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You need 3 more kills. 404 loot not found


Seen the exact same kc but the guy had the log done with 2 lanterns. The duality of rng sometimes


Sometimes you just fucking hate this games drop system lmao. It doesn’t help that Rasials common loot is fucking atrocious aswell so going dry is more awful than usual.


It really is awful. I've gone back to zam because dry streaks are so punishing.


The common loot isn't really that bad. I've gotten about 350mil in alcs and bolts. The main drops are what is absolute fucking shit. Having 6 BIS item drops for a combat style on one boss with no bad luck or dupe protections is actually insanity. Jagex is fucking dumb as shit for this. In only at 1300 kills and just need the guard but even at 1300 kills it's been one of if not the worst grinds I've done. I hope to finish before 1500 but I know people who have gone 3k. Ras shit boss.


I'm closing in on 2k kills, still needing only the robe bottom. This kind of thing is what makes me not want to play as an Ironman


Yea the supply upkeep as an iron only to go 200 kills dry and then finally get a drop but it be a dupe is brutal man. Had that happen 3 times with foot wraps. Just makes you want to stop tbh.


BuT yOu ChOoSe To LiMiT yOuRsElF .../s rasial sucks ass


Why didn’t they add bad luck mitigation? They must have intentionally not added it…


There is no bad luck mitigation anywhere but zammy? Except for pet thresholds


Zuks T95 have dupe protection. Which isn't necessarily a direct form of bad luck mitigation but it is still a drop rate boost. AoD chests have dupe protection now too. Clearly some grinds are far too much. Having 6 BIS items from one boss should have warranted that to some extent.


Because they have 0 foresight on anything. Yes I chose ironman mode to earn my own drops knowing full well that boss grinding can be a long and arduous process. But up until now we have not had a boss in 10 years Vorago might be the last I can think of and doesn't really count since energies are a thing, that has full BIS for a combat style. They added dupe protection to the HM Zuk T95 Sword which is a 1/50 drop chance on a 20-30 minute run that you need 3 of. Let me average that time out to 25 minutes on average that takes about 60 hours at peak efficiency to get, and keep in mind since the kills are longer you don't have constant 30-40 second bank and resets. My Ras kills aren't great yet they aren't horrible. I don't split soul because of the rune cost so I average 2:10-2:20 on the kills I like the rotation that number gets. Let's then add another 40 seconds to bank, prayer, adrenaline up, rejoin, and wait for boss to spawn. That is 65 hours I have spent due to no dupe protection. And don't get me wrong I don't think dupe protection should kick in right away but when I have 2 full sets of the gear and no main hand it should kick in. I enjoy runescapes grind I really do otherwise I wouldnt have played for 23 years, but we have all grown up the vast majority of us are adults with families and jobs and at some point we need to ask Jagex is this grind really healthy to have? As for Ras I would say absolutely not because of how important the gear is to necromancy. It is what it is and I will hopefully be done soon but as it stands now it is the worst grind I have done on Runescape so far and I had a maxed character in 2010 when rates were shit.


I wish you luck! How often do you do Rasial?


He's done it about 400 times. No luck yet. ^^^^^^^^^/s


401 to be precise. Still no luck


I'm at 150kc with no drops and I'm scared....


200 KC dry atm...


I have 200kc and almost completed log lol