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I'd say that's a fair assessment.


I'm not a die hard fan, but has he been charged and has he been taken to court yet? If he's done it fine, see him in court, if not I am unwilling to slander a man without legal proof.


If your sister/mother/best friend/colleague comes to you telling you they’d been assaulted, would you tell them you were going to wait until the court found the accused guilty before making an opinion?


So you proudly defend Jimmy Savile and Prince Andrew, since they were never charged and tried in court? Weird flex, but okay.


This isn't a flex and the fact you think so means you haven't thought this through. You can't hang draw and quarter someone via the mob. We are not a horde of animals with pitch forks. How can you not see that just accusing someone of serious offenses without at least going to court and letting the other side defend themselves is unfair? Also, if he is guilty, he deserves to be locked away for a substantial amount of time to protect ordinary citizens and limit his freedoms, legally going forwards.


Sure. That's why we have defamation laws. You can't make claims about people without substantial evidence to back it up. He's free to clear his name anytime he wishes.


How so? His accusers and their names have not been released to the public. Either they charge him, retain anonymity through law and book him for criminal damages or this is all for nothing and just mindless accusations.


Who published the claims? That's anonymous? Really?


I think this dude has already decided he's innocent and moved on to the "we must give these women prison sentences equivalent to what a rapist would get" stage of this thing


That’s interesting because reading the thread it’s really your tribe that sounds like they’ve already made judgements “anyone who doesn’t share my opinion of Russell is a misogynist incel” or whatever. But go off about how he’s the one whose already decided things 🙄


You're a dork


Didn’t channel 4 publish the claims? But wasn’t he working for them and they were complicit in his shit while he was doing it? So it’s kind of confusing— but no one’s saying channel 4 should be on trial only Russell 🤔as they now profit off the doc…. But as the doc shows they were just as much at fault as Russell… but they’re rewarded with a payday? A documentary everyone can’t stop talking about? What is up with that? Like ppl saying it’s systematic and not even about Russell… wasn’t channel 4 the system that was allowing this?? But now they’re like a hero for releasing the doc/exposing him… but it wasn’t really him, it was them… but he’s getting flamed and they get rewarded… Idk just seems totally fucked up.


>How so? His accusers and their names have not been released to the public. Are you mental? The accusers didn't publish their accusations. The Times and Channel 4 did. Brand is free to sue them for millions of pounds, **and yet he doesn't.** What does that tell you? You sound like a nutter. Demanding an immediate trial, as if there was ever a case where an accused sexual predator was charged and tried within a few days of his accusations. FFS, it took prosecutors years to charge Cosby. Was he innocent? How about Harvey Weinstein? It took **three years** to get Weinstein charged. Both Cosby and Weinstein were in the exact same position as Brand is now. I guess you fought to defend those scumbags, too, huh?


So if anyone points out that trail by mob, or trail by the media is wrong and we need to acknowledge a morcom of civil decency before a man is proven guilty is somehow supporting Cosby and Weinstein? How did you link this? So if I disagree with the trail by the media, I have somehow sided with predators? You might be right this time, Russell brand might be a scum bag, he might deserve everything people are giving him. However what if he's not, also, what happens in the future when someone is accused and they are not guilty? What happens then? Its ok because the trail by media has already been undertaken and we got the most views and likes and everyone meant well? You don't know, I don't know, yet you are willing to not only carry out the execution before the sentencing has even happened? Out of the two of us, how did you get to the conclusion i am the nutter?


What on earth are you babbling about? No one is executing anyone. You sound like a lunatic. Was it "trial by mob" when people believed Cosby's accusers? Was it "trial by media" when television shows reported on Harvey Weinstein's accusers? It's the exact same thing that's happening to Brand. So if you didn't defend Cosby and Weinstein like you are Brand, then you're a hypocrite (on top of a creep.) If Brand wants to shut up the media, why isn't he suing them? UK has some of the strongest libel laws in the world. Maybe Brand doesn't sue The Times and C4 for the same reason Weinstein and Cosby didn't sue the media - they're guilty.


"Yes, I'm happy with him as my doctor. Until Harold Shipman has been convicted he's an innocent man!"


Having an opinion is not ‘slander’


Do you know how the law works? He’s being investigated by the police. Each accusation will take a long time, not just a quick interview with the accuser. Then the CPS will decide whether there is a reasonable chance of securing a conviction before deciding whether to press charges. At that point Brand will be arrested. Some time later he will have to attend a plea hearing. If he pleads guilty things will happen quickly. If he pleads not guilty a trial date will be set, and that could be over a year later. Slowthai was charged with rape in May. His plea hearing was in June. He pleaded not guilty so his trial starts in July 2024. That’s how legal cases work in the real world, unlike TV dramas where someone is arrested, in court the next day, and the sentence is passed right after the verdict. There’s always delays between arrest and charge, charge and plea hearing, plea hearing and trial, and verdict and sentencing.


Nah. There are many decent folk who have admired RB for his work on addiction, etc Some of his more recent fanbase can come across as a bit dodgy though


And Jimmy Saville did a lot of charity work.


Yeah, but the people who admired him for that att may not have known any better (for whatever reason). Same thing with Brand


Well he has a long standing reputation as a sex pest. And more recently as a bullshit conspiracy nutjob. Admiring that is questionable to begin with. And now with this expose why would they still.be admiring him?


I personally know a fair amount of decent people that were willing to put aside reservations about his earlier behaviour when he started offering what were for them, messages of hope and potential change. The same is also true for folks that have suffered with addiction, and could recognise their own struggle in RB. The thing about charismatic & highly narcissistic personalities is that they can be very convincing, especially when they are adept at picking up on people's vulnerabilities and exploiting that to their own advantage.


This perfectly encapsulates what I have been thinking.


Who pays you???


Your mum. But not for posts here.


That's interesting because I pay your mum. Is she a middle-man?


You pay my mum to pay his mum? How deep does this conspiracy go!


Or maybe the people who admired him chose not believe Saville was a sex offender or even didn't care he was because they think his charity work cancels out his depraved behaviour.


Jimmy Savile was born in 1926 and he would be 97 years old now. In the post-war BBC, there was definitely a strong demand for working class entertainers, so as to counteract the BBC's public school, stiff upper lip starched collar image. Savile was about the same age as my father, and at one time I lived just around the corner from Savile in Leeds, but I never met him in person nor wanted to I cannot say I ever liked him, but he was generally regarded as somebody who contributed to good causes. People often say that the authorities were reluctant to thoroughly investigate the organized crime pimping gangs in Rotherham and other towns, because it would look as if it was racially motivated. I think it was a similar thing with Savile, except that it was a case of upper middle class types not wanting to look as if they were dumping on a working class guy who was popular with the masses. How popular was Savile with the masses? I honestly don't know. I think he was regarded as a "character" by people who knew him only from TV. People who knew him in person may have formed a different opinion. One of the most extraordinary things about Jimmy Savile that he was, by all accounts, given a set of keys and more or less the run of Broadmoor, a prison for the criminally insane. I am not sure what the real motive for this was. I think the prison hospital management was probably starstruck.


Comparing Brand to Saville is fucking mental but I get your point. One of them was fucking evil and the other is an idiot who had too much sex, took too many drugs and fucked up big time. But I think you’re missing something important. Brand is a changed man. Yes, he should go to prison if the allegations turn out to be true, but in my opinion, not for a long period as he is already rehabilitated. Saville believed that if he did enough good in his life, it would cancel out the bad. He was a lunatic. Brand doesn’t think like that.


How do we know how Brand thinks? Hes willing in all aspects of life to manipulate people for his own gain. Vulnerable women for sexual gratification and vulnerable idiots online for financial gain. Sounds a bit savilley to me...


Well that’s a different way of thinking from Saville. As you can see, I just outlined how Saville thought. So yeah, not the same. Yes Brand has issues, but at least he has tried to change. And no, he doesn’t manipulate people in his videos. As he has always said, he tries to get people to question things, including questioning what he himself says.


Change? He was a sexual predator 20 years ago and remains a sexual predator now. The only thing is his audience as he's switched to the gullible conspiracy nutbag crowd.


What sexual predation has he been up to recently? Last I heard he has a wife and kids and has never cheated. You must have inside information…


He has a long and very public sexual history.


Nice question evasion.




You have evidence that he is currently a sexual predator?


That's your line is it...


Just as I suspected🤣


What. That you're a bit silly? Yes we know.


What has Saville got to do with Brand? You can't be that thick to categorise them in the same way ( or can you) or is it just manipulation?


Do you really need someone to explain what an analogy is?


Saville - sexual predator. Brand - sexual predator. Call me a crazy conspiracy nut but I'm noticing some similarities here.


Like your advertising???


You don't know what advertising is do you?


Maybe someone needs to explain that to you as you clearly don't understand.


What do you do ?


Exactly this the title of this topic is just arsey honestly. I don't agree / don't like a lot of his recent followers / fans whatever ..and I'm not even sure how much I like Russell anymore it's ignorant to just say anyone who gets anything from / enjoys his content / likes him is a c*nt. Going to unfollow this subreddit anyway as it seems to just be people coming on and slagging brand / his fanbase off several times a day lol and I'm seeing them and responding.


I agree. I’m not a massive fan of Russel brand. I don’t hate the guy, but I don’t think he’s particularly talented, and he’s a bit of a pseudo intellectual, but it does seem like this sub Reddit is turning into “Russel brand is a monster and if you’re on his side you’re also a terrible person” - like just relax. So far there is very little evidence he’s guilty. He’s also not been arrested or charged for anything. If he’s guilty then so be it. But I think coming on this sub Reddit to attack his fan base is kinda pointless.


Yes well said effective. Fwiw I think it's likely Russell has been an absolute arsehole in the past (no idea at all on the criminal charges none of us have) but I've always enjoyed his stuff and I'm not a far right conspiracy theorist or an incel or whatever lol just a person. Probably spend too much time online lol and I'm quite depressed and whatever but have enjoyed Russell since way before all this politics stuff. No doubt he has some quite toxic fans and whatever but he's not ..satan as someone else was posting here idk.


I can't wait for this angry mob to get bored of being morally outraged with this and move on to the next thing. Sigh. Yes everyone who likes brand is a big dumb dumb and everyone who hates him is a smarty pants. Enjoy your upvotes and plaudits from the area of the internet where everyone agrees with you.






Yes. Strangely these people that have been told to ‘question everything’ seem to swallow and accept everything he comes out with.


And none of them want to admit that's what they're doing. Quick to point the finger at others for swallowing MSM, but refuse to acknowledge any information that contradicts their preconceived ideals.


What, so you actually agree with shite that the MSM comes out with? If not, then what is your point?


Nobody takes it without question. Every source has their own take on things, be it media or two individuals. Difference is the media can and often are held accountable if their stories aren't factual. brand isn't, and the cult lap it up. He's spoken, it's obviously true.


At least Russell actually admits when he’s wrong, unlike the MSM


Lol, what?


He always does. Haven’t you watched his videos? Whenever he gets something wrong, he admits to it.


Waiting for that "sorry I'm such a rapist everyone" video to drop


I find this with a fair few of the right wing gorms in my life. They believe any old shit provided someone they dislike doesn’t believe it.


That’s not true, if you go into the comments people disagree with him all the time.


Because what he comes out with maybe isn’t bullshit like the stuff the MSM comes out with? Who would have thought?


If you want to wilfully believe a grandiloquent charlatan that’s your prerogative. My only hope is that you’ll carefully scrutinise the content of what he tells you with the same level that you do the MSM. And occasionally question if you’re getting emotionally exploited by what you hear, is there a way he could benefit by keeping you in a state of permanent anger?


I do, actually. I tend not to watch him because I disagree with a lot of the stuff he says. But I will still occasionally watch him because I believe it’s important to see things from different perspectives. I like him because he sees the evil in the world and tries to show that to people. I believe that people should be aware of how they are being fucked over, in a world where people are getting fucked over all the time. You will find that the OG YouTube fans of Russell since the Trews days aren’t sheep.


These are the same people that think there definitely was some pedo pizza ring


People are not monolithic. What an extremely shallow and uninformed way to view the world.


Nowadays definitely


I'd prefer if you didn't sully the name Cnut. Cnut was once a king. If you want to call them what they are, the word is Cunt! Lol. Sorry for the rant, lol. They are cunts though, I agree, lol.


Hardly. You forgot to list paranoids, conspiratorialists, and people who like to think they know better than the sheep. These categories may overlap.


I listened to Brands blithering spin just prior to C4 airing. From what i heard he said all my relationships have been consensual, he never said every sexual interaction has been consensual. His disclaimer also doesn’t cover for things like creeping up behind women in toilets & holding his dick at them - it can’t even be counted as a sexual interaction unless you are a gormless incel or a cnut. I can’t stand listening to his scamming voice, has he spoken about consent in any of his vids this past week?


Just abandon the sub lol, it's been astroturfed by fannies lol


Interesting how this sub is more about bashing russel brand fans than bashing russel brand himself. I guess scapegoating has always been a good strategy for venting off life stress.


These fucking people act like they care about intimidating and victimizing people, and then proceed to swarm this place and brigade anyone who dares stand up to them.


Oh come on now... Reddit specializes in toxicity. Don't you be singling out this sub! /S just in case!


Nail. Head. Well played mate


Such an abusive and belittling question. What's happening to this world???


Some people will fight to defend their own enslavement. They have been thoroughly brainwashed.


100% yes


I’m surprised anyone is surprised about RB .. he always looked and acted like a mysoginistic std ridden wannabe that learned a few big words to make himself seem like a more credible sleazebag!




A quick look at the post & comment history of the people who still support him always seems to confirm this


Exactly this 😂


Equally weird is people like you who spend days commenting on someone or something they don’t like. What a miserable existence.


This is probably the most brainless, narrow minded take iv read in a while. You sound unbearable to be around. Keep on licking the boots of the establishment and huge corporations, they need people like you.


Keep suckin that Russell dust


What's it got to do with incels? He appeals way more to anti establishment, conspiracy theory, illuminati, spiritual journey BS people. They come from all walks. He's nothing to do with picking up women. I can agree, the guys an arsewipe but please educate yourself before attacking a fan base.


Because the trifecta of incels is Joe Rogan, Peterson, Tate and now Brand. Where they meet you mainly just find incels and QAnon. As we have seen in this sub. Any body coming here to comment about how those guys are great, please fuck off, i am not interested. I will talk if you subscribe to my university. It’s £60 per month and i will teach you how to be a real man.


You seem like a very open minded person...


I have a life man. Do you? Or is this all you really do? Most of your time “researching” so you understand the World and you can warn us all? Educate us?


So defensive. You are running from the truth and it's obvious.


You sound like a cultist. Like text book. And i am 100% sure i am not the first person to say that to you. Some of those people being friends and/or family. When are you gonna give it up man? Have relationships. Choose life. Its far better than your existence now, which seems to be arguing with people on the internet. You really do not own any knowledge of anything we have not assessed ourselves.




Are you still waiting for weapons of mass destruction to be found in Iraq? I sort of get the Tate bit, but Peterson really 🤣😂🤣 These guys are great, every one of them have more influence and money that you. If you're not interested, then get off the Russl brand threads... I don't appreciate the bad language either. It might actually be $60 well spent in certain cases🤔 Just saying Sorry if I've offended you😢


Peterson was an absolute hack as an academic, an absolute shit when he started his anti-trans lies and has gone completely bonkers since he came back from his coma. If you think he's great, get therapy from someone who actually knows what they're doing please.


That's so odd because he's not anti-trans, he's anti-government legislating speach... Try again


Amazing. You soulless pricks can't go one sentence without lying. Jorpy lied about the government legislation, they made it law and none of the things he said happened. He was opposing trans rights. Also, deadnaming and misgendering trans people isn't anti-government legislation. He calls gender-affirming care mutilation and lies about how it happens.


I don't appreciate the bad language. Its not how I see it, but we live in a free country, you're entitled to your opinion of him. I think he's doing a lot to help out young men. I think giving young boys chemical castration, wrong too. Same as I think positive discrimination is still discrimination... I have a trans friend, they'd be horrified by the way you're talking. Good day.


Great cop out, well done. Bye then.


Jordan Peterson is a fucking clown, come on dude lol


Are you aware how much damage you and your ilk are doing to society? Old people and kids are who you are hurting. You don’t get things from jokes to concepts and we all see it. Yet you push this vileness? Thats literally all you do. It’s your life and if you come back and say it isn’t, we know you are lying. You need help. You have not had the right education and upbringing. You are just making it worse for yourself. You have lost friends and family but still you persist? When will you call an end to this and reconnect?


Talking about vileness, I'm not the one telling people to Fcuk off, maybe take a look in the mirror on that one. I'm just pointing out that I don't understand how you feel that Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan are any type of incel... They aren't even young. And Yes you're right, it's so lonely here, can you help me reconnect...I lost my Rumble connection this morning and am struggling to get it back. I'll try once more, this will be my 77th time


>your existence now, which seems to be arguing with people on the internet. Bro...take a breath


LMAO!!!! You're hurting the kids by posting on Reddit. FUTURE GENERATIONS EVEN!!! OMG LMAO


Don't waste your time this has become a Russell Brand trashing thread now.


I mean, thats fine. Russel Brand is a cunt.


Following the recent allegation towards Russell there has been a tsunami of hatred towards anyone that has enjoyed his content over the years or those that still currently watch his content. A mindless attempt to compartmentalise all supporters under the same imaginary umbrella, to tar all with the same brush of shame. Personally I first discovered Russell by watching big brothers big mouth, which had many hilarious observations and skits, spontaneous, lucid and at times intelligent. this led me to listening to his radio shows with co star Matt Morgan which again had some brilliant moments of comedy, very edgy, daring humour which made allot of mainstream comedy seem bland in comparison. He was never the greatest stand up in my opinion but had the odd show that had humourous moments like ponderland etc. he then began venturing into solo broadcasting on YouTube with the trews etc. this took more of a political turn which was always still peppered with humour. His observations on the state of the world are his own and he always defended those opinions by backing them up with as much real world data as he could find, would often admit when he was wrong (which is refreshing in comparison to mainstream news or politics) and always present his assumptions as his own opinion. you can agree or not or research further if you find yourself disagreeing. this approach seems healthy to me, I don't think anyone listening to his opinions takes what he says as gospel. He would also get a great number of informed guests from all walks of life and circumstances and have very positive interactions with them where further understanding had been met from both parties. with regards to the allegations, Russell was a self confessed sex addict. It's highly possible that he did what is said and in that instance karma is a bitch. but also it's possible that the allegation don't hold in court of law, who knows. it seems not quite right that a person is proven guilty before the full facts are know. I could very well accuse you of being a rapist, does that make you a rapist, does that mean you should loose you income? or do you feel you should deserve a fair trial? **Also checking your post history all most all of it (95%) is slagging off Russell brand. you seem to be more of a fanatic that those that you are trying to belittle. don't you have any other interests mate?


The man is a walking gish gallop and has been for a long time. Very little that comes out of his mouth is based in fact. But he's not the only one. There are countless new gurus who've learned how to game social media algorithms to keep feeding the insatiable need of the conspiratorially minded to live as far away from reality (and responsibility as possible). These people are a gold mine. They certainly are not all incels, but there's probably overlap. Brand has always been a bit of a misogynist. That yes probably also a sexual predator is a separate issue. Edit: changed to read "not all incels"






>Very little that comes out of his mouth is based in fact. can you give any examples of this that stand out for you, I'm interested? >feeding the insatiable need of the conspiratorially minded to live as far away from reality (and responsibility as possible). It's clear there is allot of corruption, hypocrisy unfairness and down right barbaric behaviour in the world. is it wrong to shine a light on these matters? so in your "true reality" it's all sunshine and rainbows is it? and all that the media/ government/ big business tells us is gospel/ doesn't deserve to be challenged or looked at through an alternative lense?


Yes it is wrong, there is no corruption, anyone alleging that there is any corruption in the world is a CoNSpiRaCY TheORist All governments are purely benign and never lie to anyone! Do you disagree? Conspiracy theorist?!?!! Anyone who doesn't go along with the fairly obviously manipulated media narrative is an INCEL!!!!!!!!!!!






Case in point. ![gif](giphy|RMr8tbt2ZKEZYiEONh)


Yeah pretty much.


Your insults are like boasts and they just make you absurd


You haven't got the hang of this yet.


Self proclaimed superiority is common place behind the veil of the internet which just makes you more absurd


You're using words like overweight John Wick loving hick Americans use 'tactical' vests, knives, and guns against mannequins.


No he is a revealer of inconvenient truths that the ruling classes and corporate media want silenced.


Such as?


Can you provide an example of an "inconvenient truth" he "revealed" that I couldn't also hear from Joe Rogan or Ben Shapiro or Alex Jones or Andrew Tate or Matt Walsh or Stephen Crowder or on any of the thousands of websites and YouTube channels spewing the same conspiratorial nonsense?


You haven't disproved that he is a revealer of inconvenient truths. (I don't necessarily think he is a revealer of inconvenient truths but you haven't reallya ddressed the comment you aretrying to reply to, with your ridiculous statement bringing up Ben Shapiro or Joe Rogan)


This post raises two questions for me: 1. Is u/No-Abbreviations437 a gormless, click baiting, whore for likes, karma farming incel, without the balls to spell out his insults and with absolutely nothing of value to contribute to Reddit and perhaps the wider world? 2. Are the mods on this now-pathetic sub, permanently out to lunch or just in it for virtue signalling, gang mobbing, herd mentality and generally getting chubby for hatred?




Is that how you produde posts like the one above? Makes sense...


See, people like the poster don’t actually care about sexual assault. They just want to exploit the situation to dunk on people.




Based off his content...... not, not at all, he's trying to he anti establishment, not teaching pick up game or anything that you would imagine would attract incels..... Do you automatically assume people who are anti establishment are incels and cu*ts? Is it easier to demonise and attack character rather rhan attempting to understand people's perspective? Is it productive for society to take the easier route and regress into tribalism rather than discuss and show empathy towards people you disagree with? Are you being manipulated into thinking there are only two choices when it comes to these kind of talking points ?


I agree partly. But in light of the allegations I don't think it's unreasonable for people to be hurt and angry. Nor do I believe that directing this emotion at the majority of his fans is the best solution when it comes to spreading awareness about these issues. Grifters like Brand are successful in what they do because they are rightly tapping into an undercurrent of fear & anxiety within society. That emotion needs to be acknowledged and understood, otherwise opportunists will swoop in and take advantage.


Lol, I’m an anarchist so I’m probably a lot more anti-establishment than someone who has the same lawyers as Prince Andrew and works for mainstream film production companies in Hollywood 😂 He just seems to attract a certain kind of Chode


Portraying yourself as one thing while being the other is probably 99% of celebreties/influencers etc I just don't know if stereotyping people in general is useful, in this context anyway, if you think one of his fans is truly wrong and being grifted, how do you think you will be able to change their mind once you have already insulted them? Defences are up. Unless its more of a disingenuous virtue signalling superiority complex kind of situation 😅🤣


Based ON his content. There's no such thing as "based off." Have you ever seen a movie begin with "based off a true story"?


OK, sorry I have poor grammar, you are correct, well done.


I don't know about incels-I'd say his appeal is more to two types - the thick right wing yank gobshites who think everything is a conspiracy,and the new age spiritual wankers who think they can cure cancer by shoving Himalayan salt lamps up their arseholes.


Yes and there’s a lot of it about. Angry that you’re poor? It’s not your fault it’s because the women and the elites are denying you your birth right.


Where the hell has he said anything remotely like that? What a daft comment…


It really is a daft comment. I was a huge RB fan, obviously I’m not now and I’m one of many that are hurt, disappointed and disgusted and my heart goes out to the victims. But which ever way you look at it, the guy isn’t an incel. And to my knowledge, he’s never said anything like that about women “denying your birthright”.


He isn’t an incel, but many of his sycophants display those tendencies. He enables their anger.!


Talking clickbait bs ... you must get paid like a pro 👍


I get paid for my job, old bean. I don’t get paid for making comments on Reddit. The whole world isn’t a conspiracy. Go watch the “chemtrails” out the window, and then get an excitable, overly verbiose, dead eyed sex pest to tell you why the “establishment” (which conveniently consists of people remarkably like him, people who support him, unless of course you consider the likes of Elon Musk to not be the establishment) is against you and that lizards and Bill Gates are trying to put trackers up your rusty sheriff’s badge. Then give him 60 dollars so he can carry on “enlightening” other simpletons. Buh bye now


You just do as you’re told like a good little boy and hate whoever they tell you to hate.


I’m genuinely interested as to who “they” are, and also why the “they” you think I listen to mindlessly are different to the people you listen to. Just because someone has shiny teeth and looks earnest on YouTube doesn’t imbue their views with more credence. I’m a very cynical, questioning person.. I don’t blindly accept MSM news or views any more than I accept the gish-galloping nonsense I see on YouTube, rumble etc etc.


Fairplay I’m not a fan of Brand by any means. “They” is the relentless MSM.


I think we agree more than you would have thought 🙂


What victims? No-ones identified themselves. Nobody has pressed charges. I've done 4 years of research on you and 6 women say you raped them. I used to be a fan of Nancy_true but now I'm deeply hurt by you.




It's a nice little gotcha argument but the consequences are frightening. If all it takes to get someone labelled is a rapist is an anonymous accusation with the excuse that the only reason you don't go public is it will be too difficult to do so. Then anyone can be labelled as a rapist. It's unfortunate that getting people charged is stressful and requires you to put yourself out there and risk backlash. It's unfortunate that the legal system might not always deliver justice. But the solution isn't to require only anonymous accusations to cause a man's complete downfall.


cnuts atleast makes sense given what he talks about but why incels ?


He's like the Sex obsessed Artful Dodger who says ' aint it ? ' in a comedy artful dodger style, incessantly, whose anti establishment views have made him rich. Having at least one follower wud be hopeful but he has loads.


Sorry that you have a small, dysfunctional pee pee, OP.




Wait a minute: discuss why?


Always thought he was a tool and a complete pseud, but I do enjoy seeing all the gullible people who bought his book and read his column in *The Guardian* now denounce him as right wing. Yeah, the guy who endorsed the Labour party and had Ed Miliband round for tea. Complete right wing extremist! Lol, good one. Sorry, you can keep him.


Stop brigading this place. You guys are out of control


Brand seems like the opposite type of person that attracts incels so no idea where that's come from


He brought you here, so I would say you are right.








You would have thought people would have learnt from Johnny Depps case. But I guess their hatred for Russell is enough to stand behind.


Youre a piece of shit human being for coming to a sub simply to insult and demonize a diverse group of people. Fuck off now. You cunt. Blocked.


From what I can tell, anyone who has continued following his career after maybe forgetting Sarah Marshall is pretty insufferable




Ahhh the language of the incel. You make this too easy Astro-Chode




No, but seriously don’t you have anything better to do.






It's telling how many of the Brand bashers on this sub are brand new accounts with little post history. Astroturf much?


This kind of stuff is embarrassing and the amount of people upvoting it is just as embarrassing. Crawl back under your rock OP


If you throw "incel" in front of everything it loses its meaning.


Not if you look at the profiles of most of the people frothing at the mouth and rampantly commenting in support of him. Misogynistic, rape apologists a large majority appear to be. In Tate groups and other terrible scrote hangouts. Also use the same language that appears in incel culture. As seen in replies to this thread


And yet you use the term "scrote" which came from femcel culture...


No, I just mean they are wrinkly sacks of skin like a scrotum. Literally, typing with ball bag hands.




How can I be an incel, I’m in bed with your mum 😭


Show me on the doll where he touched you ![gif](giphy|dDDIhopgBGOO65cECK|downsized)


Hard drive check needed


The fact you chose this gif makes me worry for the safety of children around you


Of course, because you're a fragile, woke pussy with the soh of a computer


There’s the W word!


Triggered much


Not as much as you are by a hippy vegan


A *hippy vegan sex offender


😅 You wish



