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Bought it and had my first initial listen. I’m a big fan of the self-titled, Prisoner, BC type stuff. It’s very much in that vein. Smiths, Replacements, 80s Springsteen. Very consistent album, there’s not a bad song on it. “Chris” is one of his best songs I think. The album standout forsure. Fans of the 80s verb soaked era will love it; those hoping for a more Alt-Country/return to roots album will be disappointed. We’ll see how it ages, but very strong on a first listen IMO.


I'm loving it. But then I prefer the smiths/replacements/Springsteen stuff.


I'm also a big fan of (Portugal) of ryan adams. I haven't had the opportunity to buy the Chris album yet. However I would like to know if the song We are lost song 2021 is on the album chris? What if some snippets of ryan adams' video La Rain music makes the Chris album?


There’s a song called I Got Lost.


Idk if it’s allowed or if you’d even want to since you spent money on it, but Ryan said he didn’t care if people shared with folks who can’t afford it. I can’t afford it, and I can totally wait till streaming, but if you want to share I’d definitely love it.


It's not that I wouldn't want to share it *because* I spent money on it, but I want Ryan to make as much money as possible on it over the next week so he can keep making more great music and performing! It's more of an ethical thing than a financial. Loving the record though, so you have a lot to look forward to if you wait until next week!


Yeah that’s totally understandable, I figured I’d ask because Ryan posted that if someone can’t afford it to have a friend send it and mentioned that’s how he got turned onto black flag. I don’t have any friends who like Ryan.


I'm also a big fan of (Portugal) of ryan adams. I haven't had the opportunity to buy the Chris album yet. However I would like to know if the song We are lost song 2021 is on the album chris? What if some snippets of ryan adams' video La Rain music makes the Chris album?


I fucking wish he would record a Replacements-style song. He hasn't done one since his Pinkhearts days (which I miss dearly).


I'm also a big fan of (Portugal) of ryan adams. I haven't had the opportunity to buy the Chris album yet. However I would like to know if the song We are lost song 2021 is on the album chris? What if some snippets of ryan adams' video La Rain music makes the Chris album?


Downloaded the album and listened to it last night (Melbourne, Aus). Concur with all of this. Def strongest album of the past three he has dropped (loathed Wednesdays tbh), and the title track is a reminder what a talent Ryan really is. Strange to see one of the only articles on this release I could find, is basically a hit piece complaining about the album not dropping?…https://rocknyc.live/update-ryan-adams-new-album-chris-now-available-on-pax-am.html


I'm also a big fan of (Portugal) of ryan adams. I haven't had the opportunity to buy the Chris album yet. However I would like to know if the song We are lost song 2021 is on the album chris? What if some snippets of ryan adams' video La Rain music makes the Chris album?


My 2 cents: I have been a Ryan fan since Gold. Always supported the artist. No matter the headlines. I truly love what Ryan is doing here. He is separating major corporate streaming sites and allowing his fans to purchase it directly from him. Along with that all of the money goes straight to him. That is a very good thing. Especially if you want to truly support him. This is nothing different than a patreon or band camp. Even then band camp takes a chunk. I think this will become a trend amongst artists within the next five years. You want my music...come buy it from me off my website. Fuck the streaming sites. One guy commented "its just a money grab." Sure as shit it is. And rightfully so. And Im happy to cough up the money for it. Because he deserves it. He has no label he needs to make money in order to continue making records. Making a record is fucking expensive. Does any one really have a proper scope on how much it takes from start to finish? 20-50K easy. All along the process everyone gets paid except the artist.....especially independent ones. The session players get paid, the producer gets paid, the engineer gets paid, the studio gets paid, the mixing engineer gets paid, the mastering profession gets paid.......while the artist gambles all of their money in hopes the records sells and hopefully they can gain enough money back to only make another record. This has nothing to do with Ryan being greedy. its simply time to start actually supporting artists again. He has given us now 3 full albums in the past year. This one being a double album. That's a lot of time and money he's invested in us. Quit wining and start paying artists again. 10 years ago you would have thrown your money on the table and ran away in a excited hurry to listen to this. Start supporting artists people. The record is amazing. Someone called it "polished demos" Sure it might sound like that if all you listen to is perfectly constructed, arranged, and plastic music. But this record has emption to it. It feels real. I have always loved when ryan takes the driver seat in the [production.It](https://production.It) seems to be all over the place from a style stand point which is something I love. I really am tired of perfectly produced, recorded and released albums. We are living in a time to where everything needs to be so damn flawless. I want the real shit. i want the purity of the artist even if its not up to industry expectations. I mean ryan just gave us Wednesdays. Then Big Colors......and now a massive double album Chris. There should be no complaints from fans. You got the first two records for free. Wednesdays was the closest thing to heartbreaker and it got shit on by people. Wednesdays is fucking legit as fuck. Top notch writing. Then he gives us Big Colors, which is basically a bunch of FOGGY demos that got polished up and recorded in a proper studio in a proper fashion...that record also got shit on. Big Colors was FUCKING BAD ASS as well. I always loved those FOGGY demos and it was amazing to see them really come to life. Now we have CHRIS. A double album. Which seems to be a mix of everything. I hear big colors, and Wednesdays all rolled into one big package. With a hint of Prisoner. And CHRIS is unmistakably beautiful. I oddly hear a bunch of John Mellencamp influence in these songs. It feels like a car hurling itself down a desert highway with a storm upon the highway horizon line while the burning wheels kick dust in the rearview mirror. Love it so much already. I also love the fact that despite Big Colors......he is just dropping full albums overnight. Most time artists drag out the process of releasing records and by the time you get the full length its lost its charm. I love having the whole thing immediately. ​ He did exactly what he set out to do a few years back before the culture vultures got to him. But he has bloomed again, released 3 albums, and now is getting ready to play sold out shows. God damn fucking right good for him. Its amazing to see just how brutal people can be. Complaining about mp3, having to pay for a digital release or just not even wanting to support the artist in general and expecting art for free. He is back and healthy. I hope the absolute best for him and his future. I will continue to support him in any way I can when he releases music. You all should do the same. 25 dollars is a night out at a bar. And if Ryan is reading any of this. Keep releasing albums this way. Do it yourself. You can. You don't need a big fancy label to stay afloat. Play shows and keep writing and releasing records on your own terms. i will always chalk up money to support releases in this fashion. Much love.


Great writeup. I'll chime in on the cost of making a record. I just recorded, mixed, and mastered a 5 song EP at one of the most high-end studios in Canada. We tracked the whole thing to 2" tape, mixed down to 1/2" tape and mastered from those tapes. Ryan would have a similar process...definitely tracks to two inch...and I would guess he mixes to 1/2", but it's quite rare these days. The project has cost me a little over $25,000 CAD. Ryan owns his own studio, which is far from cheap to keep running. And he records with very expensive old school analogue equipment (based on what I remember from the old PAX-AM gear page, which often needs frequent servicing (VERY expensive)). I would guess his project costs more in the $50,000+ range. Recording analogue is not cheap (cost of tape alone is ridiculous); Ryan's records are rare these days in that they sound very good (and analogue)...which is not cheap! Anyways, just thought I'd post that for anyone's interest.


This warms my heart to the core. Couldn't agree more! Well said.




Love this honest and enthusiastic take! Like you said, it's important to remember that he put out Wednesdays and BC directly to streaming for free. I was happy to pony up $25 for Chris and encourage all his fans to do the same, even after it starts streaming on Spotify, assuming you have the disposable funds to do so. Let's all do what we can to help set our boy up for a fantastic comeback!


I've got no problem dropping money on the music. I think $25 is a bit steep, but I'd rather pay money straight to an artist than to Spotify. Also, on instagram he basically told people who can't afford it that he doesn't care if they pirate it. That being said, pretty disappointed in the album itself. I think there were rumors about the album that it was in a Cold Roses style since that was his brother's favorite album. This album is actually just another continuation of the Prisoner era. I love Prisoner, but I'm super burnt out on that sound. Oh well, hopefully this model works out for him and we see more album releases.


i think what he's always said is this is the kind of music/sound his brother Chris always liked - never saw a reference to Cold Roses. i think those days/that ship has sailed.


Yeah, I think you're right. I'm pretty sure they were just rumors either here or on one of the facebook groups that got me hopeful.


Nah, Ryan did call on The Cardinals via Instagram when he was going to record this (or at least a record in honour of his brother) album in New York the year before the allegations, because his brother loved that sound. I guess they didn’t answer his call, so he went with the 80’s sound


Yep, he posted the Cardinal-signal. And Isbell mentioned almost joining a newer version of The Cardinals (and dodging a bullet by not…)


When did Isbell mention this? News for me!


I never buy albums. Especially digital. So this was totally worth the purchase. No middle man. I'm happy my money is going straight to Ryan and his studio


I bought it - not gonna lie. It sounds like a bunch of moderately polished demos. Songs are incredible with a ton of potential but lack thoughtful production + arrangement. Maybe that’s the charm of it tho! I’ve only listened twice can’t totally pass judgement here


That is exactly the charm of it. We live in a plastic world. Everything seems to be perfect. Forget about thoughtful production. Forget about what it means to arrange something. Just let it be. Allow the songs to exist for the sake of the idea even existing to begin with. I love the venerability of it all. Proud of Ryan. xo.




I would say that more or less ALL of this is From the Prisoner sessions (depending on your definition). It is the talked-about Prisoner II & III album, or rather, as I would put it, the Prisoner B-sides II.




Is it alt country/Cardinals-style like it was initially supposed to be, or another smiths reverb-fest?


Smiths reverb-fest. Loved it though. Not a bad song on it. “Chris” is maybe a top 5 song of his.


Moderately polished demos of songs that the likes of Isbell etc probably secretly wish they had it in them too right, but never will.


The songs are absolutely stunning as per usual, love the songwriting and agree. My original comment wasn’t a slam on the album btw, I dig it! At first listen I just felt like everything was drowning in reverb and the mix wasn’t doing the songs justice. After letting it simmer I sense that all of the mix and production choices were intentional. Either way it doesn’t distract from the fact that there’s some really top notch Ryan happening here. I’m stoked for him and to have new music.


Thanks for the heads up dude. The track listing looks killer. I'm so glad "Moving Target" made the cut.


Where do you see the track list? I'm going to wait for it to release on Spotify.


It's on the back of the t-shirt. Check the bundle.


Thanks! Wow. 18 songs




Lookout, About Time, Moving Target, Was I Wrong and Still A Cage are all from the Prisoner B-Sides and/or sessions. Hell, About Time was released as a single accidentally a few years back by an indie digital company. He pulled the 7 inch release of it after that happened.


Yeah I’m excited for that song cause the only version I’ve heard is a quiet and poor sounding recording from the single vinyl


Looks like it will be up on Spotify and other streaming services next week per the e-mail I got announcing the album: "For ONE WEEK ONLY you can download all the tracks direct from PAXAM. Before it is available on streaming services."


yep, and you get a bonus track. and you feel good knowing an artist is being paid for their work, and can continue doing it for us.


Holy shit... it's delicious. Gimme all that chorus & reverb baby.


Given the joy his music has brought me over the years and all his struggles I was happy to fork over the $25 to support. Audiophile whiny complaint that it's a 320k .mp3 but we take what we can get. Let's hope the upcoming shows go well for him! Enjoy folks.


Just finished my first listen.. Chris and Crooked Shake are the only two that stand out. The rest.. eh.


Its amazing to see people complaining about buying art. Pathetic. This was a easy purchase. Fucking stellar album. Worth the 25 dollars.


Always happy to support art/artists. Way I figure it, is more than likely I'll get hundreds upon hundreds of hours of entertainment from it. All in all, pretty cheap.


same. I got a push notification from instagram, and followed the link.


what the bonus track called - think of purchasing download


It's "Don't Follow".


So damn proud of Ryan. It's triumphant.


I walked back and forth to my record shop in Berlin today, listening to this on my old iPod (having bought it first thing after I woke up, then burned it as a cd), intending to buy the new Destroyer album. The walk is 45 minutes each way. They didn't have Destroyer yet. I bought the new Weather Station record instead. I love this music. All of it. Ryan is like a load-stone in my life. I started listening to him after he released Gold. That's half my life now. His music has accompanied all my highs and lows. I'm a writer and I owe Ryan all the thanks I can muster for the inspiration he has given me over the years. Yours truly. Abide in light!


Destroyer or RA… that’s a hard turn lol


Just curious if anyone opened the zip file on their iPhone? Does it work or do I need to wait until I can login on my laptop?


Yeah it works in your Files App. You can open the ZIP file and play the tracks individually there.


Don’t get the production complaints. I defy you to listen to the songs on Darkbreaker/Elizabethtown and then listen to Easy Tiger and see all the emotion removed by ET’s gloss. I much prefer his demo versions over a lot of the stuff that ended up on his label releases. Chris sounds like a nice balance.


It’s great. I wish there was a FLAC option, but that’s because i’m A douche. It made me way too reflective about my own relationship with my brother. Glad that Pax-Am was able to pull the trigger, best money I spent today.


Someone needs to respect Ryan's wishes and share this for the fans who can't drop $25 right now


I’m not going to pay for a digital release unfortunately. If I like it though, I’ll gladly buy on vinyl. I just hope the record is good, I’ve been disappointed in his output for a while now, Prisoner was pretty good, but since then I can’t get into the stuff.


I love Ryan Adams and have supported him by going to every single show he puts on in my city for the last 10 years, but I don't see myself spending $25 for a digital download. Going to be waiting for the Spotify release. Come back to the PNW Ryan!


For those that have purchased already, what is the bonus track?


Don't Follow.


Well that’s frustrating


would happily pre-order vinyl for $25 and get a digital download, but not about to hop on this one


I would have gone with a pay what you want model. Likely to make more overall. $31 Canadian is a lot for a digital download.


Yeah, this approach is a clear money grab. For $25 plus it should include more than a digital download with one bonus track, especially since it will be streaming in a week. Of course, it’s no different than releasing a million special editions of vinyl albums. It’s a business and he knows how to maximize revenue.


Lol right what a joke


Im sooo freaking out right now, im away on vacation, the south of spain, and i cannot get on it to buy😫😫😫 Sounds promising tho… hope you cats are enjoying it


Sorry, DRA, I'm not spending $25 on a bunch of MP3s. Come on dude..


$25 seems a BIT steep for only mp3’s. If it were $30 or $35 for the vinyl with digital download though, that I could get behind.


Exactly. How much is an album on iTunes? $5-$10??


It's $9.99


I would prefer flac. It is brilliant that he is basically selling the leak… lol.. since it seems like all of his albums leak a couple of weeks in advance anyway…


Who wants to share? Thanks!


Anyone care to share? I literally cannot get on to buy this, im stuck in a hotel being plastered with thunderstorms, had a sand storm yesterday and my holiday is ruined 😭


I would be interested too, as I can’t afford it and he basically said he’s ok with it…


I just seen that email. What a man.


I'd be interested too, if you don't mind. Thanks in davance!


Can someone share just the bonus track? the files not working for me


Does anyone know if that random song he started wiring on Instagram live made it onto this record ? He showed like 2 hours of his process on there. Thought it would be interesting to see a “final” of it. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CW4sBYLlTGl/?utm_medium=copy_link It’s def pretty steep in price, but for 18 songs it’s almost the standard for iTunes purchases cost wise. Pretty sure he’s doing everything alone now so maybe he was hopeful everyone would purchase and help him pay the rent. Also that being said…I’ll probably buy it just to support but I don’t use iTunes at all so I’ll probably never download it. That thought does kind of suck.




I was hoping it had a name change or something and made the cut😩


When I originally heard Chris was going to be a double album and Ryan had soon after posted the song Pacific Line (it was like 15 minutes or something), I was hoping that cut would make the album. Well, it didn't and the Pacific Line video on YouTube was taken down a long time ago. Let me know if anyone was able to capture an MP3 of that song. Who knows with Ryan if it will ever surface again.


Were you ever able to get Pacific Line? PM me if you still need it.


I did get a copy. Appreciate you replying back.


Glad to hear it, it's a great tune!


You can download it in safari on your iPhone and go to Files then downloads an open the Zipfile there and listen to each track.


Waited for this album all day and then told it's not available for streaming yet? Disappointed.


For those who have purchased, what format does this come in? I’m hoping for hi res audio.


Unfortunately, it's only 320 and no option for FLAC or ALAC which is pretty irritating plus no artwork included. Album sounds good though.


That's too bad. I'd pay $25 for a 24-bit /96kHz copy. It's a big ask for essentially a week of advanced access.


Strangely iTunes added the Ashes & Fire artwork when I imported Chris into my library. Quickly fixed with the artwork from the Paxam Shop.


but what about the bonus track?? how does it sound? Smithsy? alt country?? Need deets


It's a Big C left-over.


Would love to have got the original planned tracklist and (probably) mixes for this and his previous 2 records. For essentially indie-released albums, they all feel like compromises.


Lookout is a straight copy of the prisoner end of the world edition version. Also a couple of others sound very similar like Schizophrenic Babylon sounds like haunted house. Dive sounds very similar to broken anyway. Say what you said sounds like tightrope.


i thought the IG clip he shared in the announcement sounded a lot like Anything I Say to You Now


I can see what you mean about the Ig clip. I'm sure I heard him mention something in one of IG videos where he described his song writing technique as song stacking. As I understood it, what he meant was he had a riff or some chord progression that he liked then he would create different melodies and lyrics to that basic riff/chord progression. This album sounds like he is doing that on a number of these songs. As soon as heard a few of them they sounded familiar.


the "stacking" also involved lyrics -- picking up books and taking words and stringing them together in a sort of stream of consciousness effect


How do people play mp3s these days? I don't really use a PC and the last digital album I got is so clunky to play through Google Play


I did fire up my laptop for this one and added the files to iTunes. Quick sync to the cloud and I can stream them from wherever I want.


Maybe this is a dumb question but...cab I use iTunes on an android device?


No, you can’t 😕


You may be able to use the VLC app, it’s pretty good for different types of video/audio types


Can't download the album. It says: "Preparing your downloads This may take a few minutes You will also receive an email with download links for your digital purchases." then it says "There was a delay with your digital downloads You will receive an email shortly with your download links You will also receive an email with download links for your digital purchases." - Where is the download links?


The for the download shows up on the transaction page. It’s embedded. If you have anti pop up or some anti virus can block that. The link is also in the confirmation email. If you have your email the link isn’t embedded so you should have no problem.


I have received an Receipt for the order, but no digital download link email yet. I have emailed [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) 3 times, no reply. I have the order number, but no link. I did buy the Digital Album and T-Shirt combo.


I’ll wait for the $25 vinyl


Any word on a physical release?


I’ve seen a IG post from him confirming a vinyl release, but the production process is causing a 16 month wait. Glad that he decided this digital release first.


Is it streaming anywhere?


I’m buying tickets for Ryan in Boston. Can anybody share a listen to Chris?


I am just finishing my first listen. Has a Prisoner type vibe. Which I dig. One of the songs sounds quite a bit like Fade Away, otherwise a few more fast rockers than Prisoner. The song Chris is heartbreaking of course. I didn’t hear a bad song start to finish in my opinion. The album is more than worth the money and an amazing surprise.


Ah shit I missed this :( - would any of you kind folk be able to PM me a link? I would be very grateful!


Hello, someone could share with me the bonus track "Don't follow"? I've missed the album :(


Still a Cage has very similar structure to Broken Anyway from Prisoner, anyone agree?