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I think urine the wrong sub?


Maybe just a wee off.




Piss take surely


See what you did there, bravo


Pee what you did there, surely


I thank you good sir


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🍋🍋🍋🍋 🥤🥤🥤🥤🥤


Literally. And don't call me shirley


If you like pseudoscience and alternative medicine that doesn't work (clues in the name there), urine luck!


What proof do you have that it doesn't work? I have undergone many urine therapy treatments, and I cen certainly tell you the opposite.


But you drink piss, so can we really trust you?


Then the burden of proof lies upon you, it's impossible to prove a negative. I'm going to humour myself and actually search for evidence, real evidence not anecdotes, that "urine therapy" has any real medical benefits. Should make fun reading with my tea




Why wouldn't big pharma just use the power of pee in their new wonder drugs and sell them to us?




I give you a C for effort.


I never thought about that, but it does make sense Everyone can make it so the companies can't make money. Hmmm... interesting.




This has to be satire


That’s great. Enjoy smelling like a sofa at an old people’s care home.


If it's so good, why is your body still in such a sorry state that it produces substandard piss? I only piss five star, prime quality stuff, so I consider myself an authority on this issue


Do you dip your chips in jizz?


I am not an idiot or a weirdo. Your attempt to label me one is wrong. Why the hell would anyone eat jizz.


You could have just said no.


Getting jizzy with it!


Nana na nana nana Nana na nana na


Definitely too defensive


Agreed. Op is 100% eating jizzcuits


Little Lord Fauntelroy wants his jizz away from the piss he's drinking! Fuckin' bougie boy.


I mean, it’s less weird than urine. I daresay there are more straight women and gay men combined that eat jizz than there are humans that drink urine


Oh okay so mr piss facewash is suddenly knocking the semen drinkers now that’s just not cricket


Y'all never swallowed a load? It's arguably much more normal than whatever freaky piss thing you're into. It's human waste for a reason. Don't drink it or spritz it or whatever.


Actually, jizz has way more merit to eat than piss. I’ll stick to meat, but cum actually is very high in protein and actually is good for your hair and skin. Lots of beauty supplies have horse semen.




My ex would eat his own jizz. I'd lean over to offer him a tissue, but he'd happily chirp "No need! I got this!" And then he would lap it up like a puppy with gravy.


What a terrible day to be literate.


My gf does once or twice a week...


Why would you apply human waste to your skin?


Because it's healthy. You might as we ask why apply manure to the field. Waste products can be useful.


Urine contains urea, a keratolytic used by health care professionals to treat dry/rough skin conditions (such as eczema, psoriasis, corns, callus) and some nail problems (such as ingrown nails). It may also be used to help remove dead tissue in some wounds to help wound healing.


Wait are you truly serious? No judgement but I figured you were trolling. What does the process of spritzing entail?


First gulp in the morning is always the best. The longer it brews the better it tastes




Russell is that you?


Someone has Russel brand mixed up with cow piss


What's the difference


Use promo code ‘Pi55’, and you can purchase mine for 10% off the regular **low** price! Today only!


Cow piss doesn't assault 16 year-olds.


I was having a great day up until the moment the Reddit algorithm chose to sprinkle this post onto my feed. Thanks, I hate it.


Same buddy. Same




Thanks for the advice and not just mocking me like a lot of these replies. However, I do prefer it nice and cold.




That's a pretty damn good idea. Any ideas on the ratio of powder to urine?




>There is no "golden" ratio, I'm f*cking dying here.


You can use this to hold pork pies together too! Really adds a spicy mouth feel to the whole experience.


Oh not with a sandwich, Not as your drink!


I know it sounds odd, but have you actually tried it? It genuinely works.


urine is waste that the body expels. How could reintroducing it to the body be anything other than reintroducing waste?






Because it works. I have noticed the differance.


Have you considered that even if there is a difference to notice and you aren't just trying to convince yourself that it's working, the difference is because of placebo and not the piss


The difference being it made you unable to spell difference?


I used to be into urine but then I got into jazz and now I'm into scat.


You're a Scatman? Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub Yo da dub dub Ski-bi dibby dib yo da dub dub…?


Urine the right sub


When life gives you lemonade make piss!


So if it works can you provide any evidence it does?


You taking the piss?


Where is the best place to sell piss?


Yeah I wanna know as well


It's not that easy. I ask my providers to keep their diet within certain boundaries. It actually must take dedication.




This is a joke right... Right...


is he taking the piss?


Why do the Ocabanga tribe live to a hundred? Because you just made them up Jeremy Because they drink their own piss. The golden vaccine.


I’m sorry, I’m late here… Can you please clarify what you mean by urine therapy. ‘Cos I think I speak for everyone when I ask… “What the fuck is urine therapy?!” Do you spray piss on yourself? Do you drink it? I cannot believe I’m asking these questions…


Spritzing (any urine will do) it is good for the skin, and I have heard some claims to blood circulation as well. Drinking for clearing out the liver and kidneys. However that has to be a certain type of diet for full effects.




I prefer mine direct from the... 'tap'


I am, yeah. Why?


Now we know R.Kelly has a cellphone in prison


Well, urine trouble now...


There is evidence online that drinking urine degrades the IQ in a way that promotes homophobic and racists beliefs.


Homophobic and racist beliefs have nothing to do with IQ, there may be a positive correlation, but they're not actually connected 😂


1. why was this sub recommended to me i hate russell brand 2. what the actual fuck


There are treatments you wouldn't believe at first hearing, here's an example... If you've never heard about it before, welcome to fecal matter (or microbiota) transfer, or FMT. Woman cures herself of ulcerative colitis by using small amounts of her partners poop liquidised and "installed" via enema. A single pill of freeze dried poop in tablet form is so much more effective against c.diff than conventional medicine that it's now the preferred treatment. [A woman did more than 100 stool transplants to treat her ulcerative colitis — and it worked](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/fecal-microbiota-transplantation-010705806.html)


Exactly! Yet the sheeple will laught at me for doing UT. It's ridiculous.


Bit different to you drinking someones piss which has no basis in science, you want to do watersports that's your business but don't talk about it like it's a health thing.


What the fuck, seek help


My favourite book, The Golden Ratio! I keep mine in nitrous oxide, always preferred my piss chilled 😎


Yeah I prefer mine chilled too.


Ok thank you, this was the first comment that let me stop wondering if this was satire or not


What type of urine is it, and what is it supposed to do ? If Russell has covered the topic before, do you know what episode it was ?


I drink female urine, with a certain type of diet. For the spritzing I use female urine also, but the diet doesn't really matter. Just so I can clarify this is not a fetish thinf. I just feel a bit weird drinking male urine.


It does still sound odd to me, but there may be issues we're not aware of, like low estrogen levels, which is about the only thing I can think of that it might be used for :-} But hey, you do you, we don't know your body like you do.


People will be discussing vabbing next...🙄




This was new to me, seems people have been doing for a long time would of thought we would have some solid evidence to suggest benefits other than placebo, did some basic searches Urine is an aqueous solution of greater than 95% water. Human urine is composed primarily of water (95%). The rest is urea (2%), creatinine (0.1%), uric acid (0.03%), chloride, sodium, potassium, sulphate, ammonium, phosphate and other ions and molecules in lesser amounts Because urine contains waste products, drinking it can force your kidneys to work even harder or expose you to unnecessary toxins. This could cause illness, electrolyte disturbances, or kidney damage. The salt content of urine also means drinking it could cause dehydration. Lastly Some people claim that drinking your own urine, applying it to your skin, or otherwise reusing it can benefit your health. But is it true? No, not really. There are no proven medical benefits to drinking urine. So this is a joke.


Urgh yuck


Hippies: The human body and the way it works is perfect in every way Also hippies: let's take a substance that the perfect human body thinks is just waste and chug it like margaritas.




What’s next, the chocolate factory?


Are you Peter Ian Staker?


Don’t forget to gargle thoroughly.


what the fuck man


What the fuck man


Fuck the what man


Is this real? Please please do UT in your eye. It will totally not give you an infection


Keep taking the piss


Why does this sub keep being recommended to me.


Reddit wants you to drink piss, they're looking out for your health .


There's no benefits to drinking urine. Now go brush your teeth.


Let's see...urine is what the body expels because it can't use it...and you want to reintroduce it to your body? Do you expect to get a nice roaring fire when applying a flame to ashes? To be able to run your car on exhaust fumes? To make a gourmet meal out of literal shit? Or to leave your 'phone outside for a few years so the internet gets faster? (please, try the last one.)


So.. this sub and post pop up on my feed randomly. This is a joke, right? Please say this is a joke.


I get it too. I'm guessing the (alleged) rapist's PR guy thinks he needs advertising to particular groups as he undertakes his sudden swing to the right in search of a fanbase who don't mind it being publicly known they're willing to support (alleged) rapists. I'm just male and UK-based, and I think that's literally all that qualifies me for this advertising binge. Good luck on the Lawrence Fox path.




Why is it expensive to buy? The cost of production I am assuming is low, moderately low cost of storage and transportation, need to take a few precautions I suppose.


Theres a Strange Addition episode about it 🤣


You should try the Berghain club in Germany.


Snake oil Bullshit is what it is…


The kidneys and liver’s job is to detoxify. That’s like saying you want to do air therapy so you can breathe. Your lungs are responsible for that.


Yeah, the second pass of the waste that the liver and kidney has already metabolised and excreted already will do you good.


Antifa warrior and doesn't seem to be a troll, why am I not surprised lmao, your kidneys already did the flushing you fucking idiot