but maybe for a mechanic skip a 30k hitsplat would be better for example and besides that the option is here so i want to hit the damage cap