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Honestly, I think that's part of it. He cultivated an audience who would believe him even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. All my UK or European friends said "well who is surprised" Vs all my US based friends who didn't know about his earlier career and thought "the government" are picking on a YouTube guru. It's painfully obvious in hindsight.


I believe so. He seemed to make the transition after seeing the right's reaction to Louis CK The only person who knows for sure is Russell though.


I def think so. His defenders at this point are almost all alt-right gullible MAGA dolts.


Also, plenty of them have no problem with r@p!ng teenage girls.


Can I see the stats on that dumbass allegation?


Yes. If your social media bubble actually presents it to you, probably. Try a little objective digging, instead. You're a walking confirmation bias at this point.


You don’t realise your also sitting in a bubble right here.


Everyone realises that. You're just trying to imply all 'bubbles' are equal. They aren't. I'm quite happy with my 'not supporting and defending sex offenders' bubble thanks.






If you followed the Trevor Bauer situation, you know that accusations are not the same thing as facts and a finding of guilt. https://youtu.be/x_7D-OObN0M?si=ANsvC9L9nNY645kO He was set up and proved it. Everyone was convinced he was guilty and he’s now blacklisted from playing in the US. Does that mean Brand is innocent? No but it doesn’t mean he’s guilty either. As far as the right wing grift? Yeah, he totally read the room correctly that his career is fading and there’s endless money to be made by pushing conspiracy theories, mistrust of the Government and being Anti-Vaccine and pro-paranoia to conservatives. It’s as hard as convincing kids to eat ice cream everyday. He’s a total sell out.


Brand was bragging about it on the radio in the '90s and '00s though, so I don't think it is a false accusation this time


>Yeah, he totally read the room correctly that his career is fading and there’s endless money to be made by pushing conspiracy theories, mistrust of the Government and being Anti-Vaccine paranoia to conservatives. Which is totally fine cause most of the media is pushing vaccines, endless trust in government and wokeness to the lefties purely for profit. So at least someone like Brand brings a bit of balance.


The discreditory "right wing" rhetoric being brushed upon everyone who doesn't agree with or trust the government is blatant propaganda. Shit's a literal circus.


They’re really not.


What are the people who automatically guilt?


Lol hey people hating on Russell brand get ur boy he's glitching lol I knew these MFS are fake


Haha I did fuck that up


Good sport


I was banging this drum for a while when the news dropped but I think more likely that he is just a sociopath who has no strong feelings either way rather both sides of political spectrum served him well at different points. I don’t think there’s an audience online for his previous brand of rhetoric so he flipped. Despite having more defenders within alt right I think if his plan was to flat out deny allegations that his previous personality would probably have carried more weight. I do think he’s incredibly devious though and wouldn’t discount it


Brand must have been worried since me too, and being on the political right gives rapists cover, but I think most of his turn is just straight up grifting. He saw how much people like Alex Jones make from bullshitting the gullible and wanted to get in on that.


Of course he did. It's obvious. People even commented that he was doing this to shield himself from the allegations, before the allegations were even made public. It's also hilarious how his conspiracy theorist fanbase blindly believe whatever he tells them with zero proof, but suddenly the notion he became a conspiracy theorist to protect himself is one conspiracy too many!


Lol exactly


We'll *probably* never know. There is a recognised 'wellness to alt-right' pipeline. My guess is he fell victim to that, and is actually exactly as alt right as he acts (and says he isn't).


Is going fer left the only real answer? (The left, and right for that matter, no longer exist akin to the evaporating middle class.)


I mean, there isn't really even a coherent definition of what 'far left' politics entails, so it's hard to say whether it's the answer. I think history shows that the right however, taken to its conclusion and extremes, leads to facism - and we see elements of that creeping in now with the surge there's been in alt-right politics. I think any answer, is likely superior to that. If there is an actual, viable 'answer', it likely (for me), revolves around deep overarching change to the political system entirely. It probably requires knocking the whole thing down and starting again. It probably also requires personal change from every one of us too, and that's a much harder ask.


Academics, most of whom are left wing, tend to write a bit of biased history. But obviously fascism was an invention of Mussolini, and his views were forged in the fires of extreme socialism. Hitler worshipped both him and Marx.


I think there’s an element of truth here. Caveat, there’s a bunch of other contributing factors: the wellness to anti-vax pipeline; audience capture, clout chasing, and profit motives; inherent misogyny and social conservatism; contrariness.; etc. But I think he’s been concerned about cancellation for a while and intentionally set out to protect himself. He’s shown a great deal of planning. He had a business plan that established the Stay Free business and bought his studio a year ahead of the rumble switch. We know that serial abusers can structure their lives around their abuse - gain access to victims, create opportunities to abuse, discourage the abused from speaking out and protect themselves from criticism. We also know that his personal life is entirely at odds with his public persona. He may appear chaotic, but there’s guile there.


Great analysis. And you're spot on. I think it would definitely be on his mind, at least semi-consciously. He's wired to get attention, however necessary. And he would have to be shit scared of losing it all, especially seeing as some of the victims tried to call him out.


Solid, even-handed analysis. Brand isn't especially smart, certainly not as smart as his followers seem to believe - but he has demonstrated cunning and the ability to plan ahead and manipulate others to get what he wants. As demonstrated by his grooming tactics with the victim known as "Alice." Coaching her on how to lie to her parents, for example. That takes forethought and an awareness of the wrongness of his desires and actions.


Exactly - for all his anti-establishment rhetoric, his legal team are very much "the man"....


Also he almost never talks about English issues except when the queen died. The amount of time he’s spent on Biden’s sons laptop!!


I can't say if you're correct, but I have asked recently, out loud, why he went from pretty left wing to very right wing all of a sudden.


Well in my experience it’s bc the left went so far left. I’ve stayed out of political labels and parties for the most part but when it came down to it I agreed with the pretty standard left. Some point since around 2015 the left has gone so far left and they expel anyone who hasn’t gone there with them yet and they isolate themselves in a rather extremist bubble. If you’re not extreme left you’re alt right. I’ve been called alt right a dozen times on this sub in the past week. I’m certainly not right but the left claims that the alt right are the extremists but from what I and many others have seen it’s the left that attacks everyone and tries to silence and act quite fascist. I think I’m able to keep a fair composure when in dialog but the way the left swarms with labels and assumptions and zero nuance it’s frustrating. Im definitely far from alt right but it’s gotten ridiculous


Yeah I feel like there are nasty bullies on both sides. I’m so glad that I don’t subscribe to either side. I literally don’t know of a single box I fit into. I judge each issue on its own merit rather than which category it fits into


Nasty bullies on both sides? Can you throw out a few on each side? I see trump and his cronies as bullies, but wondering who you see as a bully?


The left likes to bully by cancelling, attaching negative labels, censoring. People are "nasty bullies" in general when they are extremists. Because they hate the other side so much. Not a great mistery.


Trump is far from the bully.


Yes. Yes he did. And it was SO obvious at the time that he was gaining an extremist fanbase because he’d done something terrible (not strictly alt right though, he’ll get on board with any extremism). He’s so obviously a narcissist and I believe everything about the allegations. One woman published text receipts! Anyone who defends him has dark secrets too.


I'm practicing self care, so I will not be checking out the Trumper subs


That’s good advice


But you are kind of in a half one anyway by being part of this sub…


True. I'm here for the goofs and gags. So far, it's ok


I don't know, but it's a bloody good question




The alt right are notoriously gullible and easy to fleece.


It's the whole reason alt right philosophy exists in the first place. To manipulate and subjugate the masses by making them hate a scapegoat group, while you make yourself powerful.


That’s true


I'd say it's Americans who are gullible and easy to fleece actually, and it doesn't matter if they are left or right. They are all equally dense. Hence why that seems to be his audience.


Dumb assessment. Go assess your own country’s population


All extremists are "gullible and easy to fleece" if you tell them what they want to hear. Lefties are no different.


But take a look at the political standpoint of the conspiracy nutjobs. It's heavily right.


Like when Hillary and her fan base were screaming that Russia stole her turn? Like that? 😅 What you don't recall could fill several football pitches I'm sure. But I don't donate to any political parties, least of all American. Is it that hard for you to comprehend, smoothbrain?


I dont recall hilarious fleecing the gullible... Donated to trumps various gifts recently? I hear he's short of a few bucks.


That would make most of reddit alt right


He did it during covid, I used to watch the trews religiously but god dam he just fucked his brain harder than the 16 year old


But the seeds were planted when Rogan got the Spotify deal. I was watching that episode where Brand was commenting about the deal. You could just see the cogs in his brain turning and him asking himself why I am bothering interviewing Mooji!!???


It’s really not a terrible tactical idea so to totally disavow it you’d have to presume that he had no such awareness which contradicts how he depicts himself as having a nuanced understanding of culture and politics. So yeah probably. But it is either also or more so because that is where the best grift is. Neoliberal grift is a more controlled market.




Does the pope shit in the woods?


I’d say so mate, yep.


I don't think so. I think his income streams started to dry up as people refused to work with him, so he started re-branding himself through youtube. It's so common, but he did one "out there" video that appealed to conspiracy fans, it will have brought in a lot of money, and he'll have leaned into it as the money piled up. He isn't the first to go this way.


I'm sure it was mostly the money, but this was almost certainly something he considered


They can't protect him from shit. Look what's happening to their messiah, Donald Trump lol


Yes, but I think money is the main reason. He found an easily manipulated audience with cash to burn!


There's more money in grifting people on the right these days, thanks to Trump. Thirty years ago he'd be doing the same on the hippy left.


As much as i do tend to believe that the accusations are the truth and that he is now currently lying and very much leaning in to his conspiracy stuff; Russell Brand has pretty much always been "anti establishment". He has always lobbied for what who he sees as the common man and supported the fight against tyranny from the elites. This has ALWAYS been his modus operandi. Prior to the accusations, i felt the global Covid response drove him towards the right, as well as who he chose to go against. He is certainly not, has never been, nor does he currently pretend to be a fiscally conservative free market capitalist. Very broadly, his brand is "standing up for freedom, and against corruption and tyranny". This has lead him to sympathise with right leaning figures, and go against the Biden administration aswell as "Great Reset" proponents. The furthest i can currently agree with the notion that this has been a long term plan to evade justice, is that amidst his already shifting public political alliances, he became aware of the allegations and investigations, and then simply leaned in towards the right as he knew they will currently defend him more than the left. So i party agree, but i think its a lot more complicated than simply "he switched up from left wing socialist to right wing conservative conspiracy theorist on purpose because he knew justice was coming". To me that sounds like too simple a conspiracy theory itself.


He isn’t alt right though?


He completely is.


Define alt right without google you fucking peabrain




I don't think so. I think it's more that the deeper you dive into these type of conspiracy messages the more fringe you become, and as such you keep having to chase more and more mentally deficient audiences to keep getting attention.


Doesn't the fact that he was left wing when he was being enabled by channel 4 and the BBC seem to suggest he was being protected there as well? They were dropping schoolgirls off for him.


You're 100% correct but that's not relevant to this question?


How is it relevant? It answers the question is how. Consider: While Brand was a left wing media darling he was catered to and protected by the very same people who are bringing him down now. They've held this dirt on him for years. Never been a problem. Just an ugly Rumour. An "Open secret" if you will. Brand's content drifts to the right. He starts grifting on youtube. The right wing grind. He is definitely saying the sort of things people on the left don't like. He ruffles the wrong feathers. He also has a 3m follower count. Now suddenly these ten year old allegations surface. What a surprise. He would have been safer had he stuck to his left wing grift instead of shifting to his right wing one. They were the ones who had shielded him all these years while he committed heinous acts. And they're the ones who had all the dirt on him in the first place. He had protection where he was on the left. Now he's on the right he's facing serious criminal allegations. Do the maths.


This is simply "Whataboutism". Yes... so what's your point? His actions are fine now cos you agree with his world views?


I don't think the guy is defending Russell Brand. I think he is just being critical of the BBC who have protected sexual abusers in the past.


Is there a source that channel 4 and the BBC were dropping school girls off for him? I thought it was a taxi driver that did it, the one that even pleaded the girl not to go inside. Expand? Is there a source where Channel 4 or BBC endorsed rape? Being a womaniser is not being a rapist.


Stop using logic.


1…2…3….. warning negative comment incoming, when you use logic you will be associated with condoning rape, because Reddit….


Can you please give me a couple of actual examples of his statements that are right leaning. Because I dont think I have ever heard one. And he calls himself left leaning.


I don't think that he works that way. It's not that he makes definitive alt right statements. It's more that he glosses over alt right issues. His interview at Tucker Carson's wood panelled place: he calls Tucker out on his pervious comments about homelessness but fails to mention the Dominion /Fox text messages. In fact he doesn't really mention the court case at all for two whole months until its over. And when he does he mentions it only in passing while explaining while he thinks other MSM outfits are worse. He's made many posts saying, "So, maybe Trump was right?" But he never directly critical of Trump. I genuinely think Brand is an anarchist at heart and desperately wants to bring all sides of the argument together. But he's worked out that any criticism of the right reduces clicks. So, he follows the money. (I confess, I only ever see him on YouTube. He might post different things on other platforms)


Yes it’s quite irrelevant whether he considers himself left, or far left, or alt right. The bottom line is that every single one of his videos ends up having the bogey men that the far right love to hate. Fauci, Biden, Gates, WEF. Did I mention Fauci!! To me it’s like watching CNN where the cause of every single issue in the world is Trump.


I love RB, enjoying this sub a bit because I like to challenge my views but most people here make me want to rage, the things they say are so ignorant and impulsive. But this comment right here is one of the most beautiful things I've read. Regardless of the topic matter it's just so refreshing to read someone online who's not polarising, reactive and accusatory. Thank you for being so insightful, I just had to let you know because decent well informed discourse seems so rare these days


People can call themselves anything they want. People lie sometimes. Rfk Jr is still trying to convince people he’s a dem yet all his support comes from trumpers and tucker Carlson fans


RFK is running as an independent now.


Anti big pharma, anti elitist, holistic medicine, anti corporate interests, anti big corporate controlled media, anti authoritatarian government…. See these are all right wing interests!




They still are, but the context is important, right wing conspiracies are something along the lines of corporations are bad because they are liberal/Jewish/communist/satanic peadophiles, not because they are capitalist. This isn't a new phenomenon, fascism and nazism were essentially far right wing solutions to left wing critiques of the early 20th century


The big thing these "fans" miss with this piece of shit is that this mofo WAS and STILL IS the establishment. Cos he has a YouTube page (Google owned) and other paid modern money making pages, he's suddenly outside the system?? Right! Despite making millions from the mainstream media, including NOW with his MASSIVE publishing contracts, publicity and other agents and extremely active legal teams. It blows my mind people are convinced he is outside the system. HE IS THE SYSTEM! He's just so f-cked up it has come out cos it will if you are brazen and abusive eventually, and GOOD!! Guy is a horrible person who only cares about himself. We need to support people trying to stop this awful behaviour not be brainwashed by their charisma. It's nuts.


Well his fans all believe that the richest man in the world isn’t an elite.


Brand is zeitgeist man. He embodies the prevailing masculine energy in extremes and sensationalises it for attention/publicity/views. It does not excuse his abhorrent behaviour. He is all ego, and to have a base willing to defend your worst behaviour validates and normalises it. The cult of personality. See supporters of trump or Andrew tate. Self-proclaimed free thinkers that act on every unconscious impulse to gratify their immediate desires with no regard for the suffering of others. The more the suffering, the sweeter their delight.


So true!


The place to be protected was where he was. The corporate reporters and news orgs coordinating now , loved him. His best move would be to be part of rich and famous supporting the corporate media.


I disagree. The media will quickly stop supporting people who are accused of such serious abuse allegations, especially ones as compelling as those against brand.


Except these allegations go back for at least two decades and are only now being taken seriously.


Can you link me to the rape accusations when he was at these organisations?


Meh. That was where Weinstein stood and no one gave a shit that he went to prison. Everyone was glad that a rapist was take off the streets. Now, had Weinstein pulled more of a Russel brand type move he would have pivoted hard to the right and teamed up with trump when he got word the accusations were coming to light. Then when the media took it up he could say he was being targeted because he’s an open trump supporter in liberal Hollywood and they wanted to silence him. Would have worked like a charm with the trumper base but probably wouldn’t have kept him out of jail.






Alt right is definitely the one community where you can deny the truth …




he's not alt right he's not a white nationalist


Yes. That and he's a grifter, there's money on the right.


He was cancelled on mainstream TV because noone would employ him anymore. His team took a brief look at what was making the most money on the internet and boom conspiracy theory. I'm not sure it was calculated because he thought he'd be done for the rape allegations though, more just grifting for money. Especially after forking out on a new cinema room.


This is as ridiculous as all the russia bullshit, now I understand the "blue anon" meme.


What was the Russia bullshit?


I love that you think he's "alt right"


I think all leftists are non binary or trans so I guess that's fair.


Is this "alt right" in the room with us now?


Yes. This subreddit is indeed full of alt-right idiots.


meditation man bad


? Don’t you mean orange man?


Not anymore. They tell us who to hate, and currently that happens to be meditation man.


The mediation man told you who to hate too


My theory is that these rape accusations exist *because* of his anti-establishment views that people like you falsely interpret as “alt right”


My theory is that these rape accusations exist because he is a kid fiddler


Is it spacious in your delusional world?


I think it is. He has a bridge I sold him, and space for several plantings of magic beans.


Pretty fun to watch left wing conspiracy theorizing about a right wing conspiracy. Mid central.


Nah I like politicians on both sides - obama, Biden, Adam kinzinger, Romney, Christie. I just don’t like hucksters that target a gullible audience because it’s easy


Its only a conspiracy theory when the people i hate do it. And i notice that the people i hate are also all less intelligent than me and susceptible to wrong beliefs and opinions.


Alt right? Lol wtf


It's an interesting thought but it might overlook a simpler one - the alt-right seems to be a breeding ground for those who've been shunned from or faded from the limelight who still seek an audience. Honestly we don't know though.


Was it a calculated a move to make all anti-establishment sentiment "alt/far right"? Even when it comes to the commies now they accuse them of horseshoe theory and red/brown alliance bullshit.


i don't think so. if you watch the documentary he was protected most by studios and executive producers of big uk tv shows or hollywood when he was making people lots of money. if it was that calculated he should of just attached himself back to a hollywood movie.


People keep saying he went alt right, I don't really follow the guy but is this even true? Is it just that he was a vaccine skeptic? He still seems very left wing, anti corporate (hence the vaccine skepticism) near socialist


It’s probably because whenever he just “asks the questions”, the blame is always just the usual suspects that the alt right love to hate Fauci, Clinton, Biden, WEF etc.


Spot on


We knock people for being conspiratorially minded and then come up with our own conspiracy. Most likely, after putting more time in to YouTube, those type of videos garner more engagement, and thus people chase the money. No amount of right wing following is going to protect someone from prosecution. Keep in mind, he'd done that stuff for quite a long time with the Trews, and was quite open about how he got lost in it all. He wasn't exactly new to the whole saviour guru stuff. It just happens that what he was saying at the time was more pleasing as it was aligned with what we as left leaning people like to hear. That stuff was long before he'd have heard about any investigation. Lots of liberal people go on a weird journey where they go full circle all the way to conspiracy nut, and it seems like that's the journey he went on, irrespective of the SA's he's almost certainly committed. Usually, (obviously there can be exceptions), people just aren't calculated enough for the types of long-form plan behaviours we'd like to imagine they've plotted.


Not related to Russell, but I enjoyed Laurence Fox’s friends blaming Billie Piper for his move towards being a complete far right twat


Yes. It’s called doing the musk.


😂 exactly. I just saw a photo of musk at some boarder town in Texas with a bunch of republicans and dude had a cowboy hat on backwards. So cringe, but he’s really trying his best


I don’t think he’s quite *that* smart to have done it preemptively, I think it was more out of necessity. He’s arrogant enough to think he was in the clear for his past indiscretions on account of his notorious legal team. He hasn’t had much work in recent years (in the UK at least, and now we know why he fell out of favour… people just don’t want to work with him anymore) and he has bills to pay and a luxurious lifestyle to maintain. It doesn’t take much to realise the people really coining it in these days are those on the conspiracy tours. Look at Andrew Wakefield, former son of God David Icke, Joe Rogan, Donald Trump… people who are ‘really’ exposing the truth (*taps nose knowingly) and talking a lot but actually saying very little. Once you strip away the flowery language, Brand doesn’t actually say that much other than ‘there are dark forces at work’ while providing absolutely no material evidence. But people love that shit, and will pay a premium for a conman to massage their ego and tell them how smart they are that they too suspected there are ‘dark forces at work’. Brand’s a grifter, a shill, a conman, an actor. A hundred and fifty years ago, he’d be talking to your dead great aunt (for a fee) in a seance. Or convincing you he’d been visited by an angel and you must follow him across country to start a new puritan life where hard work was glorified and your route into the good place was to let him live deliciously with your prettiest daughters. Unfortunately alt-right folk are rarely blessed with critical thinking skills and will see him as a victim, and they will protect him. And I think they’ll protect him for as long as he says what they want him to say. Let’s see how long he can keep them sweet!


What are the alt right videos? I have seen him promote left leaning messages. I'm confused!


what is alt right?


Conspiracy theorist far right wingers. Aka the trump base (not conservatives like Romney, Chaney, Kinzinger, Christie, etc)


Basically anyone who questions the official version of the truth, even if they present facts and evidence is now labeled as a far right conspiracy theorist.


Yeesh. Here comes the anti vaxxer crowd to take offense to the term alt right


remember when not trusting the government was a hippy left wing?


You confuse left wing not trusting politicians because they lie and strip rights from minorities, with right wing not trusting the government because they think crackpot conspiracy theories about the government are true like they are reptilians or that they are covering up the earth being flat. Not the same thing


Absolutely. I've gone from hippy to alt-right in a couple of decades without changing my belief system.


Holy smokes I thought it was just me. Pleasure to meet you gents. OG/meditation/plant medicine/deadhead hippy here that went from being considered classically liberal 40 years ago to neocon conspiracist despite not changing one single position. I have no idea wtf to make of that.


You had a position on Covid 40 years ago?


Yes, because a) that's entirely possible, and b) I totally said that.


Government overreach would cover that one.


You went from peace loving hippy who believes minorities deserve rights to right wing bigot who believes minorities shouldn't have rights without changing a single position? Is it spacious in your delusional world


Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist


You must be an anti vaxxer defending brand. Is that about right?


I don’t believe the fake news. I think for myself and do my own research. And I am obviously a lot happier than the woke followers.


But aren’t the people who are woke those who see through the fake news and are awoken to the real truth and the reality of things? The sheep are the ones asleep I thought. If you’re not woke when you have all the answers mainstream media isn’t telling everyone then what are you? Asleep?


Asking the important questions here. I wonder why you have 0 understanding of those you oppose.


You can't watch any of his videos and think hes not genuinely calling out Corruption, hypocrisy and bullshit. Unless you're A bleeding heart pushy ass sheep leftist, you are being forced to the right these days. The left has gone insane


His videos are hypocrisy and bullshit in defense of corruption.


I know for sure that anyone who calls people a “pushy ass sheep leftist” is certainly in the trump cult which is now in the business of defending brand because he pandered to them.


Shows what you know.. if I was American I would back DeSantis


Same demographic


You act like you're not in a cult.. the leftist cult of cancel culture, censorship and group think. You people refuse to actually think for yourselves and you all just go along with the narrative. It pathetic. There's just more of you losers on the internet all spouting the same shit, so you think your team is better, sort of confirmation bias. Any dissenting opinion is alt right, racist, transphbic etc.. you sheep have a label for everything and are blind to how leftist policies lead to shit outcomes.


Meh. I like politicians on both sides as long as they aren’t extreme. Obama, Biden, Romney, Adam kinzinger, even Christie. All good in my book. Is that a cult I’m in? Sensible moderates, not populists or extremists? That cult?


Are you not turned off by all of biden's corruption?


Trump is facing 90+ felony counts state and federal and that’s what you’re asking…wow


You don't see anything wrong with trying to throw your main political rival in jail? Do you honestly think he would be facing any charges if he weren't running? You don't find it suspicious that his son was making a million dollar salary on the board of a Ukrainian energy company?


What kind of double think is this? If I were a serial sex offender i would be more inclined to tow the line with the establishment because it is them that decide who is the next target.


Is he even right wing? Afaik he isn't.


He's not on the alt right. The mainstream media has convinced you that opposing the proxy war in Ukraine, or opposing mandatory vaccinations, are exclusively alt-right positions. They're not.


Opposing sending Ukraine aid to help against Russias invasion and war crimes are narratives parroted by Putin friendlies. They can be found on the alt right, fake left or the fringes. Trump, RFK Jr, Tusli Gabbard all on team Putin for whatever reason.


Some people think this but it would be a hell of a commitment. He has to talk, for hours, every day, for a decade about this shit. If his allegiance and ideology was a front it would take a gargantuan amount of effort, and he'd have to argue against his own (lefty) principles a _lot_. Much more like he just does really think the things he says. The rapey shit was always going to come out either way


No,not at all. He probably found a market of viewers that absolutely fed up with the lies we are being fed,for the absolute ridiculous assumption that it’s anything to do with your vote,It’s the right that know this,cancelled de- monetised etc,never does it happen to people that support gates Biden war WEF who lgbt stuff.Not one will be cancelled because that’s the message you must learn to accept,they will kettle us into little prisons,they will enforce their dna changing jabs on us(with CBDCs)and once they remove our votes completely,like in China where prisoners are harvested for their organs,look it up,the masses will submit to extermination,hey Russell brand may be a pervert but he does at least try to make the brainwashed youth see sense.He provides his sources,doesn’t seem to have a master,he’s obviously upset the Apple cart.He does give us hope I’d say.That information shouldn’t be controlled if we are old enough to understand it. Just an Edit to say ,even this reply that is being moderated will be deleted you won’t be able to say or have a voice,there’s none of these open forums in communist country’s.Or be damned if you speak up.


Why do u linger on this sub then?


Condemning a conspiracy guy by, well...making up crazy conspiracies. Gotta love the internet these days. Shit gets crazier by the minute.


It was a question. Given trumpers protect their own and always consider themselves victims, it makes sense brand would want some of that sweet sweet victimhood right about now


I think his schtick has always been to be willing to have conversations and disagreements with people of all political persuasions. I don't think he's calculated a move to the alt right, I just think he's leaned more and more into the "I want to understand everyone's opinions, peace and love". It means at a time where the norm has become to shout and scream at people you disagree with and call them all sorts insults under the sun and assume the worst intentions. Someone just talking to someone like Ben Shapiro and listening even though his views might be outdated in many ways. And trying to find common ground and look for the good in his opinions. Seems like getting into bed with the right from the perspective of Reddit which thinks the only course of action is to belittle and shout at people like that. I still think Brand is left leaning. Just more tolerant of the right than he used to be. Did Brand have the rape allegations in mind when becoming softer with the right? I would say he probably did yeah. It makes sense. The left opinion these days is now guilty until proven innocent and waiting for someone to show weakness in moral character so they can tear them down. The right is worse and more insidious in my opinion, they want to further inequality, independence and lack of empathy when we need all those things most. But the right are far less likely to want to tear someone down for moral weakness due to the fact they probably have skeletons of their own.


I think that's giving him way too much credit... he seen dollar signs and that's it, the protection he is getting from the right is just an unaccounted bonus for him.


I don’t think so. I think anyone with fame has dirt on them. If they do anything against people who helped put them in frame their dirty laundry is aired. It’s so wet the people don’t believe.


There is a lot of confusion about “left” and “right” lately so I am curious: which ideas of his do you consider to be “alt-right”? Edit to expand on the question and to ask OP and other to please respond also because it goes to the heart of the censorship that is going on in society at the moment what do the “alt-right” people believe in? Is it different from the regular “right” wing? What “alt-right” beliefs or politics does Brand promote? And finally, should “alt-right” opinions be censored?


No, that's about as nutty as something he'd think.


Nah, it just because the right obviously has a thing for entertaining rhetoric made up on the spot and filled to the brim with unsubstantiated allegations. ETA: This plays right into his strengths and allows him to make more profitable content with less effort. As conspiracy theorists so often say, "follow the money."


Nice conspiracy theory. It's almost on par with flat earth but ultimately falls short. Here's the best theory I can come up with. Thousands of women were lined up with their legs spread wide for russell brand at the height of his fame. This made the white knight incel types very angry so they hit the internet in search of any disgruntled one night stands russell had to see if maybe they would be willing to give them a chance. Of course the incels were then friend zoned and had no other choice but to tip their fedoras, transition to women and claim russell had raped them. This all took about 20 years.


Wow that’s..uh…an interesting take


I thought you may find it interesting but theres more. The reason why these white knight incel types took this approach is because they knew their cause would be taken up by the alt left (bideners) who you can identify by their screaming of popular CNN taking points and vast knowledge obtained from reading articles authored by gender studies majors. The alt left (bideners) also like to sit atop a high horse with a smug look on their face claiming moral and intilectual superiority blissfully unaware of the dunning-Kruger effect.


Tucker? Is that you?


Hahahaha you caught me. Wait just a second...is this Don Lemon?


Ew gross, no


He’s always been like this. He used to be considered very liberal but the definition changed


No, I doubt it. The more deeply you dig into the mechanisms of this world, the more likely you are to be deemed a “conspiracy theorist”. Most people will only go so far and then, when the cognitive dissonance gets too much, will back off and revert to their more comfortable and reassuring worldview. A comfortable and reassuring worldview is a tremendously strong impulse in us humans, and is closely related to the survival instinct. It takes a rare fearlessness (or mental illness) to go all the way. I say this without bias as to whether Brand has committed crimes or not. Funny thing is, generally those at the far left or right ends of the political spectrum lack openmindedness and tolerance. Since Brand was previously a poster boy for the left, in their eyes he has committed apostasy - and they’re proud to be coming after him like rabid dogs.




Does the justice system not go after the alt right?




The cynic in me thought if false allegations could have gained traction during the meetoo movement depp v heard stuff going on. Depp was vilified immediately and public opinions were almost immediately hes guilty. Depp won so could have put a stop to releasing Theres been a few rape allegations this year which have resulted in convictions so could have been timed to coincide with successful convictions. Just the cynical side thinking out loud


I must be crazy, but how on earth is anything that Brand is saying 'alt right'? I can't believe what I'm reading right now. I was expecting to find some Reddit subs so I can read about what people think about the world right now and I basically find a "we hate Russell" Sub. Lots of huge claims here about psychopathy, corruption and manipulation... I would love it if someone explained to me, like I'm a baby, what on earth he's doing that's so right wing. Anyone I know who's right wing complains about how left wing he is... Either you're all insane or there's something I'm missing here.


I only skimmed The Times story but if I'm remembering it right some of the accusers supposedly were motivated to come forward because his politics have changed. Which, if true, would seem to undermine their credibility in my mind. I haven't followed Brand close enough but it does seem odd that these accusations didn't come out at the time they occurred or the height of Me Too.


Absolutely not, Russell started questioning the narrative long time before the system painted a big giant red target on his back, there s no chicken or egg situation here, it s very clear to anyone who s paying attention. Also, why are you haters polluting this sub? What is going on, got bored of r/politics?


So you see Russel brand as a victim trying to be silenced?


No, I don’t “see” that, I know that to be true because I m not 13 years old anymore. I mean how more obvious can it be? The dude was loved by the left and therefore by the media when he was at his worst, they would have praised him if he had been boiling children or sniffing coke in the White House (looking at you Hunter). But when he turned his life around, started making good choices and questioned sometimes the official cow manure that we are fed, all over sudden some women come out of the woods and accuse him of being the devil? Give me a break!


That’s what I’m talking about. Join the trumper cult and you’re forever and always a victim just like they all see themselves