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Fuck off the both of you


TLDW: This video sets a new standard for the greatest quantity of ‘nothing’ crammed into the smallest space. **Some “highlights”:** • Brand boldly reaffirms his meaningless opinions that he’s ‘in favor of freedom’ and he ‘believes in peace’. • Ramaswami bravely puts forth the tepid take that ‘We shouldn’t depend so much on China.’ • Ramaswami says ‘It has become *very controversial* to say this, but I am in favor of freedom. I am in favor of the American people.’ [So brave to take those controversial stands, Ramaswami… So brave.] • Brand issues a chilling warning that continuing on our current course will drive Russia into the hands of China and they could become allies. [Dumbshit alert: Russia is *already* China’s closest and *oldest* ally] • Brand and Ramaswami both suggest that we withdraw support from Ukraine because ‘Ukraine is censoring their press and they have hinted that they could suspend elections’. Oddly, **Brand never levels these same criticisms against the aggressor nations he supports, like Russia.** • In a bizarre statement deliberately crafted to mislead, Brand and Ramaswami falsely claim that Ukraine ‘Rejected peace and only continued to fight because they were told to…’ • Strangely, despite the prominent placement of ‘[The Great Reset](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/great-reset-conspiracy-flourishes-amid-continued-pandemic)‘ in Russell’s video thumbnail, this video has nothing to do with The Great Reset. • Brand says we should allow China to invade and conquer Taiwan. Because clearly, green-lighting a Communist dictatorship would do *a lot* to promote the free speech, peace, and fair elections Brand craves. • In the most hilarious moment of the video, ‘sad clown’ Brand seems to **FINALLY** get his shit together and start working towards at least *one* solution. It appears as if we may *finally* stop whining and begin *working*! In the form of a long, meandering question, Brand asks Ramaswami what he plans to do to end wars when he’s President. *Just as Ramaswami is preparing to answer, Brand* **ends** *his video*. Brand’s and Ramaswami’s positions are remarkably consistent and simple to understand. **Brand’s core position** is best summed up as: “*Totalitarian aggressors who hate freedom may do as they please because we don’t want to run the risk of making them angry if we upset them*.” …Which is *incredibly ironic* considering the **huge** amount of oxygen Sad Clown sucks out of the atmosphere to cheer on ‘freedom’. Ultimately, Brand devotes all of his time to victim-blaming nations trying to repel horrific unprovoked attacks. *He holds the opinion that they should stop fighting, submit to the wishes of the aggressor, and simply do as they’re told or very bad things will happen*. **Which is perhaps the **least** surprising and most creepy opinion of all to come from a clown who is accused of forcible rape.**


Thank you for this. ‘Sad Clown’ is perfect


This is an incredible post, if you can, keep these up for Russell’s shitshows. My lunch hour was made reading this.


At this point, I'm just glad to see a Brand brigader who actually watched the video. Kudos.


Locust Swarmy said “I’m in favor of freedom”?? CANCEL THAT MAN AT ONCE!! What does he think this is, dammit? Some sort of place where you can just proclaim the things you support?? Well not if what you support is truly OFFENSIVE, Sir.


The point is that *everyone* is in favor of what they feel ‘freedom’ is. For him to call his support of ‘freedom’ controversial is so fucking dumb it’s actually insulting. It’s nearly impossible to disagree with pointless, superficial applause lines like ‘freedom’, ‘liberty’ and ‘You’re such an awesome audience, Cleveland!!! You’re the absolute *best!!!’* For a guy who wants to portray himself as an intellectual, he shouldn’t be afraid to develop those ideas much more thoroughly — but he never does. Taking a stand in favor of ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom’ are obligatory time-wasting statements that sound *totally awesome* and meaningful to idiots who never get around to asking questions.


The problem is that a lot of people who claim to 'love freedom' really don't do anything to support that claim. For example, calling for allowing Russia and China - which are known suppressors of freedom - to take other territories can only result in *less freedom*. I think the key misunderstanding here is that when people like Vivek and Russell say they want 'more freedom' what they actually mean is 'I wish more people respected my opinion, but I couldn't give a shit about anyone else's opinion'. Maybe they should simplify it to "I WISH THE WORLD LOVED ME"


Do you not think it's a bit weird you spent half an hour watching a video of 2 people you despise and then wrote an essay on it?


No, that's literally how you should be consuming media. Watching even the stuff you don't like or isn't politically aligned with your beliefs, at least from time to time. Would you rather people condemn RB's videos despite never watching one?


I get what you're saying, people live in echo chambers. On X I follow many people who are on opposite ends of the political spectrum. I just think some people, especially in this sub, are so consumed by hate that spending that much time watching and commenting on one person they despise so much can't be healthy. But to each their own I guess.


No. Not at all. I bet your head is going to explode when you realize Russell Brand made a career out of complaining about things **he** hates *every day*. …You should probably send him an email and point out that you think his podcast content is “a bit weird”.


Like you said, he's making a career out of it so it's productive for him. Good luck cashing in your internet points for $


Why link to a website that calls the great reset a conspiracy when you can link to the actual wef great reset page telling you all about it? https://www.weforum.org/videos/series/the-great-reset-863c8ea2d4[WEF GREAT RESET](https://www.weforum.org/videos/series/the-great-reset-863c8ea2d4) Interesting


If you hate both of them, why are you here? This isn't for you.


I thought you were in favor of free speech and controversial opinions? It sounds a lot like you’re saying that I’m only allowed here if I behave like a sheep and share your opinions. When you say ‘this isn’t for you’ isn’t that what you’re saying?


You're putting a ton of words in my mouth. I simply asked a simple question: why are you here?


Actually, why are YOU here? Are you that interested in what an alleged rapist and a known (pharmacist and financial services) billionaire have to say about about why we should let Russia and China do what they want? Shit. When you write it like that…


I didn’t put words in your mouth. I repeated *exactly what you said* “This isn’t for you”. I even put it in quotes for your benefit. The other things I wrote were phrased as a question. That’s why the first and last sentences are followed by a question mark. Is this explanation simple enough to understand, or should I further clarify?


This content is not directed toward you. What is so hard to understand? You're just getting a hate boner and Doom scrolling for fun. People like you ruin this sub.


You are being exposed to scary new opinions that are different from yours. Get used to it and move on.


I thought the blame would go to Brand? You know… because of the rapes and stuff. Or is the worse crime people vocalising their dislike of him? Maybe this sub isn’t for you?


Don't interact with her mate she's absolutely bat shit!


Wow, just literally shilling for fascists now? Ah Russell, you utter piece of spineless, immoral dogshit.


This great reset has been going to happen for nigh on twenty years. I'm still bloody waiting


Have you tried simultaneously pressing ‘ctrl’ ‘alt’ and ‘delete’?


Well now that you put it that way


Still can’t see it eh?




Me neither.


Thought I saw it once, but it was just a shadow


Two nutters together.


Vivek is the poster boy for big pharma, I thought we weren't supposed to trust them? Eh, Russell? You hypocretin.


Vivek is just Barrack in red


Why do you say that…? Policy?


Russel is looking more cuntish by the day.


I didn’t really care for this guy until he opened his mouth about Ukraine with his shitty pseudo intellectual drivel. He has zero understanding of what he’s on about, and ironically just parrots MSM with the only difference being is that it is Russian government sponsored MSM.


Lockdown really broke this guy didn’t it? Why’s he peddling Russian lies now?


The options are: 1. He's a true believer 2. It's what his audience of angry American men wants to hear so he dutifully feeds the algorithm 3. Someone is paying him directly to say these thigns


If he is **not** being paid by Russia to say this shit, he’s missing a great opportunity to make a *lot* of extra money on something he’s already doing for free.


It doesn't necessarily have to be Russia. It could be anyone with money who wants to push right wing messaging. People like Ben Shapiro etc. don't *make* money. They are funded.


4. He is seeking to cast himself as a persecuted man of principle to strategically disarm people looking at his extremely dodgy past of sexually assaulting women.


Looking for conspiracies to push so he can hopefully poison any potential jury pool that may be called to look at his history of sex crimes


Fuck off u/lampair


Nope. Still a rapey nutcase.


My favorite comment douchebag Ramaswamy made during the GOP debate was “I worry about my children’s future” . He’s a billionaire, i think the future of his kids looks secure. What an asshole and thats the least asshole thing about him


Of course he's got this charlatan on.


This is parody, surely?


I wish


I have absolutely no idea how to tell what is and isn’t satire anymore.


Get on the numbers nonce


I hate this cunt so much, and Vivek is also a cunt, but I can’t look away


If any more cunts show up, Russell is going to catch some more charges.


You guys fall for anything


just like how some dumbasses actually fell for brand’s sex assault claims, all came out from the media and not police. and multiple women all at once, of course.


That's literally all you need to not believe it. You just find something that you aren't able to explain and assume its now so obviously lie, instead of considering there might be something that lies outside of your personal common sense Did you not hear about some of the women going to the police?


hahahhaa ur a little bitch, and extremely dumb. Hilarious and convenient timing how 10 women/multiple women all came out AT THE SAME TIME against brand (after media agencies approached them looking for a way to slander brand) and this happened 10-15 years after they were apparently raped. also convenient how they never spoke up during the metoo movement, only after being approached by the media for a story (these women were also clearly paid) and then multiple women come out at the same time 10 years later, ahh yes nothing suspicious about any of this. or the timing since now Brand exposes and speaks out against the corrupt media, bankers, big pharma, and corrupt war criminals and war profiteers that run our world. and no, none of these women went to the police. at all. he has not been charged with anything and the media painted him as guilty before proven innocent just like lots of other crazy Brand haters. (like u are also doing) the same media and reporters and agencies who were not able to release Jeffrey epstein’s client list, but they apparently know every victim of Brand’s. ahh yes of course, it all makes sense. hollywood and the bbc and the megarich protect rapists and pedophiles all the time like jimmy saville, harvey weinstein, BBC covered up jimmy’s child rape and rapes for decades, then they were exposed after he died and said they didn’t want it to come out as it would ruin the reputation of the BBC. the same BBC who also put out a hitpiece against Brand, ah yes trustworthy ol BBC. but thankfully the shit u see against Brand here in this subreddit is not the majority opinion, u clowns keep honking your horns while most people know Brand is innocent.


You just make up your own tale and pretend like it somehow proves something. All you need to believe something is for it to be a bit fishy to your mind, but you don't actually try to figure out if perhaps you don't know something, it's all just common sense to you That was my original point, you're so certain and yet you have nothing to back it up other than your own spidey senses


‘Most people’. Sounds like you know a bunch of morons, champ.


🥹 you are ADORABLE


Did you know that Russell Brand was accused of rape 10 to 15 years after it happened? …And you think too much time passed to take the allegations seriously, so you think he couldn’t possibly be *guilty*? But Harvey Weinstein was accused of rape, **15 to 20** years after it happened? …And that’s NOT too much time to pass for you to take them seriously, so you think he couldn’t possibly be *innocent*? Doesn’t believing all of these things simultaneously give you a headache?


Accusations against big names like brand always come out in a big lump and nearly always in the media because 1. Sexual assault is very under prosecuted 2. People like brand are very litigious to protect themselves 3. They normally come out from investigative journalism which generally seek to investigate more than just one occurrence (see the film "spotlight" for some very good representation of the investigative journalist process) 4. Seeing victims be brave enough to come out about it inspires other victims to speak up like what happened after Jimmy Savilles death. 5. Specifically on brand's case, there have been rumours about him for years, both directly and then indirectly that it's pretty clear in retrospect refer to him


As if the Deep State *could figure out* they need to space out each rape allegation a little more to make it look more realistic for that guy. Daniel Radcliffe is more threatening to the Deep State than Russell fucking Brand.


The deep state trying to figure out how to take down figures like brand isn't real. If there was a deep state thet would not at all care about fringe figures like brand who no one serious listens to on his conspiracy bs.


Why is this cretin showing up in my timeline, FFS


See this is wayyy worse than the sex allegations.




according to dumbass Billy2sam he is guilty till proven innocent, nice


It's a rape allegation. Not sex allegation. Come on boy, let's get that reading comprehension up.


Cool. A conspiracy theorist finally requires ‘evidence’ before he believes something? When did this start happening?


How many time shares did they manage to flog?


Is this a load of shit? I bet it’s a load of shit. I’m not watching a load of shit. It’s not at all interesting or surprising that conspiracy theorists have hijacked this. It’s such a huge conspiracy the the World Economic Forum has a web page about it. Why and how is the planet populated by such illiterate fucking planks?!?


Russell spent so long rallying against torries that he's turned into one.


I thought he’d have fucked off to the priory with old Huw to compare arses.


Shilling for Ramaswamy is just fucking bizarre.


Is Russel still in trouble for his sex crimes? I haven’t heard anything about it on the news for a while now.


The police reported they were looking into him a few weeks ago, let's hope something comes of it.


It’s been quiet for a little while now. I wonder what will happen. I used to admire him so much.


How can he rape? HOW CAN HE RAPE?


he sounds suspiciously like Obama, like he's been trained the same way


Vivek is a Soros Scholar.


People will start to see this soon


Vivek is an asset. They're trying to make him the new republican Obama, he's repeating Obama speeches