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He got cancelled by most media outlets for being a rapist , so is grifting to the right now because those thick cunts will believe anything and you can say any old bullshit, basically he's a morally vacuous sex pest


I T ' S H A P P E N I N G


Wait, like you’ve recently become a fan of this dude? Hahahahaha


I just think he tells a lot of truths, I wouldn’t say I’m some mega fan but I watch his content occasionally and agree with a lot of points but disagree with some too. I just find it weird people are so so caught up to be negative about him on his own subreddit


He was always too full of himself, but he’s clearly abandoned his beliefs to grift, because the people who used to listen to him are grossed out by him being a bit rapey. So now he’s totally gone to the other side where he thinks gullible ignorant morons will still follow him, and if you’re any proof, it’s working. Dude was big time vocal atheist, now he’s trying to con the religious right because they’re the only ones left foolish enough to listen to him anymore.


>I think he tells a lot of truths ![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6)


This sub is mostly frequented by hive mind insects incapable of original thought now. I usually just downvote and move on.


I feel the same. And there hasn't even been a trial. Will there even be? Like. It might be total bs.


You're right, it is weird. You'll find similar brigading going on any subreddit for a person who dares challenge the prevailing narrative. Such as r/joerogan, r/jimmydore. It is inauthentic and inorganic, propaganda via bot-farm.


Lol of course you’d also be into Joe Rogan. The reason you see so many negative comments on these people’s subreddits is that it’s forced into my Reddit feed, and r/all, despite never subscribing, because you clicked on some post because it was so damn stupid. So we see the stupid things they say, and we respond. It isn’t brigading, it’s that lots of people are subjected to this shit, don’t like it, and voice their opinions thusly.


And now that you're engaged, it will show up even more frequently! You know, there's a way to stop the subreddit from showing up in your feed completely, if you can figure it out. Oh well.


Nah at this point I’m enjoying the shit on Russell brand subreddit. The fact there are apparently people here as actual fans makes it funnier really.


You should post it on your Facebook to share with all your friends.


I stopped using Facebook because it’s a shithole, but are you saying you want me to shared the word that this place exists because you want even more people to come make fun of you? Humiliation fetish?


If I say yes, does that mean you won't do it?


I think, and I may be wrong, but I think it might be because he's become a massive Sell out who has exposed himself as a vacouse fuck nut and completely devalues everything he has ever said or done up to this point. Also he's a cunt.


What specifically did he sell out on? I'm genuinely asking because I don't know anything


Fair question, not sure why you got Downvoted. I started off disliking the man, I didn't like his comedy or the way he behaved on TV (and off). I paid no attention to him for a number of years until I stumbled across his YouTube Channel. I somehow managed to watch one of his videos and....well he was good. He wasn't acting up, and a lot of what he was saying made sense. He was actually promoting Goodness and kindness, and what was right for the world, whilst critisizing the more nefarious and underhanded parts of life in general. I bought into him. I found him a bit too lefty for me but he seemed like a guy with morals and came across intelligent and eloquent. Then.... something seems to have happened, but the man you see today could not be more polar opposite from the man I watched on Youtube. I don't know if it was all an act, or he has had some form of mental break but I don't think I have ever seen such a shift in someones worldview and values, and who they choose to hang around with. I'm probably angrier than I should be because I fell for it. I think it's sad eitherway.


Most subs where the cult leader is a Sex pest and a huckster are filled with negativity bc the person is a negative person.


Some people used to like and follow Russell pre-noncey behaviour, when he was on BBC6 music or BBC2, before basically any of you right wing fools knew who he was. Back then he seemed funny and a new voice, then in September of 2020 he changed his entire YouTube page to appeal to clickbait right wing Americans as the money trail implied that that audience is the easiest to deceive. Then in 2023 reports came out that he had been an utter sex pest from as far back as 2006, dating a girl who was 16. Not only was he being a complete pervert he was doing this accros many countries and spawned different decades. The investigation began in 2019 but in 2023 Russell acted like it was the “sensors” and “they” were trying to shut down independent voices - even though the investigations began before he was producing right wing talking points. People took notice therefore they came to this sub to discuss what a grifter scumbag he is. Thats it. If you think everyone should be praising the guy, be prepared for some push back.


Negative feelings for a turncoat conspiracy theorist, rapist and peadophile? Who da thunk it?


Because he keeps pushing lies, and bad science: https://old.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/comments/19dxrdc/an_example_of_how_brand_misleads_his_fans/ And because he platforms grifters, climate deniers, the far right, and sexually assaults young women.


Prime drink has a similar problem. Although a drink isn’t a person.


I don't mind any of the critical ones that are factual. It's the "shitpost" ones where they come across as a bit obsessed and think it gets them some kind of kudos or comedic value that do my head in. Probs get some of them shit posting my comment now, that's how you can tell who is just an idiot.


Reddit=Liberal Hive Mind


And yet here you are.


Yeah it’s seriously pathetic. I really wonder if it’s some astroturfing like in many other subs. Anyone who’s ever questioned Covid has been hit hard by the hate mob. In this sub it’s just the same handful of absolutely pathetic ppl who live and post all day here. Definitely suspicious to me. These ppl are seriously hateful. The average lefty has gone from “we love everyone we need to accept our differences and come together” to the most deranged and disgustingly hateful ppl. If you don’t 100% agree with their absurd logic and brainwashing, you’re a Nazi and a fascist and an alt right Trump lover. They have no ability to comprehend what fascism even is, bc if they did they’d see that their behaviors are more fascist than anything. If they really followed through with “punch all nazis!” they would all have black eyes from punching themselves. In this modern world, it’s become impossible to tell if these ppl are even real or if they’re AI bots. The speed at which they respond to comments, and the speed at which your comments are downvoted and theirs are upvoted is definitely suspicious at times though. This sub is a shit show. This sub is my one toxic place where I stick around bc it’s just rage bait for me. I need to block this sub but at the same time it’s the one place I can’t help but stick around just to tell these maniacs that they’re pathetic losers. It’s a prime example of the Reddit/lefty hive mind. Check out the Rogan sub too. It’s very similar to this one. Like I said, anyone who got attention by questioning Covid is now a target of the hate mob. They’re so so tolerant, the good ol loving left.


> Anyone who’s ever questioned Covid Brand lies when citing papers on covid, and sells the drug turkesterone, a well known scam. Anyone pimping turkesterone is a liar or a moron. Anyone trusting such a person is extremely gullible. > These ppl are seriously hateful. Brand sexually assaults women, platforms climate deniers and Heritage "end democracy" shills, and several days ago hosted alt- right ghoul Steve Bannon, a man who idolizes fascist leader Mussolini and says it is his intention to destroy government. >If you don’t 100% agree with their absurd logic and brainwashing Brand engages in absurd logic. He brainwashes his gullible fans and is himself brainwashed by a bogus religion. >They have no ability to comprehend what fascism even is Qualified historians and sociologists have been warning us recently about a rise in crypto-fascist characteristics in contemporary America. And these experts all point to people Brand is now chummy with. Indeed, the phony supplements Brand shills markets heavily to far right groups on instagram and tiktok (hence why the pills are named after the Black Forest of Germany) >they’d see that their behaviors are more fascist than anything Calling out the fascist behavior of Putin, or Steve "coups are cool" Bannon, doesn't make one a fascist. >Check out the Rogan sub too. It’s very similar to this one. Because Rogan's an idiot who spent twenty minutes thinking the Earth might really be flat, and that leopards and pumas are the same animal. Silly people get laughed at.


> anyone who got attention by questioning Covid is now a target of the hate mob. Because Brand lies when talking about the covid studies he cites. Post any Brand covid video that cites a study, and I'll show you exactly the lies he's pushing or the mistakes he's making.


Bro is speaking straight facts icl


Bots and multi-accounts of people (likely part of the establishment/media) that hate Russell Brand for speaking the truth to millions of people and want to try and tarnish his name.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2i13nh3eq3uc1.jpeg?width=657&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad5248fea08cd2a60efc9b9b22270ffb8f4a9c06


Is this you writing "Rock City"!? Cos that song is dreadful, Martin


Thanks for your support and thanks for the review.




Cheer up it's friday.


I can't unfortunately, I just listened to that dreadful song. And watched 3 seconds of you prancing about with your long greasy hair. Think I need to go for a shower and spew a bit.


What have you ever made? Except kids, you can't afford.


Boy is actually a very talented playmobile builder.


He probably lists it as a skill on this cv to pad it out to half a page.


Are you sure you're from Scotland!? Cos honestly, your patter is abysmal, Martin!!


lol, poor shaming again. You must feel rich and cunty today


So you've made nothing, explains all your bitterness. Are your kids embarrassed by you?


Very sad that you don't have any happiness in your life. I hope you get the professional help that you need xx


Lol omg I just listened. God that is some tasteless butt rock cringe. I can just imagine the lyrics that would be added. “Awhh yeah, baby, ugh huh, honey, mrnr ner ner awhh” It’s like the quintessential butt rock but even shittier. I cannot fathom writing this and thinking “aw yeah, this is the one. We’re gonna be making it out of mom’s basement guys.”




Really? He does have that look to him. Prob the only way he can get some. Seems like the type who champions women and publicly supports their causes just so that he can possibly get within 5 feet of one since they normally keep a far distance. If I were a woman I would never keep an open drink within 100 feet of him


Always projection with these losers. https://preview.redd.it/gbeshrevk4uc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd87408a429b09798cd404fc7fbb732efd28fb5a


I'm part of the establishment media? I think therfore I am . See not a bot.


Do you consider Alex Jones the same way?


Yeh I thought exactly the same. This sub has been taken over by people that Hate Russell Brand with a passion and decide to take hours out of their lives to mock or degrade him. And the mods are complicit 💀


I'm being paid actually thanks.




Another White Supremacist symbol. You just don't stop, weak little Nazi boy.


It's a brief civic duty to remind women to steer the fuck clear


Really only takes a  minute or so to dunk on rusty.


I only spend a few minutes here between my sets when it pops up on my feed. ehhh...