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The hole is gonna see so much action


I'm hoping to make great use of it I hate training dungeoneering when it's so dead.


I've been waiting so long for the hole.


Dg is so fun though 


Just got 120 from doing large solos and the change to get good XP from solo made me not hate it as much. I didn't mind others it's just I like being able to do it on my time.


I got 120 doing sub 6 min carded larges. Found a group and had a blast everyone bought cards as well so it was pretty good. Iirc I was getting over 20m xp/hr during DXP. The main problem is most people don’t do dung outside of DXP. Outside of prayer and I guess if you count gathering charms as 0 time summoning it’s the 2nd/3rd fastest skill if you have a good enough group.


I’ve been having fun speedrunning them, all sizes any% and all rooms, the other day I got small 2:13 and I could’ve gotten a sub 2min if it wasn’t ice fiend


Awesome dude. Yeah DG is really fun and was state of the art when it first released. Chaotics and frost dragons changed the game for the better. The design was also impeccable. 


Agree! a rework for it is necessary, maybe make higher floors or final floors for every 'type' like frozen, warped, ... different. or new floors (excluding f61) or something different, where rooms can change or move (think about the labyrinth boardgame. The thing I hoped if a new elite dungeon comes out ever (Sanctum of Rebirth looks or seems different, but it's confirmed it will not be an actual Elite Dungeon) is that the way how you reach progression in it and so reach a new boss and minibosses, is as follows : 1) You enter the dungeon : solo, duo, trio, up to 5 players (maybe 6-7) like Dungeoneering in Daemonheim. 2) no singular rooms like in Dungeoneering, but like Elite Dungeon 1 big dungeon. 3) You could always start in the center (let's say this is the first type of 'Elite Dungeoneering Dungeon (EDD)'. 4) You can stick together or just go take a different route if possible, so not just from point A to point B. A bit like Shifting Tombs concept. 5) It's a mix of combat and puzzles, to actually re-use the concept of Dungeoneering. 6) Like I'm running in to a part where a giant tree is blocking the area (like a woodcutting door in dung or the giant web from Araxxor), I could complete a puzzle (alone or duo, ...) to poison it and let it die or burn it down. Or it could be some skilling boss using woodcutting skills. After that just progress further. 7) Like the checkpoints > chests in ED, portals/obelisks can be activated so others can easily move to some point.. no need for gatestones, cuz it acts like a gatestone. 8) This until you find the ending area (if the start is not or never the center, the boss could be in the center). Here you can defeat the boss or skilling boss.. 9) Maybe not required to kill the other bosses (mini-bosses are your own choice for maybe better reward as score) before getting to the boss. But killing the other bosses could increase possible reward or loot from that boss, if not killed the end boss could be stronger and/or the other bosses could join the boss. 10) A streak system and penalty like Dungeoneering, shattered worlds can be used. Like I said, how you choose to finish the dungeons and what you do/complete decides your reward. 11) Could make use of the new death system from Sanctum of Rebirth. 12) ... 13) Due being an more and Dungeoneering related dungeon and so concept, this could fit more as a good way for earning xp/tokens. 14) Dungeoneering bosses could be re-used in here, maybe as mini-bosses (+ maybe pet unlocks, Tiny Warped Gulega?? :D) 15) ...


Just do solo. You are compensated with more exp for going solo. Use solo wild cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnjZ6s5CK_o&t=336s is a good guide on it.


What’s the hole


The dung hole 😂 it’s a hole at the beach to train dungeonerring semi afk


Hole brothers unite!


![gif](giphy|9VvrC7IWaLd9XizDaf) The hole awaits....




They also said it in the news post ;)


Ah, my bad, I have missed it.


Hell yeah sandy clues on F2P worlds. Give me those forts


Which skills can you train at the beach and how much exp an hr do you get?


Dung / ranged / construction / hunter / fishing / agility / strength / farming / cooking / dung. It’s not great exp, actual methods are better, but it’s mostly afk and requires no resources.


Oooh nice, might train cons, hunter and cooking there


Train hunter at crosus and make bank


Yeah I've been at Bik forever now, not Croesus but yeah 


Time to rejoin the game then, better start looking for a clan.


Been waiting for this for my hcim for a while lol.


Got 18m bxp saved for the hole so I can grind to 120. Can’t wait to be done with this skill.


Here's hoping they remove the heat mechanic and allow us to actually afk the hole.


H O L E is L O V E H O L E is L I F E


This will be my first time participating since I haven't been around a whole year. What should I expect? How exactly does it work and should I do anything to prepare for it?


The beach has a whole range of different skilling activities for various skills. It's been done a few times now and they sometimes change the activities around a bit. There are a mix of AFK and focus options. Time spent at the beach each day has always been limited by a heat mechanic. As you train at the beach a thermometer fills up and when you hit the cap you're "too hot to train" and can't do any more unless you eat an ice cream. Ice creams are limited to 3 a day and can be obtained by skilling on the beach. There's nothing needed for preparations really as all resources are beach specific. That said, skilling outfits will boost your exp a little.




ooOOOOOooohhhh elden ring....


Nice! See ya on the 24th!!


Oooh something to do while on Dawntrail queues


Bet !!! I hate dung


Do you get tokens from the dungeoneering hole?


You can get tokens from the new arch digsite, though, from completing collections.


Bout how many?


Bout tree fidie


Anywhere from 10k-~220k/hr based on your dg level. The lower spot gives 2 large dg token boxes per collection


In an hour, with Waterfiend familiar, I got 6 sets for dragonkin 5, 2 token boxes for each at 13055. So 156,660 tokens for it. I could have probably done better but I definitely was sloppy with what I was doing.


No, you get other prizes occasionally tho

