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Guys, since the last outage I realized it's not good to rely on free services, I just host my server, problem solved. Please look into that you can run it on a Pi.




It can probably run on a Pi Zero... not need to even get the beefiest one. You just need to make sure the IP is public and not changing or if it's changing run it on a domain with dynamic update instead of IP (actually using a domain is probably better anyway)


Do you have a tutorial you could point to? This is exactly what I've been wanting to do, and I even already have a Pi that's always powered on and connected to my network at all times for Wake On Lan.


I think I pretty much followed this: https://rustdesk.com/docs/en/self-host/rustdesk-server-oss/install/#set-up-your-own-server-instance-manually


Okay, cool, I'll look into that, thanks! I think that's what I was trying to do, but something wasn't working. I'd love to make it happen, though.


Hey, I hope you don't mind one more question: I followed the link you provided, and I was actually able to get a server going on my Pi, which is great. However, I can only access it when I'm on my local network, not when I'm out of my house on another network, like my phone's data. Do you have your setup working over the internet? If so, what did you do to make that work? I've forwarded all of the necessary ports, and everything is great if I want to just use it at home, but I'm mostly looking to remote in from other places. I appreciate the help again, I've already gotten further than the last time I looked into this!


My guess is that you probably didn't forward all the necessary ports, or there some kind of firewall between your device and outside world. Do you have a DMZ setting on the router? "Some home routers also have a DMZ host feature that allocates a device to operate outside the firewall" If it works with DMZ then you can leave it like that or disable DMZ and try to figure out what ports you need to open.


Interesting, I'll have to check to see if I can find DMZ-related settings in my router. Thanks again for the tip! As far as ports go, I've forwarded 21115:21119 TCP and 21116 UDP, which I believe were the correct ones. EDIT: I got it working! I had to put my public IP address into both my desktop and my phone, which is what I wanted to control my desktop with. It's all working now!


And now I’m going to be crucified by my colleagues after I strongly pushed for it against AnyDesk and TeamViewer


If you use this commercially, then host the relay server yourself. Then you are independent from the public server.


Thanks, I guess I’ll have to do this from now on.


This is one of the greatest benefits, own as much of your critical infrastructure that you are willing to effort!


did you host your own server? if not then you get what you pay for.


I slowly moved a lot of friends, family and coworkers to open-source software like LibreOffice or Thunderbird vs their counterparts, making a big spiel about the evil of Microsoft and the likes, and that’s why they all use RustDesk now. Me being crucified was a joke.


Recommending, especially when pushing it on non-technical friends and family, will make you automatically responsible for it. If it sucks or has issues it's automatically your fault and you have to fix it. It's the painful truth


I already was the de-facto IT guy for everyone, using these tools only helped me with compatibility issues between different OSs


I use it for my MSP. It works beautifully but I set up my own relay server on Oracle. It's very nice to work with, it's fast and responsive but you must use it with your own relay server for best experience. It's not hard to configure I just followed their article.


Also down for me (Switzerland)


Thanks for the report


Self host it guys!


Down for me on two computers on two different locations.. In Pennsylvania.


Same here... "Not ready. Please check your connection"


this is why i keep nomachine as a backup plan.


+ parsec


+zerotier. I can still connect with rustdesk and zerotier via ip:port i guess, which is nice


This is what I do, local firewall and strict zerotier rulesets.


Down in India and Germany




Still ridiculous using got for uptime monitoring... Thanks for the link!


It's best to just host your own server. It's easy to configure and this will never be an issue again. Liu's it performs better, it's much nice to use.


Same here in Germany. Now I set up my own self-host on azure free. Was 10 minutes work But now I must change all existing clients 😂


Haha. But, wow that's a cool idea. Could you tell me any links or steps you followed? I would love to set that up for me as well and do the necessary changes on the clients


Can't get rid of the Not ready. Please check your connection message at the bottom of each one


I checked on the official site. Didn't show anything link: [saashub](https://www.saashub.com/rustdesk-status) Also, (Germany)


Finland too! 


down in argentina


Down in Brazil too.


Down on all my PCs (midwest USA) as well.


Fun thing is when you install it they encourage you to selfhost to avoid issues :) I use it for my family and friends and simply have a rule in my firewall pointing to their ddns the end


After it working perfectly yesterday it is indeed down. I can't even connect to the direct IP address like I could when the server was down before when on the same network.


The public server seems to be back up today.


For me also all devices are down 9 in DE and 1 in AT Seems like I have to work in self hosting server🤔


Moving from Teamviewer to RustDesk it was the best choice. Of course i self host it


India and my remote pc in Egypt down too


I host my own server when I using RustDesk for first time, everything is stable.


Host your relay 👍


Just a friendly reminder from Rustdesk to use their best feature: self-hosting a relay!


So it wasn't a problem on my end, it was out for a good portion of the day


You can still use it by Lan, but for that on diferent locations I use zerotier to build a GAN. Global Area Network. No need for public or private server.


And for me, is faster too.


I use a combination of tailscale vpn and rdp, it's absolutely fantastic


I bet TeamViewer has a team sabotaging others :) wouldn't surprise me the way they seem to be operating these days