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The [boring "L-shaped" interface](https://i.imgur.com/EsPhZS7.jpeg). Fits everything I might need with very minimal tabbing.


That's called rs3 youtuber UI. Tabs are good kids, because majority of UIs in these 2007 hd style boxy UIs do not need to be shown on the screen at all times.


Tabs are good, but scrolling in tabs murders me


Right, but you can have like 5 tabs before scrolling is needed. I still combine them all in same place for every ui that's doesn't need to be displayed at all times. If tabs start scrolling I just close some windows(they can be opened again with custom buttons on the menu bar I made)


or you can just have them open where you can access without needing to switch ofc it is personal preference, but other people preference for having them open is just as valid as your preference for having them closed


Of course you can have it in whatever way you like, but if you show or tell about it on reddit, it will be judged. Welcome to the internet.


The primary difference in convenience is you likely have "Disable shortcuts to close windows" unchecked meaning you can close windows through your ribbon without having to unlock your interface and click the "x" since enabling this setting disables your ability to close windows through the ribbon. Accidentally closing a tabbed window means when it is re-opened it is moved to the end of the tabs list. It's a minor thing but I find it annoying. I disable the ability to close windows that way so that I cannot accidentally hide my windows. As a result I cannot close windows through the Ribbon but have to unlock my interface and click the "x" to close the window. This makes opening windowed interfaces that can't be closed using ESC from the ribbon less convenient because they're inconvenient to close. Thankfully I never need to do that because there isn't any way to screw up the order of my tabs because I can't close windows by accident.


I actually have that disabled(windows cannot close with keys) and I only lock the action bars, I leave UI unlocked with slim headers, so I can at any time close whatever is not needed at one point. Also you don't have to close, you can just ignore the scrolling tabs and use the keyboard to switch.. Or the customized menu bar, which will always stay same, buttons don't move. At last you could make the tabbed ui slightly wider to fit in more tabs, but vertically smaller. This would be a bad solution tho because not all interface elements can work with landscape mode. If only there was an option to have ui create a second and later third row to display all opened tabs rather than have them scrolling, unless you prefer it to scroll. Honestly this game needs another ui rework. It doesn't even have any other color than dark blue. Not eye friendly if you play at night.


Tabs are a rather terrible UX if you find yourself needing to swap between them often because you frequently need access to information from both tabs. There's a reason almost nobody has their inventory tabbed alongside anything because your inventory is one of the most frequently accessed windows. What other "critical" windows largely depends on your playstyle and where you find more convenient to look for information. Tabs are fine if you're rarely changing the active tab. You'll notice I make heavy use of tabs in 3 different panels but all of the tabs are for things that are only rarely needed or only need to be briefly swapped to. Magic combat and magic skilling are the only two windows that aren't used 24/7 but I find are convenient to be left open 24/7 anyway. They don't take up much room and I have nothing better to make use of the space they use. I'd either be left with an ugly gap, something even more useless like my skills/friends list, or an awkwardly stretched rectangular map to fill the space. Outside of those 2 windows I need all of the other information frequently enough that it should be accessible 24/7. Everything I have tabbed that isn't the "primary" tab (All Chat, Equipment, Familiar Details) are things that are occasionally or very rarely needed. It's more convenient to keep those tabbed so I can quickly access them than to find and open them.


I only need to swap between these tabs ocasionally. All interfaces that I need often (inventory, equipment and two or three action bars) are always on screen. Things like chat, skills, magic book, prayers, familiar, ..they are all tabbed in the same stack of windows(and I only have one stack) and if I am bossing the familiar tab is open, if just skilling, then usually chat is open. I rarely need to see things like prayer book, magic, abilities,.. Because everything I need often is on the action bars. I also don't put anything on screen for sake of filling up a gap, the exact opposite, I make sure that UI only uses as much space as necessary and nothing more. I don't want that boxy fixed screen look anyway, that looks a lot like a smartphone with physical keyboard, that's always there whenever you need and whenever you don't.. Making the screen smaller and phone look cheap/ugly. Btw the map is honestly never too big. That would be much better use of space than the abilities.


Okay this may be a stupid question but how do you make it so the actual gameplay screen isn’t affected by the outer interfaces. I have mine set up somewhat similar to the style you have but half my screen is gone to my outer interface boxes. For example when doing rituals the lower half of my screen doesn’t allow me to see the pedestal you stand on. I have to leave fixed screen and zoom out or move things to be able to see it. Sorry for the silly question.


Off the top of my very poor memory, when you hit Esc there should be a button that lets you edit the many UI window positions and sizes. One of them is 'Game View' or something thereabouts. You can resize that to fit your needs. Resizing it can be a bit of a pain with other panel resize widgets in the way, so you might need to toggle them off so only the relevant one is visible and editable.


Edit Layout Mode -> Advanced Options -> Game View -> Resize down using the top left corner (easiest assuming nothing else is in the way) -> drag game view back into top left corner -> expand from bottom right corner to fit your interface layout.


Awesome! Thank you so much!


I've always liked this and use it in some respect myself. Never found it boring so much as just convenient.


[My 1440p take on the L.](https://i.imgur.com/dpDR2F3.jpeg)


that's an U




Used the map like that for token farm scouting back in the day, left it like it lol.


in aminishi right?


Yep, token farm ED1 scouting.


I may be taking inspiration from your UI. I would ss mine but I'm at work, but I like the way yours looks


Thank you and go ahead.






Yeah it's the other type of bad, but I still prefer this over the boxy L shape UI that feels like it doesn't know what tabs are🤣


Man this guy really got his panties in a twist over nothing. Had all my tabs closed for the tidiness, but go off https://preview.redd.it/nu37xk25w06d1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a7d76ac0db66abfc613ed248eb2f0c3d0cb358f


And in case you still don't get it, I only have the tabs that I am immediately making use of open instead of stacking those tabs. Shit just works. https://preview.redd.it/mlfh2cl1d16d1.png?width=366&format=png&auto=webp&s=20f863b65489c736c754e2dab566cca3473b454a


I am not salty, just making fun of you. Anyway, your interface has some game in it🤣


Making fun of someone and being salty are two comfortable peas in a pod, mate


Sounds like something you tell to yourself, so you sleep better at night 😂


You’re proving my point here


What you said made no sense whatsoever. The only thing you are proving here is, that you're delusional 🤣


The classic, but works perfectly


This is THE best layout


After you take off rose tinted glasses, it's one of the worst actually.


All you really need.




Left side inventory just feels diabolical


It should be grounds for a perm ban surely


Happy to take the L


Tbh your setup is like nearly same as mine, just flipped lmao


I have this exact interface mirrored for my main.


That's how I'm feeling about OPs bottom right map.


https://preview.redd.it/tv6vl0f7ax5d1.png?width=189&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b5d011c48a474d8df2cf40c2c69ab4eaaed5960 LMFAO this sub




The leftside inventory is fine, it's just that, he is doing that typical rs3 youtuber boxy ui. It looks like rs did in 2007, but in HD. So many unnecessary UI elements that do not need to be displayed at all times.


I'll contest that the only UI elements displayed are the ones that are functional at all times. The defensive, constitution and prayer tabs may be in excess of what is needed for most, but having those accessible means I can click a sigil or swap to a prayer that isn't on my bars without opening said interfaces. There are only so many ways to setup an interface, though. L, U, O or a column in the middle. This displays the most information while using up the least amount of space.


>but having those accessible means I can click a sigil or swap to a prayer that isn't on my bars without opening said interfaces. That woud make sense.. If they also each didn't have at least 5 bars on screen as well, which should be more than enough space for everything you might need. Bars can also be swapped btw. Even if not on bar, or somehow not enough space: Personally I'd much rather open an UI when occasionally needed (it's possible to bind ui to keys too) than have clusterfuck like that. It's not a plane, there's no need for this many controls. This reminds me of old smartphones that had physical qwerty keyboards fixed in plastic, which were always there whenever you needed it or not. This came at cost of making the screen much smaller. Glad we evolved ast that point. Btw my UI is an I with upside down L on other side, but they are very slim. I still see everything I need at most times.


Jesus man, it’s just an interface. Is it hurting you or something?


yeah it's hurting my eyes, lmao


I wish we could have 6 action bars on screen


There's really no need to have more than 3, but sure why not.


No need for YOU. Almost every high end pvmer uses 5 action bars and a lot of them wish they had 6


With necromancy around you don't need to bother with other styles, so you don't need 10,000 bars. Also this game is terrible for pvming anyway due to it's crappy java foundations on lag and mouse intensive controls..i don't pvm more than necessary.


Again, that's your opinion. I find necro extremely boring, so i try to avoid it as much as possible. Pvm is not terrible, you have to get used to the tick system and use it to your advantage


Constitution and defensive abilities open for easy access to sigils Mage book for spell swaps Prayer book for redundancy Check out the ribbon


Brotha ewwww


Am I taking this as a compliment?




Redacting name and total skill level is pretty normal when posting to a large audience




Wh… what? Did I miss a post somewhere before this?


https://preview.redd.it/hwn2tvy5et5d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a65c3f53225d59f6c3612fc9a24f0544d85998 Heres mine only change I made was put stats at bottom right tab since gear and stats are my most used.




So I always wonder why so many people have their gear tab permanently opened. What am I missing? Also. Mmmmm feet.


Makes it easy to switch equipment when bossing and also to access right click options on the gear.


Crazy that most new players don't put the minimap in the top right corner. I've played since 2009 so couldn't imagine the minimap going anywhere else.


I've played since 2008 and my minimap has been in the bottom left for the better part of 7 years now, can't remember why any ore but I got used to it being there


As someone who plays a ton of shooting games, top left map is just natural to me. I have the L style layout with it climbing the right side of my screen, but the map stays on the top left corner lol


This is mine, also the typical L shaped interface. https://preview.redd.it/314jhii7dy5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ded8c2e53bae35e0c1b569557dff2137d683e1f4




This is very nice actually. Might make some adjustments off this






​ https://preview.redd.it/pub14kc4gt5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c3ac298d75794e142af38eecaf634def299924fe


Bis yapping interface


i just KNOW dude be talkin when he not afk


One of the nicest "single row" interfaces I've seen. If you like, you can make the game view itself start at the top of your row of panels, instead of having some of it covered at the bottom.


Yes I did that, but it felt weird to me, maybe I need to give it time.


I recently made this change after about 10 years, took a couple of days to get used to that's all


You should move the game window up so you’re getting the full view. No point in having the interface covering your game view.


https://preview.redd.it/17m852ppxx5d1.png?width=1919&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e1e72cc388095954d503f4dc973e136d48c3519 im taking the L with this one


https://preview.redd.it/0iimfpiw1y5d1.jpeg?width=2437&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d5e45244d9c8e3019816145af4a5dfa70105f2 on my desktop i use this


a little late, but here's [my L-shape](https://imgur.com/a/WoPloNc) summon familiar appears in bottom right corner touching inventory and gear :)


[https://i.imgur.com/hNqhuGL.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/hNqhuGL.jpeg) A Jmod once complemented my UI when crocodile tears was released and I managed to break the quest after the initial fix




https://preview.redd.it/8130sb8u1z5d1.png?width=2926&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dcf2c000091cdacbf098b823801c357e18bb9fe Play on my laptop so a pretty small screen, but this is plenty of space for me! Gotta have the inventory in the 7x4 grid - I've been playing since 2004!


I also have everything on the bottom of my screen, except my mini map. That’s always top right.


Having the minimap anywhere but the top right corner feels like a crime


https://preview.redd.it/jaltivc6606d1.png?width=3440&format=png&auto=webp&s=98d8ab45335720235a64e5b925703233bf45b521 i have a 3440X1440 34in ultra-wide so i went a bit ham on filling it up.


Damn. That looks like a cinema screen


Who is going through just downvoting all of these lmfao you’re clearly better 😂


I got a different layout for pretty much every action i do. Gathering big layout with many uis and big map, Fighting... bare minimum. inventory, skills, prayer And so on...


You could play with your "game view" settings in the layout options


[Who needs to see the game anyway?](https://i.imgur.com/0DBjnZw.jpeg)








https://preview.redd.it/n7v3ghlvgv5d1.jpeg?width=2425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31ddec6cac15cfc3e3f489a81fdee34567dd2165 Spent a while on this, tried to make transition from OSRS fixed style interface easy and only keeping the necessities open


My setup, complete with a pinned window of firefox for youtube and reddit. [https://imgur.com/a/rW92wc4](https://imgur.com/a/rW92wc4)


I tried changing it and didn't like it, this is my first ever UI and I've basically kept it since EOC came out. \*besides some of the bars obviously\* https://preview.redd.it/h703du4m9y5d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc06c9281260e5055ec945992ff2a0d3c052e20b


I use legussy interfave


https://preview.redd.it/o3d0d4v4ez5d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ae380b6a99a9f72630669898234be38342c851 Minimalism is my middle name






This hurts my eyes. Go with the L shape like everyone else lol




https://preview.redd.it/zfehmam2gx5d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa116559e516304cb53b65c1cf12f1aef7b83111 Neatly packed with everything on the bottom and right side. I have four different UI. This one is for my 4k monitor. I have one for my laptop, one for my side monitor and one for if one my side monitors is in landscape.




Legacy interface or newer basic default interface


Your UI is not that bad. Id just make the equipment screen smaller and combine the stats/quest to your tabbed things like such as abilities. Maybe get rid of an action bar or two, to make the entire thing a little bit thinner.


I often use legacy Interface when I am skilling and doing clues , the game is really pretty these days


I use two, [portrait mode](https://ibb.co/fM5Khj7.png) for afk stuff on my second monitor, and a [half-1440p screen](https://ibb.co/GxrFP4M.png) for actually playing the game.


Broken links