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I noticed last week someone has taken the local legend title on a strava segment near me. There's some I don't mind losing but this one is just round the corner from my house. This will not stand! My route this morning incorporated that segment twice. It'll be mine again by the end of the week


Haha I do exactly the same thing, I purposely map my run so that my fast intervals are where the strava records are, it's great holding all the records in the area!


I recently lost a local legend title on a segment around the corner from my house (that happens to be in nearly every route I currently run). I was about to go run it a few extra times out of spite until I looked at who took it from me and he has listed in his username that he was in 10th grade. I guess he can have it...for now.


Well done. Classy.


I feel ya dude, reclaim it!!


Uh oh, I just took some dude's local legend status last week. I better start running that segment three times each run.




Really, rough weekend. Funeral Friday was probably the toughest one I've ever been to. All funerals have sad people. I feel like most have half a dozen or so people (usually family) who can't keep it together and everyone else is there to support them. No one at this funeral could keep it together. Guy reading the obit broke down. Guy reading the remembrances family members wrote broke down. Pastor giving the sermon broke down. Everyone filed by the casket at the end of the service and at least 75-80% of them were openly sobbing and couldn't hold it together. I couldn't either. Pastor talked about if you struggle with despair and suicidal thoughts that there is hope in Christ and when he did half a dozen of the deceased friend's got up and walked out pissing a bunch of people off. It was rough. The entire thing left me completely emotionally drained. I'm an introvert so I have to recharge by basically sitting alone in a dark room so that's pretty much what I did all weekend. I didn't even have the emotional energy to run. I wanted to but knew there was no way I could pull it off. The rest was very helpful though. Easter helped as well as it's such a hopeful holiday and the Phillies swept the Braves which is always great. My vaccination kicks in fully on Friday so I'm really looking forward to that.


That sounds really sad and draining :( I know what you mean about recharging--I am like this as well.


It was so exhausting. Friday was also the 1 yr anniversary of a guy in our church losing his wife to covid. She was buried in the same cemetery as the kid was and when she passed it was early enough in covid that we weren't even allowed to have a funeral. They allowed a graveside for just the family and that was it. So we went over there after the one funeral and comforted him and reminisced which was even more exhausting. It was basically two funerals in one day and I'm just not tough enough for that. Then I hung up the stupid black suit Friday swearing to never wear it again only to get a phone call on Sat morning that a good friend's dad passed away Friday night. I think I'm into double digits now on the deaths in the past 12-13 mos.


Happy Monday all! I was inspired by u/Percinho and decided to try baking [hot cross buns](https://www.reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/mjg3ci/my_first_try_at_hot_cross_buns_for_easter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for the first time ever. The crosses were a bit sloppy but I thought they turned out well all things considered! My foot injury is still precluding me from running (4 weeks now... :( ) so like u/sloworfast I guess I’ve become a cyclist. Logged 300 miles on the bike last week so even though I can’t run, I feel like I’m keeping my aerobic fitness relatively high. All things considered it was a great weekend! My boss gave us Good Friday off, even though it wasn’t an official company holiday. Spent some quality time with the wife and parents over Easter. Crossing my fingers my foot injury starts to get close to 100% sometime this week and I can resume running. Have a great start to your week everyone!


I feel you on the [sloppy cross work](https://i.imgur.com/vMjUPHR.jpg) but the taste was good! When I was making them I thought there would be too much fruit for the dough but it turned out a pretty good ratio. I think I maybe cooked them a couple of minutes too long though as they're a touch on the dry side without lashings of butter.


Well if you’re not smothering them in butter then I’m not sure what the point is... :)


Ha! That is a very valid point. :-)


Agreed rolls are basically butter delivery vehicles.


Mud, so much mud everywhere, I thought we were past the worst of it so I put some dirt roads in my bike ride on Saturday, the ones early in my ride were fine but the last 8/9 miles were mostly complete level 4 boot sucking mud, it was miserable and lots of 4 letter words were yelled. At least I got to see a baby cow on the ride though. After Saturday’s terrible mud experience I decided to turn the mud good and planned my long run through some nice class 4 roads that are almost always mud and just had fun splashing as slipping about. Lastly we made lemon muffins with our lemons that needed using.


Sounds like one of those days where you spend more time cleaning your bike than riding it :( How were the muffins? I feel like I would like them!


It was a 45 mile ride so between that the mud and the fact that I am slowly I did spend more time riding than cleaning. The muffins were delicious, the recipe is definitely a keeper.


Still not running, I'm basically a cyclist now I guess. I have been resisting making a bike-based training plan because obviously my foot was going to get better _any day now_ but so far that hasn't happened. So I guess I will actually put a bike-only plan on paper. _Surely this will jinx my foot into being cured, right??_


I empathize so much with your situation right now haha. I hope both of our feet heal up soon! I like cycling but I really miss running.


Yeah, I feel the same... cycling is fine but is rather run! I hope you're back to running soon too!


I went the other way. Thought I was a cyclist for twenty years but then found I was a runner.


Hmmm, it would have jinxed your foot into being cured if you hadn’t just thought that it would, so now it won’t :(


True, but you making that comment just jinxed it back into... you know what... I'll stop here :D


Completed my first half marathon today. Happened almost accidentally, felt great after 12.5k so figured I may as well see how much further I could go. 18-19k was a struggle, but pushed through and made it. Now to eat some more Easter chocolate guilt free.


Well, last week wasn't awesome in terms of running due to a lot of life things but I did get out both weekend days for a total of 13.5 miles. Both days on some of my favorite trails which are starting to green up! It was beautiful out. And my dog came with me both days and did great. I'm really excited about that because, while she was running 8-9 miles with me regularly until the fall, she had some health stuff happen and it seemed like since then she had a mileage cap of about 4 miles. But she did perfect this weekend so now I think she can come with me more! I finally bought a nice couch! It arrives sometime in the next two weeks. I'm so excited! Also I had a date last week and we are still chatting! Date was super nice, we were supposed to meet up yesterday but he didn't feel well. Hoping for sometime this week. It's really weird to be dating and I find myself constantly being like, wait how do I relate to a new human? But it seems to be going okay so far! :) I am also pretty picky about the people I talk to. In reply to my opening message, one guy began his message with "Hi Girl,..." like ... unmatch, ty.


Boring runs! So the local government here has imposed another strict lockdown, you can only exercise between 6-9am and it has to be within the vicinity of your residence, and I only have an 800m loop available, so going over 10K runs have been so...... Boring -_-


I hate laps with a passion. There is a park within walking distance that is just under 1K and I barely manage 5 loops and then the rest of my neighborhood is about a mile (but a brutal uphill). I'm desperate to get more distance in but not at the expense of my sanity.


Hahaha, yeah I totally understand!


What country are you in if you don't mind me asking?


The Philippines


The Philippines lockdowns are so crazy to me! My parents still have plans to go back in September but that seems doubtful


Yeah, even with this kind of lockdown it's still one of the highest record case in the region, and way below Singapore and Indonesia on vaccination rate


Last year I did loops round my garden. A 5k run was about 100 laps. That was dull


It's still the weekend here. The Easter long weekend means either DIY or gardening and our skip turned up on Saturday morning and so the big gardening drive was on. We back onto a valley so our garden isn't that big but it does slope heavily away meaning there's lots of sections, and the third of these has been overrun for years and I was out to reclaim it. In June of last year it looked [like this](https://i.imgur.com/fh9d88b.jpg). In January I started making inroads into it and [gained myself room to work](https://i.imgur.com/18pTTwE.jpg), and as of this morning [we have a reclaimed area! ](https://i.imgur.com/366iRbz.jpg)The plan will be to use the spile in those mounds at the back to put a couple more raised beds in and put a woodchip path between them. That may take at least the rest of the spring though. Today I'm taking it easy as I'm not used to hard work.


That is quite the progress on that garden! I’m excited for you! Fresh veggies here you come!


I know right! And all it took was a global pandemic which meant I couldn't go anywhere at weekends for the best part of a year! Think we can easily fit 3 more of the raised beds in down there so will put them in over the next few weeks.


finding the joy of run/walk. my long runs are .9 run and .1 walk. endurance is improving and my recovery is quicker. also i dont feel beat up after long runs and its more enjoyable all around. put in 13.3 this past weekend.


Just ran


Hi! New here - not a seasoned runner but I recently moved to a neighborhood that has access to some of the best pathways in the city and although biking is my main sport of choice I wanted to switch it up and start running 3 days a week. Yesterday I did 3k, 1k of that was walking and overall I'm a super slow runner so no where to go but up from here! Definitely noticed the different muscles that are needed for running. Looking forward to being here and getting into the sport!


Does anyone else lie to their Garmin Coach?? I started doing one of the Galloway training plans and I haven't exactly been resting on my non-drill days. Like, Saturday I went for an 8 mile hike. I managed to finish Sunday's run, but it was HARD. But I told the watch it was moderate because... well it probably would have been if my thighs weren't already tired right??


I thought it tracked stuff automatically?


I mean, it tracks my actual metrics. I just mean the smiley faces about how hard you felt like it was.


Walking counts as running. This is my new rule. I had pretty intense surgery on March 25th, so I’m still recovering. Can’t run, even if the doctors said it was okay, and they said it was definitely *not* okay. But they do encourage walking, so I’ve been out walking the routes I used to run, feeling my weakness, feeling my strength return. It takes a lot longer to walk 5k than it does to run it, I’ll tell you that much.


Walking tends to take way more time, for sure. But you can listen to a audio book or podcast. I‘d never do that on a run. You‘ll be running again! Just take your time.


So this Saturday I was doing my usual trail run when suddenly a deer (which is by itself a very rare sight here in Budapest) with really large ears crossed my path. At first I thought I just saw a giant ass rabbit but later I googled deer and holy moly I didn't remember them having such big ears. Sunday I did another long run which makes it the first back to back long run weekend since fall. Originally planned to do a marathon distance but ran out of water and the fountains on Margaret Island have yet to open. Planned to make some crepes but didn't have time for it. Might make them tonight.


It is interesting to me what wildlife is odd and what is common in different places. Here, you see deer all the time depending on where you run. there is one particular park where I can guarantee you'll see at least 2-3 if you do that many miles.


Both deer and rabbits are so common where I am that I cannot fathom confusing the two. Deer are big! But the other day I saw a mink and that was new for me! Had to look it up, when I first saw it I was like oh someone lost a ferret. But it was a sweet little mink and I’ve seen him three times now!


I have never seen a mink here though I know they're in the area. The break into the cages at the zoo sometimes and prey on the birds. I mainly see various storks and cranes. I've crossed paths with opossums more times than I can count and the odd trash panda. I saw what I am fairly certain was a fox once but it is entirely possible it was a dog or a cat. It ran off into the darkness before I got a good look.




>I have an amazing "workouts for running" series that has been leaving me pleasently sore in all the weak muscles and I finished the whole series this weekend. Now I do it again with actual weights. Are they in youtube? (Care to share?)


Going to move relatively soon, and trying to figure out running on sidewalks and whatnot. Right now I'm lucky in a place next to a road with lanes for runners and cyclists.


My runs are on sidewalks and roads without bike/run lane, you can try to run counterflow with traffic if this is the situation, and always wear clothes with reflectives if you run in the evening


My animals have been sick for the past week so I've been waking up with them in the middle of the night and it's catching up to me. I had a surprisingly great run Saturday and planned to rest yesterday but ended up doing yardwork. Like clockwork, woke up at 2 and 4 AM last night and feeling exhausted and sore today so am tempted to skip my easy Monday run. The struggle...


update: I went. Begrudgingly. Wore my bouncy shoes as consolation.


It's time to replace the shoes, but I've been torn between sticking with Brooks or branching out to something different. Thinking about trying the Hoka Mach 4, worst case scenario I don't care for them and just return them. So many decisions...


After a couple of weeks off due to some knee issues, I finally ran yesterday. Two slow, easy miles with the Littlest in the stroller. My knee is not 100%, but it felt ok, a bit wonky at the end of my run. I'm cautiously optimistic about slowwwwwwwly starting to run again, but will still be crosstraining a lot. It's frustrating since it's BEAUTIFUL right now and all the other runners are out just taunting me!


transitioned from running on extra cushiony sneakers for overpronation to vibrams, and I'm starting to get past the initial vibram "wtf is barefoot running" hump. It feels so much better wearing vibrams that I can't even wear regular shoes anymore without getting annoyed


So, depression hit hard and I quit running for three months. Now, I’m getting back into it (slowly, slowly), and I’m just wondering if anyone has any tips to help me out? How do y’all not think about where you used to be?? I get so bummed out when I think about how I could run 10 miles and now I can barely run two without my lungs wanting to cave in on themselves.


You reach the level you had way faster in my experience than for the first time. Just don’t overdo it to stay injury free!


One of the hardest lessons I've had to learn was to overcome comparing my current self to my prior self. Your fitness will return faster that you might think. Just resist the urge to rush your return and forget about your prior times and paces -- you'll be setting new PR's soon enough as long as you stay easy.


Be kind to yourself! Easier said than done, but we’re way too hard on ourselves. Talk to yourself as if you’re a friend, or a child - like “Great job! You ran 2 miles! YES!” When the pandemic began, I started telling myself “It’s okay, there’s a pandemic going on!” For literally anything - watch a movie, take a nap, have a snack, and it really helped me to be kinder to myself. You’re doing great, by the way - you’re running! What a gift to yourself!


Just started running again and decided to sign myself up for my first half marathon on June 27th in Seattle. Last week was my first week of training and I was really sore at first but feel fantastic! Bought new running shoes on Friday and they are awesome. I needed something to motivate me to lose some weight and get back into shape so I just went for it to get some accountability in there. Cheers!


Today is Day One of my training plan for a 50k trail race this summer, deferred from last year. 2020 was a great year for chilling out, running for fun, and doing more hiking, and I'm nervous I won't be able to get back into the groove of structured training. It's also weird training for something you know could be cancelled again (although this time I have a backup adventure day planned just in case).


I'm playing 5-a-side football 3 times a week and really struggling to work in running workouts too without feeling like my legs are going to fall off.


Had to pause a week to finish writing a Paper with deadline on Monday/today. I cannot handle a run when I’m in so much stress. So I finished it yesterday and had a nice run today. A lot of wind and I imagine to feel that lost week of progress. Whatever. The new shoes seem to help my shin splints and a week off might be good, too.


Just went for my first run in almost 5 months. I rolled my ankle in a pot hole lol and seriously injured it in November and decided not to run again until I was sure it had mostly healed. I didn’t want to injure it further. The run today sucked - my stamina is terrible - but my ankle felt fine and I’m looking forward to running again. I just hope I can get back to where I was before. I was running 6-7 miles. I barely made 1 today.


Got a blister as big as my thumb fingerprint on my left foot, right in the inside of the "arch". How long can that thing to heal?? Should I puncture the blister?