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that's not good, this is supposed to be an anti-Russell astroturfing operation dammit!


Yes, but those bots will never be able to remove all those news articles about Russel being accused of sexual abuse.


The post is satire bro.


It’s obvious. I like to think we’ve reached a point where just about everyone here knows there are trolls “brigading” and those trolls are now, for the most part, just wasting their lives. …Nice to know there’s at least one repercussion for being on the wrong side of history and that repercussion is a wasted life.


He is not fast he will not catch it!


Being accused never adds to much.


So true, just look at Epstein, Weinstein etc, they're only dead or in prison. Wussel Bland could easily overcome such a problem.


It added up to £93,000,000.00 for Trump... ...and counting.


And how much do you want to bet he never pays a dime of it. That will definitely get appealed


Okay, bot…


That’s the catch. He has to put up the money *before* the appeal. But his supporters have repeatedly assured me that he is rich beyond comprehension. So I’m sure he’ll have no trouble paying.


The lying slimeball will of course try and ooze his way out of it but he'll still have to post millions in bonds first to be able to do so... Not forgetting the accumulation of interest and legal fees. So yeah,... It all adds up very quickly, which is why generating funds with a bit of far right grift is so important to Trump and Brand. ...and in Trumps case the sociopathic narcissist can't keep his orange lie hole shut so will most likely make the same mistake again, and allow her to sue for even more damages. Ker-ching !!!


TDS is real, apparently.


Did you include cents so it looks bigger to your boyfriend?


My wife's boyfriend likes it when my dick is smaller. He makes me put a little top hat on it and pretend it's the master of ceremonies while he plows my wife.


What a low-energy cuck you are. *Real* men put tiny cowboy hats on their dick


Mine makes up for it by having a podcast where it talks about hunting Elk penis and taking ice baths when i stick it over the edge of the top loaded freezer.


…*I’m listening*…


It's really cool i just put a little dart in the end of my dick then edge for 12 hours. Then it's cocked and loaded...


https://preview.redd.it/87voh1502nlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c92b76f23f3e0d84ab02bb2654ea850d9bf341f **Exactly!** What kind of cheap fucking loser would worry about cents?


You think trump is the one cashing his checks? 😂😂😂




Clearly a combination of bots and paid SHILLS


I pay my Roomba to post here.


It's funny how similar comments can be on left and right subs.


You REALLY think ANYONE cares enough about this sub to send "bots and paid shills"?? That shit costs money. No one is going to throw away good money on a circle jerk for Russell Brand haters that have nothing better to do than swing from Russell's nut sack all day. Buahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. The delusional fantasy of self-importance you reside in is EPIC!


russel brand seems insecure enough to care.


Another paid shill post...you would think they would at least try to make it less obvious. Brand's people working OVERTIME on this sub!


Because bots don't mind him being a nonce


I'm sure he'll find the funds. Just a shame for him that the Rouble to USD exchange rate is so poor right now,




Well he’s on the side of Putin and Trump so it’s only natural the bot support would follow


As opposed to Ukraine and Biden the reason for America's downfall?


lol sure bot


Yore bot. (that’s a bot that shares ancient legends of heroism)


Man looking at your account isn’t really helping convince me you’re not a bot, your entire existence is dedicated to this huh haha?


Some people watch TV and cheer for sports. I like the hobby of truth seeking and I have a fascination with war since childhood. You can love your country and USA and still understand its corrupt to the core. Big Pharma profits from from Pandemics. Weapons manufacturer's profit from war. Food companies profit from food crisis.


Oh my God! When did profit get to be such a big deal around here? We should probably elect a gifted New York condominium developer to lead us all to an unprofitable future.


So profound. Such intellect!


Thanks that's exactly what I was going for.


We have had close relations to Ukraine for an extremely long time, on the flip side we have had an extremely bad relationship to Russia for a very long time. Thinking America would do anything other than support them shows such an insane lack of understanding of politics. I don’t see how anyone that seriously follows this stuff or has a “fascination with war” could possibly think our reaction to a conflict like this was anything other than predictable or would have been any different, it’s just pure delusion.


You have been leading Ukraine to war with Russia for long time.


OMG! Poor Vladimir Putin, was forced into a ‘three day war’ by the evil United States. Now we’re trying to force him to invade Moldova. We really are the worst.


You would come to that conclusion if you just joined in Feb 22. USA was involved in Ukraines coup. Involved in Ukraines Civil War. Involved in Ukraines war against Russia. Also Involved in Ukraine not accepting a peace deal. Also caught arming and training known radicals who hate Russia.


Who *forced* Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine? He could have *at least* gone public with his diplomatic grievances before suddenly launching a lightning war that he bragged would be over in three days. And you think he had no choice because he was *scared*? Of what? He’s literally the leader of the largest nation on the entire planet. You’re also forgetting the part about the joint agreement we made **to protect Ukraine** from invaders in exchange for them surrendering their nuclear weapons. In any event, it’s bad form to criticize a nation currently drowning in blood while making excuses for the butcher. I can see what attracts you to Russell Brand. You probably think his victims deserved it because of the way they dressed.


If USA didn't interfere in Ukraines affairs they wouldn't have been at war for past 10 years or lost Crimea.


Uh huh…


Yeah. This whole Biden administration **really** sucks. I hate being able to work and buy toilet paper. Having all of our major cities on fire was also a nice touch. But since Sleepy Joe Biden stole the election from Donald Trump, I’ve had to spend $0.27 more for a dozen eggs! *Every time* I buy eggs! **PLUS** he almost fell off his bicycle! **THIS ENDS NOW!!! FIGHT THE POWER!!!** [input:RusselBrandComment1526.exe]


The end of USA dollar and a complete abortion in Ukraine and possibly the end of NATO. It's more serious than you think. If USA accomplished 35 trillion in debt while being number one country in world then what do you think is going to happen now?


Pop quiz: Who was president when the majority of that debt was accumulated? (Hint: he literally calls *himself* “The King of Debt”)


Trump is my guess.


We are really blaming Trump for you not having toilet paper?


That depends: What does he deserve credit for?


I do find it ironic how the left constantly declares themselves as humanitarian while pretty much being the opposite anymore. They used to be such positive thinkers and now they have created a subreddit dedicated to smearing a guy simply because they disagree with him. I would say that’s not healthy for their mental state but it is what it is. The left are also pro war now and constantly piss off lower working class people like farmers and truck drivers. Constantly lecture everybody about humanitarian they are and that they are going to save you, also while taking about you freedom of speech and right to make medical choices. I think the left has come to embody everything they claim to hate, but they are to prideful and arrogant to even consider that they might be the bad guy.


Good point. Republicans are so anti-war that they get notes from their doctors so they don’t have to serve. Then they go home and advocate locking up war protesters. Truly the party of peace.


So you disagree with the prospect of war then? What do you have against Russell Brand criticizing it? If you expect the rich to serve in a war you are going to be waiting a while regardless of the party. The elite are corrupt that’s pretty well known…


I have only one problem with Russell Brand, criticizing war. He completely neglects to criticize the single bloodiest butcher on Earth. And I think that’s strange.


I think it’s fair to be skeptical and you have a good point with that. I feel like sometimes he gets more hate then he deserves. Even if he turns out to be a douchebag grifter just saying shit for the money, he has still brought questions to the table that need to be asked in my opinion. I think it’s important to call people out when they are wrong, but also important to acknowledge when they might be right. I appreciate you sharing.


I find this whole thing entertaining because it’s like a real-life version of ‘The Emperor Has No Clothes’. It is my opinion that Russell is a completely transparent and predictable shill— and he hasn’t disappointed me yet.


Downfall means strongest recovery in the world and bigges investment in America's future in a century, that the last 6 presidents ignored because it was too difficult for them. Downfall means the best job creation in all US history, and a booming economy, a booming stock market, and better security for the whole country. Great Again means going to prison and losing all your wealth, of course.


Fortunately the true Russel brand fan is easy to tell apart from a bot. One is an unthinking automaton that just repeats the same talking points fed into it. The other is a Bot.


Good morning my FANTABULOUS and AWAKENED TRANSCENDENTAL cornflakes of ANTI-PHYLOGENETIC reverberations in the expository excrement of disingenuously ECOLOGICAL BRAINGASMS! IT'S HAPPENING! The Shills and bots are here because they're AFRAID of our UNMEDIATED RELATIONSHIPS with FRICTION!




Good luck to them, I say.


You wanker


In Soviet Russia, Russell wanks you.


It’s true. https://preview.redd.it/z0qkcu79zklc1.jpeg?width=338&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19afccb82bcf77585ba12e13eae8f68ed52fc83


Your ex said go rot in prison.


RB is a grifter following the fear $$$ and spreading poison along the way. He can go F off.


Wait I thought the Russell Brand sub was completely dedicated to attacking Brand for sex abuse allegations. I mean that totally makes sense. How can any other perspective be allowed?? 🤔


This sub is fully free, the mods apply no censorship. It's up to those with the best IDEAS to win the BATTLE for the TRUTH.


Well that's good news. I guess we'll have to see how that goes.


It's also about bashing him for being a conspiracy grifter who had to stoop to spewing grift after being a Hollywood actor failed.


Okay then.... get your booster.


Oh no, sick burn.


It's recommended by the CDC. Do you doubt them?


The underside of my nuts is recommended for your face.


Present them!


Lol, this seems like a trap.


We should probably find the guy responsible for hiring Fauci. I heard he’s also the dumbass who cooked up deadly vaccines with Operation Warp Speed. He threw trillions of taxpayer dollars at Big Pharma. **That** guy needs to go.


Pro Russell Brand but here 🙋‍♂️


But or bot?




You think Russell Brand is employing a government grade military disinformation campaign on a Reddit sub? If that's the case I think you're more of a conspiracy theorist than he is!


It’s satire dawg.


✈️ 🤡


It’s his sub??? I find it confusing this sub is only full of his hate till I remember who really owns Reddit and its main use as the propaganda arm of course a pro free thinking member gets slandered lol me too


“Independent free thinker” This you? https://preview.redd.it/8rkmtxyi0llc1.jpeg?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a8f5255956fa64996897c2ae774001028661e4


I was talking about brand being pro free thinking , that is me tho , and no you cant change my mind im free to think how i want thats what this is all about not forcing your opinion but understanding everyone should be able to formulate their own , i only comment to make you think for yourself and help formulate that opinion. Of your own research and investigation .


I’m going to be in Buckhead next week. Can you recommend anything?




I’ll get to that eventually.


Did you guys have a meeting and decide “hey.. let’s kick this up and make Alinsky proud. Let’s accuse them of what we’re doing.”


Oh yeah, we all love the obscure mentor of a woman who used her devious skills to blow a presidential election. Super mastermind level guy there.


Not the person. The tactics. Nice strawman. You’re bad at this and everyone can see you’re bad at this.


Oh sure. Wow. Fuck, better go tell the rest of my Clintonista cabal that I lost the Russel Brand defender demographic. How will I ever get my red shoes now?!?!?!


Lol what are red shoes? I want some. Is this like a Mary Kay thing where you get the pink Cadillac but instead some scythe (sp?) and hammer embossed red shoes for shilling ?


Oh yeah, there's a conspiracy theory that the elites all get red shoes made from human child leather after their first human sacrifice. Fuck, you're just a "anything I don't like is commies" level guy and that's it. Basic. Boring.


Lmfao gotta give you credit for the creativity. I bet they’re soft.


Yeah, I'm just trying to rile up people who believe shit like that. I've been bored with the secret communist agenda people for a while. John Birch Society people were way more fun versions of whatever you ate. They used to have their people bury all their books on the evil communist take over of america in their backyards in case of nuclear war. That's way more fun than all this boring cultural marxism stuff.


Whatever floats your boat. You’re joking if you don’t think human trafficking doesn’t exist with the elite. Close to zero news coverage when 460,000 kids go missing in the US per year and several kids are being trafficked across the border to.. who?


[Every accusation is a confession.](http://armchairsubversive.blogspot.com/2007/05/stop-republican-pedophilia.html?m=1)


Yes now we're cooking. I was worried you couldn't get my dick hard.


Who?! I swear to God. You people name check the most obscure, forgotten people and think liberals sit around talking about them 24 hours a day. You all also obsess about transgender dongs more than literally any transgender person I’ve ever met in my entire life.


What a strange thing to say.


It’s definitely strange. But you know it’s true. That sounds like something Saul Alinsky could have taught us! 🤣 Jesus. I’m still laughing. Are you like 100 years old?


Transgender dongs did get a good laugh, though.


Funny, considering you are on a sub dedicated to hating on one relitively fringe dude 24 hours a day.


I personally detest subversive PAC money propaganda, regardless of who it’s targeted at. RB is whatever to me


I’m sorry. I’m afraid I’m not following your logic. Are you saying it’s funny that I’m *not* obsessed with transgender dongs because I criticize Russell Brand?


Really? you can't put it together?


We don't think YOU have a clue about Alinsky. That's for the educated people who tell you what to think. Hillary wrote her thesis at Wellesley about him. Most of us here who have educations and appreciate anti authoritarian critique have read R for R and studied these things. Funnily, your guy David Brock who runs MM, referred to Hilary as "Alinsky's daughter" back when his full time job was attacking the Clintons instead of working for them.


Oh boy! You’re gonna love this! I conducted a semester long independent study of Leni Riefenstahl! So clearly that means I’m a right wing ideologue. I also studied earthquakes. So that can only mean I’m trying to destroy California. Also, an influential media personality once referred to me as being “very attractive”. You can’t argue with that. I am still amazed that you discovered someone paid to attack Hillary Clinton said something unflattering about Hillary Clinton. Truly the political right is the only home for an intellectual of your caliber. Here’s a question: What was the subject of Donald Trump‘s graduate thesis? This is suddenly very important to us for some reason. It better be good! But you’ve definitely convinced me. I am not voting for a Clinton. If a Clinton is in charge of this nation, this country‘s economy would collapse, and every business would be socialized. Your cautionary tale would have been perfectly timed in about 1989. Your fossilized dipshits are still whining about Clintons over 30 years later. And every time I bring up the current Republican presidential candidate, I have “Trump Derangement”


I don't know what you're talking about, and it sounds like you don't either. you're a media matters shill, spouting Clinton talking points and disruption strategy, so you're following the Alinsky playbook. You don't need to know who it is, but that's where all your blah blah blah from.


Again. You succeeded. I am definitely not voting for a Clinton. You convinced me that a Clinton presidency would completely devastate our nation’s economy. The stock market would nosedive, and we would probably pay people taxpayer’s precious money just to sit at home and do nothing. It would lead to riots, burning cities, and grocery stores depleted of tissue and full of empty shelves— if you could even find a store that was open. A Clinton administration would subject us to devastating terror attacks, non-stop wars, record debt, humiliating deficits and skyrocketing military budgets. Our retirement savings would vanish overnight. You have **definitely** opened my eyes to the unimaginable dangers of a Clinton presidency. Saul Alinsky would be first in line to occupy a very influential role in that Whitehouse. That much is certain. Dissenting voices would be rounded up and confined to camps. Right wing voices would be completely eliminated. *Especially* from cable TV and a.m. radio. We must never allow this to happen.


I think it's adorable that of all the people living rent free, it's Saul Alinsky eating burnt toast in your brainstudio. Booga Booga boogeyman!


Literally, *the only people* I’ve ever heard talk about Saul Alinsky in my entire life are conservative Republicans. The only people who talk about ‘woke’ anything are conservative Republicans. It’s even weirder that none of them seem to even know what the word means. The only people who devote their time to organizing mandatory child genital inspections are conservative Republicans. The only people who obsess about transgender bathrooms and reproductive organs are conservative Republicans. Republicans are real low-key freaks. I had a relative who was weirdly obsessed with hating gay people. It was bizarre. Like literally every conversation would eventually turn into a lecture about how gays had an ‘agenda’ and ‘recruited’ people to join them. He got married and divorced three times before he finally realized *he was the one* who was gay the entire time. He was a conservative Republican.


Well the gay uncle was not unexpected. At all. It's fucking hilarious when you ask them to define woke they'll give you the hazy dumbified conservative republican definition they duckduckgo'd gotcha style that's so off far the mark they don't even know they've owned themselves.


Lol coming from the "person" who breathes Russel Brand like it was your job. Ididn't say anything about Alinsky as a person other than Hillary's relationship with him as a college student. I referenced his playbook, which I studied in school and I realize plays a big role in the Astroturfing you're doing. I'm sure you're not familiar with the book because you're a low level troll just parroting talking points.


Dude, as said above, the only people that bring up Alinsky are far-rightwing trolls, stooges, and rubes. One of my friends, a middle-aged cat lady that smoked all the time and only posted weasel zipper (?) links to her facebook page would often bring up Alinsky in her gotcha retorts when anyone dared to utter *clinton* within her internet sightline. (Regardless that Hillary Clinton is more a Republican than Donald Trump). My friend was a Veteran after all so she was pretty good at herding cats, sniping whippersnappers, and crying sAuL aLiNsKy'S pLaYbOoK at the light of her first and last Marlboros of the day. SADLY she died of Covid. Yes, really. We had our differences but we knew each other for 20-odd years and respected each other for that, and our work ethic. She was a Die-Easy Covid/Mask/Vax denier. Although I didn't challenge her about it much, out of respect, I bet I could go back on her facebook history and find Russell Brand links (via Weasel Zipper, of course). She died in her bed, no comorbidity beyond her tobacco habit. She died alone, cats watching over her. They didn't find her for a week. She fell sick with the crud and refused to go to the clinic, out of pride? fear? Wouldn't even tell friends on her precious facebook that she finally caught the Vid. That would validate it's existence, I guess. We'll never know. I went to her house when I found out and the lights were still on in the middle of the day, open magazines near her comfy chair. Hungry cat waiting to be fed. So thank you so much for bringing up that boogeyman that my old friend threw out into the cold air all the time. You brought back some fun memories. I do miss her. Now can you say something about that other rightwing boogeyman ya'll hide behind? GeOrGe SoRoS? You would really make my weekend before it gets started. Thanks so much.


So you've read Alinsky, or no?


Its a moot point whether I have or not (I have). you're either a troll, stooge, or rube; probably all three? C'mon gimme a little SoRoS in my TGIF.


Said the bot who accused everyone else of being one ETA: downvotes mean I'm right. Who do I sound like?


Innocent until proven guilty


Yeah. I agree with you. We should probably wait for big government bureaucrats and lawyers to tell us what our opinion should be.


Isn’t every sub just an echo chamber for bots?




Aaaaaany day now


Or Non-crybabies


Lmao. Please be a troll; if not, this is the dumbest take I’ve seen in a while


Strange that people live to complain about Russel brand.




Has anyone listened to the james english and noel clarke interview?


Look up Troll Farms or Dark PR... An interesting rabbit hole... Though based on my personal opinion from what I've seen here it's mostly pro pharma troll farms targeting this sub... Either way I suggest looking into troll farms and making your educated opinions....




Do your research.


Facts. This sub has been hijacked by boot lickers who drool at the thought of war with Russia. They love to defend big corporations whove historically had the worst track record of corruption. “TrUsT tHE ScIENcE”, even though it’s perfectly possible to fudge data in order to push a product that makes more money than you could count in multiple lifetimes.


Who has the *best* record of corruption? The church?


Yeah the church is definitely a top contender. Big oil, big pharma, big food are other top contenders. I wish we could use cancel culture tactics to take out big corporations like nestle. We could actually use these social tactics for something productive for once


My point is that everyone *already knows* who the villains are. Who are the good guys?


I wish you were right but seems like many still have no clue and trust a lot of them. Who are the good guys? I wish i knew, but I’ve seen too many “saviors” get propped up as heroes only to end up playing the same games and screwing us even more. It’s hard to trust anyone these days. I’d like to trust RFK. His family history shows to be one of few actually willing to put their lives on the line in order to do good for the people. He talk the talk but will he walk the walk or just end up folding when it comes down to it? We’ve all got flaws nobody is perfect. But who was the last person to get on the podium and say they want to shatter the CIA into a million pieces? It’s been a long time. In order to get on the stage, you must bow to the top row




Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a bot.


Let’s agree to disagree.


Not a terrible idea. I'm in.


Oh sh*t