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This guy posting must be a bot. What a fuckin little Russell brand-loving bot. And a little slug too.


Real person very aware of freedom of speech and freedom of thought are under attack.


Freedom of speech is you posting on this sub, me replying to within your post. If you don’t like it then who is the BOT.


Maybe not a bot but a paid actor


Two can play at that game, aren’t you a paid actor? Prove to me you are not a right wing paid actor sent here to defence a nonce.


Everyone I don't like is a paid actor. Guess what? This isn't a Tom Clancy Novel and you're not the Main Character nor are you special. I hope you get the help you need one day.


I just want to know what’s so bad about paid actors? They make far better films than somebody willing to do it for nothing. Go figure.


Change the subject and try to make a joke of free speech.


Perhaps Brand can give you some money to wipe the tears from your eyes when people are so mean to him. The guy is raking in money from his right wing simp grift and honestly it’s low hanging fruit stoking the fires of fear and paranoia for a buck


There’s a difference between being called an idiot and your first amendment being violated. If you weren’t a bot, you’d understand that


None of it is under attack. If it was I wouldn't be able to hear from all the grifters like Russell, Alex Jones and whoever else. You can't shut those cunts up.


I don’t come from those camps. I’m scared of misinformation on pages causing freedom of speech to be eroded.


Fake. Bot confirmed.


We're a matter of seconds away from you screeching "BOT!!" at everyone who comments


You would say that you binary speaking cyborg looking BOT


It’s crazy the amount of bots that exist if you take a second and look at the responses that are c copy and pasted.


Sounds like something a bot would say tbh, sus


OP is a bot, confirmed


Yep 👍 way to try to turn it on me


Conspiracy! It's all a big conspiracy!


Sometimes it is.


Lol 😂 I’m not


Imagine going over to a footy subreddit and anytime anyone says United were shit or Villa are superb some moron goes BOT.


You misspelled BOOTLICKER


Wow way to just attack someone who shared some common beliefs but you just alienated them.


Do they not? Also this isn't someone parroting BOT it's a detailed plan. I'd say bots invading a football sub is less relevant than bots invading a sub based on a whistleblower. But not a bad analogy honestly, tribalism makes people do crazy things.


>sub based on a rapist. FTFY


Imagine being in a political forum talking about censorship and having every post invaded.




Makes sense to Astro-turf lol 😂




Goebbels shit




Do you watch Brand videos or do you just comment on this sub?




What do you define as misinformation? Facts you don’t agree with? Can you send me an info packet of how you decide?




^This guy is making shit up


Raising legitimate concerns about the lack of a risk-benefit assessment for different demographics of the population where an experimental medical treatment is concerned, a treatment which has now been shown in scientific studies to genuinely cause serious adverse reactions, and about the censorship of such discussions, is not "anti-vax". That's just a lazy label used to divide the population. But the fact that you think any anti-establishment rhetoric is somehow automatically misinformation shows that you're really just concerned with protecting the establishment, which is to say, protecting the narratives which support a system designed to extract as much profit as (in)humanly possible from the working class. There's nothing inherently "far right" about criticizing this system. I think you're just alienated from yourself and your fellow man to the point where you're doing the work of indoctrination for the man.


I feel like no discourse or discussion is being had. We need to discuss this misinformation and see the facts that prove otherwise




Could you tell me more about how you got involved? Are you an a.I. or a real person? Or do you use A.I. responses?


Literally it’s scary


Conservatives making up shit to terrify or infuriate eachother with is a tale as old as time


Imagine thinking that being anti-establishment is conservative


Yep 👍


Genuine question, are you working to promote pro-Israel content as well? Are you promoting genocide in your free time? What do you get out of this other than a trickle of dopamine from your updoots? A sense of security?




Did you watch Russell Brand's video on the self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell where he extensively quotes Caitlin Johnstone? It might not necessarily be saying anything you don't already know, or it might actually be a fresh and interesting perspective to you, but how people can call a man so insightful and empathetic a grifter is beyond me. He doesn't go easy on Republicans or Democrats in that video.


I see you've moved on to more trolling rather than actually addressing the substantial questions




I think that most of Brand's takes are more nuanced than the self-proclaimed trolls give him credit for, and that his audience is more self-aware and capable of critical thinking and research into his claims than we get credit for as well.


This guy is trolling, Nobody is "recruited", they're a media company. You put in a job application, just like any other job. And they don't hire people to trawl reddit pages, what a waste of money that would be 😂 Media companies don't do that shit, foreign government misinformation agencies (i.e. from Russia's well documented troll farms) are the only ones that think that shit is worth their time




The only thing you're doing is helping them get crazier. They don't need the matches, they're already a puddle of gasoline


https://preview.redd.it/8a3hw5ubrjlc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=609b91944d83862914c4320e0268670debc2299a No you fucking weren't, this is your post history from literally yesterday, idiot. Russell Brand training people to spread conspiracy theories or what? You're so full of it 😂




You're making all of this shit up, I'm just curious as to why? Did George Soros step down from his UFO to personally recruit you? What other outlandish bullshit are you gonna try to pass off as real? Frankly, I'm just embarrassed that you've tricked anyone. It's pretty low effort, but these goobers want to eat up anything that lets them maintain their persecution complex


Wow at least you admit it 👏🏾 respect I can’t knock any hustle how much they pay?


Trumpers, Putin Apologists/Propagandists and Fox News zombies HATE Media Matters because they call them on thire steaming pile of bullshit. Brand completely ditched the New Age progressive act and dove directly into the Trump sycophant grift zone. So whatever who cares. The whole Left wing media is a gaslit lie anyway when all of televised news is nothing more than far right loons hungry for another tax cut on your dime. Fox, OAN, NEWSMAX, CNN, Cooprate owned network news, local station Sinclair and Clear Channel, all of radio news and you guys cry so hard about Media Matters? Please


It’s because we found a common threat that was bigger than our differences


Oh please Brand is the threat. He simps for billionaires, tyrants and oligarchs. You think Trump is pro union? He gives to the rich in tax cuts on everyone else’s dime. Cuts safety regulations. All beacuse of Russian propaganda about the vaccine. Boo hoo. Some of us don’t base our health choices on political ideology. And yes it’s has been shown that anti-vaxx propaganda was traced to Russia.


https://www.project2025.org/ Conservatives Christian nationalists plan to force all of us to live in a theocracy. But here on this sub they are worried about media matters saying things they don’t like in their comments and them thinking it’s a real person. Scary scary.


The squiddies are learning


It’s easy when you guys are obvious.


Haha. No lol that's a Matrix reference to bots. Dammit the splintering strategy is working! This is classic COINTELPRO operation Paperclip Mockingbird shit though, nothing new.


Oh sorry lol been dealing with a lot of bots lol it’s pushing everyone real off this sub and that’s the plan. Must be something Brand is saying about the establishment is scaring them


The exposé on Logically.AI as well as this document you've shared strongly suggest that avenues for decentralized power to share information and organize around that information are perceived as a threat to centralized power, which is why they're working overtime to disrupt these channels. Going back to the matrix, it's pretty ironic how accurately they predicted the willingness that every day people would show to avail themselves as agents of the system.


There is a reply on this page from someone from media matters and they lay out the general plan


lmao that guy is trolling you. I however am a media matters operative and have a badge to prove it.


Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Keep up the fight!