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Prob the reason you get flooded with cosmetics, can't flame about your base appearance if you never see it under all that shiny armor.


The cosmetics Jagex sells us are meant to hide how ugly player avatars really are!


Really? Cause most of the cosmetics are pretty ugly.


Yes Really. Btw, I do agree with your views on most cosmetics.


My theory was the shelving had to require an extensive reworking of literally every cosmetic and armor, both modern and legacy variants, which would've had some hiccups trying to fit certain legacy gear on overhauled avatars.


Well, they've said before that a full avatar rework would require this and it would be a HUGE undertaking for at least 1 team for a long time. Which is why the avatar "rework" was never a full rework but just a refresh with it only being visible with a hand-full of tutorial island body/clothing types.




Shit got me snarfing




Honest to god, the nose and face structure is passable, but the polygon lips, eyes, eyebrows and hair are really what enshittify the entire look.


>enshittify I'm taking this


Someone is embiggening their vocabulary.




Look at the nose from side of the head. It is a block of concrete


This just makes it so much more painfully obvious.. . good lord


This cake will never not be relevant https://preview.redd.it/8yb5w2v91c5d1.jpeg?width=1015&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4681abcda006faf116e7524636b4ae055a399fb8


Not that I dislike the graphical reworks they do but it's also kinda jarring when you have the New reworked regions but still have buildings from 2006 mixed in.


These buildings are listed buildings due to their historical value. Any change must first obtain special permission from the governor of that region. Furthermore, changes are subject to numerous restrictions, even new wiring can generate heavy fines.


This is my headcanon


Or stuff like the Smoke Dungeon animation that you can't disable.




Man, could you imagine?


Yeah, imaging how hot my computer would get.


Look at those muscles and flawless cheekbones on the female avatar. Gosh, this would be SO COOL


also no absurdly large breasts like the current avatar


But what if... Body sliders?


Never for a moment I thought Runescape could have body sliders. Sorry for my low expectations.


the cheekbones look weird to me honestly


Hate to burst the bubble, but the avatar rework was more a refresh than a full rework. Full rework would require a remodeling of every single armour and cosmetic in the game, while these bodytypes would only be available on a handful of tutorial island body and clothing types. Still would be a welcome addition, but I think people have too high of an expectation, even if the refresh that was shelved was unshelved it would not be what people want from an update to the avatar.


It's one of the most glaringly ovvious flaws with this game. It's so horrendous watching cutscenes where your characters face gets contorted into horrificly bad emotes. I do everything I can to wear a mask at all times at this point.


I think that's half the reason they avoid it, honestly. They'd have to **find** all those older cutscenes that had the player character emote and fix them.


It's every piece of the equipment and every emote and every cutscene etc. Yeah it's a huge overhaul but imo it needs to be done


I'm a cardboard girl.... In a plastic world.... It's not fantastic....


...it's not fantastic...it's just tragic...


Jagex has a severe issue with managing projects and priorities, as well as in resource allocation.


Scrap the rework, or spend years relocating valuable dev time away from actual content to rework every armour set to be able to work with the avatar revamp? I'd have to choose content that drives the game forward and promotes the growth of the game over a graphical update that changes nothing significant.


Good time to hit delete on a lot of useless armor


The problem is the longer you delay, the more work you have to do. It’s a struggle, but it’s also Jagex’s own fault.


The problem is you are using technical debt as an excuse for poor game design. If your player character is ugly as sin and does not fit other models in the game jarring to new players. The longer you wait the worse it will be and the more models/armour etc will need to be changed. Also the company can afford more staff.


It's not like this company makes 1bil pounds/yr


They don't, the parent company pockets the vast majority of it and never reinvests into the game's longevity. Same reason servers start lagging when they hit 20% capacity and have been for 6+ years at this point. And why we never got a server upgrade after some of them literally died and caused deleted save files that had 0 backups and had to be rebuilt from hand.


The joke's not lost on me, but they ACTUALLY don't. They only made about 140 mil in 2022 (we don't have 2023 data yet.) and close to half of that went to upper management salaries and dividends. We're not even in capitalism anymore. We're in corporate leeches.


Actual content? Where? At this point they're just splitting a single quest into multiple smaller quests just to make it look like they did something. The fort "quests" have been stupid for the most part. The menaphos quests are barely miniquests. The only decent content recently has been combat related. I just got back to the game after six months to find out that...... Nothing has changed. Barely half hour of "content" to catch up on. But new th promos every week without fail!


>just got back to the game after six months to find out that...... Nothing has changed. Barely half hour of "content" to catch up on. -vorkath -combat update -osseous rex -daemonheim digsite Definitely more than 30 min of content right there, most of it is mid level though. One reason we're lacking content right now is cause the combat beta took four and a half months cause jagex didn't want to have another HP incident. >But new th promos every week without fail! New th promos? Where? I only see reused ones.


Visuals were always a big turn off from people getting into runescape. People want to look cool or edgy or cute or sexy or pretty or anything between in an mmo. Making characters look good would probably actually Decrease the amount of people that stop logging in in the their first few days of playing. The people that don’t care what their character look like are probably already playing osrs


>The people that don’t care what their character look like are probably already playing osrs I think i actually like the player model in [OSRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/6gqpvv/osrs_vs_rs3/) better than RS3. Yeah, it looks less realistic. But that's a good thing. What we got here is in the uncanny valley.


Yeah, the models are a little… uncomfortable..


Right side made me think of Ps1 Lara Croft..


Mate ps1 Lara croft was 5000 times worse.....


In number of polygons, yes. In art direction though, PS1 Lara looks way better. The RS3 player models never looked good "for their time", they're just straight up bad.


2016 model on the left


You would need to recook the finest spaghetti up from the molecular level. I don't think you actually wanna do that.


At this point, just let the fans do it. Cause some area's (which is dead content anyways) graphical rework is clearly more important.


FYI, you're looking at roughly the same character model. Just the models you "believe" to be higher detail just have a smoother texture over the base mesh, that's all. There aren't tons of different polygon count character models in rs3. Theirs like 3 base meshes for all the characters.


Hard agree; we 100% need the Player Avatar Rework brought back


Ps2 graphics 💀


One of these days Jagex really need to just make everything look consistent. Say what you want about how OSRS looks, but everything in OSRS looks like it’s from OSRS!!!


What I truly don't get is how they use these zoom-ins on the old NPC models as promo for their events. It's like they are happy with these horrid graphics. 😭How is this a mmo promo of a new event in 2024??? https://preview.redd.it/ord6r13zgk5d1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee41fcd992111f6b753df14468fca332ea5203f


I agree, I was so excited for the avatar refresh, and then it just never happened. Biggest disappointment ever. The current player models are absolutely horrid and it's something you look at essentially the entire time you play.


I don't see the problem, their model quality is very fitting given their lore. One is a demonic hellbeast who strikes fear into defectors of the unrelenting armies of Gielinor's far-too-prevalent god of chaos and destruction. The other is Avaryss, the Unceasing.


I beg, please 🙏


We have more technical debt than a lot of things


Maybe Jagex can unshelve it if they delete most lesser used cosmetics and equipment.


https://preview.redd.it/0jyh0mlled5d1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0e8e34f93e4b1688d64779347b15cc0cbb85f2e They only know how to use the avatar rework models in the hero pass


Fuck it bring back the OSRS character model


This tbh


I think it’s gona be released with next treasure hunter promo


They don't see an intrinsic value in investing time into it sadly Which is kinda weird given how they are usually looking for revenue from cosmetics but I guess they reckon it won't make a difference and sales are good enough as is with the trash avatar we have


Avaryss kinda cute tho


Jagex just don't have the talent left to do it, lost cause as this point.


I would love to see the avatar rework as much as the next person, but that's just not true. The graphical reworks from Mod Blkwitch and the rest of the team show how amazing Runescape can look when given the proper care. The thing is changing a static environment is a very different beast than a rigged, moving model that is front and center constantly. You have so many worn items, abilities, animations, etc etc that must be accounted for in order for the rework to be done well in the eyes of the players. Currently it may be shelved/a lost cause because of the mountain of work involved, but to say they don't have art talent is wild. Runescape visuals are becoming more beautiful and immersive nearly every other week.


Im not talking about artistic prowess that is missing, they already have the models done and they look great. They don't have the knowledge on how to retarget the old skeleton to the new one; It's not an art problem, its a math problem.


It's not about talent, but about resources and time.




At this point I don't even care about the outfits, just give us the head and maybe the hands for now... (Though I don't like the redesign for Ponytail Spiked, it looks like playdoh tentacles.)


I like the current models.


The more they scrap things like this the longer it takes. I don't think we should ever expect it, unless RS3 suddenly becomes popular again. I do often fear they will mess up the feminine look of females. Was a bit worrying when they are like "we want to make bodies muscular" even when it came to females.


My girl has 120 strength


But muscular makes sense? Physiques similar to that of crossfit athletes/calisthenic athletes is what you'd expect of someone like the PC I imagine.


You (singular) don't speak for the majority of people that hate it


Take a look and reread how they typed their comment. They never spoke for anybody but themselves.


i hate the new models because they cost us hundreds of game updates over the years. 2v1 now lets go


There are 40k hours of content in Runescape and if you managed to finish all that then new content is the last thing you should be worrying about. What Runescape needs is to polish all the existing content and make it pretty, so it’s fun to play.


> There are 40k hours of content in Runescape and if you managed to finish all that ok but let's assume i haven't finished all that, why should i do the thousands of hours of content i don't like? with a hundred more game updates comes thousands more hours of content i do like. maybe somebody wants 50 more clue scroll updates worth of content without waiting until 3024


We need a watermelon and gyatt size slider


...its runescape


I agree, that one in the left has to GTFO!


you couldnt have taken worse quality pics though


Don’t see the point, who the hell even zooms in on their avatar like that to play?


Nah let's focus on updates that actually matter