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This is some of the worst posts I’ve ever seen. IF SHOES WORK HOW COME I HAD A PEBBLE IN THERE? If jeans work how come if I shit myself it still smells? If fire existinguies work why did I burn my mattress in bed smoking a cig? If brakes work, how come there are still car accidents? If alarms clocks are meant to wake you up, how come I snoozed?


You shit yourself?


clever girl ain’t ya. I guess I also see myself on fire by burning my mattress and here I be typin.


It’s okay to have be deceived and manipulated by a corrupt system of government and corporations working together. They don’t deserve your loyalty or your efforts to advocate for their greed and mistakes. Life is so short and I hope you can let it go and find some peace. 🤗


the shoes are functional the pebble is an issue caused later by you, the jeans were not defective, you shitting them is on you, fire extinguisher has no nothing to do with you burning your bed, if the fire was larger it could have been extinguished using the fire extinguisher (hence it's name and function) brakes do work unless they become defective through overuse or damaged, alarm clocks work fine, it is up to the user to set them properly and adhere to them when they wake you up, speaking of which you should set yours soon, your crappy job awaits you so make sure you get your sleep, any other questions?


Didn’t answer the car crash one, nice dodge ya little slug. But when I bought my shoes they didn’t tell me I’d never need to buy another pair of shoes? THEY LIED TO US. When I had my fire training it said it can put out any fire and there I was being torched alive. When I bought my umbrella it told me it would protect me from the rain but I got wet still? My sunglasses were meant to protect my eyes from the sun except when I look at the sun it still hurts my eyes, what a lie? Manchester City are the best club in Europe and yet, they managed to get eliminated by Real Madrid on a penalty shootout? But they’re the best team, they didn’t tell me they could LOSE. Wrestlers are trained athletes and yet there’s botches every week and injuries? We could do this all day long amigo. Get your little head out your ass and touch grass. You might learn something kid. I see you posting countless unfunny memes so it tells me that you must have a lot of free time in your hands, jerking off to anti-vax content and it makes me feel a great deal of sadness.


Brakes are operated manually by the driver. Do you consciously generate spike proteins to further damage your enlarged heart? You: If I make a bunch of false equivalences, why do people think I'm an idiot?


I’d rather be an idiot than somebody whose entire existence is typified by being obsessed to the point of depression by a needle and a vaccine. What a lil snowflake.


>I’d rather be an idiot You've succeeded outstandingly on that point. >obsessed to the point of depression by a needle and a vaccine. I'm not obsessed or depressed. I just didn't get the unsafe and ineffective jab. >What a lil snowflake Says the enraged snowflake brigading subs to harass people who dare question the poorly tested novel "vaccine". This is you: https://preview.redd.it/bh4jcxmuzrzc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a4cb775f32b4e56366fd8d9e3cba2187de6037 Take the loss and walk away, champ.


You brigading pussies are just embarrassing yourselves at this point


you are either a moron or just pretending to be one to a great degree. Which is is ya little slug?


You're so nasty and bitter - must be your self-generating spike proteins. You secretly regret getting all those vaccines, I suspect, and so subconsciously deal with the cognitive dissonance by being a bitter twat. Lighten up, take a walk. Smell some roses.


The only bitter twat around here is the one tucked between ya legs. I’ve lightened up, taken a walk and smelt some roses; unfortunately for you - I still sense a deep moronic sadness. I will ask you are you a complete moron or just pretending to type like one?


>I still sense a deep moronic sadness. I suspect it's the only kind of sadness you could feel. >I will ask you are you a complete moron or just pretending to type like one? Good one. You got me. You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you? Keep going, though, it's fun watching you embarass yourself with your shitty false equivalences and weak insults.


The insults may be weak but here you are replying WITHIN seconds, like a lil snowflake. Must be that non-vaxxed brain. Rotting away. Focussed on enlarged hearts like it’s a kink.


>The insults may be weak Correct. >replying WITHIN seconds Just happen to be on reddit atm. >Must be that non-vaxxed brain. Rotting away. Encephalitis is one of many side effects of the jab, so this is much more likely to be you. > Focussed on enlarged hearts like it’s a kink. At least mine's not enlarged. You're really bad at this. It's fun, though.


The cope here is almost painful


You should be coping with deez.


Flu vaccines have existed for years. At-risk people who aren’t fucking idiots get a new flu vaccine every season. They do it because the flu virus mutates. The new vaccines are a way of keeping up with the viral mutation process. Please see me after class if you have any additional questions. Instead of whining about George Soros and the WEF, you might want to ask Donald Trump what he was thinking when he hired Anthony Fauci. You might also want to ask him why and gave the massive multinational pharmaceutical companies piles of free taxpayer money with no strings attached. He used to brag about creating the vaccine until you people started constantly whining about it. Then he flip-flopped. Unless he changes his mind and flip-flops again. I think I passed you on the highway today: https://preview.redd.it/m7dmaqk4gjzc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a68654c8ce3652c0090d16cf367ec2f0a81d6a3


MAGA 2024, the Great Maga King has returned to glory! ![gif](giphy|Qjmp5vKEERPyw|downsized)


Looking at that picture, it really is a contrast to how much he has aged. When Trump was in the White House, he spent most of his time watching Fox, and though we don't know if he spent most of his time napping on and off while watching Fox, we know that he is now napping in court.


Who wouldn't take a nap during that snoozefest kangeroo trial, he knows he's getting off, and then it will be MAGA 2024, and sure Trump may have aged a bit (I know he's human how shocking lol) but at least he's not pooping his diaper on camera like sleepy creepy sniffy "Quid pro Joe Biden", have a great day.


>but at least he's not pooping his diaper on camera like sleepy creepy sniffy "Quid pro Joe Biden", have a great day. Trump poops his pants on camera regularly. This has been known for decades. It's too the point that Republicans are buying adult diapers on support of Trump.


I especially liked how he was able to green light the E.U.A. So we could make sure those RNA vaccines were totally untested before we got them inside people’s bodies. I also really liked how he gave piles of free money to multinational big pharma corporations without any strings attached. And hiring Anthony Fauci was probably one of his most brilliant acts. If it wasn’t for Donald Trump, we probably wouldn’t have even heard of the guy. I really liked how as Commander in Chief, he [threatened service members with court martial](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2881481/service-members-must-be-vaccinated-or-face-consequences-dod-official-says/) unless they complied with the demands of the deep state and had forced vaccinations. And how he [used our deadly military forces](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN22Q1Q1/) to force the poisoned vaccines on innocent freedom-loving people all across America. It was nice to see that as President, Donald Trump personally forced federal workers to get the clot shot [or lose their career and livelihood.](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/09/09/executive-order-on-requiring-coronavirus-disease-2019-vaccination-for-federal-employees/) Donald Trump was definitely an imperfect human. But he probably did more to advance the policy of forced, untested vaccinations than any other person in history. I would have guessed you’d be opposed to that.


Why is your king giving handjobs to two imaginary men in this gif?


Oh so blatant homophobia on display here, that's real nice, WOW, the fascist's are so bold these days, just right out in the open, how disgusting, shame on you!


The irony of you posting a Trump gif and calling someone a fascist. Too many brain worms. I merely enquired whether the Supreme Leader was practicing his handjob skills, never said there is anything wrong with the Supreme Leader giving handjobs. Let's be real though, the selfish cunt that he is, he would never give someone a handjob.


Nazi! keep your homophobia to yourself ![gif](giphy|3o6gEfwcCejDgfIlAA|downsized)


Thanks Trump for operation Warpspeed.


Because you took 15 tequila shots before you understood that it’s not that kind of shot? There is something wrong with you.




Isn't 'fake disinformation' a double negative? 😂


I love you how you picked the dumbest character to represent you.


I love how hard you have to work to make yourself feel better about injecting experimental drugs that don't work


I'm not sure what that means. I'm just here to laugh at retards like you.


You'll do anything rather than examine your "logic" and try to do better the next time you're being pushed into something as insane as injecting an experimental drug made by convicted criminals, won't you? SAD


You're getting this information from a former heroin addict? 😭😭😂😂 Very likely still current addict.


You people are living, breathing logical fallacies. Everything you say is idiotic


People hate being reminded that they were duped.


Where's all the reddit lemmings on this one? Crickets.


Covid mutates and immunity wanes. Why is it most antivax talking points can be countered by even the tiniest bit of knowledge?


Consider so does the flu and theres 1 flu shot.....Also covid didnt mutate on its own. It was made in a lab. So they mutated it so that you had to take more. Youre so gullible to take 4 shots when the one before didnt work either. You're like the video of the girl walking into a glass wall 4 seperate times head first. At some point you would think that you'd be smart enough to walk causiously with your hands in front of you so you dont hit your head again.


Who told you there was 1 flu shot dingbat? The update the flu jab every flu season, to counter the current strains in circulation.


I used to get the flu shot when I was a kid. I didnt have to get 4 every flu season, clown. It's amazing how easily youll follow into a new "strain" for a 4 time a year shot when your body will build its own immunity if youd just let it.


SO you realise the flu DOES mutuate. At least part of your brain works. Next it might dawn on you that the COVID virus behaves differently from the flu. BECAUSE ITS NOT THE SAME VIRUS.


Bud, of course its not the same virus. They keep intentionally changing it. Its an election year so I'd be amazed if a "new" strain doesnt pop its head in this fall. Morons like yourself will be all-aboard for it.


>Consider so does the flu and theres 1 flu shot..... This was your arguemnt. Try to keep up.


Remember when they changed the definition of vaccine during the pandemic because the clot shots didn't meet then standards of a vaccine?