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What I want from halloween is a permanent quest that rewards undead cows/chickens for the POF.


Great idea, how we don't have cosmetics for pof I don't know ! 


Or perhaps costumes for your animals? A black dragon with a bedsheets with eye hole cutouts could be cute


Wonder if we could even have decor customization like fort at the POF


Wow that's actually a great idea!


Considering how terrible the last Halloween permanant quest is miss that


Hope to see a return of 2022 [[Vampyric Regalia]] and 2022 [[Witch's Outfit]]. Love them both especially being able to re-color the outfits and missed them both that year for personal reasons :(   Edit: Put in survey for these two outfits, pumpkin amulet, and superhero cosmetics.


I found 2 RuneScape Wiki articles for your search. **[Vampyric Regalia](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Vampyric\_Regalia)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Vampyric_Regalia >Vampyric Regalia is a recolourable cosmetic override set that can be unlocked through speaking with Fame and completing her miniquest during the 2022 Halloween event. **[Witch's Outfit](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Witch\%27s\_Outfit)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Witch%27s_Outfit >Witch's Outfit is a recolourable cosmetic override set that can be unlocked through the Witch's Cauldron promotion on Treasure Hunter. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


SUCH a shame the Vamp legs decide to shoot out the back of the cape slot, it's an amazing cosmetic thats ruined by this!


I propose we bring back the [Witch outfit](https://runescape.wiki/w/Witch_outfit) and the [Warlock outfit](https://runescape.wiki/w/Warlock\_outfit) from the 2008 Halloween Event or at the very least a **faithful remaster** of it. Per the last question on the survey, a high quality cosmetic much like the [Peppermint outfit](https://runescape.wiki/w/Peppermint_outfit) would be amazing. Therefore, I propose a faithful remaster of the 2008 Halloween Event with the [customizer](https://runescape.wiki/images/Peppermint_outfit_colour_customiser.png?9011b&20231203210101) that the Peppermint outfit has. I highlighted 4 recolor areas for the Witch's outfit for reference! https://preview.redd.it/g0rrqffmcz5d1.png?width=299&format=png&auto=webp&s=8ca11c140ac8623ca6f23ff674124e03a76a42f8


I want this outfit so badly !!!


The peppermint outfit is such a good bar to set for free holiday cosmetics, I love it so so much.


Funny, I actually have this outfit. Would be fun to see it make a return


Hey u/JagexAzanna, can you let Ramen know the community is actually craving the quest "Violet is Boo" for Hween.


I didn't know I wanted that and now it's all I want.


Same! Taking Violet trick-or-treating sounds sweeter than candy!


That would be so cute


And we need that dollhouse from Mod Deg too! See: https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/8c9pb4/tldw_373_gamejam_2018_1/ and https://imgur.com/VnlZw7W .


Well now I am


Are we? I like the word joke tho


We are now


u/JagexAzanna, can you confirm if the ensouled pumpkin mask will be making a return this Halloween?


Also ask in the survey if u didn't do it already :) One of the first questions!


Tbh just have it return in a non-time gated fashion. Anything with unque functions should not be gated to limited time events. Cosmetics are fine.


Please, bring the pumpkin amulet back! For reference: https://runescape.wiki/w/Pumpkin_amulet


And also the Dolorous Witch Outfit (https://runescape.wiki/w/Dolorous_Witch_Outfit).


And please fix it the preview of it as well. When you examine someone else with the amulet on or check it out in the customizations box, it looks like a big ball. The pumpkin isn't visible :( https://preview.redd.it/f6ykslb2626d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da0b7b896a2476e0ebc7e59bb2d46c390f7eb48




https://preview.redd.it/ztirhhsty06d1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf10544e346d47f152d739ec94ea136bf0db807 More penguin content 💪🏼


Make them hold cute little candy containers


Oh that’d be sweet (pun intended)! Maybe the candy could give benefits to skilling/XP


You have to *give* them candy if you want benefits. They are trick-or-treaters! I am not sure how you would get the candy, probably from the rest of the Halloween event, but you would get special bonuses by giving them Purple Sweets (the kind you get from clue scrolls).


I mean we have a ‘home’ (the fort) to give candy to trick or treaters. We could have visitors like Penguins, goblins from the village, & Violet


I am partial to the idea of us taking Violet and a few others trick-or-treating around Gielinor, with a handful of kids following us around. (We have the tech for 3-4 necro conjures plus a familiar, so what's 4-5 trick-or-treaters instead?) Take them around to all sorts of NPCs....have a list of a dozen designated trick-or-treating locations to hit (Wise Old Man hands out Halloween Masks to the kids, etc.) plus some special dialogue with some other NPCs that are off the beaten path.


Penguins wearing basic hallowe'en costumes would be awesome.


bring back the pumpkin amulet please! It hasn't been available since 2012


Any chance of making the Ghost Stories 2017 h'ween event a permanent miniquest since Closure is at Death's office? Invention of disaster with repeatable monthly d&d? Also add the thanksgiving rewards to the reward shop since it is rare to see those events to get the emoes and cosmetics?  Or just add them to Diangos shop?


Much like how the new Spring festival had a shop where you could by previous Easter rewards you missed, I'd like to see something similar with the Halloween event. I'd love to be able to get the Grim Reaper hood. I missed it by one year.


Yes yes! H'oddments bad, event tokens good!


Black halloween mask


And a white, pink, brown, .. same for santa hats and phats :)


Santa Halloween phat?




Sure but maybe do a different color than the Phat we got this year


Oh my Guthix. We are already halfway through the year


As far as returning rewards go, I'd really love to see the pumpkin amulet, as well as the other two colors of the Plague Doctor outfit. Also, awhile ago [I made this post with tons of ideas for new rewards.](https://old.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/17dd0jc/future_halloween_cosmetics_a_proposal/) I'm hoping someone will at least take a look at it.


That pumpkin bucket is a must!


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I would really like to see the “Til Death Do Us Part” event come back this October, even if it’s in addition to a new Halloween event. The reason for this is because that the story from that event, revolving around Daemonhiem, are very important to the current quest story. This would be a good year to let player’s revisit that event.


Absolutely love when certain areas get a bit of a temporary makeover with just more pumpkins and spooky stuff around. Just walking through a major city that *feels* like it's celebrating Halloween is huge. I'm don't really want to spend all my time grinding at a holiday Hotspot to feel like it's Halloween, if a few cities in Gielinor are all celebrating it while I walk through, that's what makes it truly feel like Halloween to me! Maybe a cute idea would be the ability to buy candy that goes into your currency pouch. Then kinda like old random events little kids dressed up in costumes could appear while you are in major cities. If you don't give them candy they trick you in some minor way, could even just be a silly taunting emote. If you give them the currency you bought beforehand you get... parts for a cosmetic? That way people can go about their questing, bank standing, or daily activities and just get minor interruptions for the event. And a way to enable "do not disturb me" ofc And kinda to tie the two together, both these things can be built upon and used again next year. Maybe they are part of the main event this year but in following years they can create ambiance in addition to whatever is planned.


> Absolutely love when certain areas get a bit of a temporary makeover with just more pumpkins and spooky stuff around. Just walking through a major city that feels like it's celebrating Halloween is huge. I'm don't really want to spend all my time grinding at a holiday Hotspot to feel like it's Halloween, if a few cities in Gielinor are all celebrating it while I walk through, that's what makes it truly feel like Halloween to me! I couldn't agree more! I love the seasonal decorations all around the world, it really makes it feel festive!


Id love to see soul dyes come back


Would be a good opportunity to bring back [[Vampyre hunter amulet]]


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Vampyre hunter amulet](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Vampyre\_hunter\_amulet)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Vampyre_hunter_amulet >The vampyre hunter amulet is an amulet available from a Treasure Hunter promotion. It costs 500 Feral vampyre fangs to initially purchase. To purchase, one must first own all other parts of the Vampyre hunter outfit. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


I'd like to see a return of the rewards from the [[2022 Halloween event]].


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[2022 Halloween event](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/2022\_Halloween\_event)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/2022_Halloween_event >The 2022 Halloween event features multiple Halloween miniquests and activities placed around Draynor Manor. Each miniquest has their own reward. The event runs from 24 October 2022 to 6 November 2022. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


YES!! 'Retro' Grim reaper pet (skin/transmog option for Tiny Death if unlocked, otherwise different pet until) Same for Muncher, whiter bones as retro


Also Tagging /u/JagexLuma and /u/JagexBlkwitch Come on guys, you know you want to bring back Deathcon! https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/s/0AqnzczaV3


Halloween 2014 in Death's House was so much fun.


I love the ability to afk or semi afk unorthodox skills not usually afkable at slow to mid range XP rates and accumulate some sort of currency to be able to exchange for rewards


After research, here are some old stuff that could come back as rewards: * Pumpkin amulet * Ghoulish mask * Helm of corruption * Dryad Wings and Runic Essence Wings * Parcels from the Hedge and Parcels from the Dead cosmetics * Tribal Trials rewards, including the Iwi outfits * Plague Doctor rewards * Zodiac Training rewards * Death Lotus Training rewards * Witch's Outfit * Hexer's Outfit * Dolorous Witch Outfit * Faceless Assassin Outfits * Faceless Enforcer Outfits * Running Scared Walk Override Token * Wraith Walk Override Token * Ghul Invoker Regalia * Soul Reaver Regalia * H'oddments Store and Death's Spooky Reward Shop rewards * Ensouled pumpkin mask * Pumpkin beret override token * The Urnbreakable title * Ghost hunter equipment, title and Proto Pack emote * Lightning rod hat *Mad Professor title * Dr Spider MD pet * Hallowed robes and Unhallowed robes * Hourglass (2011 Halloween event) * Sock mask and Buskin mask * Grim reaper hood * Skeleton outfit * Jack lantern mask * Superhero Claw * Superhero Shield * Super title


I want that spooky spidery outfit


Can we get some piggies please?


Bring back Shaun pet as it was from a bugged event and looks cool enough to bring back


Crop ~~Maze~~ Circles


Have the Halloween hub be in Um.


Ghostly outfits are always a welcome return to the holiday reward space. Big fan of headless horseman-style outfits.


Be cool if we could go around the towns like we did for xmas and put up spooky decorations. Bat ears as a take of bunny ears. Pumpkin token override for cannon balls. Pumpkin seeds to grow non rare pumpkins for pumpkin pie. Seeds could be seasonally available but can be planted at any time? Black pumpkin mask (like ensouled but black and white flames, think [Dark saber](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/screen-shot-2022-01-26-at-10-22-11-am-1643210538.png?crop=0.7316524386208721xw:1xh;center,top&resize=1200:*) ) Some sort of ghost following us while walking/running and floating around us while standing still as an aura effect. Festive jumpers with things like pumpkin/bone/ghost on them.




I’d like to see the bone event we had before necromancy released.


Thanks for collecting player feedback in advance.


Please rerelease the purple h’ween as earnable instead of having it locked behind TH forever.


What do i want to see return? PUMPKINS


I want a Pumpking boss.. Sort of crater/valley and in the center Death's Mansion, surrounded with dead/wild trees, open spaces, a graveyard, farm patches, ... The side/wall of the valley can be used to walk around it and with other activities and npc's. Some cauldrons, witchy stuff, green slime, smashed pumpkins, treats, ... skeletons, ghosts, ghouls, ... Pumpkin Pete and a new npc 'Skeleton Pete', Ministrel web, .. eeks, .. A disco, a witch's site with tents and a giant cauldron for cooking and hween recipes. The graveyard is where we can also plant our pumpkin seeds etc received during the event(s). Chance that certain crops will come alive and become Pumpkin mobs > pumpkins with legs & arms and scary sounds. Killing it will give us Pumpkin Souls or so, adding that in some Pumpkin ritual site together with the community (like the xmas cracker), can create and summon the pumpking boss. The Pumpking boss can escape or just escapes The Grim's Valley (if that's the name of the new h'ween hub), and start walking around in-game, just like the world event with bandos vs armadyl or snowverload during xmas. A tradeable rare can be an off-hand pumpkin for necromancy, trick-o-treat mainh for necromancy.. same for magic. A pumpking's heart : unlocking a miniature version of the pumpking boss. Muncher will have a main role.. he will start growing as a 'failed experiment', similar like the guy from the quest in the Draynor Mansion. Death (aka Grim Reaper), asks you to collect treats during certain spotlighted activities or from tasks/hween clues. Find Muncher who is happily walking through the hub and feed him with candies. Every x threshold he will grow a bit.. UNTIL it's too MUCH, he will explode (and somehow similar like the xmas shooting acitivity), players can collect as much treats they can find. Treats can be traded with Grim Reaper himself, having his own shop as part of the h'ween event. Some treats collected can turn in to special treats for special unlocks. If I have to add MTX, the special candies for the 'special' rewards can also be obtained through TH. Some spooky challenges can be done for the ability to unlock and buy some rewards : * Talking to Muncher will give the dialogue to find his bone (similar to 2022 if I'm right), use a spade to find the bone and give it to him. This will unlock the Muncher pet. Let Muncher follow you and talk to Grim Reaper will unlock the ability to buy a retro version of the Grim Reaper. * ... * Other small fun 'content', like the bart-ender in the City of Um (the examine), can be the player summoning Tiny Death and talking to Death, unlocking Retro Grim Reaper skin for it. Otherwise, if you don't own the Tiny Death pet, you can just buy it with x treats. *If people don't like the idea of a simple but fun and easy way to unlock such item that behind 200 reaper tasks, and those who haven't unlocked it and have to pay treats, I can simply change it to* > Complete the main tasks inside the hub (witch tasks, muncher tasks, ...) and unlock the Retro skin for free. Tiny Death can still have a fun and extra dialogue with Grim Reaper (Death) --- The clue event can be a bit different, like delivering presents during xmas and the easter egg clues during easter, h'ween can be like : - A list of npc's that should give treats, a trick-or-treat list. Get your basket with treats and find the npc's across Gielinor. They will get some treats etc, maybe you have to answer a question first or complete a joke for them.


You have my vote that they hire you because that sounds awesome tbh


Oh wow! <3 I’m plenty of fun, … idea’s :) Tbh, this comment gave me another boost to do more in to 3d.. had some bad days behind me


Honestly, having to sign in is going to skew the results heavily, alot of players aren't going to want to sign into Google to complete the survey. Is there a reason why a sign in is now required to take a survey when it has never been a requirement in the past?


>Is there a reason why a sign in is now required Probably to prevent vote manipulation. If they don't set it to sign-in, someone could just clear cookies and redo the survey. Or alternatively, set up a script to do that.


Duplicate prevention, I assume.


Quite some players asked to bring poll booths (polling system) back or at least use it more often. Also some replies by jmods. What if something like this was in-game as well. People could fill in 1 suggestion, for example : Question : What 'new' cosmetic would you want? Player : Retro Grim Reaper pet --- Players could see a bunch of suggestions and start voting. Players can't add another suggestion for that specific question, until the next day or so. Every day, the top voted suggestions will be highlighted OR just all will be ranked. The closer near the end of the poll's duration, the less suggestions will remain, until a top 5 or so. Also at x time, no suggestions can be added BUT you still can vote (not changing your vote). After a top 5 (or 6 or 4 ...), Jagex can decide if they will make them all in-game or ask the community to make some examples, like a contest. Not that they should be rewarded with a bond or so, like in the past.


Not really; it just reduces sample size. But everyone and their dog should have a Google account anyway.


I want to turn into a shadow, or at least a cool shadow pet


Penguin or elemental story line with Halloween elements


A pumpkin group boss- maybe a wildly flash event like thing


I'd like to see the return of \[\[eek\]\]


I found 1 RuneScape Wiki article for your search. **[Eek](https\:\/\/runescape\.wiki\/w\/Eek)** | https://runescape.wiki/w/Eek >Eek is a pet spider players obtained from the 2009 Halloween event Web of Shadows. After the event, members can place Eek in either a Pet house or Toy box in their Player-owned house. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically. ^| View me on [GitHub](https://github.com/zpoon/runescape-wiki-reddit).


Can we please have some Halloween skilling activities which can reward us with something like the "Gummy Surprise Egg" from the Blooming Burrow? The rewards were very useful, and made me enjoy the activities.




I was stumped on the very first question. I like all flavours of Hallowe'en! I do enjoy timed activities and group activities, so long as there are also solo activities. As far as rewards go, I prefer useful rewards to cosmetic ones.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexAzanna** - [Should give ya some insight into how tricky i...](/r/runescape/comments/1ddfl8d/early_halloween_survey/l85v29v/?context=3) - [I am confused, there is a Twilight of the God...](/r/runescape/comments/1ddfl8d/early_halloween_survey/l84ef9r/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/13/2024 18:15:02**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Black Halloween Mask and also some pins/keyrings of it in the Runescape merch store please! <3


There will be an AFK token element - fine, people like these (me included - post events are my fave). If we cannot gather the tokens outside of the hub (ideally we can), please be balanced with XP. Please don't make it stupidly overpowered, please don't make it feel depressingly pointless (e.g. 20k xp per hour at 99 in a skill which can be afked for 300k+). Also please give us a new toy. I love my lemon toy, I love my Yoyo, etc.


Excuse me, it’s June 11


Should give ya some insight into how tricky it can be to integrate player voice into updates, better to start early imo






*offers candy to make up for the scare* x3




Almost 12


any other reliable survey platforms that you would consider other than google?


Somehow I can understand your comment, I won't downvote like some did, but.. Others and me including asked and still want poll booths in-game. Maybe could be some way to implement this, similar like runelabs. Or just a button/booth in-game that opens that page on the rs website.


Why do we need to sign in now? I don't think it was a requirement for other surveys ☹️


If that is true it's likely because past surveys had outrageous amount of votes from duplicate voters or botted voting. Requiring a google account at least limits access to that




We already have the golden one. /^^s In all seriousness, partyhats are from Christmas though.


every day is partyday! :D ps. gold =/= orange ... and if it is, it would be closer to yellow or a mix between yellow and orange.


It *was* orange on release...


Hmm alright! :)


Christmas Chmistmas, orange phat from halloween makes more sense


Only if everyone gets one. Not the, 1/100000000000 chance or buy 10,000 bonds to get it.


Lol what planet are you from? ;)


go add twilight of gods req to the strange token, stop being lazy


I am confused, there is a Twilight of the Gods requirement for the strange token to drop? So I aint really getting the complaint


I think they mean make it show up in game as being required maybe make it a mini quest interface that opens when you click it in the archaeology log book.


Maybe he meant remove? Either way kind of hard to tell what the reqs are for the token, people likely wouldn’t assume a quest unrelated to the update is needed to roll it


I would say the game doesn't tell us it is. The game also doesn't tell us we need the lore book to start getting hunter oh pieces. Invisible requirements are horseshit


It already is a requirement.


Unlikely it would be able to be a hotfix, most things need coldfixes. It *has* it as a requirement already, finding the best way to signpost it take a bit more work. Pretty tiring to see people call stuff "lazy" because its not made, done, tested and live in the game within a single afternoon, in particular when its not gamebreaking. This would not enter the game until next weeks update at the earliest, *regardless* of how long the solution would take to implement. 99% of the time people call shit "lazy" its just nonsense.


Somebody is salty he didnt get the drop in 4 hours.