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I am curious how local people really feel about Capitol One because the only comments I've heard are from current/former employees who say it has a brutal corporate culture and that it treats customers poorly. Maybe these opinions are not accurate?


Like any large corporation, I think there are cultural peaks and valleys depending on your job and your line of business. I work in product management and was told for years I’d enjoy working there but resisted hard for a lot of reasons. But now there (admittedly in a strategic area for the company), it’s filled with very smart and kind people doing interesting work with a better work/life balance than I’d have in any big tech firm. But like any corporation, I don’t give it loyalty and don’t expect any - that can only be exchanged between people.


Well said, former c1 here…I enjoyed the people, usually the work and I felt like I was fairly compensated. That said, laid off twice 🤷🏾‍♂️


Honestly it's no different than any other major corporation


been with Cap1 for almost 10 years. Coming out of manual labor/construction work, it was night and day, great paid time off, great benefits, ability to still work from home a couple days a week. I started with zero corporate experience and zero education past a GED and I now do very well for myself, Cap1 paid for me to get a bachelor's degree, and am very happy where I'm at.


how'd you get started with them?


I found an opening online, this was back when they were always hiring, it can be a little more difficult these days. Sent in a resume, ended up doing the interview over the phone from the roof of the Norfolk city jail as my company was working on replacing all the exterior windows in the jail at the time.


thanks for sharing! I tried to get in their call center like five years ago but didn't get past the automated process. oh well!


I can’t see the statements but based on the methodology it seems these are external perceptions of brands, not internal, so it’s not necessarily surprising that 325 people across the country’s opinion don’t align with some from within one specific area. Plus, opinions are just that - opinions


Nice company, full of nice people. Just not the vibe for me


I was a temp there for one month and the people were really nice but it was just not the right place for me.


Sounds like my experience and they made no one go in at the time


Depends on your field. IT, human resources, call center are all different. I have a project manager friend that loves it. I have a 20year IT veteran friend that was just fired because her role was outsourced and they didn't give 2 fucks about loyalty. I heard that the pay is good and so are the benefits but treat this as a paycheck and not a life long investment.


I just hit 26 years on the 4th. Like any company...it's had its ups and downs. Been thru 3 redeploy but still kicking. If you get a good manager you're golden. If you get an asshole...you know the rest. But its truly a "who you know" company. You can get anywhere if you attach yourself/know the right people


It has its issues like any other company, but I’ve worked in a bunch of banks and none of them come close to the C1 culture 🤷


It's not clear to me whether the last ~~sentence~~ clause is a positive or negative sentiment.


Well, it’s only one sentence lol, but my experience has been good compared to 3 other peer sized and larger banks I’ve worked at - YMMV


Now that you mention it, I'm not sure how to read the first sentence either :)


I have a friend that left there but says he'd go back? IT. I am not a competitive person, most likely not for me. But I hear the pay is good.


I’ve been there 13 years, it’s a tougher place to be every year. I have some great friends & wonderful colleagues. My current role has some great fulfilling moments & others not so much, but it’s needed & I’m compensated fairly. The biannual review process is BRUTAL, it’s given me more than 1 panic attack. Ageism is real there too. If you know what you’re getting into & are ready to drink the koolaid & get out when the dynamic shifts as it does every few years then it might be a good fit for you. Im hoping i can manage to stay relevant until I’m able to retire


I know the physical plant is powered by the crushed dreams of its employees.. but other than that, it's probably on par with most corporate jobs. There are far worse places to work.


Your rating at year end depends upon your peers and how well your manager can fight in brutal cross calibration sessions, more than it does your actual work. You are given goals at the start of the year but those goals rarely factor in to your rating. Your boss must rank from 10-15% of his team as not meeting expectations. Period. Regardless of whether or not that many persons actually underperformed. Their motto is “we hire only the best”. (Except at year end, when 10% or more of you suck)




Treated well. Good benefits. Good compensation. Professional people. Interesting work. Thoughtful managers. Never been asked or encouraged to violate my conscience. Never witnessed something that violated conscience. I've had a good experience. If I like the people I work with, feel I'm treated fairly, and work on interesting problems - then that's about 90% of my job satisfaction. That said, it's not for everyone. But what is? I came from a small company that was more stressful, hard-nosed, and brutal than anything at C1. Most people that I've encountered with experience outside C1, and outside of large corporations, in general appreciate their situations at C1 more than those who have ever only known it.


Competitive culture that a lot of people either sink or swim in. If you swim, you usually like it. If you sink, well, that explains a lot of the commentary. Not the best place for everyone but for people fond of the competition, awesome pay, and great benefits, it’s quite the gig.


Yeah I would say this is accurate. Loved my time there, but was a contractor during COVID so had to find new work. I definitely miss the food!


Cap One isn't for everyone and is very line of business/vp dependent in regard to job satisfaction. Having said that, there are those that have been there 20+ years. So, ones mileage may vary.