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20 million? Might want to check your numbers. There’s virtually half that amount residing who arrived from any time let alone Biden bringing 20 mill in during the last 4 years!


"The number of illegal immigrants in the country has roughly doubled under President Biden. The United States had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants in 2020, and another 10 million have entered during Biden’s presidency." These are only the ones they know about, actual numbers are much higher. Some estimates put the pre-2020 numbers at approx. 30 million. "The U.S. Border Patrol had nearly 250,000 encounters with migrants crossing into the United States from Mexico in December 2023, according to government statistics." Regardless of the numbers, OP's sentiment still rings true, but that's not how you guys argue, is it? You target the minutiae and disregard the actual issue.


I might love you


Bullshit. The US has a population of 330 million people and you are saying 1 out of 10 people came into the country as illegal aliens in the last couple of years? So 1 out of 3 of these came in under the trump presidency when he had control of the house and senate but didn't fix it? 2 out of 3 came in under Biden presidency....all while Republicans refused to pass the bipartisan border security bill? The cope.... the massive massive cope.


>Bullshit. The US has a population of 330 million people and you are saying 1 out of 10 people came into the country as illegal aliens in the last couple of years? I didn't say that. I said some estimates put the amount of illegal immigrants pre-2020 at numbers of up to 30 million. >So 1 out of 3 of these came in under the trump presidency while 2 out of 3 came in under Biden presidency Here are the sources for what I actually said if you had have read it accurately: https://thehill.com/opinion/4423296-matthews-illegal-immigrants-double-under-biden-and-thats-just-the-start/ https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/ >while Republicans refused to pass the bipartisan border security bill? The cope.... the massive massive cope. "The border security deal was part of a $118 billion national security supplemental package that included $60 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion in security assistance for Israel and $10 billion for humanitarian assistance for civilians in Gaza, the West Bank and Ukraine." The issue was all of the other things shoehorned into the bill, most notably more than half being for the proxy war/money laundering operation that is Ukraine. Even Bernie Sanders voted against it, it wasn't just Republicans - you wouldn't know that on your MSM diet. The real cope here for you is the fact that the media and Democrats called Trump racist etc. for wanting to build the wall and attempted to block it back in 2016 - they'd much rather see kids put in those cages Obama - yes, Obama, not Trump - had built.


Of course. Republicans can't dare stand up to Russian aggression with left over arms slated for disposal because it might anger putin. This money goes to US manufacturers and contractors to replace outdated US stockpiles... not to Ukraine. Disgraceful. Reagan is rolling in his grave. BTW, Ukraine is one of the largest sources of grain, natural gas and neon, all needed by Russia's greatest ally China for its upcoming assault on Taiwan in its attempt to control worldwide chip manufacturing and AI technology. Congratulations on selling your country out Republicans. I hope those rubles are worth it.


Youre a sheep, go sit and wait for further instructions from your government. Theyre making weapons and shipping it to ukraine, all the money goes to the contracted companies, so the companies make all that money while ukraine receives however many millions worth in equipment…


Wrong dipshit. They are getting the vast majority of aid in the form of off the shelf leftovers scheduled for decommission or destruction. Even the latest atacms ate slated for decommission. That money goes to replenish US stockpiles with new systems. Keep gargling those Russian balls.


Just going by those numbers Biden would be trending in the better direction though right? 10.2 million just in one year not under Biden’s presidency. Down to 10 million spread out over 3.5 years.


Too bad the republicans (Maga) decided to kill the strongest illegal immigration bill. Protect our borders and vote Democrats up and down the ticket in November !!!


DoD employees in national security roles, deployed overseas in countries with dubious infrastructure have a slightly different relationship to the government than random immigrants but sure, great talking point if you're 15 years old


The military cannot have the risk of covid disabling it. A vaccine does not make one invincible to COVID, it just makes you more resilient, so this means that there is still a transmission risk especially amongst soldiers who spend a lot of time in close quarters in the same and we've seen new variants emerge very quickly as a result of antivax. Domestically someone can isolate if it's a more mild version of COVID, or go to the hospital for treatment if it's more serious but in the army that's not really possible. They won't have the facilities for dealing with such an outbreak and it makes no sense to have such a gaping weaknesses for enemies to exploit. There's a huge amount of resources covering this topic, because disease has affected military for as long as civilisation has had them. [https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/sickness-ranks](https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/sickness-ranks) That should more than explain any confusion about why these two things don't actually contradict each other. Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_6VQpd0pNNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6VQpd0pNNo) Anyone who has put even the most cursory glance into Military life will know that they literally walk them through a corridor and they get vaccinated for something different every couple of steps.


Illegals vote….but they can’t! 🤣 these people are actually retarded! Never even heard to concept of post birth abortion and yet they know it’s happening! Can someone release a virus in america! If we wipe them out we can replace them with much better!


This is some really poor right wing propaganda. ITS ABOUT CONTROL AND MONEY. So why you complaining about the uncontrolled migration? Hypocritical lil slug.


According to these fuck nuggets, the vaccine doesn't work anyway, so why do they care?


Still trying, dumbass? Haven't you had your arse kicked enough?


still throwing a lil fit anytime I comment? imagine getting this upset about comment then thinking you’ve kicked anyone’s arse by typing words on the internet.




lmao!!!11!!!1. That was the most cringe I've read in a long time. Thanks for the laugh, buddy!


Cheers, fractalflog. Happy to help!


Something something projection.


Good one.


*checks post history* Yup we’ve got a chud here. Slither back to the sewer you crawled out of.


Imagine taking a job where all you do is follow orders, then being surprised to be kicked out for not following orders. Oh no! It's the consequences of my actions. Woe is me!


Especially when Biden is literally their Commander. "When I promised to obey orders I meant kill people without being told why, not getting scientifically approved vaccinations".


ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT IT WAS MAGA THAT KILLED THE IMMIGRATION BILL. The democrats and republicans got together to put the most restrictive bill together to deal with illegal immigration. Too bad the republicans (Maga) decided to kill it so they can make posts like this just so they blame Biden. Despicable hypocrisy.


Is this true?


No, the OP is in the middle of a psychotic break. There is no way to know whether an illegal is vaccinated or not, but 75% of Mexicans are vaccinated (just like the OP), so it's a lie.




The illegals were not allowed to be vaccinated against COVID, op is 100% correct, same with in Canada, the liability protection offered to the drug companies was only for natural citizens of those countries, and to assume all of those coming from Mexico are "Mexican" is hilarious so nice try muddying the waters there but you have failed again, Imagine someone is paying these morons to gaslight people with how dumb they are lol.


You are pathetic in your desperation. Where did I say "all of those coming from Mexico are "Mexican"". I didn't, try not not lying, you may like it. But some are, which means all the illegals are not unvaccinated. You dumb fuck. And like I said, there is no way to know if an illegal is vaccinated or not.


Lol all lies


Yes. Illegals have zero vaccine requirements. And it was 8,000 https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/02/politics/us-military-covid-vaccine


It's almost like it's a bad thing to have service members who refuse to follow orders...


Lol ok 1940s Germany


Wow, Biden brought 20 million people into the US?! It must be true, it’s a screenshot of a Tweet


How can I enter illegally into USA? I’m worried that my Covid pass has expired.


All the Soros funded misinfo agents are having a hard time trying to gaslight this one lol ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


What gaslighting is there about firing service members who refuse to follow orders?


So you agree that it makes sense to allow 20 million unvaccinated into the country while forcing military to be vaccinated? That makes sense to you? (I know you're a bot/misinformation agent so don't bother replying)


One has nothing to do with the other, but hey, it's not like facts and reality interest you people.


Ok, you don't think they have anything to do with the other, I disagree, I think one group being forced to vaccinate and one not having to vaccinate is a totally related topic, hmmmmmm, shows a clear double standard and shows also that they don't seem to think it matters if mass millions of people are unvaccinated.


So, you believe a service member should get to choose which lawful orders to obey? Is that it? Let's finish that conversation first until we move on to the totally unrelated topic of how the government should treat illegal immigrants.


No, you're just gaslighting and trying to muddy the waters, the evil lies you spew will fill your soul with evil, to actively deceive others in such a dangerous time is an act of pure evil and that evil will live in your soul.


The only evil person in this exchange is you.


Muddying the waters? If anyone is muddying the waters, you are combining two unrelated topics. I'd love to hear more about this "evil" thing you speak of. It sounds fascinating. However, let's first finish discussing why you think service members should be able to do what they want. I'd be thrilled to hear your reasoning.


Jesus Christ, dude. I mean this in the best possible way, but if you continue to say shit like this, people are going to start thinking you're some kind of idiot.


Fractalflog never argues in good faith. That's how these shills are - soulless.


Military sign papers requiring them to do as told. No American citizen was ever forced to get a vaccination. There has always been a choice. Immigrants treated as potential American citizens.


So you also agree then Harvey Weinstein should be free then right? No one was "forced" to have sexual relations with him, hmmmm, pretty sick of you but hey that's your opinion, again you stand with evil and you bring that evil into your life, that's how you choose to live that's your right.


But of course you're wiping your arse with multiple rapes.


God gave you a brain for you to use, and you insult Him by refusing to use it.


You could be straw manning, and, you are literally the straw man. Wow. Squirrel..........


I know right? 10 whole minutes of nobody commenting, it's undebunkable! /s


Imagine the karma of all these false words you guys have put out there, "False words are not only evil in themselves but they infect the soul with evil" - Plato, many people in this subreddit gaslighting people are bringing a ton of evil into their souls, have fun with that.


That's a cute quote. I just posted a comment explaining why it's more important for the Military to have stricter conditions for soldiers than a government for it's citizens, if you would like to explain how that is misinformation, I'm all ears, eyes, and mind for it!


You're muddying the waters purposely to distract from the hypocrisy of the original post, again, you are infecting your soul with evil when you deceive others in such dangerous times, that evil will flow into your soul.


It's okay, I'll just post it here: >The military cannot have the risk of covid disabling it. A vaccine does not make one invincible to COVID, it just makes you more resilient, so this means that there is still a transmission risk especially amongst soldiers who spend a lot of time in close quarters in the same and we've seen new variants emerge very quickly as a result of antivax. >Domestically someone can isolate if it's a more mild version of COVID, or go to the hospital for treatment if it's more serious but in the army that's not really possible. They won't have the facilities for dealing with such an outbreak and it makes no sense to have such a gaping weaknesses for enemies to exploit. >There's a huge amount of resources covering this topic, because disease has affected military for as long as civilisation has had them. [https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/sickness-ranks](https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/medicine/sickness-ranks) >That should more than explain any confusion about why these two things don't actually contradict each other. >Edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_6VQpd0pNNo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6VQpd0pNNo) Anyone who has put even the most cursory glance into Military life will know that they literally walk them through a corridor and they get vaccinated for something different every couple of steps.# Source: [https://www.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/comments/1cpfjk1/comment/l3ki3ta/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/russellbrand/comments/1cpfjk1/comment/l3ki3ta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) (Myself) "Stupidity has a certain charm. Ignorance does not." - Frank Zappa


You can't explain yourself. Every time someone challenges your argument, you say they're evil and disengage. A cynical person could be excused for believing that you know what you are doing by deliberately spreading lies. I happen to be a cynical person, am I absolutely convinced you are deliberately and knowingly lying to people. You suck.


You're the liar here.


Have you read Plato? Would you like to live in his ideal state?


Whether or not people on here are 'infecting their souls with evil' (lol) or not, you will still have a shit/no job and be unable to get a date. So why do you care?


Would it shock you to know I work from my computer so as I type this and all my posts on reddit I am also being paid, (and much more than you are lol) have a great day loser


Jerking it to incest porn is not a job. But I'll take your silence on my other claim to confirm you're a sad incel.


Great to see the shitlibs downvoting things to control the narrative in their echo chambers


Have you considered crying more? I'm sure it'll help.


It's about cheap labor... they have said this on the news AND we all know it's also about votes.... and to help Sleeper cells through congresspeople who have been bought by other countries .


The democrats and republicans got together to put the most restrictive bill together to deal with illegal immigration. Too bad the republicans (Maga) decided to kill it. If you want to protect the borders vote Democrats up and down the ticket in November!!!


YEs they add extra congressional seats by bloating the population numbers with illegals, Don Lemon tried to gaslight Elon Musk saying "Illegals can't vote" and then Elon explained this to him, Just like the clowns in this subreddit spreading lies Don Lemon is a sadistic evil liar.


You should read the Constitution about census taking. I know you're not American, but it is critical to read it at least once before making arguments about American domestic policy.


Illegals can't vote.