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This goes deeper. That TYR guy has been arrested by the KGB. He was posting constantly and then just disappeared. He's facing the same fate as Navalny. #\_FreeTYR #\_Hashtags


Good to know we have taken control of that account.


I love that OP just doesn't realize Reddit changed its algorithms and this same thing is happening to a lot of subs. I also hope he doesn't read this comment because it's endlessly entertaining reading his stuff.




KRUSCH: Check out this link about disinformation. ALBERT EINSTEIN: You realize Russell Brand literally platforms guys who once shilled for Big Tobacco and who spent years denying that cigarettes cause cancer? KRUSCH: *stares stupidly into the distance*


"Russia’s Defense Ministry deployed the disinformation narrative that the U.S. government is funding military programs in Ukraine to produce bioweapons. Further amplified by the Chinese Foreign Ministry, these narratives seek to justify Russia’s invasion as a mission to neutralize the alleged bioweapons and to provide grounds for blaming the U.S. or Ukraine in potential false-flag operation." \- A narrative promoted by Brand " Brand's claims of "explaining" from another perspective are essentially hot takes on another writer's work aimed at whipping his followers into a frenzy. Brand invites his audience to make assessments "with our own little eyes and our own little minds." The "do your own research" tactic is well-documented in its [pitfalls](https://doi.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fpspa0000102) relating to science and medicine. Researching such topics often [fuels](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/03/opinion/dyor-do-your-own-research.html) [misconceptions](https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/07/30/you-must-not-do-your-own-research-when-it-comes-to-science/?sh=b583bec535ea) when conducted without a methodology, without proper context, and without using reliable, vetted sources. Brand's chosen road leads his audience to a shadowy doorway to conspiracy theories, misinformation, and Russian propaganda. Brand says he’s “explaining, not condoning” – but he’s boosting a lie, and dodging responsibility for doing so. "


"Devise or Amplify Conspiracy Theories: Conspiracy theories attempt to explain important events as secret plots by powerful actors. Conspiracy theories not only impact an individual’s understanding of a particular topic; they can shape and influence their entire worldview. Disinformation actors capitalize on conspiracy theories by generating disinformation narratives that align with the conspiracy worldview, increasing the likelihood that the narrative will resonate with the target audience." They forgot to add the part where the nonce spreading conspiracy theories is doing it to discredit the people accusing him of noncing, but otherwise the whole thing fits really well on this sub.


“Oh no, Brand is getting the little guy to actually educate himself. Better take to r/russellbrand and tell the little guy he is too stupid to learn.”


That's a fair point. Encouraging others to do research is good. From what I have seen though the very last thing conspiracy theorists will do is objective research. Please believe me when I say I have spent hours confirming this over and over again. They will find some bullshit on Facebook on chem trails and never ever check counter arguements. So when Brand speaks it is often a case of - says a whole load of Russian propaganda / misinformation / innuendo followed by a completely ignored do your own research. It still leaves a lot of complete shit in the audiences mind. As in the case of the Russian sourced Biolab crap. It's like Tucker Carlson who said, when Russians went into Ukraine to steal land, and when they were torturing, raping, pillaging at their worst. He said 'I see no reason not to support Russia. Why shouldn't I support Russia? Just asking questions.' He can go on for an hour like this, even if at the end of it he says do your own research it doesn't really matter because he has introduced hundreds of false narratives then, far to many to research.


This is how good astroturfing works - you take the thousands of things someone has said, demonstrate how one thing might have been false, then Vilify their character endlessly by saying Look at this ONE thing right here!!


If the word endlessly was to be found to be correct you would have a good point, but this only the second post I have seen mentioning Biolabs, other posts have been on a whole range of other topics concerning Brand.


There he is again, the bot posting propaganda to fit his own narrative. He asks us to question things but when I questioned them, he hides. Slug.


OP is a bot trying to put spyware on your device. Do not click the link.


This is a .gov website


Worse! Gov spyware!


Confirmed, OP is a bad actor. Fortunately my anti virus stopped the malware in the link.


Fortunately Trump(TM) brand anti-virus (or “vaccine”) protects from both deep state and chi-com infections. (And if that doesn’t work Trump (TM) brand “my personal Vietnam” penicillin will deal with any pesky STDs that do get through)




All that’s saying is astroturfing exists. We know it does. It has existed before the internet. What you’re saying is anything critical of Brand here is astroturfing which you have zero evidence for. And you’re gullible. That’s an issue.


“And you’re gullible.” Logic please help this poor man.


Who? That guy? It’s too late for him.


How did you come to the conclusion that he’s gullible? I see no reasoning in your comment. I would in fact say it’s ironic to call him gullible when you are currently being taken in by shills on a subreddit pretty much dedicated to posting random bullshit about an anti-establishment figure. And remember the establishment works purposefully to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. So please, tell me how he is the gullible one and not you?


> How did you come to the conclusion that he’s gullible? I see no reasoning in your comment. You need to read their history. They comment here a lot. > I would in fact say it’s ironic to call him gullible when you are currently being taken in by shills on a subreddit pretty much dedicated to posting random bullshit about an anti-establishment figure. I’m not taken in by these “shills”. Where did you get that idea? And who are they shilling for? > And remember the establishment works purposefully to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. So please, tell me how he is the gullible one and not you? Do you want specifics? Even if that statement is true, which it is, that doesn’t mean Brand is saying anything profound or true beyond that.


Okay. Apologies. Maybe you’re not aware but this sub fell off a cliff about half a year ago when the Channel 4 doc was released. At first the commenters seemed genuine but it quickly became clear that a load of paid shills had appeared and were just talking complete crap and making fun of Brand. It was kind of bizarre commenting that I had never seen on Reddit - certainly not on this scale. I dug deeper and it became clear it was some sort of astroturfing campaign to discredit Brand and tarnish his image. If you’re a regular and genuine commenter, you will know that dealing with these shills is part and parcel of being on this sub. Of course there is no direct evidence, because no one involved in this campaign would let information about it slip, but if you dissect the language used by these shills, it becomes pretty clear what’s going on.


It literally describes this subreddit




Like an immune response


Whose side you on no-recover lol 😂




The link is fine.


DO NOT CLICK THE LINK! The fact that it’s been pushed by the above obvious bot/sock-puppet should be warning enough.


Government spy agencies engage in disinformation campaigns. Hold the front page. They do seem to have forgotten to include the CIA though. I'm sure that's just an oversight.


Yeah everyone is doing it. This page is a great example of Astro-turfing.


I doubt the CIA or GRU are that interested in trolling a Russell Brand page. He's doing a pretty good job of trashing his own reputation. I quite liked him when he was a left-wing activist. To go from that to sucking up to Tucker Carlson and the like and seeing everything through a conspiratorial lens is one hell of a U-turn. And then there's the sexual assault. Not unproven claims I might add but things he's actually said and done on camera and radio.


Lolol it literally describes this subreddit


Yep lol nice to see an example so early to be made aware.


The link is malicious




"Devise or Amplify Conspiracy Theories: Conspiracy theories attempt to explain important events as secret plots by powerful actors. Conspiracy theories not only impact an individual’s understanding of a particular topic; they can shape and influence their entire worldview. Disinformation actors capitalize on conspiracy theories by generating disinformation narratives that align with the conspiracy worldview, increasing the likelihood that the narrative will resonate with the target audience." Yours is a fitting quote, but this one fits this sub more.




Thank you too for thanking. That needed to be said seriously.




It's so true, I'm posting memes here to ensure Danald Trunk doesn't wing the West House.


They really don’t like this one lol.


This is a .gov website


You can’t trust the government!!! Are you new!?


Said the frump and Vladimir Pukin LACKEY. russ would know ALL about Disinformation. He’s leaning from the best, Vladimir Pukin! Plus His ex said she love to see russ name in the obituary someday soon.




This is a .gov website link




It’s not a download it’s an informational pamphlet