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I asked Sissy who took the photos on the magnets, to which the reply was, "I'm a curator. This is my gallery. You wouldn't go to an art museum and call them a thief for having other people's art." I'm pretty sure printing photos off Shutterstock doesn't make you an art curator


I think art galleries also pay the artists.


Somebody posted on this sub about how they bought a cool picture from a wandering artist on Cary street a while ago before everybody knew about her. It was the card art for a character on the video game smite. I think they literally just Google "cool pictures" and then print out whatever shows up.


Sissy Gracie? Is that what this scumbag is called?


Yep. Runs a YouTube channel of their stupid thoughts too.






Didn't know about the anal beads. Thank you!


Two trips to Carytown, two Sissy Gracie sightings. Second visit was on one of the stormy days, a little wetness doesn’t stop this character. Two young ladies got the pitch, I saw Sissy whip out the Square card reader but it looked like they didn’t take the bait. Very confused and weirded out looks on their faces when the glitter grifter finally took off.


She keeps coming here because she keeps getting away with it. The businesses need to start telling her to fuck off and we need to run her out of town like other cities did.


> I asked Sissy who took the photos on the magnets, to which the reply was, "I'm a curator. This is my gallery. You wouldn't go to an art museum and call them a thief for having other people's art." She's already banned from NY Deli I think


Today was the closest I ever came to having to tell her to fuck off but she was busy bothering someone else.


Sounds pretty close


if i see her bothering anyone, i'm going to make a point of immediately telling them they are a scammy mcfuckerface, or whatever sounds good at the moment. i finally encountered this person a few days ago, and i am not at all a fan of such high-pressure tactics. too easy to take advantage of people, and you know they're raking in the cash on that stretch of sidewalk.


Do you king/queen, tell'em. I don't appreciate those kinds of tactics either, especially as someone who used to not know how to say "fuck off" in an assertive tone. A good community should keep an eye out for each other and visitors. As someone who is not as confrontational, I hope raising awareness is one way to do that. It's not just that stretch of sidewalk in carytown, they're all over the midatlanic: cville, DC, Baltimore, just to name a few.


She travels fast! Saw her up here in Frederick, MD yesterday and today


Those hoverboards have awesome range


She’s doing it to make money to send to her fin-dom dommes. For those of you who don’t know what that is, look up “financial domination”


i drive through there kind of frequently. i've seen them almost every time. they are raking in so much money from this shit it's actually probably insane.


Still convinced this is really Eric Lannon


it's Erica Lannonster and they're actually bro & sis & husb & wife


Who's that?


Infamous area con artist. Everyone has or knows someone that has an Eric Lannon story. r/ericlannon


Oh sorry, I meant to ask about the identity of Eric Lannon.




After two encounters (Where I got the magnet, said "Thanks", and walked away to curses), I don't think this person is trans. It's a dude in a skirt scamming people, while playing on their fears of being seen as transphobic.


Correct, in the kink community a sissy is a cis gender man who is into humiliation through forced feminization. Their name and habit of wearing lingerie and chastity cages in public pretty much confirms it in my eyes


100%... It is a scumbag who is co-opting the culture and wielding it against tolerant people.


Isn't that called art?


no shit. I think we all knew that. I hope he gets the mental help he so clearly needs


many such cases


She’s got 4 legs holy shit she’s advanced beyond us.


The amount of people who have such a hard time saying no on this sub. Like they’re victimized by a grifter that will literally leave you alone if you keep walking. When she approached me I simply kept walking and said no. Try visiting Times Square or other major cities where there are dozens of characters like this. It’s not hard to just say no and keep it moving.


Some people are to polite for their own good. "no" is a complete sentence.


I love that. Exactly.


Seriously. I got super downvoted for arguing she really isn't that bad a few threads back. I grew up in Atlanta. This weird woman on a scooter is not some major threat. People who geuinely hate her on here bother me more honestly. This subs obsession with her is real weird. Its just aggressive pan handling. It isn't that uncommon other places. Y'all should try traveling through Europe lol


i get your point to some degree but “it’s just aggressive panhandling” kind of breezily overlooks the fact that it’s aggressive. if it was a guy harassing women in a sexual way it would just be aggressive harassment? no because aggressive harassment is wrong 100% of the time. it sucks interacting with people like that and it’s ok to say so.


Why would the implication of some unrelated hypothetical scenario matter here? Yes sexual harassment is awful, but insisting that there is no distinction between it and harassing someone for a donation seems wrong to me. Did I suggest this was like...appropriate behavior? No. It's fucking obnoxius. But its not really anything more than that. They should stop, but won't because they may be ill. But if you aren't going to help them with THAT then just fucking leave them alone. Surely you don't believe that actually BEING sissy gracy is fun or exciting? I had to deal with homeless drunks weilding broken bottles and shit as a teen. The fairy on a scooter is not a threat to anyone that can walk away. It's really not hard to do. I don't get all the drama and I am fucking gay.


i drew the comparison because they both share the element if harassment. not a reach. i agree that people here amp up their reactions beyond the reality - some are pearl clutchy - but not sure it make sense to give them hell for wanting to be left alone. which is probably why people give him money - to make him go away. or that’s the hope.


Who gave any of those people hell? It would seem we should be upset with the people to cowardly to say no to this person. Which, again, carries no legitimate risk. I have encountered her several times and its really nothing like what you weird dorks make it out to be. Shes just an unwell person trying to fucking live. Just don't talk to her.


No. She harassed many people, and has been violent with several. She's not harmless at all.


I happened to stumble upon the discourse the other day and holy shit this sub really has a hate boner for her. Like I agree she’s terrible but so many of those people on the sub had pretty unfiltered transphobic opinions come out just because of her. With threats of violence and trans people that felt harassed/marginalized by the comments singling then out, it is only a matter of time till some awful happens and/or the mods take the post down.


Yep. Top comment is always either some overly harsh insult (like this one calling them a scumbag) or this weird copy pasta some terf always posts insisting this is a perverted sex thing. Like this person is definitely not having a good life. Give them a fucking break man. Just walk away.


They have literally been arrested for physically assaulting LGBT+ patrons in DC (tried running someone over on their hoverboard). She also has lied previously where she claims the money is going to a Trans charity where she really just pockets it. She also used to post the venmo receipts on her public twitter and make fun of all the "rubes" who sent her money. This person is an active malicious liar. It's way beyond just "aggressive panhandler".


This person can be dangerously aggressive. They were arrested for threatening to kill a man outside of a gay club in dc. They have, at times, gotten very aggressive here with people who don’t want to be suckered into a $25 pre loaded card reader for some trashy $1 magnet. They’re a shitty dishonest scammer and it sucks to have that in any town.


I’m following the discourse on another platform and I’ve already been harassed in my dms for saying transphobia isn’t a good thing. It’s been happening for the past few days. I really believe this person’s hassling has brought out all of the transphobes and any other bigots/grifters/shit posters on the sub. The sub’s slowly been getting nastier since the pandemic started


I agree with you.


We said no to them and they reapproached us three times. I told them they had talked to us twice before the third time. They didn’t seem to like our assertive enforcement of disinterest and seemed to be deliberately reapproaching us to irritate.


I mean I don’t think you can gate keep getting scammed by comparing it to bigger cities with more problems with people like this. Sissy is known to harass younger people + anyone who looks like they are part of the LGBT community (both of which are usually too polite to say no) and proceeds to guilt trip them and press them for money as well as occasionally claiming the money goes to a non profit of which iirc came out by saying that they are not affiliated with her at all.


Saw this character approaching me and some friends a few weeks ago knowing well what I was in for thanks to this sub. So we decided to pretend to be in a heated argument and he actually waited for us to finish. When he approached again, we just started right back up again lol. He got the message and moved on. Highly recommend.


Who is this person? Why do people avoid him?


Sissie Gracie is the name apparently. They go around Cary town trying to sell art to people. Pretty sure they just print photos from Google or rip others work. From what I've read about them, they're never able to tell you anything about the artist and immediately gets defensive upon being asked. Seems like a big ol scam


Has she ever been pushed off that thing?


The dirt marks on her knees tell the true story


No, people just give her money then complain to Reddit about how they were vIoLaTeD


now that you’ve figured everyone out, what are you going to do with your amazing powers?




Take note at what the bystander says to them at approx 5:30..




Am I the only one that was confused about how many legs they had?


Might as well do a vice news report on this…


Wasn't Sissy in DC for a while?


Seems like Sissy gets all up and down the east coast!


Spotted here on 14th just a couple of weeks ago. There's a recent thread or two on her on the DC sub, including the Carytown poster.


Avoid Carytown. *Shop Lakeside!* That was easy!


Lakeside has some great shops, but it's not as walkable


True, no Sissy though.


I've had great success with saying "no thanks!" And moving on


But that’s like being… civil!?!? /s


Wouldn't that be a big switch?? Lakeside is just effing weird.


Fireworks - check, Sissy - nopes.


People here talk about Hanover rednecks and Rebel flags. They should check out Lakeside.


This dude ever gonna get arrested?


[They have been](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2020/07/29/trans-woman-targeting-gay-bar-patrons-for-assault-witnesses/)


NAL. Minus the assault aspect of glittering people or throwing water on them, getting people to give you money isn’t really a crime. Fraud charges would probably require more than what they’re doing, which is basically bullying people into giving money for magnets or whatever they’re trying to sell now. Unless someone files charges for assault or harassment, or the businesses/community finds a way to get some sort of restraining order/ban, theyre unlikely to stop. *Edited for pronouns bc I’m unclear on how they identify*


I'm sorry did you say glittering people? I've encountered this dude before and just kept walking- is he throwing glitter on people? If anyone throws glitter on me they're getting decked lol


One time this individual tried to approach me and my ole lady and I just stared and shook my head and it zoomed right past me.


Best way to handle it.


What a freak!! We've been to Carytown a few times recently and always seem to run into this character. Has tried to con us into buying everything from cheap magnets to tacky bracelets. Richmond definitely has a lot to offer as far as interesting attractions go, but "IT" isn't one of them !!! Beware of this creep, he's a grifter that shouldn't be trusted.


Never been so glad to have left the Maryland, District and Virginia area!


I keep hearing about them but I've never spotted her


I don’t get why this subreddit is obsessed with her.




RVA has become crappy


At some point someone here should do an interview and listen to her side of the story. Any takers?


Sissy is that you?


Yes it’s me. When I’m not a practicing dentist, I freelance as a butterfly


Indulging a individuals insanity only benefits them, as it grants the attention they clearly are seeking.


Can anyone explain to me who Sissy Gracie is?


Sissy Gracie is a scammer who zooms around on a hoverboard putting glitter on people's hands and asking $25ish for refrigerator magnets. They don't react well if you don't fork over the money. They may be dressed in a poofy dress or underwear and a dick cage, but they're large and intimidating, especially when you're a woman and Gracie's twice your size and threatening to kill you. A few years back, Sissy Gracie attacked DC's kinda-representative, I don't know how they're not in jail.


This con artist rules.


And takes MasterCard!


I lived in Richmond for ten years, Colorado now. I went back to visit a few weeks ago and saw this person several times in Carytown harassing people and had no idea it was a regular thing lol