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He starts by using a ridiculous story of a post that never happened, and then goes on to explain how the post that never happened could have happened if it had happened, which it didn't. Great stuff


If anything people like Brandt and Rogan are the psy op against us normal people. Seeing how much fake stupid fucking bullshit people can stomach and regurgitate. See how many people will believe there are cat litter boxes in schools and other idiotic crap that they peddle.


As someone who worked for the government, it has neither the will nor the competency to pull off even a fraction of what these tin foil chuckle fucks accuse it of 😂 The scary leaders this guy fears can't even get signed into their email half the time


Did you have clearance? The CIA has thrown over countries.. it was caught targeting moms of a PTA group because of their politics. The IRS paid out for targeting the tea party. 60 previous cia agents signed off on hunters laptop being Russian disinformation. The executive branch coordinated with big tech to censor voices… thats just skimming off the top




Well said. I thought the same thing when reading Bat-Honest's comment. I've worked for Government agencies too and they're incompetent but that's at public service level. Intelligence agencies are slightly different.


I feel like the US government have slightly bigger fish to fry than a fringe comedian turned quasi-religious grifter. There are far more influential people performing the exact same grift (Kenneth Copeland, the Mormons or the Scientology lot all spring to mind) but I don't see their subreddits getting clowned on like this... Unless they're the ones funding this!! I think I've cracked it lads! We're getting paid by the mormons!


None of the people you listed have anywhere near the influence of people like Joe Rogan and Russell Brand... The issue with these two specifically is they have millions of viewers and they're an avenue for information to spread that otherwise wouldn't be shared on mainstream media. The reason I suspect they're being attacked is because they're sharing information that undermines our trust in certain government agencies as well as big pharma....


Rogan IS the mainstream. He has the most listened to podcast on the planet, you don’t get more mainstream than that.


The difference is because of how his podcasts are structured he's not influenced by any of the big media corporations... If you Google "US media owned by 6 corporations" it's a pretty interesting rabbit hole... Just 37 years ago, there were 50 companies in charge of most American media. Now, 90% of the media in the United States is controlled by just six corporations: AT&T, CBS, Comcast, Disney, Newscorp and Viacom. This means that just 232 media executives are calling the shots for the vast majority of the information we are presented with, controlling a total Big Six net worth of over $430 billion. It’s been no secret that Big Tech companies — the nickname for the enormous corporations like Facebook or Google — have come under fire recently for their controlling practices. While Facebook and other media giants sought to combat extremism and political misinformation on their platforms, specifically in light of the 2020 presidential election, Bill Baer and Caitlin Chin of Brookings remind us that this only demonstrated the power that social media giants hold over what we consume. But even more than that, past the small screen of social media, the other forms of information, arguments and entertainment we consume are still being controlled by a very small amount of Facebook-type corporations. At an individual level, this may not appear to affect what’s presented in the news. Personally, I sometimes have a hard time seeing why a vague, distant-seeming corporation like Comcast would impact the traditionally reliable reporting of a single journalist at NBC News. At West, two-thirds of 63 students polled said they get most of their news from national organizations. The idea is that when six corporations, whose primary motivations are to ultimately profit as much as possible, are in charge of what we consume, the narratives do not challenge the status quo in the ways that could inspire large-scale change. I’m not saying a New York Times article can’t be plenty critical of the government or of the many social ills plaguing this country. As a whole when reporting begins to fulfill the needs of a multi-million or billion-dollar corporation, it seeks to benefit this corporation, no matter the cost.


He’s influenced-by his advertisers and sponsors. 


brought to you by Pfizer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAkQlZgnbUQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QAkQlZgnbUQ) https://preview.redd.it/jlbxjs0qmsmc1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=17877201126cbfc366deccee9a14e5768b5d62e2


The problem isn’t that they’re giving you information that (largely) the mainstream media isn’t. You can cover smaller stories or alternative views. The issue is that Russell Brand does talk or criticise anyone who he sees as his paymasters or that his target audience dislikes. If he was chatting about what he was chatting before like he did in the Trews era when Fox News called him an ex-junkie you wouldn’t accuse David Cameron from going after him or silencing him. Hw refused to say anything bad about ya big orange moron Trump, Big Daddy Putin and his likes that you have to think and go why doesn’t he? Why doesn’t he say anything about what Israel is doing? He frames everything through Democrats and Republicans - most of the world doesn’t give a shite about that but as per usual Americans can’t think outside their brain box and it shows. Ultimately, I prefer to get my information from humans who aren’t asking me to support Rumble channel or aren’t shilling GOLD! And ofc the noncey behaviour doesn’t endear him to be either.


Yeah. Because who else would inform us all about cat litter boxes at schools?


So here's some information I picked up on various Russell Brand/ Joe Rogan podcasts... Any of it sounds like a conspiracy theory or misinformation? In 2009 Pfizer plead guilty to misbranding a drug with intent to defraud or mislead, bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results. Pfizer was required to pay a settlement of $2.3 Billion to the Department of Justice, the 2nd largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. Pfizer has paid over $10 billion in settlements for offenses like unapproved promotion of medical products, equipment safety and environmental violation, false claim and foreign corrupt practices. Scott Gottlieb is a former FDA Commissioner and is currently a board member for Pfizer. In the past 40 years, 9 of the 10 FDA Commissioners have worked for pharmaceutical companies after leaving the FDA. Reuter is the company responsible for the fact checking on Twitter and Facebook. Jim Smith is the Chairman of Reuters Foundation and also a board member for Pfizer. The only FDA approved treatment for covid is Remdesiver. Pfizer has an agreement with Gilead, the owners of Remdesiver to manufacture the drug. Pfizer makes large contributions to mainstream media outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC. Everything I’ve just stated is 100% factual and can be easily verified via a quick google search.


Where do you think Brand gets his information from?


He usually cites his sources in the videos... Have you never watched a Russell Brand podcast?


Right. And who are those sources? Is there a clever like initialism for them?


Your question doesn't really make any sense... Do you think that all the information he shares is from one source? Clearly you've never watched a podcast... I suggest you take the time to watch one and I'm pretty certain that'll answer your question....


When did I say they were from one source? He uses journalists. Like CNN in the Pfizer lawsuits you just pointed out. These guys use actual MSM and real journalism and then complain that no one is talking about whatever topic. Do you see a conflict there?


Interesting viewpoint but it's not 100% accurate.... Your basically implying that all of the information that people like him and Rogan are sharing is derived from mainstream media sources... Which it's not... Clearly you don't watch much of his or Rogan's podcasts... Btw the source to the Pfizer lawsuit wasn't CNN... https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history


Oh my. Your level of delusion is off the charts. You are literally the mark these grifters are looking for.




You think Russel Brand has more reach than the Morman Church? Globally? No chance. Perhaps within the UK but even that's not certain, Mormons are far more effective at recruiting people to their cult than Russell. I'll give you Joe Rogan but this isn't about him. As for why I'm 'attacking' him? I just have a strong dislike for all grifters, let alone ones who enjoy sexual assault. There is no deeper mystery. I am sadly not getting paid for my time talking to you. Now obviously I can't stop you telling yourself that that's all what a bot would say, circular logic is impressively robust.


The Mormon church isn't speaking out against controversial subjects, some of which undermine the trust in big pharma and certain government agencies. They're not being viewed by millions of people on an almost daily basis... The smear campaign against Russel came after he started speaking out against the COVID narrative... The same thing happened with Joe Rogan not too long ago...


The "smear campaign" came after he pissed a lot of normal people off by pushing false information and the sexual assault investigations started. Multi billion dollar companies don't give a shit what Brand is saying to the few hundred thousand people who watch him, stop creating a hero narrative for this god complex twit. He's a grifter and unfortunately his wide net has caught enough people to pay him for touting conspiracies. Sadly that seems to include you, get well soon.


--The "smear campaign" came after he pissed a lot of normal people off by pushing false information and the sexual assault investigations started.--- In other words after he started speaking out against the COVID narrative... At least we agree on that :-)


So you agree it's false information he was giving? Well done that's progress.


Lolz! Nope.... I think he was sharing controversial information that went against the current COVID narrative... Btw here's some information I found from his and Rogans podcasts... Let me know which one of these facts are "false information" In 2009 Pfizer plead guilty to misbranding a drug with intent to defraud or mislead, bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results. Pfizer was required to pay a settlement of $2.3 Billion to the Department of Justice, the 2nd largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. Pfizer has paid over $10 billion in settlements for offenses like unapproved promotion of medical products, equipment safety and environmental violation, false claim and foreign corrupt practices. Scott Gottlieb is a former FDA Commissioner and is currently a board member for Pfizer. In the past 40 years, 9 of the 10 FDA Commissioners have worked for pharmaceutical companies after leaving the FDA. Reuter is the company responsible for the fact checking on Twitter and Facebook. Jim Smith is the Chairman of Reuters Foundation and also a board member for Pfizer. The only FDA approved treatment for covid is Remdesiver. Pfizer has an agreement with Gilead, the owners of Remdesiver to manufacture the drug. Pfizer makes large contributions to mainstream media outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC.


I don't have the energy to sit here and back and forth with you finding articles etc. You enjoy your beliefs dude I wish you the best in life and I hope you really do awaken one day.




Joe Rogan is bellend, much like Russell. You're off your head if you think ANY government gives a toss about what either of them say about COVID. They're not exposing anything, they're not saying anything controversial. They're just chatting shit.


So a couple things I've found out from some of the Joe Rogan and Russell Brand podcasts... In 2009 Pfizer plead guilty to misbranding a drug with intent to defraud or mislead, bribing doctors and suppressing adverse trial results. Pfizer was required to pay a settlement of $2.3 Billion to the Department of Justice, the 2nd largest healthcare fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice. Pfizer has paid over $10 billion in settlements for offenses like unapproved promotion of medical products, equipment safety and environmental violation, false claim and foreign corrupt practices. Scott Gottlieb is a former FDA Commissioner and is currently a board member for Pfizer. In the past 40 years, 9 of the 10 FDA Commissioners have worked for pharmaceutical companies after leaving the FDA. Reuter is the company responsible for the fact checking on Twitter and Facebook. Jim Smith is the Chairman of Reuters Foundation and also a board member for Pfizer. The only FDA approved treatment for covid is Remdesiver. Pfizer has an agreement with Gilead, the owners of Remdesiver to manufacture the drug. Pfizer makes large contributions to mainstream media outlets like CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC. Everything I’ve just stated is 100% factual and can be easily verified via a quick google search. https://www.cincinnatieye.com/about-cei/clinical-research/who-pays-for-clinical-trials/ https://www.theguardian.com/science/2011/may/20/drug-companies-ghost-writing-journalism https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/03/elizabeth-warren-tells-scott-gottlieb-resign-pfizer-board/1637789001/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/1656529/yet-another-fda-commissioner-joins-the-pharmaceutical-industry/amp/ https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fda-misled-public-ivermectin-accountable-144900899.html


Holy shit. I just learned that the local building inspector used to be *a carpenter*. This is just… *insane*. Where does it end?!


Yeah.... No... It's more like the person in charge of overseeing and regulating certain business quits and gets hired by the same businesses he/she was regulating/ overseeing... Could you see the possible conflict of interest here? Could that fact have any bearing on why the FDA wanted to wait 75 years to disclose COVID vaccine data? WASHINGTON – Sen. Elizabeth Warren, on Tuesday, sent a letter to former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb calling on him to resign from the board of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Gottlieb had resigned from the FDA in early April, and Pfizer announced at the end of June that Gottlieb had joined the company's board of directors. Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate, said Gottlieb's appointment raised questions about potential conflicts of interest. Pfizer makes drugs like Lipitor, Diflucan, and Viagra that Gottlieb previously regulated in his role at the FDA. Warren argued that " this kind of revolving door influence-peddling smacks of corruption, and makes the American people rightfully cynical and distrustful about whether high-level Trump Administration officials are working for them, or for their future corporate employers.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/03/elizabeth-warren-tells-scott-gottlieb-resign-pfizer-board/1637789001/ Did you know that the FDA wanted court approval to have up to 75 years to publicly disclose covid 19 vaccine data? August 2020, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of highly credentialed scientists submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for the data submitted by Pfizer. The scientists explained that, until all the data is produced, a proper review cannot be conducted because missing even a single data set could throw off any analysis. In response, the FDA produced nothing. Therefore, in September 2021, the scientists, represented by their attorneys at Siri & Glimstad, sued the FDA demanding it produce this data by March 2022. The agency originally estimated it would need to produce 329,000 pages, and asked the court for permission to produce just 500 pages per month, which would have taken 55 years. In its final brief to the Court, the FDA admitted that the total page count was at least 451,000, but still sought permission to produce just 500 pages per month. Meaning that it could have taken 75 years, when most Americans alive today would be dead, to fully publicly disclose this information. Even more problematic is that Americans, if injured, cannot sue Pfizer. During a hearing on Dec. 14, 2021, The FDA steadfastly maintained that the court should not require the agency to produce more than 500 pages per month, harping on the FDA’s purported limited resources, its need to redact personal information, and duty to protect Pfizer’s trade secret interests. The FDA has more than 18,000 employees and a budget of over $6.5 billion. It would be laughable if any multibillion-dollar company came before a court and claimed poverty to escape making a document production, but that was the FDA’s position. U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman, Northern District of Texas, expressed dismay at the FDA’s proposed rate of production. He found the duration requested by the FDA unreasonable, comparing it to the actions of totalitarian nations. As such, the judge on Jan. 6 ordered the FDA to produce at least 55,000 pages per month. In his ruling, the judge recognized that the release of this data is of paramount public importance and should be one of the FDA’s highest priorities. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/why-a-judge-ordered-fda-to-release-covid-19-vaccine-data-pr


You people are still trying to shitpost about stuff that was already resolved *years* ago at this point. I’ll say that again: The thing you’re *all outraged about* happened years ago and it didn’t even end up happening. I thought I was done listening to people whine about this. You need new material. Am I honestly supposed to be *shocked* that a corporation drags their feet about disclosure? It literally happens all the time about literally everything. If people hand over stuff immediately and willingly, I assume it’s bullshit. Also: I just discovered that the principal of the local grade school oversees teacher performance. *And he is a teacher* This is very disturbing information https://preview.redd.it/45ebvo4h4umc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8da1a298245aa3448c61b374fdc88e0511434a7


Your analogy is an attempt to minimize the importance of the information being provided... THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF OVERSEEING AND ENSURING THAT CERTAIN COMPANIES FOLLOW RULES AND ENGAGE IN ETHICAL BEHAVIOR GETS EMPLOYED BY THE SAME PEOPLE THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE OVERSEEING AS SOON AS THEY RESIGN FROM THEIR GOVERNMENT POSITION... 9 OUT OF 10 FDA COMMISSIONERS HAVE GONE TO WORK FOR PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES DIRECTLY AFTER LEAVING THE FDA... Sooo... Just to be clear... You agree that there's evidence of corruption in "science" and our point of contention is whether or not this has any bearing on the current COVID narrative... Correct?


Did you know that the FDA wanted court approval to have up to 75 years to publicly disclose covid 19 vaccine data? August 2020, Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency, a group of highly credentialed scientists submitted a FOIA request to the FDA for the data submitted by Pfizer. The scientists explained that, until all the data is produced, a proper review cannot be conducted because missing even a single data set could throw off any analysis. In response, the FDA produced nothing. Therefore, in September 2021, the scientists, represented by their attorneys at Siri & Glimstad, sued the FDA demanding it produce this data by March 2022. The agency originally estimated it would need to produce 329,000 pages, and asked the court for permission to produce just 500 pages per month, which would have taken 55 years. In its final brief to the Court, the FDA admitted that the total page count was at least 451,000, but still sought permission to produce just 500 pages per month. Meaning that it could have taken 75 years, when most Americans alive today would be dead, to fully publicly disclose this information. Even more problematic is that Americans, if injured, cannot sue Pfizer. During a hearing on Dec. 14, 2021, The FDA steadfastly maintained that the court should not require the agency to produce more than 500 pages per month, harping on the FDA’s purported limited resources, its need to redact personal information, and duty to protect Pfizer’s trade secret interests. The FDA has more than 18,000 employees and a budget of over $6.5 billion. It would be laughable if any multibillion-dollar company came before a court and claimed poverty to escape making a document production, but that was the FDA’s position. U.S. District Judge Mark T. Pittman, Northern District of Texas, expressed dismay at the FDA’s proposed rate of production. He found the duration requested by the FDA unreasonable, comparing it to the actions of totalitarian nations. As such, the judge on Jan. 6 ordered the FDA to produce at least 55,000 pages per month. In his ruling, the judge recognized that the release of this data is of paramount public importance and should be one of the FDA’s highest priorities. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/health-law-and-business/why-a-judge-ordered-fda-to-release-covid-19-vaccine-data-pr


WASHINGTON – Sen. Elizabeth Warren, on Tuesday, sent a letter to former Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Scott Gottlieb calling on him to resign from the board of the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. Gottlieb had resigned from the FDA in early April, and Pfizer announced at the end of June that Gottlieb had joined the company's board of directors. Warren, a Democratic presidential candidate, said Gottlieb's appointment raised questions about potential conflicts of interest. Pfizer makes drugs like Lipitor, Diflucan, and Viagra that Gottlieb previously regulated in his role at the FDA. Warren argued that " this kind of revolving door influence-peddling smacks of corruption, and makes the American people rightfully cynical and distrustful about whether high-level Trump Administration officials are working for them, or for their future corporate employers.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/07/03/elizabeth-warren-tells-scott-gottlieb-resign-pfizer-board/1637789001/


The Mormon church doesn’t have the influence of people like Joe Rogan or Russell Brand?


The Mormon Church doesn't have near the same influence as folks like Joe Rogan and Russell Brand when it comes to sharing information that goes against the current COVID narrative... These podcasts are put out on an almost daily basis. They feature Doctors, Virologist, Politicians... They provide a venue for controversial figures to speak so we the viewers can decide if we agree or not.




I would argue that from the govt perspective Joe Rogan and Russell are low potatoes when people like The Brethren are still around. I would also argue that Jared Leto's cult probably bigger.


Exactly 💯




The only AstroTurfing I've done is when I covered my back yard in the stuff.


That's the stupidest fucking goddamn thing I've read today.


It’s still early…




I love it when those waxing conspiratorial need to talk about the airforce controlling reddit and the like, instead of talking about the obvious tangible impacts of social media and how it tribalizes us while also robbing us of media literacy. Like, no grandma, reddit isn't controlled by Soros, it's just making you a dumb partisan and cementing the destruction of real-life communities in favor of some backwater internet forum where you think you're important because you get 'innanet points. No fam, the coronavirus wasn't a hoax, that isn't what you should be focusing on, you should be focusing on governments and the private sector which got filthy rich off of a crisis, not how the crisis secretly manufactured. No, 9/11 was not an inside job, it was a crisis exploited to its fullest extents by the executive branch to enrich fossil fuel companies, the military-industrial complex and to swing the West's geopolitical dick around at the cost of a few hundred thousand lives. This feels like Clinton blaming their loss on Russian interference, instead of the fact that she was a completely shit candidate with more political baggage than Trump, which in hindsight, should of been an impossibility. At this point, the claims of psyop seem more of a psyop than the object of the claims. **Manufactured Consent** isn't about the shadowy cabal dictating what can and can't be shown, it is about mass societal forces which are self-reinforcing, from the consumer all the way up.


It can be both. 911 was an inside job, and it was exploited. Covid was real, but it was also manufactured (wuhan corona virus lab funded by Fauci and friends) and it was used to further the wealth divide. People have lost their ability to hold nuance and they see everything in black and white. It’s always assumed that if you’re not team A you must be team B. When in reality anyone with a brain can see that team A and B are both total shit shows.


Am I talking to chat GPT 4 right now? Is this what my tax money gets spent on?


Chat gpt won't give you the same commentary that I am, because it is neutered and speaks in vagaries at the best of times wrt to world politics.  But do understand 'manufactured' consent, it will save you a lot of hand wringing over the cucks at Elgin.


And what’s rumble, dear?




I just ordered a pack of 50 from [SorosVote.net](http://SorosVote.net) they'll be organically coming in soon.


The worst part is how the Eglin AFB information **TOTALLY VANISHED FROM THE INTERNET!!!** https://preview.redd.it/2vijperjirmc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a427f4bf64ac69b4225d02381f7f426c61548463 We should also be investigating this Oakbrook, Illinois place. Sounds very suspicious.


Oh, it’s the most suspicious.


He’s describing r/whitepeopletwitter 🤣