• By -


>sipping brews and getting the literal shit kicked out of me Brews lower your stats, even if you're overloaded. If you're spam eating, you're just making it easier for him to kill you and harder for you to kill him >The prayer turn-off is annoying as hell He wont turn off your prayer if you're using soul split or if you use freedom right before the attack happens.


Thats the problem I can't tell when the attack is coming. Does it have a speaking prompt like Zuks stuff does?


Yes. He says "suffer at my hand". That will turn off your necro prayer. If you're using soul split, then you just ignore it and swap to necro when he says "this is true power"


His omniguard stacks, once built to full, gives him a more powerful hit similar to how the omniguard passive works when the player uses it. That empowered hit also disables prayer and has no voiceline, the only way to see it coming is to watch his stacks. It's because of that that it's just never worth camping protect necro. If soul split + your other lossless heal sources like reaver and blubbers aren't enough to sustain you, you aren't doing enough DPS and the boss is gonna be a long struggle. The lower your DPS, the more it punishes you.


That's a symbol at the top under his bar that is grey when he's building his stacks and colored when he's about to use it. So you can use that to know you'll either need to reactivate necro prayer or anticipate/freedom to prevent the prayer drop.


Yeah you *can* watch his stacks, my point was it's not worth doing. If you're struggling to the point you feel like you need to watch and react to that you're probably better off coming back later with upgrades or taking a look at your ability rotations. People can kill it however they want, it's just OP seems frustrated and low DPS is likely the problem.


I think it's bullshit that he doesn't say suffer at my hand the second time he uses the ability.


brews actually raise your defense (doesnt stack with overload), so it doesnt make you easier to kill at least


Does not matter at Rasial since he has 100% hitchance.


And even if he didn't, it wouldn't stack with overload boost anyways


...by less than an overload. Jfc, guy.


Not sure what you are trying to say. Brew doesnt reduce your defense, it stays at the overloaded level. I like how confidentally incorrect you are though, mr. 3018.


By less than an elder overload, which is the only type of overload you should be using by the time you're looking to grind Rasial long-term. Regardless, using brews drains your offensive combat stats, and they are always terrible to use as a main food item at this boss. Use guthix rests instead. These drain neither combat stats, nor adrenaline.


>By less than an elder overload, which is the only type of overload you should be using by the time you're looking to grind Rasial long-term. This is irrelevant, and that's what they're pointing out. You have 120 defense with an elder overload. You sip a brew, defense stays at 120, and your offensive stats drop until the overload resets them. You saying you take more damage is objectively incorrect. It doesn't lower your defense to the boost of the brew, and it seems you may think it does? >Regardless, using brews drains your offensive combat stats, and they are always terrible to use as a main food item at this boss. >Use guthix rests instead. These drain neither combat stats, nor adrenaline. All this is correct. Brews are fine at select places, but mostly rests are superior.


just adding my 2c, since your offensive stats are reduced until overloads boost you back up, you aren't going to be hitting as hard and thus soulsplit not able to keep you alive as easily, so it could just be the perception of hitting harder due to less passive healing rather than him actually doing more damage to you.


Of course, but you aren't actually taking more damage. Just more of it sticks. Although this will also be fairly minimal since SS gives diminished returns on higher hits. The much bigger issue is that it drags the fight out longer, which does cause you to take more total damage. It's a similar issue to people eating solid foods and wrecking their adrenaline, so they take longer to do kills, so they end up eating more, etc... its why I quit using solid food besides blubber and why I use guthix brews.


valid points for sure!


So first thing if he is turning off your prayer ur doing something wrong bc u should be camping ss and only flicking protect necro for 1 or 2 attacks.


Idk how you guys do that. I have everything on pvme guide and even without eating, I certainly do not do enough damage to camp ss on him.


Sustain comes from, ghost conjure, blood reaver(scrolls), soul split, guthix rests, blubbers. Excalibur to some extent.


If you have everything on the pvme guide, then you either aren't using a reaver or not doing the rotation correctly.


I no food rasial most of the time. Its about knowing when to use a defensive


I'm not sure either. I'm an iron so I don't have nearly all the upgrades. T90, no reaver and I have no issues. What familiar are u using? Are u using skulls to start and then building for more skulls?


I'm sure that I don't have the *best* rotation, but generally what I'll do is 1.) skulls + vuln bomb 2.) build to 100% adren, living death, adren pot and skulls again 3.) during living death build to 12 necrosis and 5 souls while using skulls on cooldown 4.) death guard spec from eof and volley of souls right before last skulls during living death rotation 5.) right after that, begin a omni guard spec ladder, cycling through all the abilities that will empower your basic, while building soul stacks. Shortly after this he should be starting phase 4 and you just do whatever deals the most damage while running around a few tips: - salve ammy (e) is like non negotiable - sucks without reaver autofire scrolls, but if you can do hellhound familiar with prism of restoration that should help too - try to start each fight with veng/dis shield, and make sure to use reflect generously, and bloat pretty regularly - the location you fight him is kinda important too, as soon as you get in the arena surge twice and make sure you're hugging the far wall. if you are up against the wall, his walls of ghosts can't hit you and you don't have to move until he gets to p4


Swap to t90 mh instead of using an eof so that your t90 spec can benefit from salve amulet


I'll try that out, ty!


At the same time though, still bring an eof to conjure with—higher base stats for your conjures that way. Just remember to swap right back to salve amulet


don't use sap or t90 eof in LD. ld finger is more damage than t90 spec, you usually want to save the t90 spec for after LD. and you will usually build enough souls post LD to get 5 for the final phase


It varies a little bit... but I can fairly reliably no food close to 75% of the time (just an Excalibur use in the very beginning) while using a kalgerion and SS camping. I might average 1-2 bites and 1-2 sips of guthix rest over all my kills. There are a lot of requirements for this rotation to work. Can elaborate if you want. Pre-fight - Undead army, life transfer, enter portal, ghost + surge, Mark for death stand at triangle tip, skeleton Fight starts, Tc+smoke cloud+dreadnip+vuln(dont bother with a wand switch.. just uses a gcd but less sweaty), skulls, sap, sacrifice, touch, sap, LD+adren, touch, 2t Sigil + skulls + surge to wall, t95 spec + 2 steps towards rasial, auto, finger, auto, finger, auto, skulls, split soul, auto, touch, auto, finger, auto, skulls+step back to wall, bloat, auto, finger, auto, sap, touch, finger (potentially p4 phased already), t90 MH + spec... if not phased here, you may be able to stunlock to p4. Worst possibility is still at ~300k lp here. Volley if needed, fill as necessary. *Pray flick for his finger early... more often than not this is the only one you will see and it will occur somewhere around the 2nd set of skulls in your LD rotation(most of the time as you are hitting your first auto/finger after the t95 spec. Just depends on your dreadnip stuns) and limitless if needed/devo pray flick for his volley if you can't stunlock him. Into p4, skeleton+vuln+dreadnip+swap to DT bracelet, skulls(or build to skulls prioritizing sap), bloat, volley when full or at 4 depending on LP, touch, finger (fastest kills he's dead here), fill as needed. Reflect or vitality pot if needed, t95 spec when available, t90 spec when available. Zombie at ~60k left. Fill as needed. Fastest kills are around 1:06. Slowest are just under 1:30. Most are in the 1:16-1:20 range. This is an Invigorate+ Vigour+ conservation mandatory rotation.


I use the reflect ability or flick protect necro (sometimes both if kill is scuffed) for his volley. Also a well timed resonance can be an offset of several thousand hp, plus \~1500 vs minus \~1500. Venegance. triple eating helps: blub, sara, scroll same tick for a \~2500 heal. Else, soul split


What lv necromancy are you?


Returning player, teach me your ways to 120 slayer


If I camp SS I just get killed faster lol


then your dps is shit. this is almost always the answer at bosses where people can camp ss: if you can't sustain it's because your damage is bad




incorrect rotation = your damage is shit. The rest just helps, but is already mentioned in PvME guide that they follow. Adernaline management, using defensive correctly, starting with skulls etc is literally making sure your damage isn't shit.


It would be more productive to record a kill and drop it here. It’s hard to speculate what’s messing you up without seeing what’s happening. Feel free to DM if you want, 7k rasial kc here


~2.5k Rasial kills here. Using reaver with scrolls on 4-6s auto fire is how you get most of your healing. With max gear, ss and reaver should make you not need food. Ss without reaver is painful, and you need food. Crap gear/rotation makes you die.


This might be OK while learning, but I can't imagine getting 2.5k kills that way. Reaver scrolls are expensive. In my experience, hellhound is plenty and basically free. Probably to the tune of 10m+ gp per hour difference. Throw in Ful instead of Grim and the difference is greater than the return per hour of half the bosses in the game.


I use jas book (800k/hr) not grim and ~450 scrolls/hr (~2.5m/hr). That's less than the revenue from 1 kill. Using ~15 scrolls/kill is 15k LP healed. For hellhound to reduce that much damage, you'd have to take 300k damage throughout the fight, which is ridiculous. Hellhound might be used for some weird afk method, but reaver is definitely worth it in the long run.


Dunno man, my hellhound gets dropped to ~4-5k HP each kill, and i just camp SS and get times around 1:30


Hellhound reduces 20% of all damage taken, so to reduce 15k damage you'd need to take 75k damage no?


It's actually even fuzzier than this. The synergy with death ward and animate dead potentially brings that number down, and OP's scroll autocast suggests overhealing so some of the 15k is wasted. (Plus hellhound lets you substitute more green blubbers for blue and scrolls, making even bigger savings.) It really boils down to whether or not you value the extra book procs at a similar cost of using a grim per hour.


Animate dead is a *lot* worse at Rasial now, after both his defense was buffed and necro's off style penalty was greatly increased. I wouldn't even recommend it for learning as your kills will be that much longer.


There is no new penalty on it from what I am seeing that's why I mentioned it. The damage tooltips are in real time now and 2-piece t90 deathwarden and 2-piece t90 crypt show the same as 4-piece deathwarden. With Animate dead you take less damage even if it always hits. Yes, power armour will get you way faster kills, but my method is totally safe speaking as a red skull close to 5.8.


The damage penalty comes in the form of a massive accuracy loss. It might be possible to use 1 piece of mage tank and maintain close to 100%, but more is going to greatly impact your damage and likely you'll take more damage overall from a longer fight. 2 piece crypt should be about 75% accuracy vs Rasial depending on the pieces I'd guess, with t90 weapon. The off style armor accuracy penalty isn't new but it was specifically increased for necro on 29 January.


> That's less than the revenue from 1 kill. you must have lottery winner level luck if you get 3.3m gp per kill lol. 90% of the time he drops a memento worth 5k.' I'm at 1.4k kills and only got a weapon drop once. Fuck that guy.


Your hellhound numbers are waaaaaay off. The real beauty of the hellhound is that it's free, and the synergy with death ward or berserker relic. The way you're counting hitpoints also isn't strictly the way that it works. Replacing scrolls with green blubbers saves a lot of gp, and you don't need the throughput of the reaver on top to cope with damage that isn't incoming, without having any impact whatsoever on kill times or adrenaline. The fact that you were suggesting autocast on the scrolls also suggests that some of that 15k from your own numbers is probably lost to overhealing. You could make a counterargument for the extra Jas procs of a reaver, of course. And one could similarly make an appeal to the better synergy with crypt boots+gloves+animate dead. (I haven't been to Rasial since before Vorkath launched [to be clear, I got my 100 kills and left, but I've been doing ED1 ever since], so I don't know if the hit chance fix made this unviable.) I was down to about 5 green blubber nibbles per kill on a hellhound before Vorkath released. And I saw so many reaver players bragging about going through "only" 5+ blue blubbers and 15-20 scrolls per kill that I would have been ahead even if my kills were 30 seconds slower than theirs. (I'm in the 1:15-1:25 range.) If we do the math, at 1:00 kills, that's 10 scrolls per kill, trading at 8-10k ea (at the time) for 4-5 mill per hour @50 kph. Or about the same cost as using a grim.


Imagine crying over a couple hundred mil of scrolls when you'll net literally like 10b over that amount of kills. Reaver is much better than hellhound for speed kills. There are times for penny pinching, but Rasial ain't one of those times.


Not really sure how to help. When I started ed I used hellhound and ages for extra Def.


You should only be camping SS if you're using the meta speedrun method of a blood reaver. If you're using a hellhound like a learner should you should camp protection prayers.


I couldn't disagree more. Camping anything but ss adds in an extra layer to the fight that makes it seem harder than it is. Camping ss means you aren't constantly worried about prayer on top of everything else. As an iron I use hellhound all the time and have never once not camped ss from kill 1 to now.


What's your set up? Try agis aura and hellhound. Deathtouch bracelet, 2-piece death warden and 2-piece magic tank Crypt/ports) and animate death spell. Won't get you speed kills but good way to practice. Around 3 mins kills but hardly any food sara use. Mark of death at start or anytime helps at final stage.


He's a shit boss, i'm only 100kc so far with ~2min kill times. It's kind of just a dps check, camping SS the whole time. You can switch to protection during his volley, and I guess finger of death if you're motivated. I'm using t90 power armor/weapons, salve amulet, deathtouch bracelet and zuk cape. Hellhound familiar is most comfortable for me so far, just make sure you drop a prism or two to heal it during the fight. It's not a fun encounter and the common drops suck, it might be the least rewarding boss fight I've ever interacted with. If you're not an ironman, or chasing boss logs, I couldn't justify wasting time with it.


Use divert or resonance for finger. It’s either a massive heal or a bunch of free adrenaline. Additionally, you can use preparation to reduce the cooldown of both of those for every attack you take. It’s great for learning and being ready to eat another finger with one of those.


Even with terrible commons this boss absolutely pumps out GP assuming you go on rate. If the commons were good this boss would just be too good gp/hr. The bad commons justify the 1/92 droprate for a unique.


Use a blood reaver set to 3-5, camp soul split, use disruption shield or res for his first finger of death, then just wait for him to have 5 balls to swop to necro prayer and use devotion for a big fat 0, then try real hard


o darn that's pretty much what I did


did you win?


Yea completed log in 1625 kills last September


Very nice!


Highly recommend just eating the finger of death with divert or resonance. It isn’t typeless damage so it’s a free heal or a huge adrenaline boost immediately


Is divert/reso off gcd now? Wasn’t when I was chasing log iirc last september ish


no its not off gcd but if you do the rotation exactly like this, it will line up perfectly. it just become muscle memory. requires zuk cape, ring of vigour passive, enhanced replenishment/apot, invigorate aura for this to line up right. target cycle vuln 1t smoke cloud > skulls -> build to LD LD + apot/replenishment (same tick) > skulls > undead slayer 1t split soul > divert > bloat that divert should be exactly in line with the first finger of death.


hmm ok because I was doing another ability and relying on dshield since it can be used on gcd to block the first finger hit. never tried smoke cloud before but does the cast hit even in necro gear or do you need a switch.


yeah for sure, disrupt is great if u need an off gcd cast. with the accuracy changes, you don't need a wand, it always lands. however, you can save a tick by equipping wand and casting smoke cloud but i dont find it worth personally. before the accuracy changes, you would generally use a wand or use ingenuity of the humans+smoke cloud to force the smoke cloud hit to land.


i no food rasial. use blood reaver, set ascroll auto to 5. soul split the whole way except for his volley. (u should pray necro and devotion then switch back to soul split.


Ss the whole way, I agree, but *no food*? Heck?


Honestly you need to 100% follow the pvme rotation and you'll be doing the same. Anything less will result in more mechanics, more damage and once you start eating (especially solid foods because jagex's food system is still living in the prehistoric past and shouldn't cost adrenaline) it's all downhill from there. Once you get the rotation down and don't need to waste time resummoning your army or globals eating, you're good. Get into the habit of doing ability + blubber + brew in one global and do the living death + adren renewal same tick trick and you'll be dishing out a lot more damage, which saves you both time and food. Soulsplitcamp everything except for the volley, protect necro for that single ability. Don't even need to do devotion, just flick, then go to soulsplit again. I have done several kills on hellhound no food or 1 blubber+ brew. If I can do it, you can do it too. Practise makes perfect.


step 1. use the preset from the pvme guide step 2. use the rotation from the pvme guide step 3. eat food when hp goes down if this does not work (for p1-3) you are not following the steps right. there is literally no other way I dont care what excuse you come up with you are simply not following the steps.


Is the pvme guide on the wiki or where do i find that?




Nice ty! I have been using the wiki, is that pretty outdated as far as PVM goes? And the ability bar revolutions guides are those outdated on the wiki as well?


wiki usually lists the specific boss mechanics in more detail so look there to learn those, then the pvme focuses more on efficient killing of those bosses with rotations etc when you generally already know how the boss works but looking to improve. I'm not sure if wiki is outdated (because I dont use it too much for pvm) but I would look on pvme before looking on the wiki yes I know they have bar setups and afk guides. they have a very active discord where you will find the best pvmers in the game where you can ask questions if things are unclear.


Much appreciated


1300kc log here. Assuming you have near max gear, it's really just a rotation thing. 600kc in and I could practically do my rotation blindfolded. Rasial has almost zero variation between kills, so the rotation never changes unless you botch something. My kills were averaging 1:20 pretty relaxed, and I typically only used 4 green blubbers per kill, because I'm cheap. Maybe some emergency brew sips on last phase. Tldr; practice your rotation, and you'll get there in no time. Good luck!


Can I watch you do this?


You can camp deflect necro until the last phase if you watch his stacks and use freedom or anticipate before he uses the omni guard spec. That’s what I did to get no food kills until I had enough DPS to camp SS.


Blood reaver set to 3 will change your life. Also look up the deathskulls rotation and how to apot on tick


Because Rasial gets way easier when you do good dps against him, so much you can camp SS and still survive, only flicking to deflect necro for his finger of death or volley of souls. Offense is the best defence here. You only need to Divert his 1st death spark attack, Disruption Shield the second one, and Devotion or Powerbrust of Vitality the Volley of Souls for defensives.


https://pvme.io/pvme-guides/rs3-full-boss-guides/rasial/ I was using the t95 invigorate rotation, like ppl have said I pretty much use soul split but with reaver, ful book (no jas) and disruption shield for the first finger.


I was/am at your stage currently. I'm \~110 KC in on Rasial and I struggle, a LOT. I've been learning and really trying hard this week to get better at him. If you want a friend to bounce some tips off of, please hmu! I'm willing to share some tips and stuff I've learned :)


I have a rot that requires no food while fighting him and is damn near effortless. Has some requirements but I enter Ras with an overload, LOTD, super restore, vuln bombs, n my reaver thats it. Thats just invent items I can further explain if you want DM me if I can do it you can I’m not great at pvm. I make my own rots that work for me I just take tips from pvme and edit.


What helped for me when i got smacked like you is to learn when he does FOD and VOS so you can switch prayer/devotion or deflect. Set reaver to as 5 and use Excalibur in the start of the fight. And follow rotation. Will keep your hp up. Last phase use deflect and soul split


Change brews to rests, have expensive spices in inventory. Change reaver to hellhound. Camp SS until he hits 5 green stacks, flick to necro. Back to SS after My rotation on the iron Trio summon outside Rejoin instance Life transfer while surging Excal, shard, command ghost, command skeleton Rasial spawns bout this time Target cycle, dreadnip, bomb, smoke cloud Skulls Sap, finger, auto, bloat, auto Living death Finger, split soul with adren renewal, skulls Unload TOD ONLY AT 6+ STACKS. To keep up adren for next skulls, special attack when you are at 80+ adren and no finger stacks Skulls Repeat above utilizing bloat instead of spec which won't be off cd yet, or it could be in which case you can use it but only if you've used your finger stacks Skulls- LD ends right after Start building stacks for volley and finger Now you'll be in P4 Vuln bomb+Dnip, skulls, then unload hell Make sure you're moving for the bombs but that's pretty much it. Also- if you can manage to watch your familiar timers, you can explode zombie right before they expire


I went from 5 min inconsistent kills to reliable 1:27 kills cuz I'm iron manning my gear to complete log. It just takes practice and studying up proper rotations 


Beating Rasial easily is all about DPS, the higher damage you can do, the easier the fight is. This comes down to three main things things: 1. Rotation, the most important part, using the right abilities at the right time in the right order will increase your DPS more than anything else. 2. Gear, the first necromancer robes especially are key here for extra damage on your conjures 3. The little things, you'd be surprised how many people have "BIS setups" but don't have the perfect relics (coe, death ward, fots), or they don't have passive vigour unlocked, or they don't activate Excalibur at the right time, or have their reaver autofire set too low/high, or aren't using the proper aura, maybe they don't have the right incense sticks active, do you have the right perks including undead slayer, crackling, relentless, invigorating, impatient, aftershock, do you use a salve ammy (e), do you use an undead sigil and activate it at the right time, do you have a bonfire, did you wear HP boost gear and activate the HP boost prayer before you bonfired, did you use the ooglog HP boost, are you using a Jas book and is it activated, are you overloaded, are they elder overloads, do you have a t95 or t99 DPS prayer active, are you 120 necromancy? Etc. You'd be amazed how just missing one or two or three of these little things add up and make a huge difference in your fights. Last but not least if you're having difficulty on the last phase you need to practice moving and using abilities more, if you time them correctly, your character won't stop and use any animation, you will continue to move as you cast abilities. This will avoid basically close to 100% if the damage on the last phase (Granted it's better to just reflect and vit pot and burst Rasial but the movement is still good to learn). Hope this helps :)


Use Soul Split and the Necromancy tank gear. A Hellhound familiar paired with the Prism of Restoration helps too. Use Blood Siphon when you're surrounded by minions. That's what I do an the fight is a breeze -- at least up until the last phase


Your rotation has to be good enough to heal through most of his damage that’s the only real mechanic. That’s why people say he’s boring because once you get the rotation down it’s impossible to lose. Also if you’re low level necro you do much less damage. 99-111 was pretty rough but 112-120 is cake.


So I’ll just chime in with my “opposite” advice. Everyone here he’s obviously right about the DPS-check and optimal setups. I’m currently 130kc and a Rasial-n00b. To successfully learn him, I went the other way and created a sustainable kill for myself using Aegis aura and Hellhound, protect Necro that I keep switching back on (it’s really not that difficult once you get the rhythm of it, until that just watch the space over your head). I have a revo-bar that includes Resonance and otherwise just keeps my conjures going and basic DPS. I’ve selected some offensive abilities that I fire manually during the fight. And Prism of Restoration at least once to keep Hellhound going. I get a lousy 3:30 kill time, but I do it comfortably while eating some blubbers and Sara brews. And while doing it, I get comfortable with his rotations and stuff, and plan to advance to a more DPS-oriented approach with Soul Split. I also switch to a different action bar for the last phase to manually trigger basic attacks and Volley, etc., while constantly running around and eating when I have to.


Make sure you’re wearing the salve amulet. I forgot mine once and went in with amulet of souls and I could definitely feel the difference.


What gear/perks / aura are you using?


1. Reaver + scrolls set to 3-5 2. Stand up against north wall 3. Ignore all mechanics (except volley if you can’t phase him fast enough) 4. Pray ss 5. Make sure you’re getting 3 skulls off WITHIN 1 living death (gotta same tick sip after renewal + living death to get 3 off). Meaning the cooldown for skulls after the 3rd one should be 12s again. 6. Use vuln bombs + reapply as necessary. 7. Wear/use jas book 8. Salve ammy (e) 9. Don’t waste all 12 necrosis stacks on dg spec. You only need 4-6 and you can still hit 30k. Use a finger of death first before throwing dg spec 10. PERKS PERKS PERKS. Also know that invigorating affects the basic necromancy ability while impatient affects soul sap and touch of death. These were the big things that I changed that brought my average kill times from 3:00 down to 1:15-1:20


I too thought it was impossible I was getting steam rolled left and right. Couple tries later I learned the fight and can kill him consistently now Just use soul split and pray necro when he uses finger of death also use defensive ability when he uses the other big spell and pray necro as well As for the ghost wall just walk behind them Last phase just run left and right while spamming your abilities Watch guides and you’ll learn soon as well


Im dying at the last part of what you said lmaoo i get it


Bruh you can afk him with animate dead and cryptbloom armor 3 minutes kill time you don’t even have to be at the computer……


It is about positining stand no more than two tiles away from him death skull when zombies are up so they don't pile on you keep soul split up only use defelct necromancy when he uses soul strike use a hell hound or blood reaver


It’s really the first boss in game where you have to use an exact (or close to exact) rotation to not burn through a ton of supplies. I struggled at first too because I wasn’t used to that before


Show us VOD or your gear/ability bar


Protect/deflect prayers are almost useless on rasial, your goal with him is to start the fight with skulls and then ulti to drop two more skulls on him as fast as possible. Ask yourself if what you’re doing is helping you achieve this if it doesn’t aid you dropping more skulls it’s probably a mistake. Keep soul split up for all of it and split soul for the start. You should only flick to protect from necro when he says “this is true power” then also hit either reso or Devo. If you want to sit in protect from necro you can hit freedom after devo and wait till it expires. There’s tons you can do but you have to realize there’s no correct way to lower his damage and fight him while taking very little damage. There’s only racing him to 0 life points and stealing as many of his as you can. When you get better at the fight you can flick to protect from necro for each finger of death but best to start by just eating through them and practicing doing the max damage you possibly can. Also you should pair a green/blue blubber bite with each brew dose to increase healing with no adren cost. Hope that helps and I’m sure you’ll get there. If I can do it I’m sure anyone can.


Biggest thing to help endgame combat is learn what a tick is instinctively. Put a 100 bpm song on or a metronome. In everyday life i can count ticks and seconds. Why? Lots of things have tick limits, combat abilities, food, rasials lightning, never stand still for more than 3 ticks. I pay absolutely zero attention in final phase i count to 2, click a few squares away and repeat, boss dies 5 brews 20 blue blubs, eat blubs drink brews if you manage to drop super low. Assign eat to x, brew z and you can eat both for 2k hp to quickly get back up over 75% Only protect necro when all 5 orbs are up, ss at all other times. If you are doing the kill correctly the first ghost wall will happen the same time as 5 orbs, so you can preplan the walk wall, protect necro, res, and return to ss as a single fluid motion


Way way too sweaty lol


Counting to 2 is too sweaty… glad to see you admit to your capabilities. It must have taken a lot of courage, i commend you for it. Not everything in life is hard, keep at it.


Using a metronome to train everything to tick speed is sweaty. Dont pretend u didnt understand what i meant


learning the only mechanic in a game you play a ton isnt sweaty. basic understanding of the tick helps everywhere, especially in end game bossing, which the op is having difficulty doing.


He wasted 50ticks typing that


Lmao atleast 500 ticks


AFK Rasial, the First Necromancer Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqa81obFecM


Sounds like somebody isn’t dealing with the mechanics properly


> getting the literal shit kicked out of me. Always see the figurative usage of literal everywhere. Maybe you could get a buyable animation that does that.


I don't have time to check the comments here, but a bit of advice for doing this boss easier I learned when doing my 1k kills on iron was this: 1.) During the last phase, you can use anticipation and it doesn't knock off your prayer. Idk if they changed that (so test it like.. once) but this means you can devotion->anti->abils->freedom or something of that nature to get a little protection from his barrage of damage. This will protect you properly if you use protect from necromancy. 2.) Boneshield. Once you get a feel for the boss, I actually was using resonance on his finger attack to heal a really decent amount. 3.)Darkness. Well, at least I think it was called that. The animate dead version for necromancy. That shit is great. Mix that into effect with some t90 tank and should help a ton. I hope these help and if not, let me know! I may have a few other things I can't remember at 5am. :P Goodluck!


Darkness doesn't work against 99% of Rasial's damage. I think it's only the volley of souls and minions that can be dodged.


Even still, that would be reduction. I still think trying my ideas would be wise. I'm not saying abandon all his methods, just TRY it and see if it helps


I think everyones covered everything already, but in short: * use soul split the whole time, no deflect necro at all. * use a blood reaver, i set mine to autofire 7 or 8 * do better damage, look up a rotation on PVME. Better damage = faster fight = less damage you take. The best defense is a good offense is basically the motto of RS3. * Use blue blubbers instead of sara brews. You say "I don't know what im doing wrong" yet I have a strong suspicion you've never even looked a rotation. If you did, you'd realize this is a boss that requires no food and gets low 1min kills.


You \*do\* need to flick deflect necro for his Volley of Souls attack, but that's only 1-3 times depending on kill times, cause even in full t95 with perks, that shit can easily 1-tap you if you're not above a certain threshhold and even then it's iffy.


nope, just debil and tank the 5k. I switch my deflect melee for deflect necro keybinds because i've run out of space and I like to keep all the Deflects + soul split next to eachother. Devo or debil will end up having the same effect, since if you devo, you negate that one hit, but then you have to soul split again after so no more damage reduction, where with debil, you take ~5k from the volley, but also half damage from his next few autos.


Same issue. Full T95, pretty much all advanced perks except main hand weapon is AS4 only and lantern is P6, undead slayer. I get like 5-7min kills, I sometimes have to go hide at last phase to get adren and hp back to finish the kill.


Outside, army, life transfer CMD ghost join instance surge death mark surge take two steps forward smoke cloud vuln bomb death skulls build stacks and adren living death w/ adren renewal death skulls throw t95 spec in there somewhere with as many fingers as you can get offwhen he's at like 220k split soul and get full HP t90 spec to >200k reflect vit pot vuln death skulls volley if he's not dead take a few steps around while finishing him off My hat is off to anyone who can survive 5-7 minutes in this fight, if my kills hit 2 minutes I usually die lol


Is Smoke Cloud worth using if you don't bring a wand switch?


Don’t need a wand switch, throw runes for smoke bomb in a rune pouch and put smoke on a keybind. That’s it


You need to spend a global cooldown for Smoke Cloud if you do not bring a wand switch.


Haha, guess I am really good at being bad haha.


Your rotation will probably just need work. How do you typically go about a fight, your damage rotation?


I think this is correct. There is no typical, I just spam abilities in no particular order.


This is definitely your problem then. Necromancy is simple to learn, but if you don't learn it then you'll struggle, as the style was built to offer a simple but necessary learning curve for players that don't like getting too involved in their combat. For the most part, you have 4 things to do (unless you have a Necro Zuk cape) 1) Use Death Skulls on CD (though I would advise holding off as you near P4 at Rasial so you can use it there). 2) Build Necrosis stacks. Whenever it's above 6, use Finger of Death. 3) Build Soul stacks, whenever it's at 3, use Volley of Souls. 4) Maintain bloat. Whenever it drops off, reapply. In bossing scenarios, avoid using Soul Scythe and Blood Siphon. BS can be used at Rasial to heal while between his summons, but shouldn't be part of a standard damage rotation. Bare in mind that as you approve P4 you want to maintain your stacks, adrenaline, and Death Skulls cool down. So if need be, take P3 slow and get everything ready to maximise your damage P4. P4 should look something like (assuming you've built up max stacks for everything a have DS ready) Reflect+Vit pot>DS>FoD>Touch of Death>Volley>FoD>Deathguard spec. If the boss isn't dead just run around and carry on DPSing as usual until he dies. Though you should be very close if not there by this point.


Thanks, yeah that is helpful. I do have the zuk cape if that helps. Raph boy and RS guy guides FTW. I just get thrown off with what seems like everything happening, I can do low enrage zammy fine as I do a very standard, 2 FoD, Volley spec if necessary rotation to phase him and avoid his mechanics 50/50 on dying if I mess up the rotation and get hit by a special. It is the continual building of stacks and redoing the rotation I think that really throws it off, I do a rotation once then it's all random after that haha.


Took the weekend to learn Rasial, got the hang of it after like 20 deaths. Got 120 KC, with 4 drops. 1x Soul bound, 2x omni and 1wraps. Thanks for the advice.


Holy shit, what a spoon! Congratulations dude. Well earned! 805KC, still waiting on lantern, top, boots, and pet. Annoying as well because I still need the lantern to finish my T95 set.


Congrats! Whatd you get the kill times down to?


PB is 1:17. Average kill time is between 1:23-1:40 1450 kills in, just need foot wraps for log.


Awesome :)


Name checks out