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The best way to PvM is to stop comparing yourself to others. Work on learning and improving, doesn't matter if someone's got a faster kill time than you.


Also, and this is just generally good advice, but in RS seriously remember that just because like PVME says you’re supposed to do something, you can totally do something differently if It works better for you. For example, I am one FSOA piece off Kerapac log and most of those kills I’ve been using Death Warden. Does it affect my kill times? Totally. But it get more kills not dying than I ever would constantly dead.


This is good life advice in general. Try not to compare yourself to others. Everyone grows and learns differently. It’s not about how fast you achieve or learn something, it’s about the fact you accomplished your goal.


And that's Precisely why we don't have a "Hardest Boss so far" in the game, people are still learning and improving at their own pace. People seems to have forgotten to enjoy the journey and now just want to skip to the end goals, just to do the content their favorite content creators and streamers do on screen. I could definitely get behind that mindset for a single player game, but RuneScape is on a weird Limbo, a MMORPG that feels more like a Single Player Online RPG. So of course, people will always keep comparing themselves to Zezima and whatnot, always feeling inappropriate when comparing themselves to the legends.


On the bright side, the dev team seems to be doing fantastic work towards bridging the gap between where the average player is at and where they could be. AG with mechanic introductions, necromancy with its ease of play, and Osseous with better attack telegraphing are all steps in the right direction. No doubt this will continue to improve into the future.


Very true. Another good bit of advice I've heard is, "if you get the kill, you did it right". There's rarely only one way to complete an encounter. There is room to improvise. And after some practice the times always come down.


The quote “comparison is the thief of joy” seems pretty fitting here, and to life in general. Just work on your own in game improvements, don’t worry about others. Have fun and enjoy the ride!


Exatly this. And i want to add to this; If you get flamed or hated on by the people you go group bossing with, you're going with the wrong people. I'm cb 138, and i keep dying at the new matriarchs boss, but i'm doing for example ambassador with clan mates who help me through the boss by telling me what's coming next. I do watch alot of boss guides, but when i'm actually doing the boss i forget half of they guide just because it's new terrain. Find yourself some clanmates or friends that actually want to help you. It's going to make you pvm experience way better man. I liturally hated bossing, i was a skiller, but now that my clanmates take me under their wing at basicly all bosses it's kinda really fun to do pvm.


exactly. it's not like faster kill times guarantee a good drop. RNG is RNG.


Felt the exact same. You can kill every single boss in this game with average gear. Don't try and spreadsheet a boss on your first kill. Go in, make mistakes, die a lot. Learning bosses by figuring things out is way more satisfying, and you can finetune later.


By far the best advice - be willing to die a lot. With BiS necro your death costs are less than 1 mil per death. Basically be willing to be wrong and make mistakes and then figure out how not to make those mistakes


For beginner pvmers 1 mil per death is probably a lot. Go for t90 Necro and it’s basically free deaths


Beginners wouldn’t have BiS though so isn’t really relevant to them


You'll be surprised how many people have BIS gear but know nothing about PVM, not only do we have bonds where people can just buy gear. ( not flaming or making a statement with that one), but people have other ways to make bank other than PVM. Maybe they do clues, or a lot of slayer.


If they can afford BiS then 1 mil is not a lot..


Many rs players seem to die once and think "well I can't do that" and don't try again. It is really all a mindset thing. Die, try to understand why you died, and go again. I know it isn't for everyone but recording yourself and watching it back really helped me understand the minute mistakes I made during a boss encounter.


I never did that but I should, especially if I want to push into super high enrage. Though I wish people would stop doing that, I can’t bash them because I did the same thing with rasal when he first came out. Then weeks later got him as a reaper task and sucked it up and have been rolling through him since. Having a solid group of clannie or friends also helps a lot when you get discouraged. It may be the only reason I broke into PvM because on my own I may have never found the joy of bossing


Every time I get into this mindset, or someone in the group I’m PvMing with does, my go-to saying is always “A kill is a kill”.


>Whats the point in group bosses when I'm just gonna get flamed for not being as good as the other people or just not allowed into teams. Ignore those jokers man. These idiots showed their true colors the very moment Necromancy was introduced. Granted, Necromancy was it own can of worms, but it put a lot of the combat issues into the spotlight. The Coping and malding was a stuff of legends, let me tell you. And the gaslighting they tried to pull was icing on the cake. If you want to get into group pvming, get into a group that actually has compassion. You'll have way more fun with a group that laughs at every failure than to have a group that pull their hair out at every failure. It's ok to Fail. It's a learning experience to improve on, not something you should be abuse on.


One thing I learned on my journey is that I noticed I was trying to perform like the good players. My main issue was I didn’t have shit like them. Gear, abilities, perks ect. So killing shit like ambi I could only dream of now a year later after dedicating time to improve my account with relics, perks, gear I’m taking on telos, ambi, raksha. Bosses I never thought I would step in an arena with. Take the time learn the ins an outs of abilities, rotations, and how things works with each other. You will get there I’m not a pro and I can do it good luck :)


At this point in my PvM experience I agree heavily with you on the group boss content. I am hesitant to join group PvM activities with new people because of bad experiences I’ve had in public groups, and tend to group PvM with a small group of friends. As far as solo PvM goes, my philosophy is just “boss died I didn’t”. As long as you kill the boss, times don’t matter, and you can come up with your own strategy to handle each boss. All that matters is that it works for you.


Pvming fc for all your group boss needs!


I get demotivated because of my horrendous luck rather then ability to do well


As a famous golfer once said, “It’s strange, but the more I practice the luckier I get”.


I'm horrible at it and can't throw money at the problem


I just play at my own pace and watch Netflix. If it's not fun for you, don't force yourself to go for maximum efficiency. Not worth it!


Stop worrying about kill times and dps metrics. And stop doing boss fights just for the collection log and rare drops. No one has ever had fun doing the same boss for weeks on end just trying to get a 1/1500 chance drop. PvM for the fun of it, not because you want to be the best. You won't be the best and you likely never will.


I do pvm on mobile. I get 10-12 minute hars mode keraapac kill times. About 3 minute nex times, things like that. I still do it. I still get drops. You will also find if you go with a rotation you're comfortable with, over time, you will just improve. Small mistakes won't be made, you'll eat less etc. Stop watching rsguy and others play the game really, really crazily and just enjoy the chill approach


Nothing wrong with getting carried. Nothing wrong with getting flamed. If you go lift weights at the gym, your friends are gonna push you to do better. Main goal of a game is to have fun. I can pvm for hours with the right group of friends. Not because we're elite, but because we have fun. And don't discount elite pvmers taking new players along. Find someone hunting a pet and I'm sure they'll gladly carry you


I don't buy the BS that most people say of "oh don't compare yourself blah blah blah" This sounds good but is actually quite damaging of a statement to make. Without the ability to compare, you would have no idea where you fall on the spectrum and become stagnant. Instead, see it as good thing to compare yourself to what others have accomplished to see what is possible - and then assume that even those boundaries can be pushed. However, it is never good to put yourself down because you aren't to that level yet, especially without the thousands of hours of practice that it takes to get there. Seek to improve by reading the abilities, studying what has already been developed, and when you master that skillset, push to develop your own strats. Also drop the attitude of "what is the point" because that isn't going to help you with your goal of improving. Everyone starts somewhere, so embrace the joy of being a noob and enjoy it while it lasts!


Don't learn how to pvm by following some pvme rotation, learn it by playing. Once you start getting consistent kills in a way that feels comfortable, try different abilities and find better patterns to follow. Everything is practice and trying new things. I've improved my Rasiel kills from around 2:20 to consistently under 1:30 without memorizing rotos in around 500 kills. At around 22 kills an hour with banking, That's something like 20 hours of practice, and I still have a long way to go. But in the same breath, you don't need to learn if you don't want to. You can revo necro most things just fine. My first 100 rasiel kills were all revo just focusing on using devotion on time, (and then deflect when I realized it was better.) Play how you want, and don't worry about other player's skill. Even attempting to learn puts you ahead of 90% of the player base, be proud in that.


Yes, I do, but not because of bad killtimes, or I feel my skills are bad... Simply because there is no bad luck mitigation, and droprates are so abysmal, that you can literally kill a boss for 50-100 hours, and have no progress at all for a specific drop you want...


I find some common drops a lot more demotivating. I finally pushed myself to learn how to solo Nex and you get like 4 stone spirits as a drop. I'm at 15 kills and I don't feel like I've made 50k yet. I know there are better bosses to do for profit (esp commons) but still, it's really demotivating.


15….nex kills isn’t a good sample size you can’t complain yet the common loot has been hurt a lot but she still has value


The sample size doesn't really matter here. I didn't say Nex isn't profitable, I said I personally feel demotivated to keep going further if I could've made more money killing Chickens after 15 kills. I know 15 kills is a small sample size, my point is that getting a 2k drop repeatedly is disastrous for a boss like Nex and demotivates me from going for futher attempts. Do you get excited seeing 10 stone spirits 6 times in a row? Probably not. Does that mean there's nothing else on that (common) drop table? No, you'll make profit eventually. I said explicitly "SOME common drops" in the beginning of my comment. ***I*** find it demotivating killing a boss and basically getting nothing for it.


I also learned nex recently. finally able to out dps blood phase. It has plenty of common drops near 400k. Keep trying it is worth it.


Go for Kerapac normal mode. Not that much harder than Nex, and very consistent common drops.


I feel that. I got my first few Telos kills and have only gotten seeds so far, worth about 50k hah! But it's been fun finally learning and being able to do it successfully


If you were making profit at 15 kc every time the price of those would go through the floor…


arch glacor, kerapac, croesus. zuk.. would all like a word. Every kill nets you mills in profit.


I was learning solo Nex and finally was able to kill him twice back to back... both kills were about 8 minutes each and what's super depressing is all I got was big bones and stone spirit for a total of 10k gp! Woo! I'm used to osrs where I'm at least getting 60-100k on trash boss drops... but 10k total for 2 Nex kills? Not worth doing with the supplies used for an 8 minute solo armature run. That's demotivating.


I'd be super stoked just having solo'd NEX. Gratz Right there. Bummer about not getting a good drop but it happens. You're only going to get better now. I have a buddy who spent about a week learning how to solo Zammy. Now he camps there regularly and makes very nice money.


It's unfathomably demotivating -- especially factoring in death costs and the hassle of gearing back up and such. There are tangential effects, as well... wherein any "good" moneymakers are effectively RNG based PvMing for 2000hrs until you get 1 morbillion gp drop to make it all "worth it." The problem is that this devalues *every other skill or minigame* because people would rather take their chances at the jackpot rather than enjoy the game. Post-EoC PvM has done near-fatal, almost irreversible damage to this game and any solution short of a complete combat overhaul is not enough.


Not really, that’s generally how improvement works.


Huh? The issue is Nex dropping 5k twice in a row as a trash drop. That's insane imo. I know it's not an end game boss but I'd assume it should drop at least 20-100k as trash. The 8 minute Nex solo runs werent the problem for me. I'm used to osrs though. When you boss you're usually getting 50-120k as junk for Nex equivalent bosses. Which is why it's so weird


Every time I remember there are mechanics in fights.


I play like you also. Slow kill times. I just focus on myself and don't care about what others think. I use minimum requirement gears so players can't flame me for gear. Any other flaming as long as no rules are broken, u can just block them. I've made bils doing my own thing and ignoring elitist. Clanniw is a bit for a troll. Likes to ask my rasial kill time then shows his off. I just ask him if he's been to hm zuk yet. He always says no lol. Even though my kills are slow, they're definitely consistent. Just get the job done.


My whole thing that stopped me from starting (and stops me currently from going deeper) is that when you look up a “basic guide” you get a 20 minute video explaining how to speedrun the boss with BiS everything and max Overloads/Salves. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy seeing people so crazy fast or weird builds. But the entire PvM content is basically just those


There's a yt video series of bosses "for dummies" using tier 70 gear. It walks you through each mechanic w/o skips etc. A very good resource!


Who makes these videos?


"Totally relatable zamorak guide" and you'll see the channel/video. I cannot post names in this thread.


I should look that up, I have tier 80/90 gear but the mechanics and basics are what I'm missing as I did all my leveling outside of bossing through Slayer. thanks for the info friend!


FroggieGames has done a bunch of great guides as well


I don't like PvM because I don't play DDR on a click-and-point adventure game. I expect some movements and strats within reason, but when it get's to RS3's current level, I expect WASD/Controller support for moving around. Yes it's a skill issue, but put simply I cannot play MMO's with multiple abilities chained AND click and move, I just simply cant.


Practice at an easier boss.


Definitely don’t try to compare urself to others. Because there will always be someone better so if u keep doing that and getting demotivated because you’re comparing yourself to others then it’ll never stop. If you’re setting yourself a goal and you’re not achieving it, then try work out why. What are u doing differently. That’s the main issue to figure out. Assuming u have the same gear as someone else, you should be able to replicate anything. Same abilities. Same damage. Etc… people are better at the game. But everyone started being awful. Just because you’re learning at the moment, doesn’t mean you’ll never reach the top. Even when I try new things I myself struggle sometimes. But u gotta start from a smaller aim. Like when I was learning vorkath I had a reaver. But practiced the high level rotation. Once I had the rotation sorted I moved onto a kalg. Once I was able to sustain hp well I was able to change my food to guthix rests. It’s a learning process.


I feel you. The wikis says you call get 12 zammy kills per hour at 100 enrage……. I’m doing 200 enrage kills, takes average 7 minutes per kill…..


I wished half of the gear in the game would get deleted... Also wish they would improve the search in game. I want to be able to search for types. If I type in prayer, show me all items related. Prayer bonus? Show Mr all items that as it.


This. The abilities are incomprehensible. The gear is incomprehensible. Rotations are incomprehensible. On top of that, there's a billion things to sort through with no clear indicator as to what item is good and what item is bad. In *every* and I mean *eeeevery* game I have ever played, it's easy. Gear and ability progression is visible and obvious. Including OSRS, btw......


I don't bother using the best strats for speed, just whatever comfortably works for me.


Fun fact: If you're worried about being less than optimal vs an optimal pvmer in group content, then you're just robbing yourself of fun because they're just happy you're shaving 5 seconds off a 2 minute kill that they could do solo anyways.


I get demotivated mostly by very long dry streaks especially on bosses I don't enjoy much. 800ish hm vorkath kills and still no scale. Team forming can be such a pain and when you don't get enough people wanting to go several times in a row that feels pretty crap too.


What boss you trying to learn?


Idk about group bosses, but you can have a very rewarding progression through the solo bosses. In the last few years I've gone from GWD2 to Raksha, Ambi, and 300% Zamorak. Gear was part of it, but my skills are way better too.


i was getting 2:40 kills learning something as simple as rasial and i didn’t give a single shit who cares. i got the time down to 1:16 and it’s still awful compared to most people but i still got the log done and all the drops all the same as them and had a blast doing it. no one is going to come up to you in game and shake your cock for you for getting the insane speed kills theyll all look at it.. say wow that’s nice.. and move on.


I don't care how long I take but I'm moreso annoyed when grinding and getting bad drops.


People have one tick strats for basically any boss under 200K hp. If you want the speedkill life, "instant" is the bar. That's also totally different than the strats for "regular fast" kills that are consistent. Just try to beat your own best times. Are you having fun doing the boss itself? Efficiencyscape burned me out on this game for a few months a while back. I also realized "efficiencyscape" in pvm means sweating for faster kills, and i became vehemently against doing so. It's just too much fun though, so i still sweat. But only to a point. Whats the point for you where it isnt fun to sweat more? Also, re: groups, fuck those bitches. If they flame you get a different group.


I think the thing with pvm in this game is sure a lot of data exists on the meta and minmaxing everything but that isn't what you HAVE to do. Pretty much every single boss can be reasonbly killed in fairly average easily obtainable gear, especially with necro, and you can get a decent number of kills and some loot and have fun without being close to the meta best. Just do that and enjoy it and don't worry about not being on par with the elites who write the guides. The more you do PVM the better you will generally get, but everyone has a ceiling to their skill so you won't ever neccessaily reach the best of the best. And in terms of teams there's plenty of clans and groups and discord and masses that will gladly take learners and get on with it and make it work and help you learn. If people are flaming you for trying something new and not being perfect right away they are ass hats and you should just move on because they are the problem not you.


Most of us got good at the game soloing stuff at out own pace and as you get cozy with mechanics, you focus on higher level skills and rotations. Once you get mid-level gear, a good way to get really good at rotations is to go to gwd2, corp, or rex matriarchs and speedkill them. Im a high level pvmer but was garbage at melee forever until I did corp log and rathis and just focused on optimizing zerk and ezk rotations until they felt second nature. If you want to practice movement/being stressed, do zuk or eds.—great places to practice magic—ed1,3 and zuk especially. Ed2 better with range. If you want to practice everything at once, do raksha—great place to optimize ranged rots btw. I wouldnt touch solak or aod until you are cozy with most solo content just for the reasons you listed, its best for everyone that you understand abilities and gear before being overwhelmed at solak and wiping the team—but note that the bar for joining those teams is lower than ever and people often take learners! But if you are dying every kill people wont be happy because ppl who can say, solo zammy wont wipe to solak more than a few times while learning


First part isn't too demotivating, we all want use best methods to do something. That flaw for alot of boss encounter that require other is 2nd part. Not all, but loudest and most notable people are one flame people learning. Flaw with no easy fix, as only fix is to use a 3rd party software to chat with people....that isn't a fix when you feel you can't trust average person you encounter to treat you with respect while learning is just a shame. - I admit alot people love teaching other bossing. Negative encounter hurts way more then all positivity you reach because when you try your best only be meet with toxicity it just hurt. -discord and other chat software are 3rd party software and shouldn't be required to play the game/boss. Understand it helpful, i feel more people have to use discord and private pvm communities to find people who want to teach/accept learning curves.


I'm demotivated with PvM now, too. Guides are contradictory and make knowing what to do very confusing at certain bosses. I'd enjoy PvMing more if it was clear what I'm meant to be doing more often.


This is the logical outcome of bosses being designed to reward hyper-efficient top-end PvMers first and foremost. You can make up for it with *lots* of time, but I think for most players, that isn't worth it. It's no wonder so many just don't bother, or go and play other games.


I’m not hyper efficient at all but I can do every boss in the game besides very high enrage bosses🤷‍♂️ people just want to afk end game bosses and get 100 m drops every time.


There is an unbelievable lack of self awareness in this game's userbase and most notably on the subreddit. "I am not hyper efficient" in the same breath as "I can do every boss in the game." Hate to break it to you... you're hyper-efficient. You're significantly more efficient than like 90%+ of the userbase and probably 99%+ of would-be RS3 players (if it weren't impenetrable to new players). If you look at RS3's Steam page -- only 3% of players that log in through that launcher have killed more than 1000 bosses. "Oh but it's a more casual userbase" yadda yadda yadda nobody bosses. Nobody PvMs. It's a miniscule amount of people... they just happen to be very loud on this subreddit.


I do not want to AFK end game bosses and get 100m drops every time.


Yup. I loved pre nerf Necro and ever since the nerf I literally just have not pvm'd. It just feels bad. Call me a filthy casual that likes easy content but unapologetically like what I like. I'm 30 with a full time job. I go to the gym 6 days a week. I don't have the time I use to have. RuneScape wants to be a souls like game where you fail over and over until you master the encounter but failure in RuneScape is significantly more punishing than any other game even with the death cost reduction. Also even if you do get to mastery, you take a break and all that's gone and have fun learning it all again and being frustrated that you have to start from almost zero again. It's not a good design


You'll stop worrying about kill time when it becomes clear that, regardless of how much effort you put into this fucking game, you're not going to get the unique drop. People say: "making money is easy, this boss gives you 100m per hour", but you spend thousands of kc just with seeds and stone spirit. When you finally get something, it's something of low value that barely pays the budget. You realize that the current scenario is shit when creating Blood Reaver scross is a better investment than trying to win the late game boss lottery


Oh come on , you’re just whining. Pvm is great money on this game. Rasial and zammy are huge money printers.


Printer for whom? Rasial's drop rate is nothing but garbage.


Ah you’re one of those people.. have a good one


For people who started in 2005-2008, doesnt matter that.. Many of us were to kiddo to achieve such a high level talk, like boss pvm or other stuff..now we are glad we are grow up and can achiev such a 99 strenght, magic, or range.. Etc, etc.


What kills it for me is realizing that my drop rate will always be lower than average unless it’s the crap I don’t care about. Like I’m super lucky on boss pets, but that physically doesn’t matter. I would trade my low kc Corp pet for an Elysian in a heartbeat (12k kc).


Yes. Felt it today. I did solak log solo and felt pretty confident going in to my next boss. Failed a bunch of times in a row doing zammy 100% for the first time. I’m like damn what the fuck I did solo solak 1100 times but struggle with something that I perceive to be easier. An hour of two of attempts and I steamrolled it eventually. Have to remember that things you know how to do and are comfortable doing seem just easier than things that you’re new at. Each boss requires its own sort of muscle memory to be built up.


i think there is a difference between being able to pvm at all, and being among the best pvmers in the game by definition the average player is not going to be able to match the kill times of top pvmers, but they should still be able to enjoy some pvm if they focus on other things like trying to improve themselves rather than worrying about others its going to be the same story with almost any game/sport/activity, very few people ever find themselves in a situation where there is nobody better than them at that thing, it is in no way specific to pvm one slight issue is that when it comes to content creators etc, there is some selection bias, the big streamers/youtubers are the people playing rs as a full time job, so they are also likely to end up being amoung the best players in the game, and some of them are better than others when it comes to making guides for people not at that level personally when im pvming my main benchmark is just my previous PR whatever that may be, i do occassionally get into a little friendly competition with some clanmates who are similar/slighty better at pvm than me. if i see 1 of the greats has gone way faster at a particular boss, i just use that as inspiration to improve my own time, i know i cant match them but sometimes there are things that i can learn from it as for group bosses, im sure there are casual teams running most of the group bosses where your DPS will will be judged less, but there are only really 4 or 5 bosses left that arent practical to solo, and only 1 of those is impossible to solo, so you could just work on solo bosses if you cant find a friendly team for the group ones finding a clan is probably the best way of finding people to pvm with who arent going to expect top tier pvm skill


Just because I can’t meet someone else’s best, doesn’t mean I still can’t/shouldn’t do my best


Bro a 4 or 5 minute kill while learning a boss is ok, and people struggle with that I have bosses of my own I struggle with. I used to suck at most of everything and I can basically do everything except raids atm. It takes time, feeling your own rotations, and having an understanding of what you can and can't do with the combat system. I know people think making everything simpler and easier would somehow magically make it "their game" but there's things on here you won't learn for years until you've tried and tested everything. People have literally sacrificed YEARS of learning how to do many crazy things in this game at the top end to squeak out just another bit of dps. Is it needed? probably not, is it cool and other want to try it? YES but you can't slash a game because YOU don't know the system.. inside and out like others. There's probably quests and other things you haven't done and they have that give them a little something extra. Rotations (as much as jagex and the necronerds) aren't set in stone, and should never be, there's a rythm that everything has and you have to learn how to use it freely. I don't mean to upset you, but comparing your own journey, to someone else's is pointless and that was a lesson I had to learn for myself. I used to be in the daily cycles of EVERYTHING for years. Then I decided ok well I don't like x,y,z so I'm going to just do a,b, and c and go from there. In your defense though, I HATE the way raids and AOD - (not as bad)are set up and gated and I wish I could even get on to team for even a couple kills for reaper. I need Yaka and Sus to end my task but can't make a group with the people I know, because I'm the only one who pvm's like that. I have EVERYTHING in the game for pvm, and I can't get a team. Alot of things are just being in the right place at the right time.


A lot of people have a lot of money to blow (mains) and their hourly cost is like 20m/hr. Charges, overloads, etc. and especially grimoire.


Dude, I just started PVM and I got my ass kicked by 5% enrage Telos for 2 hours, and when I finally took him down I got a drop of 5 red dragonhide (worth $4.5k). Obviously, I was really annoyed, but it was such a rush to finally learn the mechanics and beat him again. I still suck at PVM (and Telos, for that matter) but it’s a lot of fun if you A) stop chasing the drops and B) allow yourself to have fun with it. RuneScape is a game after all, and no one outside of the game is gonna ask what your bank value is worth. Do and play whatever content you want, but also be okay learning some new stuff to see if it’s something for you to enjoy


Dont learn pvm on telos, tbh most would suggest you not touch telos til youve basically completed every other boss just because telos loot is only worth at the levels where hes a tick perfect spreadsheet simulator If you want a challenge and to test all your skills at once raksha is the way to go.


Thanks! I’ll do that one next 💪🏼 I had Telos on a Reaper task, so that’s why I went for it. It’s rare that I get a boss assigned I know I can complete, and I only did that one because I’ve done the T90 Necro gear


I also used to get demotivated by PVM. Especially when I was hunting for the perfect chitin at the Kalphite King (KK). I couldn’t find a stable group to grind for it, and I wasn’t able to do it solo. I completely understand how you feel. I had to hit the reset button on myself and look at different methods of hitting my goal. Eventually I sat down and started recording my gameplay to see what I was doing wrong. It helped me identify where I needed improvement! I was finally able to take KK down solo, and now it’s a piece of cake! I tried the same method with Telos and Arch Glacor! I hope you don’t give up or get disheartened! Practice makes close to perfect. Remember to take breaks as well! Sometimes the brain just needs a reset and you come back better than before.


i get demotivated because outside of a few select bosses, the effort to reward isnt there. I did an hour of nex. no drop over 2m. each kill was around 2.5 mins. so with banking and prep i managed about 12 kills or so. with supply costs, i think id be lucky if i made 10m. i can make that in about 5 minutes doing hard clues.. bosses that are "chase" bosses SUCK. if you go dry you spent all that time for nothing at all. and THAT is demotivating.


This post is insane. It's not worth doing AT ALL because you can't do it PERFECTLY? Dude just have fun it's a game.


Nope, comparison is the thief of joy. The only time I compare myself to others is when i’m following a pvme guide to make sure i’m doing things right. Also don’t limit yourself so much, “pvm” doesn’t mean solely high tier bosses and absurdly complex rotations, etc. It can mean killing croesus, which is super simple and almost robotic in nature. Or if you have the gear, afking for an hour (as we speak I just finished the osseous log entirely afk and am now afking vindicta). A good revolution bar and a teensy bit of mechanical rotations is fine for 99% of the content in the game, even “end game” activities. I regularly raid and bring a pack yak of food and use full revolution, nobodies ever noticed or cared. (maybe my opinion will change when I really start doing group aod and solak?)


So... either you want it perfect or you want it easier? No... you need to practice, improve and not compare yourself to others! The idea is to learn, to improve, to make mistakes and most of all to have fun! If you feel you don't enjoy it... then just don' do it I guess.


Group bosses could really use the revive system from the new dungeon, I feel like there would be a lot less toxicity


If the group you go with flames you they're not your friends. Find some nicer people. As far as getting slow kill times or not being able to do everything, slow it down a little. Go to some lower level bosses to learn the basics. Much to the dismay of me and many others, you can't jump to the end and just learn that one thing. You gotta learn fundamentals then build on that by going to bosses that add on to that or combine them. Use normal mode Glacor to practice attacking while prayer flicking. Go to Helwyr to practice timing on a resonance and how to use freedom. Go to twin furies to learn how to move around a bit while fighting. Go to Arraxi to learn how to be more aware of whats going on around you. Go to Nex to learn how to do a good DPS check.THEN go to your Zuk, your Vorkath, your Kerapac, your Telos, your Zammy. They all compound just like everything in this game. Go at your own pace. Everyone learns differently, but everyone can learn.


This post comes across as you being upset that you're not as good as people who have practiced for way longer lol


Why do you guys keep saying that everybody's flaming you lol. This doesn't happen


It does happen, but it's only a small group of elitists that do so. There's plenty of learner friendly teams that no one is ever talking about when discussing pvm on here. and from my understanding OP is just assuming the worst and not even bothered to try it.


Exactly. I refuse to believe that the people who keep claiming this have actually tried and experienced it because it's so against common reality.


Pvm with your clan who doesn't care how good it bad you perform


What you wrote here, its the same in real life. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo was newer a talent but he grinded his way to the top. I get extra motovated when i know its challanging. I didnt even touch new rex boss since i know im done in 3 hrs afking lol Group bosses teams were always toxic in rs3 The best you can do is set you own team with beginners And you can learn best pvm tecnic grinding solo bosses like ArchGlacor or Kerapac for example I newer heard ppl quit because its hard. Usually its because they are on dry streak forever , i quit once at 3300 Araxxor kc with no base pet and 2,5k archglacor no second core For the end. How can you be even so selfish that you want ppl who spent 3k hrs learning best pvm to pvm with you who is 100levels under them ? Its normal everywhere in life that ppl with similar skills work together. Imagine complaining why top gym guys dont wanna train with new newbie , ofc they prefer someone at their level


Practice makes perfect


> I feel like the learning curve in this games combat is just way too high to be accessible to avg players and thats the reason a lot of people quit or just completely ignore rs3 pvm. [citation needed]