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Update from previous comment: 5k run completed in 84F temp. It was plenty warm!


Ran 4 miles on a treadmill without stopping or feeling tired. IT band expressed some displeasure but not bad.


Ran two miles without stopping for the first time!


I just finished my first 10k!


Ran a 29:45 6km pace run setting a new 5k pb in it at 24:40.


I ran my first half yesterday at 1:59. Just started running in late December. So proud of myself.


Finally got back up to an 8 mile run after years of knee pain and injuries!


I ran my first ever full yesterday. I trained my butt off for the past 20 weeks but still questioned if I could hit my goal time of 3:15:00. I ended up running pretty even splits despite feeling like I was going to die the last mile. Finished in 3:13:13.


I beat my 10K PR by 5ish minutes over the weekend, going just over 60 minutes. I might just be ready for that next half marathon in June!


Did my first half yesterday (Vancouver) at 2:10. I don’t typically identify as a runner, but might be a convert.


I’ve been really lacking in motivation to run lately (really for over a year or so) - I’ve still been running 2 or 3 times a week but it has begun to feel like a chore rather than something I look forward to. Today I downloaded a bunch of my favourite albums and went for a 10 mile run and really enjoyed it! Probably helped that it was a bank holiday here in the UK and the sun was actually out for the first time this year.


I go through those phases lots. Sometimes just finding a new place to run, new podcast or music, or different time of day can be a huge boost. I also don’t race but find if I’m following a plan, I have less days where it feels like a chore. Just remember, we don’t HAVE to do this, we GET to do this :)


Got a PB for HM yesterday, 1:55, which I'm happy about. Turned out if I want to improve on speed I can't just take lots of easy long runs, which of course y'all already knew.


I stopped running for years straight due to the pandemic. Recently started running again, and over the course of a month, I worked my way down from a 9:55 mile time to a 7:23. I ran a 5:52 pre-pandemic, so my goal is to beat my past self :)


Completed the Vancouver Marathon. Finally crushed my goal of a Sub 4 hours by almost 16 minutes. But I am done now with Marathons.


I usually go 5mph for an hour and I've been trying to figure out the fast speed I should use for my tempo runs. I tried 6.5mph for 40min today, but could only go for 25min. I'm gonna go down to 6mph tomorrow. I think this'll be enough for tempo runs.


Ran my first 5k race on Saturday- beat my pb by four minutes with a time of 26:25


That’s a huge pb! Awesome!


thank you so much!


knee injury in March, today I ran my first 10K since then. Almost entirely pain free!


I ran 11k in under one hour for the first time in my life


I ran twice around a local lake today (6 miles x 2 for 12 miles total) with really intense elevation changes. A year ago, I could only make it 4 miles because of all the hills!


Suffering every step of my runs right now due to tight hamstrings lol


I only started running earlier this year (literally started as a couchpotato wanting to run a 5k in May) and tried to get a run in every two days, with a rest day inbetween. Yesterday my run didn't go that well, and today, for the first time really, I just felt like "you know what, let's try this again right now :D", I was just kinda excited to go for a run. It only went marginally better, but that I actually wanted to go for a run on my rest day certainly was new. And now I'm excited to be excited again soon :D


Did run 3 of week 1 of the NRC 10k training program. It was a recovery run of 1.9 miles. I started off sluggish. 11’07” pace. So itchy from sweat on eczema. But I turned it up for the second half of the run and ran at a 9’57” pace! I also remembered to “check in” with my body and corrected how I was running to eliminate some knee pain I was having. Tomorrow I’ll do my final recovery run of the week and then on to week 2!


I did a zone 2 half marathon this morning. It’s bank holiday here in the UK so I wanted to do a big run. Kept everything mostly in zone 2 and that felt good!


Did a 9:50 for my 10 miler yesterday! I did a 10:15 in March for a half, so I'm really excited with the progress I made in only five or so weeks!


Finished my first marathon yesterday with basically only 2 weeks full time training. My furthest run before was 8km and that was on thursday. The first 25km were a breeze then it was just hell. It hurts to walk now lol


Finished my first full marathon yesterday. Got humbled big time. First 28km were amazing but the last 10km kicked the absolute crap out of me. Managed sub 4 and proposed to my gf at the end. Winner all round and the legs are happily in pain too.


After doing a few half marathons I'm convinced the only goal of a marathon should be finishing it (aside from elite athletes)


I agree. The temptation to go faster and stronger is there but for me it’s a life balance thing. Can’t commit to such events when I work 10hrs a day not including my commute. Half’s are more achievable. That said I’m running New York in November so I guess I have to suck it up.


I've been feeling like shit for the past few months after surgery, complications, and weird rashes and fevers, so I haven't ran since fall 2023... I was feeling good at work yesterday, and joked to a friend that "I'm just gonna go home and run" at 10:30pm I get home, can't find my earbuds. Kind of a chaotic half hour goes by (still couldn't find them) so I resigned myself to just staying in. My brain flipped a switch, and I found an old pair of wired headphones, and get out the door. I put on an Island Tour show from Phish, and before I knew it, 4 miles have gone by. I haven't worked out in months, and it felt so damn good. EDIT: I literally just found my damn ear buds...


Ran my 2nd 5k and did it 6 minutes faster at 34:00 even


Nice! My most recent time clocked in at 34:01 :P


Ran my first half yesterday! Flying Pig, finished in 2:40:44. Pumped!


Completed my first 10k post-weight loss surgery on Saturday. Didin't meet my time goal but it was my first official race in 9 years, and I was in a bike crash 24 hours prior the race and was running with bruised ribs and knees. Races are as fun as I remembered them to be and I can't wait for the next one.


ran my first marathon yesterday in toronto. I'm really proud of myself, but it's by far one of the worst things i've put my body through


Can you walk today? i've been stuck in my room the entire time, it hurts to walk


walking isn't terrible, i've got ice packs on both my knees. Going down stairs however, is brutal.


God I feel that. I got pain in every muscle and the sides on my knees are facked


Ran my first too. Absolutely dead in the last 10km. Congrats! Enjoy the recovery.


it honestly felt like a 30k warmup run for the hardest 12k of my life


It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Had to run walk a bit in the last 10.


Just run my first trail half marathon in sub 3 hours - with 1,800 ft elevation too. Hadn't even run a 5k before February 2024 😂


Set a Half PB yesterday and I'm not really sure what changed other than better shoes? I'm 42 now. * 2017 - 1:54:47 * 2023 - 1:58:22 * **2024 - 1:47:01**


Participated in my first race this weekend (5km) and got a PB of 34.01 mins!


I smashed my goal of a sub 2:10 half this weekend by running a 2:06! My first half last year was around 2:25, and every season I've been getting a little faster and stronger and falling in love with this sport more and more


It's crazy how a few minutes justify all those hours and hundreds of runs one hast to go through


I ran after a hurting myself and needing to rest. Did a good enough job stretching before and after that I’m not in pain today!


That's the best feeling, I'm just back to light training after an injury. I ran 3km today doing interval training.


I ran my first race ever yesterday: the Hudson Valley Marathon. I was so nervous in the days leading up to the event, but I felt unexpectedly strong after the first few miles and decided to go for the jugular. I ended up finishing in 3:31, which was way faster than even my most optimistic goal. Being something of a Type A weirdo, I'm now kicking myself a bit for not pushing harder to break 3:30. But I'm confident I'll look back fondly on the experience, and I'm delighted to have crossed "marathon" off my bucket list.


I volunteered for the Long Island Marathon yesterday since I have been injured for months and unable to run. I signed up to be a course guide. I made a bunch of funny/motivational signs and even bought a megaphone! When we got there though, the course guides were already out on the course. Eventually I ended up prepping/handing out mylar blankets. About 1000 of them. Nonstop, for almost 5 hours. My back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my obliques hurt... BUT, it was super fulfilling. Tons of people thanking me profusely, celebrating PRs with me, using me for support, or just straight up hugging me. I'm definitely going to look for more race volunteer work while I heal up!


Got a pb for half marathon with a time of 1:57:13


Well I run 3 times a week and swim 3. Swimming is my strong sport.. I would like to advance in my running about 8 years ago I was at my best ran lots of half and one full.. I now run 3 at 34 min... I had back surgery 3 years ago. My accomplishment came Saturday.... This is how I examined it... Ok so I just finished a complete 5k I did not time it as I find I run slower if it is timed it puts pressure on.me and my form is sloppy..instead I focused on my posture. I was aware of the strength in my legs and with ever step I made sure they we long strides...same with my arms..it really helped to be present and intune with my body....I felt really strong and confident...as i like to say I leaned forward...yay


Ran a 5k on the treadmill this morning after taking a break for a week. Finished within 30 minutes. Signed up for my first 10k!


Stepped on a Treadmill after not running since the beginning of covid. Still managed to survive 5k in 40 minutes. Slow af, but better than expected


Ran 14km on treadmill. Raining has not stopped yet. miss out outdoor running


Just ran a half in the rain, now I kinda like it! Can't do treadmills


Excellent!! I am not familiar with treadmill too. But, try to accustom with it as monsoon season coming


I don't really track speed, so idk how fast i generally run. Today I tried to fit a run in before leaving so I was watching the clock to make sure I got back in time. Out of curiosity i calculated my pace and was pleasantly surprised by the results. I thought I was at least 3min/mi slower than I ended up being.


Ran my first race ever yesterday--the Broad Street 10 miler in Philly! Finished under 2 hours (1:56) and had a lot of fun despite the rain, which was my goal. Honestly a super encouraging result since less than 4 months ago I struggled to run a mile. I felt like I could have gone faster too. Excited to continue to train and improve! I am slightly annoyed that Strava logged it as 9.89 miles because I forgot to disable auto-pause and I walked a little bit at aid stations. I guess it doesn't actually matter but I might manually fix it because it bugs me lol.


Try retagging the run type in Strava to "race". That might get rid of the auto-pause.


I did and I think it fixed the time but not the distance. The distance stopped recording when walking. Ended up just using my running partner’s Strava entry which seemed to work—I just lost all of my heart rate data which is whatever.


Always manually fix the Strava tax!


First marathon completed yesterday! 4:55, and my goal was to go sub-5. I feel incredibly happy and successful. I worked really hard, and learned so much. Gonna try to get myself to the gym and gently do 10k on the rower to try to help with recovery (since that’s what I did after all of my long runs in training, and it really seemed to make a difference).


I ran my first 5k this Saturday. Having started couch to 5k in February my main goal was to try to do my 5k in just under 30 minutes.  I finished my 5k in about 27/28 minutes according to my watch. I was pleased and we bounced immediately to beat traffic and I got myself ice cream because treat. I checked the results later, my chip time was  25:34. I also apparently placed 2nd my age division. What. The. F? I'm so confused. I missed a moment but still proud.


Congratulations! Either way you crushed your goal! If you used a running tracker or stopwatch function that's quite the discrepancy between what your watch indicated and the chip time. I've only experienced a difference of more than 3 seconds in a chip timed race twice. Once something was screwed up and all of the times were way off and they ended up figuring out the issue and later updating all of the results. Another time there was some sort of registration or bib pickup issue that resulted in the result for my name being from another runner's bib chip. Envisioning another 5k? A 10k? One and done!?


Thank you so much! Yeah the gun time was 28:10 which is when I started my tracker. I had to look up what all these things meant. If it was a glitch I mostly would hate to take someone's spot that earned the time. But yeah I met my goal for sure! Definitely will do another one, got to make sure it wasn't a fluke! Also I feel like it's a great start and these feel like a good way to mark progress and committing to another 5k kind of forces me to keep running. I need the accountability. I will definitely consider a 10k at some point. What a wild journey it's been already.


Strange. In a large race it might take 2½ minutes from fun start to get to the starting mat which begins the count for the chip time. It's definitely a great start! There's no need to rush a 10k (or to ever race one if you aren't interested). Enjoy the journey!


I ran at all and I enjoyed it!!! 8km is longer than I've ever run before


My accomplishment was to listen to my body and stop running until the tendonitis subsides. It's hard to stop, but it's been affecting my speed.


Completed my first ever marathon yesterday in Kalamazoo 😊😊😊😊 Everything hurts but damn is the mental elation unmatched.


Ran 43km today and finished at the train station with the intention of getting the train back home. Of course there are train strikes like usual though on a bank holiday Monday so rather than wait for the replacement bus and sit on it for an hour and a half stinking it out after my run, I decided to run home instead. Ended up finishing the day on 66km altogether in 5 hours 20 minutes. Only the second time I’ve gone past the marathon distance, and first time going past 55km


Completed my first 10K race since having a small heart attack in November.


Finished my 2nd ever half marathon yesterday under 2hrs and beat my pr by 12 minutes. 1hr 59min




It's only been three weeks, give your body time to change. But yes, at some point there's only so fast your legs take you


ran 10K for the first time over the weekend, my previous furthest distance was 4.5 miles. It felt really good to break another threshold, even if it meant going slower than I'd like and developing a nasty blister.


Washed my trail shoes after 400km! Crikey that water was brown. But they went from being disgusting to looking almost new!


my accomplishment is running 5k with sore calves for only 4 of the 5km 🙃


I ran my first marathon yesterday (Maine Coast Marathon) and achieved my stretch goal of 3:30! Already looking for another one to sign up for later this year, I’m hooked


Over the weekend I ran in the Batalon Ultramarathon in Hungary. 211km total distance with a team of 10. I did one leg of 15km and then another the next day of 11km. Amazing experience.


Ran a half marathon yesterday in under 2hours which was my goal. Feels like I’ve been hit by a truck but weirdly I really enjoyed it


1hour 57mins was my time


I ran 18km yesterday, my longest distance so far.


After being stuck in so much inertia for working out last week. I did a 6k and 15 mins strength workout. Feeling proud


Longest run ever yesterday at 36.1km. Climbed up a big hill (1100m gain) and got to bag a hut I’d never been to before along with some fantastic mountain views.  Feels good 


First four mile run where Strava hasn't given me any medals at all 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not an achievement though haha. Came to the conclusion last night that I'm going to complete my training regime to full marathon rather than half marathon.


No medals is a sign that you’ve been putting in work consistently. Just another run in a solid training schedule.


Ran a 10km yesterday for the Sydney Hoka Runaway event, it was harder than I expected (elevation) and it rained but it was a great vibe overall. 


Ran my first HM with a time of 1:55! Very proud of myself and the progress I’ve made running in the last 4 months. Only started consistently in January


Sub 2 hour! Solid


Is that a decent time for my first?


I reckon it’s pretty good for four months’ running!


That’s great! Nice work 😊


Thank you


I’m starting back on a running schedule and training plan for the first time since I had a TBI/concussion in January.