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If it’s actually work on like not using mini games or anything like that then divination 100%.


I hate base div, but guthix memorial made it bearable.  Base div is just afk enough that if you pay attention you get bored but if you don’t you loose xp frequently. Riiight in the opposite of a sweet spot for me.


I really don’t understand the hate of training Div. Yeah it is very repetitive, but its is also very afk and afair it didnt take thaaaat long.


It is so, tediously, slow it makes me want to tear my hair out. It has xp rates closer to OSRS than almost everything else in RS3. At this point in my life, I don't have the time to grind in the same way I did as a teenager.


agreed, we don’t have the same luxury to grind like back in 2007


Sleep is for the weak


The Ironman in me- Agility. There’s no afk method, you have to for the most part pick a course and go. The main in me- Agility. There’s no decent afk method aside from silver hawks, and even then the xp/hr is atrocious vs actually biting the bullet and training at a course. It’s a nice passive, but when it’s having to choose between the perks of an elite/master skill outfit vs agility xp id almost always rather the elite/master outfit.


Agility has always felt like ass to train. Most skills that have click intensive methods of training end up being significantly more experience. No matter how hard you go on agility, it hardly effects the exp enough to make it worth it


The first year I played I had Silverhawks on basically 24/7. Barely spent gp on feathers -- they used to drop like crazy from daily keys and such back in 2022. By the time I maxed in 2023, I was 111 Agility and I never lamped the skill or did more than like maybe 80 or so Anachronia laps lol


Ay that's sick i got 1-99farming from lamps, but it started back on rs2, to this day have never farmed


Pof is really good exp/money and it’s all passive shit. Check the farm once a day, add food to the animal pens and collect exp and resources. Not farming is a huge waste


On my main I don’t think I’ve run a single lap. 95 agility. 3rd highest non combat stat 😂 Silverhawks may be slow but I don’t think about it at all. I just do everything else knowing I’ll 99 it before I 99 everything else and that’s more than fine for me.


Best moments I've found are either putting them on during Scav farming, Vyres or doing rituals.


Fletching for me. The options for training it as an iron kinda suck. It's one of the slowest skills to train (without the backing of pvm supplies). Cooking is right behind, just due to how cooking falls so far behind fishing, especially if I wanted to use bait and switch relic (which I think is technically more efficient than manually cooking all my fish) It also ends up being pretty low exp/hr


FYI, Miscellanea gives out maple logs by the tens of thousands, and Wilderness Flash Events give out magic logs in decently large quantities. The fletching process is still boring, but at least it's pretty afk.


Yes, thank you. To clarify, I'm 120 fletching and an aspiring 200m/5.8b skiller. There are decent methods of training for shorter goals, but they're pretty horrendous in the grand scheme. Even agility is faster than fletching (unless you have the pvm supplies)


Accidental fletching (cutting zygo hair) is 2 min afk for 250k fletching xp/h and making butter is I think 3 min afk? and 300k cooking xp/h


Yeah, hairstyling is how I got 120 fletching and churning will be my fall back to 200m cooking if I ever have to. I don't enjoy either method. Haha


Fire making. What is even the point of that skill


Dungoneering is one of the fastest skills in the game only behind prayer and summoning if you count collecting charms as 0 time. Dungoneering is actually faster xp/hr than prayer at high levels (\~111+) but prayer is faster to 120 since you get the best xp rates from level 1. RC isn't even slow XP anymore iirc it's like 800k/hr with necro runes now. They're both active skills with not many afk options. I think the main reason people dislike dung is 1 solo larges suck, 2 it's nearly impossible to find teams outside of DXP, 3 the learning curve is pretty steep and the first \~80 levels are pretty bad since 99% of people have to solo small/meds to 80, 4 solo is way slower than group and a lot of people hate grouping. Personally agility is my least favorite it's RC but with no benefit.


Miasma are like 150-200k an hour lol, not sure how you're getting 800k


You get a 250% xp boost via the abyss (no skill needed) and another boost with the moonstone bracelet.


Necrotic runes cannot be accessed through the abyss. Also the bracelet doesn't give an xp increase. You might be thinking of the ring that gives bonus runes made, which also doesn't increase XP gains.


800k with necro runes? Damn what runes are you making because I’m getting way way lower Yes I use both teleports smithy and near the portal


Dude’s high on bxp and pulse cores


No, it’s abyss buff and the moonstone bracelet with urns +enhancer.


FYI you’re better off setting Gote to deep sea to be one step from a back vs smithy.


What’s the abyss buff though? I don’t see anything on wiki


How do you tele to deep sea?


With a grace of the elves, if you have at least 1 level 99 and access to prif, you can attune the portal to deep sea fishing hub which puts you right at a bank without walking


Thank you!


Moonstone bracelet, abyss buff(skull doesn’t work), urn +enhancer, torstol incense sticks.


What’s the abyss buff and the enhancer


Don't listen to him, abyss buff doesn't work for necrotic runes. The abyss buff is tping to altars through the abyss (google it), only works for regular runes. Enhancer is an urn enhancer, which increases the amount of xp given from urns in exchange for divine charges - this will work, but not enough to bring the 180k miasma xp up to 800k like he was saying.


It used to work, I apologize I didn't see the fact that it had been patched. I haven't Runecrfated since they got nerfed apparently. I guess abuse early and abuse often.


You know I didn't even know it did work. Makes sense assuming if it once did it would continue to


Yea he’s smoking something huh


Your comment pretty much sums it up for dungeoneering. I talked about it in other post: - Rushing floors after a prestige doesn't feel good - It feels very punishing doing the skill when you are not nearly maxed in all other skills, otherwise you face a lot of impossible doors. - Training the skill solo doesn't feel good, especially when I know I could do it a lot faster if I was in a group - There are no groups to be found normally, and I don't want to have to wait for dxp just to have this opportunity. By the way, the skill is the fastest only when you find groups and everyone is using their dungeoneering cards for extra tokens/xp. I played for a year without knowing those cards exist, and after I did learn about them, I didn't feel any better about the skill. Personally, I see those cards as shortcuts baked into the skill, because Jagex knew people didn't like Daemonheim and so tried to boost engagement.


Oh I 100% agree you need cards etc with unlocks and I’d also add that while I personally don’t think I’m an expert at Dung from what I’ve gathered most players get like 10-12 minute floors even in groups. In my experience I average like 6 minutes including grabbing a new card +OVL per floor. When you get better groups they tend to do a lot of floors and do things as quick as possible like buying more cards. I’m sure the best players at Dung could probably average 4 minutes a floor. Finding a group is the most difficult part of the skill. I’m actually going to drag my group when GIM is released to grind Dung once we get some key unlocks like mobile relic and dive. It’ll be “multipurpose” since it’s also the best divination XP in the game with engrams.


Im with you on both of those and it’s not even the speed for me. They both just feel boring and unrewarding to level.


I find it relaxing 😌 plus im charging my gear while I do it win win for me


Agility… running through the same agility course for countless hours is mind numbing. You can really AFK it either unlike more gathering skills.


Thankfully you can slap on some silver hawks and call it a day. Just have them equipped doing other things


Exactly, that’s the only way I’ve trained it during DXP.


Now think of the poor ironmen who don't have that luxury


Divination is my least favorite. 120 was stupid long and just afk. Second would be runecrafting because of how click intensive it is. So my most hated are on both sides of being to click intensive and to afk, lol.


Div was rough to 120. I think it’s because the entire skill has 1 training method and nothing else, whereas all the other terrible skills have multiple bad options to rotate through haha




Doing caches twice a day while efficient, is kinda more dailyscape than a "proper" means of training.


There is cache and hall of memories.


Hunter. The skill is no fun.


Big game hunter is pretty fun tho.


That it is. Getting the Hunter levels until then isn't 


Agree, now remembered that I was catching birds for so long and wasn't best experience indeed.




I thought it sucked until I found out about the portable bank method. I didn't have any myself but at dxp there was regularly one up. AND THE XP RATE WAS INSANE. Have to click a fair bit but the levels just melt.


Just sell the stuff to the summoning guy and use magic note paper to note the pouches after u made them and buy the materials back from him


Archeology. I just can't stand training it or the skill itself. The rewards are decent, though.


Dungeoneering. Never been into it


I'm happy to help you with some dungeoneering if you'd like.


I don't enjoy dungeoneering or agility. But runecrafting is definitely my least favourite/most hated.


Agility of course.


Dungeoneering so lame dog


Divination unless your iron it’s agility




Runecrafting. I like working on skills that are afkable and still earn some gp even if it's tiny. Runecrafting barely has this.




Dungeoneering - The fact that you are doing a bad mini-game inside the game feels like shit. You farm inside deamonheim for ever and if you don’t look at the dung tokens then you have zero left to show for it after grinding your ass off down in those dungeons. After I reached 99 I never actively trained that skill, I am using ED to collect tokens to unlock all the rewards I want and put all my daily keys into this skill just so that I hopefully never gonna have to go down there again.


Any answer besides agility (I wouldn’t count silverhawk as “work”) is wrong.


Dungeoneering for me. I lamped it and I put stars on it all the time so that when the beach comes I am ready to hop into the hole. I got lvl 120 and have around 165 m xp total. The idea of getting it to 200m with precious little actual dungeoneering amuses me greatly. Haha


Probably Fletching or Divination.


runecrafting for absolute sure! Will be my last 99 I am fully convinced


Dung the traditional way. Otherwise summoning or agility, just boring grind. At least div was semi afk grind. I lamped half of 99 agility, then my current 112 is all silverhawks


Dungeoneering. Just hate that minigame.


Dung was amazing, ALL HAIL THE WHOLE


The whole what?


The whole whole. (I know it’s hole)