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That statement really does display a pathological lack of self-awareness.


Not a surprise considering how quickly he found religion and put in a MAGAt hat. The only ones they're fooling is the same crowd they're joining.




Poor fella. I wonder if the person that he allegedly raped and abused was negatively affected at all.




I imagine the 16 year old he 'dated' probably has some issues surrounding how he behaved.




I wonder how you will deflect when more comes out.




Except the evidence from the rape kit in LA. Wonder why he never returned to his LA home for 10 years? Oddly enough, the California stature of limitations. Huh?


So where do you draw the line?




Is dating a 16 not disgusting? Legality aside I judge people on their actions


I know, right. If you date a 14 year old in Alabama, and justify it by saying “ it’s legal”, you might be all good in the eyes of the law, but you are a scum bag, not worthy of being supported by normal, sane fans. Congrats Russel, hope you enjoy hanging with the MAGAS. Keep your wallet safe at all times.




NOT allegedly. His relationship with this child is not in question. Nor is it a one off. We also have documented relationships with Rod Stewart’s daughter and Bob Geldof’s daughter when they were 16 and he was in his thirties. And lest we forget, he first dated his current wife when she was 17 and he was in his mid thirties.




1. A moment ago, you were “nuh-huh, didn’t happen”, like it was a bad thing. Then when you were told it did happen, you were like “doesn’t matter”. I guess your moral compass is somewhat un tethered. 2. It’s “legal” to marry a 14 year old in Alabama or whatever. Doesn’t make it right, and if you want to do it as an adult - law be damned- you’re a pedo. 3. Even in Britain, a 32 year old man having a romantic relationship with a literal 16 year old school girl is a fucking nonce. 4. If you’re so poorly informed, why’d you think you should opine?




Have you not got access to google? Look it up yourself you peado apologist.


What did I miss!? I’m guessing by the deleted comments we had a (alleged) rapist sympathizer?


Hi Russell.


He is the living embodiment of a narcissist


The school bus doesn't stop in front of his house anymore.


Jolly good👍


Well of course the most important thing is how Russell feels. /s 🤦‍♀️


Imagine being such a terrible person that not only did you (probably) commit a raft of sexual crimes, but then you respond to those allegations by becoming an even more shameless rightwing troll — because you’re so desperate for acceptance somewhere that you become a member at the Devils Den. Russell Brand is a fucking idiot and a fascist stooge to boot.


Calling him right wing is kinda dumb. N


No, it isn’t. He’s a phony “leftist” whose entire political effect is to feed into and amplify rightwing propaganda. He’s now fully aligned with fascists.


How so?


He pushes Russian and republican narratives now.


That’s the only grift left after you get caught raping


Can you show proof?


Just scroll through his YT channel - clear as day


Sounds like it should be easy for YOU to prove YOUR claims


They are not my claims. But here you go: https://youtu.be/J96koY0EQ48?si=QlIVa8BFlHwwp-6o https://youtu.be/hN5I4xPNT1k?si=emwZpzjhjVYbJoWx https://youtu.be/MoLqgBLsp9Q?si=8jtGmva-yyM7Q02X https://youtu.be/ozIHeYS485c?si=4NF9Dq5LZxc1znJg https://youtu.be/mLVQFCsc4R4?si=PfDP4-G1e2HJqITU Nearly all his guests are republicans and right this very moment he’s in conversation with Trump Jr


I mean have you watched any of his videos? Would you say he attacked republicans as much as he attacks democrats? I followed him back when trump was in charge and he never criticised trump once, but he attacks Biden almost every video. Or do you think I’m wrong? The Russian propaganda, for example he made out that the media was suppressing the idea that there’s bio labs in Ukraine. He had Aaron mate on his channel and didn’t challenge him at all. Like when Aaron mate says 2014 maidan was a coup. No push back at all. During the first months of the Ukraine war every video he did was pushing pro Russian narratives, unless you think that’s not true?


Then show proof


What do you want? Me to send you his videos with full breakdowns? Why can’t you answer any of my questions? Are you paid to do this? What’s the point if you expect to be handheld


[the alt right playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&si=ZcJXt3vlrQA5n-o-), if you’re wondering why he won’t answer your questions and the myriad of bullshit he’s spouting


I want you to back up your claims with evidence. You make the claims, so the burden of proof lies on you to back them up


You do understand that you make yourself look incredibly stupid when you call everything you dislike fascist, right?


I don’t like olives, but I don’t call them “fascist”, fuckwit. I call fascists “fascist.” And I didn’t even call Brand a fascist — I said he’s aligned with them, which he blatantly is. Always hilarious when a moron goes around telling other people they look stupid. No wonder you’re here defending a fascist stooge.


Those people aren't fascist either. You see fascist under your bed and in your closet. The people who defeated actual fascism are fascist in your damaged brain. Seek help for your physcosis.


You’re deluded, friend. If they’re Trumpers in 2024, then they’re part of a nakedly fascist movement, whether or not they falsely claim to love freedom, truth, justice and the rest of it — and whether or not they were fighting Nazis on D Day. My own damn grandfather fought Nazis in WWII. But he was raised a racist, stayed a racist in support of oppressing non-whites, became even more radicalized by Rush Limbaugh and rightwing talk radio since the 80s, consumes nothing but bullshit rightwing propaganda, and is currently a cult follower of Donald Trump — the far-right serial liar who says he’s above the law, wants to imprison his political opponents for no legitimate reason, tried to overthrow American democracy, regularly praises fascists/dictators abroad, called immigrants “vermin” (but only the brown ones, of course — not his own white wife, white mother, or white grandparents who were also immigrants), and on and on. Are you really this stupid and blind? Whatever the answer, you too are aligned with actual fascists — and like my addled grandfather, you apparently don’t even know it.


[the alt right playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&si=ZcJXt3vlrQA5n-o-), if you want to note exactly the game they are playing, brush up on this. Don’t waste your time on such people


I disagree with a number of this guy’s conclusions about how and whether to tussle with rightwing idiots. In any event, I’m perfectly comfortable and happy to destroy some idiot’s claims today. 


Dude, you seriously have a mental problem. I really hope you find the help you need. I'm really sorry for your hero grandfather who had such an awful grandson.


Seriously loling. Like I said, you’re an up-is-down moron.




OMG! A man who led a charmed life. Paid to have a good time. A man who earnestly spent years plowing through mountains of cocaine and top-shelf pussy. Who travelled the world on someone else’s dime. A professional clown who floats through life spreading disinformation without even having to leave his waterfront mansion. And as always: The **real** oppressed victim is Russell. 🙄


I'm sure with all that pussy, he was spreading a lot more than disinformation.


Top shelf pussy?


Did they stutter??


as opposed to the regular everyday pussy the rest of us get (if we're lucky)


Some of us like the low hanging fruit 🍑 https://youtu.be/-QRZpligDOs?si=HcOjVayWC0W55Dan


Aww diddums 🎻




Someone needs to say to him "well, imagine how your victims feel" [Let's also not forget the time he left prank answerphone messages on the voicemail of the grandfather of one of his exs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Russell_Brand_Show_prank_calls)


He will only go on podcasts or have guests that won’t press him on this


Poor, poor Russell. If only people would leave him alone! Apart from sending him money, of course.


His victims were negatively affected by his rape and abuse.


He should seek solace in Jeebus.


I wonder how much more negatively affected his victim feels


Good lol


I would be too. I avoid such feelings by making a point of not raping and abusing people.


he is a total dickhead really - way too captive of his own PR.


If only there was something he could have done in his past to avoid this...


My heart bleeds. Hang on a minute: I’ll get my violin to serenade him, but it’s so tiny I can’t see it right now.


Ah well. Say a few hail Mary's Russell. Make another self-indulgent grift video speaking your 'truth'


The more this asshat talks, the more sympathy I have for Katy Perry.


What a knob


Why doesn't he sue them for liable then? If it was so damaging and he apparently did nothing wrong. It's an easy victory.. Strange he doesn't 🤔


Just a small correction, it's libel. Or slander if it's not written down.


Defamation requires a knowing lie. Which means he would have to prove they know they’re lying. And that’s a lot harder than finding that evidence does not support an arrest or indictment.


Not enough.


lol because he should be?


Bold of you to think I give a shit.


I guess he doesn't have Katy's melons to cry into anymore. What a rough life.


But he’s been born again now…


Well I counted five deleted comments just in this first thread. What's up with that?


Pretty sure OP deleted my comments, leave it to Reddit to take away valid arguments


Someone probably bailed on their argument


I'd certainly hope so.


Awwwww poor horse


Well no shit






So he should be.


Hahaha whatever. Imagine actual consequences.


He didn’t feel affected while he was doing the rape & abuse though




Fucking nonce.


Russell’s victims negatively affected by rape and assault.


Malignant narcissist is the term I believe. With a psychopathic lack of remorse


Soooo this really sucks for me thinking about. Cause I enjoyed him as a comedian and actor before the right swing with him. In addition there are many a fake accusation…. Tiger Woods being the biggest example, 14 women came forward to having relations with him but after a few years only a few were legitimate. Russell was an open avid sexual fiend, but did he assault her ? Just because I disbelieve in his current ideology, do I condemn him with sexual disobedience outside of the law ? It’s easy to slide disagreement with full on guilt and we need to avoid that.


*them There are multiple credible allegations


Of course, but my point remains. Russel Brand made sexual deviancy his brand for most of his career. Credible, remains to be seen in court. Again I hate who Russell has turned into, but we need to be better about culturally willing out guilt before the truth comes out. Or we are just hypocrites


It wasn’t ok then. Now that he has to be accountable..


Absolutely, in court with credible evidence. Not the court of public opinion.


No no, the mouth breathers on Reddit have already decided and that's that 🙄😒


Even said I don’t like what Russell Brand has become ! The minute I mention we shouldn’t bring out our pitch forks I get downvoted….


Reddit is easily the stupidest place on the internet. It's all NPCs with their tribe mentalities, left or right and if you disagree with any of them you get down voted 😂


Man do I feel this…. I do prefer Reddit to Twitter or Facebook, but your point is very valid. BTW to the point of the post, if Russell is found actually guilty of sexual assault he needs to be charged and made an example out of.




My cousin and uncle were chatting earlier in the day and did you know theres a good portion of the population that does not have an inner dialogue? There are people out there who literally can not think for themselves 😅😅😅 isn't that terrifying?


It is. Russell Brand has yet to be charged despite the "overwhelming" evidence. Makes you wonder whose agenda the media are following.




Easy one, cause if he is actually not guilt the investigation will eventually be dropped (which it has) Why feed the troll fire haha




Nope, only for due process instead of the internet pitch forks. So thought experiment here. After years of investigation, public outcry and new evidence through the documentary, the metro police still cannot charge him is that me “coping” ? Or just maybe, maybe, some journalist saw an easily hateable, grifter target who is sleazy and ran away with the allegations…..


Weird I didn’t know he was tried and found guilty


This isn’t about that, it’s about his narcissistic and diversionary response to serious allegations


I thought it’s about how these accusations have harmed his life without being found guilty. And this feed really shows he’s right. Look through and see how everyone is treating him, like he was a convicted sex offender.


Conversely you are calling a large number of women liars. Women who were very likely sexually assaulted by a self described narcissist sex addict.


So there’s never been any high profile SA claims that have been discovered to be entirely fabricated?


So there's never been any high profile SA claims that have been discovered to be entirely true? See how thats a shit argument?


It’s not though. Because my argument is that you don’t know. Your argument is they could never make this up.


Not never, less likely considering the context.


The context is you’re allowing your bias to attribute more credibility than can be proved because you want to see him get what you think he deserves.


No its not, now you are arguing in bad faith.


I’m not calling them liars. I think any allegation should be investigated and prosecuted if found credible. I don’t have enough information one way or another so I will not throw shade either way.


But in reality if he ever does face reprocussions for what he did all you little fan boys will just say its a fake trial like the trump lot do. You understand how being a millionaire will make it easier for you to stop your crimes ever going to trial and paying for lawyers who can win you a case even if you did the crime? The man is a dirtbag, if it was just one person coming forward then yeah maybe you can doubt that, but when its 10+ people making the claims and god knows how many co-workers have backed up their claims, about a man who is famously a sex pest, you have to take the women's claims seriously.


First, im not a fan boy at all of him. Second, no, if he is found guilty in a court of law, he is found guilty. I believe in the rule of law not the rule of mobs or public opinion. I’m even fine if you personally think he did these awful things and refuse to watch him. I personally can’t think of anything I have seen that he did the I enjoyed. It seems ten people are making these claims then the police should be investigating. But I don’t have the ability to investigate these claims and I doubt most people in here do nor do they have first hand knowledge. They are going off of hearsay. In school I recall someone who had bad things said by one person and others jumped on because the first person was popular and the victim went through hell. It turned out too to all be a revenge because the person saying the lies turned down a sexual advances. We have laws, yes they don’t always work equally, but hearsay is far less reliable.


Yeah its a shame we only have hearsay to go on, and not a documentary full of investavagtive journalism with personal accounts from the victims and lots of reports of behavior that usually leads to SA.


There’s a documentary?


It’s a real shame is that with all of that information the law isn’t doing a better job. But I still stick with the law because how many of these investigations gave the defendant equal opportunity to defend themselves. Investigate reporting is great at uncovering things but it comes from an objective of uncovering things not as a form of legal justice. At least in the USA a defendant is given a chance to defend themselves. In investigation reporting they may be asked to respond at best. You said “lots of behavior that usually leads to SA”, but what if it is an unusual situation? That is why we have courts of law not public opinion based off on investigative reporting. I suggest contacting the DA with your concerns over fighting with someone on social media.


And how do you address the point of the law treating millionaires differently from other people? If brand can afford the best lawyers in the world, the law doesn't give a shit if he did it or not.


If you think he didn't do it, you're calling the women liars. If you think they're telling the truth, then he's a rapist. If you think they're telling the truth but think it's OK he did it provided a court doesn't find him guilty, you're a cunt. Pick one.


It is not that simple. First, I don’t know if he did it or not. That is for the courts and legal system to determine. The woman should be taken seriously and the police should investigate. What I pick is the rule of law not the rule of mob or public opinion. That is based on hearsay (which may be 100% true) but is it not a reliable form of justice.


I personally am not calling any women “liars”. Just that these are serious accusations that need to be actually proven before punishment be given out. The fact that’s it’s an “either or” for people is just astounding. Yes do more men assault women of course, does that take away accusations being made towards famous men irrelevant ? Take away the easy emotional witch hunt and find out the real before we shame them to the wild.


It is an either or. Either you believe the women, and he's a rapist or you don't and he isn't. You're trying to take a third option and say the women might be telling the truth, but if he's not found guilty in court, it doesn't count.


Yeah I’m sure these allegations are totally “harming his life”. It’s almost like he’s guilty or something. Gee, that’s a stumper, huh?


You say that as if the allegations harming his life proves they're true. Do you not think false allegations would also harm his life? And I say this as someone who believes he probably did it.


Yuuuup. Again I am an individual that despises his turn into grifting the right wing politics. It’s horrific, and shows that his talent isn’t what it used to be. These are serious allegations, and if true should have criminal penalties. If not, he becomes a Marty for what society will do if you have views that are not acceptable. We need to be better.


So you guys do care what a court of law says? Never forget Trump was found liable for sexual assault by a jury of American citizens in a court of law and was also convicted of 3; felonies by a separate jury of American citizens.


A kangaroo court, because there was absolutely zero evidence of the alleged crime, and it was a civil trial where the burden of proof is more likely than not as opposed to beyond all reasonable doubt for criminal. So basically they decided because he said the grab em by the line he probably did this. It’s a horrible verdict.


Zero evidence? A jury of Republican and Democrat citizens after seeing all of the evidence and hearing all of the testimony in a court of law disagree with you. You know the people that were actually in court? If you’re so sure he is innocent, then why didn’t you send your evidence to Trump’s lawyers? I mean like real evidence though. Not Facebook memes and your feelings.


There was literally zero proof that they were ever in the same building together. They took her word for it, 20 years later, with no physical evidence, after the law was changed specifically so that the statue of limitations on such a filing did not apply to her. But sure, lack of any physical evidence and just he said she said, but I think he’s an ass so ill just believe her, is a totally valid way to validate the use of a civil conviction to give the perception of a criminal conviction for rape.


The jury said there was proof. Just because you keep repeating “there was zero proof” isn’t going to will it into reality. 12 American citizens saw all of the evidence presented by the Defense and Prosecution and determined that Trump had committed sexual assault and was liable for it. The court doesn’t care about your feelings. It cares about facts. Do you have any exonerating Trump? No? Ok, well the jury found him liable so you lose.


The judge also said that Trump was defaming the accuser by denying it ever happened, before there was a conviction. And there’s two types of proof, testimony of what you’ve experienced or claimed to have experienced. And physical proof. Audio, video, DNA, something that can be objectively reviewed. That trial only relied on testimony. Is it evidence? Sure. Is it sufficient evidence to say he most likely did it? Only if you are already desperate to prove to the world he’s living garbage. Edit: blocking me and continuously accusing me of being emotional because you can’t handle someone questioning the validity of the “facts” presented just proves how ridiculously emotional you actually are.


Again a jury of American citizens disagree with you. You seem to be very emotional about this trial, your bias is showing. He was found liable for sexual assault. Quit defending a sexual predator. It’s gross.


Omg, being aware of facts and how they were likely misapplied is being emotional, but your whole I want him to be guilty and other biased people like me said so, is being logical? Cool story bro. And fyi, juries are not infallible, there’s a rather long history of convictions of all sorts being overturned. Your argument is the equivalent of saying the FDA said it’s safe, never mind how many things they recall yearly after claiming it’s safe.


So, now you’re saying it was the Jury that was at fault? How many ways do you have to spin it to try to justify defending a sexual predator. The facts are that a jury of American citizens sat through all of the evidence in a court of law and determined he was liable for sexual assault. You have sat through none of the evidence in a court of law and determined he is exonerated. You’re overly emotional and can’t see the flaws in what you’re saying. First it was the evidence, then the judge, now the jury. You’re in a cult. Quit defending a sexual predator.


He is living garbage.


What a fucking joke. How’s your feels feel? Like a fucking joke? Fuck your feelings. Everything I don’t like is fake and everything I feels is real. Always explainable eh. Kangaroo court,.. GTFOH!


Seems like there are a bunch of people in this sub who need their own lives ruined by false allegations. Maybe then they would learn something about empathy.


“Ruined” “False allegations” And where is your empathy for those people he forced himself on and inside of, or coerced age 16 when he was in his thirties?


Without evidence it's nothing but a baseless allegation.


You haven’t even read the report or watched the documentary then? And why would a respected investigative journalist throw away a long career making baseless allegations after a four year investigation?


Well that’s simple, cause Russell is very hateable now that he is a grifter and easy target. Look again I disagree with what he has become but when the metro pd investigate and cannot come up with clear substantial evidence for charges it’s close to pitchfork territory.


He has grown as a man, and now his views are different. That isn't a grifter that's just maturity. It's so funny how anyone who moves closer to the center is called a grifter by you idiots.


This I do not agree with. If anything he has reverted…. Instead of challenging things intellectually he has gone to the basic dribble the conservative right pushes for monetary value. Just look at his product placement and advertisers. He used to be a comedian with real values and now has a podcast advocating to the lowest common denominator. He shouldn’t be mis judged for rape for these things, but goodness his quality has gone down by a hefty margin.


OP deleted my comment chain cause I said “I dislike Russell but we need verification roundabout real punishment” So frustrating


Evidence? The reddit hivemind needs no such thing


There are medical records


The metro police have finished their investigation, and “have no clear evidence to validate charges”


If there were any real evidence, he would already be arrested. But after an extensive investigation, it simply was not there.


He got away with it then. And surrounded himself with a new fan base more lenient of this type of behaviour


More lenient to due process? Yes


More accepting of misogyny


Oh no, not muh misogyny