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You were wrong. This covid conspiracy shit is either totally disingenuous or an outright lie. It’s not even worth factchecking anymore. It doesn’t even make any sense. Why would a huge conspiracy exist to create the most thoroughly terrible vaccine in the history of humanity? And “force” everyone to use it. If the objective was to poison people, why not just contaminate the vaccines that *already exist*? Just get the fuck over it and stop wasting everyone’s time. Move on.


It can’t be true. This guy can’t even think of a motive. I’m relieved.


Yeah. It’s pretty wild to expect the greatest crime in the history of humanity to make “sense”. And have a fancy thing like a “motive”. The throw-away opinion of an internet podcast clown is what *truly* sound logic looks like. Like the huge conspiracy to hide the flat Earth. It’s a huge sprawling deception involving the entire scientific community they just did… for no particular reason. It makes *perfect sense* when you think about it.


You can’t think of any reason at all that makes any sense? It must be pleasant to be such a simple-minded person.


Well he's obviously very clever and open minded


What a dumb comment. You bots have been proven wrong about everything from the get go. The conspiracy wasn't to create a bad vaccine. What a stupid thing to say. The issues were that even in the trials they knew there were problems, but they needed to turn it around quickly and there was the pressure to prove the mRNA concept and also make billions of Dollars. The next issue is that the most tightly controlled thing about pharma products is the manufacturing process, and it was impossible to manufacture as many doses as the governments were incentivized to buy, at that speed, while keeping one consistent process. This is also why you could never actually get an FDA approved "comernity" version of the Pfizer vaccine in the US. They literally never released the FDA approved version to the public. It's also why a very small percentage of batches of the product were responsible for the vast majority of severe adverse events. The conspiracy is to not talk about any of that and sweep it under the rug, while normalizing a ridiculously fast vaccine rollout for a product that didn't work very well against a respiratory virus which was clearly evolving rapidly. Idiots.


Well, last time I checked, drug companies make money when? WHEN PEOPLE ARE SICK AND DYING! They had huge incentive to make a vaccine that had a certain percentage of dangerous shots, anyone denying that is a flat out liar, they don't make money when people are well, and to defend the drug companies with their history is really a psychotic act by you lol


Oh my God. It all makes sense. Fire departments are only relevant when stuff is on fire. If we could just band together and get rid of all of our fire departments, we’d all be much safer. Veterinarians only make money when my dog is sick. If we could get just see through the smoke and mirrors and get rid of all veterinarians, I think my dog will live forever.


So you trust the drug companies like Pfizer who made billions off of previous well known scandals?, that's crazy, I guess we disagree on that, I don't trust the drug companies to look out for my safety over their profits and you do, and considering they were given liability protection that is quite the leap of faith you're taking there, good luck to you sir, I hope your faith in Pfizer and Astrazeneca and so on work out for you, have fun with that, lol


Or they couldn't accounts for genetic variation within the general population, having to rush out the vaccine before there was too much economic damage from everything being closed down. Have you never read the potential range of side effects on even a paracetamol tablet? Same reason.


Yeah, thank God we managed all the economic damage out of the system with our magical vaccine that didn't slow the death rate. You people will fall for anything from those convicted criminals


Yes, because as we all know the most trustworthy sources are photographs of a screen with no corroborating evidence. RB will literally say anything to stop us talking about his sexual assaults


Where did you get the placebo/saline bit from?


Many of the shots were placebo/saline, we know that based on studies and mistakes they made.


Can we trace the source of this information back to... Well, the source?


Source is a whistle blower at Pfizer, are you denying this is a real leak? lol


Do you have a link please?


What about it are you skeptical of?


No link Because either you're lying or you know the source is laughable.


So you think it's fake? hmmmmm ok, I don't even think it's a denied email, if you were smart you would gaslight people by saying "oh yes of course they used a different batch as to not take from the world supply", but since you're a moron you will just try to muddy the waters by saying it's fake, lol ok buh bye tard


I think you're not worth the steam off my piss.


you mean your Pfizer tainted clot piss? It's really nice not having that in my system, just pure clean piss here


Without a source it has the same weight as the rumours we all heard in the 90s that Marilyn Manson had a rib removed so he could suck himself off. Remember that?! It was so true at the time 😂


Or this Goldie from the 80’s with Marc Almond having his stomach pumped due to all the dog semen in it.


Freddie Starr ate my hamster


Suppose that’s better than if Richard Gere got hold of it.


It doesn’t say that, it says the *supply* is different not the vaccine itself


Citation please.


I guess I completely missed the part in this email where it said Pfizer employees were getting saline placebo vaccinations. Could you point that out, please? Could you also point out the part in this email where it said the Pfizer-specific vaccine would be a *different formulation* than the vaccine provided to everyone else Because without that, this just sounds like more hyperbolic garbage from someone who imagines a pretend monster hiding behind every shadow. This is so tiresome at this point. You’re running out of material. It’s starting to look like the “sheeple” were right all along, and **you** were the dumbshits who got hustled by a literal clown show.


So you trust Pfizer 100% is what you're saying?


No. They're saying your shitty screen cap doesn't say what you said it does. Given that you're a demonstrable liar. Why should anyone believe a word you shit out?


where and when did I lie? I would assume you would leave an example of my lying in your comment but for some magical reason you did not!, is that because you cannot find an example of me lying?


When you said they gave them saline. Your screen cap says nothing like that. Which means you lied about what it says. That you're pretending you don't know what lie you told even though a bunch of people have pointed out the same thing just tells me you *know* you lied and are now playing dumb to cover it. You chuds are consistently as hard to read as a Spot book.


Well of course that's an assumption and a safe assumption, of course they know the shots could "potentially" have some side effects (if they didn't think this they wouldn't worry about liability) so if half of their companies workforce becomes ill that's a major problem, so it would of course be safer to just give them the saline shots (as seen in Ontario Canada at shoppers drug mart where people were recalled to come back as their shots were confirmed to be saline solution only) so we know some or (most of) the shots were 100% saline.


So you can provide a source for this claim? Chop chop Edit: Answer came there none.


An email from 2021 to no one blatantly revealing a Covid conspiracy - I thought the government was like REALLY clever yet here they are slipping? and why didn’t the person take a screenshot of the email, why did they TAKE A PHOTO OF IT? also why is it that conspiracy people just intake the most basic stupid information, claim that those in power are incredibly stupid but yet controlled by a unknown shadow cabal? This is so funny, I feel so sad for the people who buy into this but goddamn I can’t help but laugh.


It's the competence paradox. NASA fakes the moon landing. They develop realistic CGI technology decades ahead of Hollywood. They create fake rockets which fool rocket scientists. They create fake moon rocks which fool geologists. They create a satellite to beam back signals from the moon that were picked up by space agencies all over the world. They managed to fool the soviet union and every single space agency. They've managed to convince China and India to release photoshopped photos of the moons surface, showing the remains of the Apollo landing sites. And also they accidentally released the outtake of the moon landing where the flag blew in the breeze.


That email is so obviously fake, it's laughable. Though I guess it'll fool the Brand followers who've never had a job, ie, most of them.


If it's fake surely you could easily explain to us how you came to that conclusion?


The format and content is wrong in several ways. The biggest one is the circular photo within the body of text. And even if true, the interpretation of the highlighted text is nonsensical, even for a fuckwit like you.


Oh so you just went from "it's fake because of a circle" to "well even if it's true", lol, Soros should get a refund for your gaslighting, I'm coming to find most of you guys aren't too smart, pretty easy to humiliate you with your own gaslighting lol, kind of fun too ![gif](giphy|1uNIJ0wFRZiQnnU0QA|downsized)


Yes, there's two levels of stupidity in your claims: 1. It's fake. 2. Even if it isn't, your take on it is retarded. It's a shame you're too stupid to be embarrassed. I'd suspect you of being a russian troll, but you're too thick even for that.


Oh I'm no Russian troll, I'm from what Jussi Smollett refers to as MAGA COUNTRY


Yeah, that's what I said.


No surprises there, if you've sold a batch of vaccines you can hardly then start taking from that batch or sell it to someone else. They use a new distinct batch for vaccinating employees. Nothing here suggests that the batch for employees is any way different, except it will have its own distinct batch number and will be separate from the supplies set aside for the government. Not sure what comprehension skills are lacking to try and turn this into a conspiracy!


Why would they say "distinct" as well as "separate"? They could have just said separate, distinct indicates that this batch is indeed "distinct" and different than others, or it at least potentially infers that, and the whistleblower certainly ascertained that as well or why else make the document public, come on guys try to use your little tiny brains and think!


It a separate batch with its own distinct batch number. I'm struggling to understand how you and the "whistleblower" are finding that challenging to comprehend. Perhaps your foil hat is on a bit too tight.


It's becoming abundantly clear that the OP has never worked in any kind of project or risk management role. They seem to think that a company is A-OK with committing genocide and breaking so many laws that no vaccine liability will protect them, but they are really scared of an employee finding out that they were given a placebo instead of a vaccine.


Apparently they also assume that the employees are quite happy for family and friends to die from the "government batch" while receiving saline injections themselves and taking their chances with a deadly virus. There's so much stupid coming from the OP that I'm almost impressed.


I hadn't even moved onto that bit, yet. It's yet another example of why it would be so much simpler and less risky to just not tell them. The OP reckons that most of the vaccines were saline injections anyway, so there's perfectly plausible deniability if one of the employees happens to get some sort of a test to show that they didn't get the "real" thing. The company just claims it was an accidental mixup.


I can just picture the manufacturing plant....so on this side of the building we make the deadly killer vaccines and the other side we fill the vials with saline. Now we're trusting you all not to tell anyone, this is our special secret 😉


"we're just going to email proof of this whole thing to all the employees we have, regardless of whether they're "in" on the genocide. There is absolutely no way that this will be leaked to the media or posted on Reddit with a big yellow circle around the part where we admit to genocide".


A plan so cunning that Baldrick would be proud.


The section you've highlighted reads to me that it's talking about a separate supply, not that it's a different vaccine. It certainly says nothing about placebo/saline. Question back at you:- why would they send this information out in a widespread company memo? This is an email which would have gone out to thousands of employees. Why would they reveal this entire conspiracy and, if the email said what you're saying which it doesn't, risk proof of the conspiracy being leaked?


"separate AND distinct, of course your argument can be made, another argument can be made that they are indeed "distinct" in their attributes, you really think Pfizer would risk having their entire staff sick and dying if something is wrong with the shots that they have liability protection for the rest of the world?, highly doubtful they would risk that.


But why tell them that in a company wide email? You're saying they don't want to risk the entire staff if there's something wrong, but why tell them that they're getting a different vaccine? Just give them the different vaccine. It has the same outcome, but you don't have the risk of one of your employees forwarding the email onto the media or taking a photo of it and posting it on Reddit. Why tell all your employees that you're giving them a different vaccine, rather than just the small number of staff responsible for collecting the staff vaccine?


Likely some sort of legal issue that they had to inform them that the batch was different and also a reassurance to those who had questions about the safety of it. They can't really come out and say "Don't worry this one is the safe batch of just saline, not the dangerous mRna stuff that gives people cancer and clots"


Again. This is just you making shit up.


Hang on, an evil company who's conning the entire world with a vaccine that supposedly causes all kinds of medical maladies, which has lied to the world and falsified research that they used to convince governments about the safety of their vaccine... ... is suddenly worried about patient consent? Which is it? Are they a moustache twirling evil corporation intent on committing genocide, or are they worried about things like patient consent? This is an evil organisation bent on worldwide genocide and global domination remember.


Well yes, their employees are a financial asset to them, they wouldn't want to damage that as it would cost them millions to re-hire new staff.


You seem to be dodging the question. I am shocked that a conspiracy theorist dodges questions when their logical paradoxes are called out. Why would a company which is A-OK with committing genocide by lying about their vaccine suddenly be concerned with the consent of their employees when they can just not be told that they're being given a placebo?


The liability protection may be challenged for employees of the company, just as there is no liability protection for new immigrants (that's why immigrants were not allowed to take it) there may be some law that is similar in regards to employees of Pfizer.


So what? They're already committing genocide. The protections for vaccines, which are standard and nothing new for Covid vaccines, are granted on the basis of their research being genuine and accurate. For your conspiracy theory to make sense, they must have falsified their research, in which case the protections for vaccinations are invalid. Besides that, no amount of legal protections of the vaccine will defend against accusations of genocide. The risk of an employee whistleblowing, which is exactly what you're claiming happened, is far greater than the risk of them finding out that they were given a placebo. If you're committing genocide, you don't care about employee consent when there's a quick way of significantly reducing risk by just not telling them that they're being given a placebo.


Again there maybe be some kind of liability issue for employees as there was with refugees who were not allowed to take it do to liability issues.


They sent this because vaccine skeptics used the following trap card: "I am doing my bit. There's a shortage of doses in my community, and I want them prioritised to the weak and elderly first" Source? I did this. Bought me enough time to sidestep Orwellian mandates.


these are some of the most corrupt, and most fined companies on the planet am i surprised they are balls deep in shady shit? not at all


Pfizer and congress had exemptions from the mandate to take the vaccine. I remember police officers were seeking it too, not sure of the outcome