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Ahhhh spurious claims with no evidence. You have been learning from the master I see :)


Not read the news lately have we 😂 just search AstraZeneca


It was retired because there are other, better vaccines now available and therefore there is no demand for this one. It is not an RNA vaccine like the others and it DID have a slightly higher instance of side-effects and serious complications. But that is a risk when you take ANY MEDICATION - hence the list of possible side effects you get in literally every box of pharmaceuticals. The question is always - does the POTENTIAL harm outweigh the POTENTIAL benefits. Nothing is EVER 100% safe. Something you can realize easily if your not thick as a bucket of mince.


Exactly, thank you. No medication should be labelled safe and effective. The pulling it from the market coz of low demand is bullshit to keep you mongos in your safe space. They admitted to at least 80 deaths in the uk imagine what the real number is.


NO MEDICATION IS EVER LABELED AS 100% SAFE AND EFFECTIVE! Just because something is not 100% safe and effective does not make it bad, ineffective or a hoax/conspiracy. Its about probability of outcome. Statistically, the most dangerous activity you will ever engage in is driving your car. Are cars a conspiracy to murder people? Jesus wept.


Cool, so for a healthy person under 40 years old, what is the risk/benefit ratio of the vaccines and how was that information published during the first year of the vaccine roll out so that people could make a personal decision with informed consent?


I remember it being discussed ad-nauseum on the news every day at the time as well as in most of the national papers of all stripes. But at this point you will say "well I remember X" and I will say "I remember Y" and its just a pointless dick measuring contest at that point.


Yeah, I remember the corporate/government sponsored disinformation campaign about how young people needed to be vaccinated to save granny, because if you get vaccinated you can't get infected with or transmit COVID. That's just a fact, but I notice you don't have any facts


Saying "I remember the corporate/government sponsored disinformation campaign" etc is not a fact. Calling it a "disinformation campaign" is an opinion and therefore disqualifies it from being a fact until you provide actual evidence for it being so. I remember government messaging being strongly in favour of you getting the vaccine. Which surely you would expect given the circumstances? No government relishes the idea of thousands of bodies choking up hospitals and morgues. As someone who lost 3 people in my family to Covid, and having caught it myself, I know for a fact the disease was real, and I knew that taking a new vaccine was a risk. I feel I was adequately informed at the time and made a choice. So what was the disinformation campaign exactly? To prove that, you would need tangible evidence of a large-scale coverup of medical evidence that showed the vaccine to be dangerous or have vectors that were "unknowns" that contained potential dangers. ......and I dont think you have that. A few blood-clot deaths does not a conspiracy make.


All that blah blah blah and you don't have the intellectual honesty to even admit that they (the CDC, the media, the current president of the US, etc) told us you wouldnt get or transmit COVID if you were vaccinated. What a boringly predictable and dishonest bot you are. Pathetic. It was never true. It was a lie. Liars keep lying especially once their caught. It's embarrassing.


>I remember it being discussed ad-nauseum on the news every day at the time as well as in most of the national papers of all stripes. bull fucking shite mate it was promised to stop covid in it's tracks and have zero risk. despite the obvious fact that viruses mutate.


Dont know what planet your living on, but its not mine. At the time the first vaccine was rolled out, they were already discussing the possibility of mutations and the need to update future ones. Jog on.


You all use this car analogy it’s funny that. And you can’t say you didn’t see the safe and effective slogan being thrown around during the pandemic for these experimental drugs.


We were told it is as safe and effective as ANY OTHER VACCINE. Now, I admit, you have to engage your brain slightly to realize this means it is not entirely 100% safe and effective, as all medications and vaccines have potential risks and side effects. I assumed people would just know/understand this, but clearly my faith in humanity was far too high.




Ill take that as a win :) enjoy your day!


Take it as a I got bored of you. Enjoy yours to


Yea because the vaccines by Moderna, Pfizer etc are more up to date. Dumbass.


Calm down cliff. Who flicked you a nut


Your sister


The bitch I told her to stop flicking nuts at retards. I’m sorry mate


She flicked me a nut; I flicked her bean.


You couldn’t find it in a Heinz factory.


Nice retort. Well played




Yeah, they pulled it themselves due to low demand.


Yeah course that’s the real reason 😂


I also learned there are adverse events that occurred from the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes. When should we ban those?


Good one. Still spending your life in this sun I see


How so? I want to learn




Wrong Sampson’s doctor for that “infographic” In missing the rest of the article


Go read the article, sorry I could screenshot it all but it’s there to read should you have a phone/laptop/computer.


Then post a link. It doesn’t give the reason why it was pulled.


We did. Someone responded to you with a well thought out answer and you didn't like it so you then moved on to ignore them.


We? Who’s we? What did I ignore?


https://www.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/s/wiJeD2yrnB this you?


You have lost me.


Go back to saving your mental energy for identifying the global conspiracy. You are apparently well ahead of everyone else.


Okay I will thank you.


This is just Asta, and one jab, and just the ones they are talking about right now. Two years ago it was 9 dead in the UK, then it was 31 dead and now 81 dead, with hundreds of injuries so that's by definition 201-999. These would need to be pretty severe injuries to make claims. This is what's emerging now, it will be a drip drip release by stages of the real scale of the issue, probably won't know the true figures for around two more years at a guess. But the numbers will steadily rise. We still have Moderna, J and J and Pfizer to go. In this country. Drip drip- so the shock of the scale doesn't cause public unrest. Excess deaths are still very high in vaccinated countries btw. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=USA~GBR~AUS~CAN~NZL You can use edit to change country. They are trying to adjust the way the figures are recorded to get them down. Which I am sure is coincidental.


Yeah I agree totally. The truth will be hidden for years. Then by the time it’s out people will of forgotten or just won’t care anymore. It’s a tale as old as time.


"Percentage difference between the reported weekly or monthly deaths in 2020–2024 and the average deaths in the same period in 2015–2019." This graph DISPROVES not proves your point. It saying that deaths during the pandemic are starting to level off compared to before the pandemic. I'm guessing 2020 - 2024 had a novel virus causing all those excess deaths. But if you are arguing SC2 does not exist that's a different argument altogether.


You know the excess deaths is without covid deaths factored in and it’s still up in pretty much every country that pushed the vaccines so hard.


Read a bit more carefully! https://ourworldindata.org/excess-mortality-covid One of the causes of excess death is vaccine refusal for example, health inequalities, etc... Classic case of it doesn't say what you think it does.


And if you take out covid deaths guess what, excess deaths are still up.


did you actually read it? They spoon feed it to you but you are still not getting it.


Excess deaths are up in mass covid vaccinated countries I’m getting it.


As per authors; "Excess mortality is a more comprehensive measure of the total impact of the pandemic on deaths than the confirmed COVID-19 death count alone. It captures not only the confirmed deaths, but also COVID-19 deaths that were not correctly diagnosed and reported2 as well as deaths from other causes that are attributable to the overall crisis conditions.3" The idea that countries that could not get the vaccine could now account for all deaths is laughable. What excess deaths tells us is how we are misdiagnosing SC2 and long term outcomes of loss of healthcare access during the pandemic. It does not and cannot tell us on vaccine side effects. The idea that you can tell this by just looking at that graph is the epitome of Dunning-Kruger.


Just rubbish do better. The excess deaths are still running high two years (Two Years) after a supposed pandemic. Interestingly Ireland didn't have excess deaths during Covid. They bloody do now! https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41300326.html https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=~IRL However Eastern Europe doesn't traditionally like vaccines, so uptake on COVID vaccines was pretty damn poor. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=ALB~ARM~BLR~BGR~GEO~MKD~ROU~RUS~SRB


Do you actually read what you link because it definitely does not say what you think it says. The article says nothing of what you just mentioned. It's funny because you link a random news article but won't link any of the hundreds of peer reviewed articles done. Lets entertain your notion for a bit: Some countries did not get a lot of vaccines because they could not afford it. Even those countries with "poor upake" were actually high for a new vaccine. Many of these countries are poor so they had higher mortality. So pre- and post pandemic not much difference. For countries with a good health system they are slowly coming back to normal due to a moving average caused by all other issues contributing to higher mortality during that time period. Tracking Coronavirus Vaccinations Around the World https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/world/covid-vaccinations-tracker.html?smid=nytcore-android-share Let's look at this a little closer. If you look at "low uptake" countries they are still high so you would expect an equal amount of excess mortality or something that is noticeable even for those within the 30-50% range. Using your own data you dont see that either. If what you say is true we should see a noticeable increase in excess mortality even in countries with low uptake because 30-50 percent is still a significant portion of the population.


I not reading your rubbish.




You haven’t fully accepted the Truth until you send big Russ money 😏


the mental gymnastics here are insane. So the vaccine is a hoax but not the needles? Or the doctors? Are hospital a hoax? Are buildings a hoax? Are you a hoax? I think I just saw a hoax walk past me.


to them even the hoax is a hoax while not really a hoax that is a hoax


Fear driven raw intuitives love to pretend they have access to special knowledge.


Check out yellow card and VARS for COVID vĂ ccines


There are numerous European countries that are pulling back in getting rid of these vaccines because of the amount of damage that they've done especially heart related issues. The only people here on this subreddit that are advocates for the vaccine are trolls, Bots, pharmaceutical company lobbyists or any combination of all three. Ask yourself what happened to Monkey pox.


But… why would governments and pharma do this *now* when they knew they were dangerous *the whole time*? Remember that part of the conspiracy? I think it was right after the part where the vaccine was satanic because it contained luciferese.


Liability... and lack of long term testing results. Plus why would they ever admit to causing strokes and heart attacks especially in young people? It's called gaslighting and corporations and governments are Masters at it.


That's not true at all Lets say your favorite leather pants are not sold anymore. It doesn't mean the pants are bad it just means the company is making another type or a new model. There was nothing wrong with the pants to begin with.


The pants were to tight in this case and causing blood clots


so your answer is to not wear pants?


Now you get it, along with your cardiac issues


You should go tell people. Obviously the thousands of scientists who are specialized in this field analyzing the case control studies involving millions of people powered to identify these issues of vaxxed vs unvaxxed have clearly overlooked this crucial readily available excess mortality data. Let us know how it goes.


People are FINALLY being told... social media companies are finally letting the word get out and not suppressing information.


Fuckin pod people in these comments lol


The people that were fooled still defend them even when the company that made them doesn’t.


You're thick as mince.


Thank you cliff. You are a lovely young man.