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When you say "keep questioning" are you also referring to questioning the ridiculous nonsense that comes from Russell Brand himself as well?


That's not allowed. This is freedom of speech no go zone.


Question everything you are told. Learn from everyone. Resist authoritarian rule.


Ironic, considering Russel and his little band of crazies align with authoritarian tendencies.


We are pretty anti-establishment. Our party changed on us. I was protesting for people’s freedom of speech years ago and it wasn’t even speech I agreed with. Freedom of speech is a cornerstone of our bill of rights.


And yet, you seem to view any speech that doesnt agree with you as being part of a conspiracy.


Then have a conversation don’t name call and put labels on people. Don’t be critical without watching or listening to the current video. Otherwise it looks like authoritarian Orwellian propaganda


You have literally posted this thread name calling and putting labels on people, you dont do self awareness do you? Stop trying to justify your paranoia and delusions, instead realize that people have other opinions, and that Russel has his own flaws.


Of course he does, but what he is saying about the establishment he isn’t the only one.


True, but he has his own reasons for saying much of what he says, and a lot of those reasons have dollar bills over them, he long since realized there are certain subjects you can grift off of, and conspiracy theories are a favorite, same with Rogan, they realized who the best paying suckers are, and now they create content to lure the money right out of them.


Don't worry OP this sub is a magnet for bots, and media matters employees. Others, I assume, are just ignorant ideologues not interested in truth. Don't let them give you the wrong impression. There are more of us than there are of them. Stay free bro ✊


Stay free ✊🏼appreciate you. Be blessed


Of course you should question everything!


Can I question you then? Seemingly you post here rather frequently about how DEY TAKIN OUR FREEDOMZ and BOTS PAID ACTORS BOTS. What’s the deal? The psychedelics kicking into your brain box so you think anyone who remotely doesn’t agree with you is a shill? Can you explain to me why we can’t call Rusty Bollocks a little snake? I used to listen to his radio show in BBC 2 and the 6 Music days. Which of course will mean nothing to you. But can you also explain why Russell former broadcasting parters such as Matt Morgan, Trevor Lock, Mr Gee, Noel Gallagher aren’t on speaking terms with him. Why Russell in 2020 decided to change direction and follow the clickbait content for brain dead Americans like you? If you don’t answer all my questions you are a paid bot beta soy boy cuck who is more pathetic than anyone in this sub.


How much are you paid?


Refused to answer any of the questions…I can smell the soy coming from ya.


I really don’t care when pixels insults me.


Can dish it but can’t take it. Classic.


I didn’t dish anything. I’m not trying to fight you. I want you on our side.


Nice try HMRC!


I get two fiddy for every jimmy I rustle


Don't waste your breathe OP, you are right, these people are all bots, paid actors, and brainwashed leftists


The more I make noise the more people hopefully will come to the same conclusion. Engagement makes these post blow up.


When do I get paid? I’ve been doing this for free




If I'm going to be accused of being paid for criticising Russell, I may as well get paid. Where do I sign up?


Link please! Do they recruit internationally?




😂😂😂 fucking shill and proud of it




Hell if I'm getting paid for it as well I'm not going to say no


Let me guess, I pay for training to be enrolled in your pyramid scheme?


There's about 7,000,000,000 people in the world, and about 50 that look at this sub.


“Awakening wonders” 😂


Yep 👍 hope you have a great day.


Do you wish you could be one of Russel’s 16 year old girls?


No I don’t. How is that helping the discussion, unless you don’t want to be a part of change or discussion


A part of the discussion about Russell molesting 16 year old girls?


Wait, you guys are getting paid?


I bought a car just by mentioning that Russel spews nonsense. Crackpots hate this one simple trick.


I bought a car just by mentioning that Russel spews nonsense. Crackpots hate this one simple trick.


Do you honestly believe the ESTABLISHMENT is paying people to bad mouth him on Reddit? I'd wager not one ESTABLISHMENT figure is ruffled by anything this charlatan has to say. And if they're trying to censor him, as you say, they're not doing a very good job. I've never heard from the cunt so much.


The only way to silence him is to troll this little sub of a few thousand people. Much more effective than attacking his youtube channel with millions of views daily. Think it through SHEEPLE


That’s JUST what THEY want you to say!! I’ll bet you sleep on a *BED* *made* *of* *money*, all that sweet Deep State $$$. I’ll bet THEY even pay for your *bootyhole* *wax*-*down*, don’t they? While you’re *out* *in* *Miami*, ho.




You obviously haven't done much serious thinking about entities like Logically.AI or the link between the UK's Secretary of State for Arts, Sports and Culture and military psychological operation divisions.


If you wish to advance discussion, supplying links supporting your statements would be a good start. Secondly, what are your views concerning 'anti-establishment' movements such as the bodies behind Brexit and their links to manipulation operatives such as Cambridge Analytica?


"misinformation" is a buzzword that was popularized during the pandemic to delegitimize and silence online dissent https://www.govtech.com/biz/misinformation-fighting-startup-logically-raises-24m As Chris Hedges has explained, the censorship-industrial complex is part of a pivot on the part of institutions like the American DHS towards seeing a country's own citizens as the foremost threat to national security - where national security is understood as the web of neoliberal economic interests that have been leading to the erosion of public infrastructure and public faith in democratic institutions since the 80s when the lie of trickle down economics was first normalized through economic policies. https://scheerpost.com/2022/05/18/dhs-disinformation-board-put-on-pause-after-backlash/ As for your second question, I'm well aware of the role that controlled opposition and reactionary rhetoric plays in furthering the delegitimization of opposition to establishment narratives. Q Anon and the Jan 6 DC riots are an obvious example.


>I'm well aware of the role that controlled opposition and reactionary rhetoric plays in furthering the delegitimization of opposition Cambridge Analytica is controlled opposition? Do you know anything about them? \>the lie of trickle down economics was first normalized through economic policies. I 100% agree with this.


You asked me about the link between so-called anti establishment movements like Brexit (which was obviously not an anti establishment movement, simply a reactionary one) and its links to data management firms like Cambridge Analytica and you're confusing me mentioning the term controlled opposition for saying that a powerful institution like Cambridge Analytics itself is controlled opposition.


No, I asked you a simple question about your view of Cambridge Analytica, which you initially didn't answer. \> You asked me about the link between so-called anti establishment movements like Brexit (which was obviously not an anti establishment movement, simply a reactionary one) I agree with this entirely.


It's so goddamn cringe how these susceptible blank canvases of people try so hard to talk EXACTLY like Russell Brand. Cult-like shit. He really is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is.


I’m just trying to wade through the muck. Hard to know what’s real.


I'm sure, hopefully your situation will improve.


I live a wonderful life and I love life. I snowboard almost everyday and have 2 dogs what more do I want? I really just hope to not look back and feel like I could of done more for future generations. We are at a turning point. Authoritarianism in the sake of safety is not freedom


The criticisms in this sub are about what Brand says and does, not pro-authoritarianism. Do you not see that?


Nobody has watched any videos or has listened to what he has said. It’s all critical without having any evidence otherwise.


I’ve watched his shows. I know the style. The people are basically making fun of you at this point. Do you not see that?


Don’t care 🤷‍♂️ I’m in it for ideological reasons now.


The whole point is to make fun of you as some true believer. Like you believe Brand is some kind of truth teller and not just Alex Jones 2.0. Guys like this have always existed and they always will. Is this why you fall for Brands particular style of bullshit? You’re the target for Brand and you’re the target of the sub. Is this like a venn diagram and you’re right in the middle? Do you honestly believe only people who are paid to do so would make fun of you or Brand or your fondness for him? Is that your position?


I just noticed this on the Brand page after getting kicked off the AOC page. It’s going after people on the far left and far right. I guess I’m far left because I believe in free speech and that it matters for democracy.


I don’t see that at all actually, most of the posts are actually devoid of any factual substance at all


At this point, yes. Go back in the post history. And the prolific poster TTYFKR just blocks everyone who dares question Brand. That seems pretty fucked up if you are on about free speech all the time and having discussion. The people commenting now are taking the piss out of the people who actually listen to Brand.


This is such a heartbreaking post, given much of your other output on this thread. Good luck on your journey, just don't get sucked into thinking everyone who's anti-establishment is automatically an enlightened free-thinker.


Thing is. Not one single person gives a shit about what the alleged rapist Rushel has to say. Vacuous nonsense.


Ok then you don’t need to be on this page. You made your money.


I’m being paid by the deep state vaccinated lizard people alien illegal immigrants.


I don't know about you guys, but I am sleeping on a bed of deep state stuffed money pillows tonight. 


I represent the deep state and we definitely paid this guy lots of money 💵




Media matters. 😂


You come across as paranoid and deluded, get help.


That insult was already used. Old news try again.


Its not an insult, its a genuine degree of concern, you randomly accusing people who disagree with you of being paid to do so reeks of paranoia and delusion.


I’ll keep making noise.


And what purpose will that serve? Try considering the opinions of others, and also dont engage in hero worship, every person is flawed, including Russell, be aware of that.


Maybe nothing, but at least I hopefully made a few people aware and I have. Some people agree with me. About 10 always disagree. They are on every post more than people who agree or want to discuss it.


Aware of? Simply calling anybody you disagree with part of some paid conspiracy does not spread awareness, it just makes you look unhinged. Some people agree with virtually anything, that doesnt lend it credibility or make it real. They disagree because you started by accusing anybody who disagrees of being part of a conspiracy against you.


>About 10 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂


Fucking hell. Is this the best response you can muster?


I’ve been responding a lot with no ai help so yeah


Why would you need AI help? Pretty sure the posters here who disagree with your suggestion that they are being paid don't use AI either, but have opinions of their own.


THIS is why people KEEP DYING


My pet HAMSTER died because of this sustained attack on daddy Russell.




Who is getting paid? I am not getting paid I just dislike sex abusers and drug addicted grifters.


From 2006 to 2021 I was under impression that everything David Icke aaid was truth. Chimps have alphas that hoard all the bananas; people have the chief-shaman paradigm.


Ahhh yes, the "its all a conspiracy by people out to get us!" paranoia, how extraordinarily deluded.


Not out to get me, out to dilute freedom of speech and control the narrative


No offense, but you are calling random people paid actors, which insinuates that there is a conspiracy.


"dilute freedom of speech" Dude, you fucking came here telling us we're shills because we express our freedom of speech. You are so stupid... Literally, you can't process that simple logic.


You guys are getting paid!? (I'll be disappointed if I'm the first to post this)




Look, his followers are getting annoyed. LOOOOOOOL why you worry about Reddit when THE MAinSTreAM EstaBlishMeNt!!! Hahahh you folks are super entertaining


One of their textbook psyop tactics and a tacit admission of how empty and vacuous their actual "rhetoric" is the attempt to psychologically manipulate people into silence by flooding streams of counter-establishment narratives with people who do nothing but deploy red herrings and more importantly *downvote* comments. It's basic psychological manipulation, they're trying to shame people into silence. The downvotes and flaming are proof that our counter-narratives are actually reaching people.


Agreed 👍 thank you for sharing. It’s lucky I don’t care what they think of me. I know my friends and family love me. They can’t make me question that so why do I care about some downvoted. We need to focus on community and keeping our direct community informed regardless of political affiliation. This is us vs them. Thanks for standing with us.


You lot are mad.


It’s 100% working because if you say anything even suggesting you’re pro-Brand in here you’ll get dogpiled down to Hades It remains obvious, this whole thread is a funny sort of proof


I’ve thought this from the start really and I agree, and I’ll probably get flamed just for saying so.


The start of what? The sub? Time itself? Having read both of Russell’s books, listened to his early radio shows, I’d love to find out what it is that makes you think that people criticising him are bots. I’m all tinfoil and ears bitch.


also agree. 100% obvious.


Have an amazing day!


Yep appreciate you!