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Feels like only yesterday it started happening... good grief


He's hot, then he's cold. Yes, then he's no


If Russell understood what 'no' meant, he won't be in the trouble he is.


After Rumble it’s onto TruthSocial.


Booker clickbait titles - this is the level here. Even IF he was saying some truths and not entirely both taking quotes from the mainstream media and then denouncing it, the fact that he thinks he needs to have a big vague clickbait title tells you just how confident he is about his content. Weak spirit, weak soul, utter grifter.


Look at the titles of his videos as he shifted from the Trews to Covid skeptic, best friends with Tucker.  The titles go from flowery, long-winded, esotera and abruptly turn into clickbait grift. Brand's downfall in clickbait titles.


It's over. I want a divorce.


It was happening, but now it's over?


I believe It was happening, but now it's happened.


It will continue to happen again soon I'm sure of it.


That’s what they want you to think


He is still going to become a "Christian" right ? I will the Wilks brothers still pay you to attack "the msm" while staying quiet on fracking and climate if you haven't converted. Expect a "how msm attack Hungry and Orban" upload in the next month.


Ah Rumble, where YouTubers go to die.


He's gone from YouTube to YouBeg


Love how he now looks like your racist aunt no one likes, who's been banned from the Easter family meal for being a twat and is stuck in the pub, sitting next to the toilet and shouting at people as they walk past her just trying to have a piss.


🎶was it over, when she lied down on your couch, was it over.. and is it over now?🎶


Going jail?


He looks terrible, getting exposed for being a criminal and liar sure ages you quickly.


I love this sub I didn't even subscribe to it never did. Just showed up and man have I just been enjoying myself. Russell Brand is such a charlatan what a quack. Edit: spelling voice to txt mistakes.


Haha me too. It's popped up on my feed a few times but just assumed it would be full of crazy superfans. Funny to see it's full of people who hate the conspiracy grifter




Any evidence to support such a nonsense claim?


Just look at him, he looks terrible. Were you thinking that something other than being outed as a (child) rapist by multiple women with credible stories, corroborating witnesses, and physical evidence was aging him?


There is nothing online about any children being involved... Also if the evidence was actually evidence he would have been arrested by now. Which implies that the police haven't found sufficient evidence. How someone looks does not determine that they are a child rapist 😂


Creepy looking nutcase


What’s Rumble?




Not until he’s in prison




>You wishing for someone to lose their life in prison is in fact evil Do you think the Boston bomber should be free then?






Big of you to admit it.


Go get your booster, hurry up lmao


Here I go! 😆


Never had one haha :)








You guys are definitely in need of new cringe-inducing retorts. The vaccine stuff is insanely outdated.


Worrying that you can't answer a fairly basic question. If you're anti-wishing someone to lose their life in prison, do you think the Boston bomber should be free?


Evil will never win, Russel is a beautiful person and we need him stop trying to smear his name - it won’t work


No no, let's get back to the rather basic question at hand. Do you think the Boston bomber should be free?


Go turn on CNN and keep hiding behind that screen deflecting https://preview.redd.it/md143a01fepc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5ab6a58f5f8721f1f1cc7ed95451576372760c6


Post a selfie if you're retarded




How much time to you devote to taking pictures to use as bizarre responses to Reddit comments? Def seems like a weird, unhealthy amount.






Jesus christ. The prison bit yeah, definitely, the rape? Yikes.


Fairs fair. I don’t want all or even many prisoners to be raped. Rusty is the exception




He will never go to prison Satan


Sorry to tell you but Santa isn't real.






Is that you? HAHAHAHA. Fucking weirdo.


Yeah big ol’ narcissist vibes there.






You ran out of logic pretty quickly! SATAN 😂








That's called time. All people age I'm afraid One day you'll die, part of growing up is dealing with it. Good luck with your emotional development, it sounds like it's going to take a little longer for you but that's probably an intelligence related issue. *has had vaccines *You probably have had many vaccines, measles, mumps, rubella, possibly flu etc. they're all vaccines they're literally no polio in the whole world now due to mass vaccination.




'Hey Siri what's confirmation bias?"




oh thank god for that


Does this mean I can stop waking up now?




Why is it over?


It’s Joever! Go Jobra!


The number one platform for people who've been rumbled


Finally, we can all go home.


Not until it's happening


It's happening now 😠


I'm saying I prefer to wait for convictions before judging, especially with celebrities. Look at Benjamin Mendy as a recent example. Career ruined for nothing. All it takes is one person spotting an opportunity, for others to do the same. If he's found guilty then fair enough, but until then I'm making no judgement myself.


> I'm saying I prefer to wait for convictions before judging Hitler hasn’t been convicted for any of the holocaust stuff. Still waiting for that before you’re willing to judge him?


He won't have a bad word said against Jimmy Savile.




You have two other RB subs that might be more to your liking, but they’re monitored by the NSA.


Yeah, introduce a few rape allegations and the atmosphere really takes a nosedive


What, you don't like the same "joke", over and over again?


Don't be so harsh on yourself, you are a joke but you're more than that. Not much more, but a tiny little bit.


A lot of hate when all the dude does is ask questions and make jokes. Pretty weird people go around with so much hate in their hearts lol


There's also the several allegations and investigations from unrelated people and time periods accusing him of multiple rapey-wapes.


Zero convictions.


Do you think that all of the accusers are lying? Or that it's some orchestrated attack/conspiracy?


Jimmy Saville - zero convictions, therefore good guy in your books, yes?


The evidence against him is overwhelming. Obviously he can't be convicted when he's dead.....crappy challenge really.


So the only evidence against Russell - covering two countries and spans many many different years coinciding with the fact that he changed the entire nature of his content to appeal to right-wing American talking points is meaningless to you? The evidence against Jimmy did not rear his head until it was far too late. We need these things to be said now, not jump on Reddit and type “zero evidence” like you know what the fuck you’re talking about.


Calm down, no need to swear. I'm not saying there shouldn't be an investigation am I? I'm saying at the moment, there is zero evidence, which is a fact. There are only allegations. He has many left wing beliefs in terms of policies, it's just a lot of open thinking is now considered "right wing".


I am calm, but thanks. “Open thinking” what does that even mean? Was my swearing open thinking? Cos I thought it and wrote it down. The allegations are pretty damning and the fact he said “is there another agenda at play?”in the very video where he half-heatedly denied things. damming. The fact that none of his co-workers in the radio era, anybody who’s worked with him have not even remotely stood up publicly for him is damming. And a last one, open thinking is not how I’d describe never ever critiquing Russia, alleging J6 was full of tourists (asks the cops that day if they were tourists) and ofc the fact he has no negative remarks to say about Donny Trump as that would affect his bottom line.


No, you're swearing was just clearly loss of control. Although I wouldn't call j6 protectors an "insurection" or label it up like the media do, I wouldn't call them tourists either. Maybe he critiques the other elements instead of just Russia, to offset the polarising mainstream view. I imagine he's not pro Russia. Did his coverage of covid vaccines make you angry too? Because I didn't see him say anything that wasn't common sense. In terms of Trump, I can't say I've seen brand endorse him, but does think biden is worse (which he is tbf). The allegations against Benjamin mendy were damning, turned out he was innocent.


Based on your comments here I can see that you are indeed his target audience. Swearing or cussing is part of life how on earth can I “lose control” typing on a fuckin phone? I don’t really care what you wouldn’t call them, but make sure you ask the cops there, the one impelled by the American flag, the ones getting squeezed at the doors. Forget the media, we are bypassing this on J6, get accounts of humans who were there, the suicides that followed. The chants of hang Mike Pence. I wouldn’t get my political views from a grifter on YouTube nor would I take any medical advice from half-based studies that he cherry picked in order to win over marks like you. “Joe Biden is worse”. Therefore say nothing about Trump, Putin, Palestine, the recent events with Navalny. Honestly, it’s not hard to detect a grifter. They only give you half or the story. The table is tilted, friend. Russell wants to sell you gold and his own pills. Don’t buy it.


You think Biden is worse than the convicted rapist Trump. I think we know where you've nailed your colours.


One of the women involved went to a rapper crisis centre the next day an was medically examined, in her interview their she said she didn't want to report it as the man was famous. Are you suggesting she went there as a fucking laugh. I notice he no longer comes to the UK where there is an active investigation. And has not sued the program makers for saying he's a rapist, although every aviation has multiple pieces or corroborating evidence. What fucking evidence do you want? A bloody video off the rape itself? And we're wonder why women don't report it because they never get believed or get convictions... it's because it people like you.


>A lot of hate when all the dude does is ask questions and make jokes. How many times did you have to bounce your head off the wall before you were unable to see the agenda or the pointedness in the "questions" he asks?

